I actually managed to finish Battle Royale this time, lol. I still found it a bit hard, because of all those Japanese names, and keeping track on them, but I've watched the movie so many times, so I got the general gist anyways. So, when I was about to choose a new book to read, I had a few problems on making up my mind, but in the end I settled for a book. And it's a book I dread to read.
So it's come to this. The last Honor Harrington novel. I guess I'll find out why Weber hasn't written any more novels about her since 2018....
Well, I finally finished the last Honor Harrington book... I want more!
In the meantime I thought I would check out Weber's adventures in the fantasy genre, as it's not what he's not most famous for.
This is the first book of 5, in the series known as " The War God "
Last edited by Smartmark; 07-25-2022 at 08:45 PM.
Just started on the second book in David Weber's " War God " series. And I gotta say, this guy can write fantasy as well as he can write Space-Opera. I can't believe I havent read these books before. Pretty excited for the second book
Started on the 3rd book in David Weber's " War God " Series.
Soon finished with the 4th book in David Weber's " War God " Series.
I just started on the 5th and final book in David Weber's " War God " series.