We are in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Rich Brennan and Byron Saxton.

Match Number One: Fandango (with Rosa Mendes) versus Adam Rose

Rose with a kick and he sends Fandango into the turnbuckles but he misses a chop. Fandango does not miss with the chop and he sends Rose into the turnbuckles and follows with a chop. Rose with a knee and back elbow. Rose misses a clothesline and he gets clotheslined over the top rope to the floor. Fandango with a flip dive and he steals a kiss from a female Rosebud.

Fandango sends Rose back into the ring and he goes up top, but Rose with a forearm and then he connects with forearms to the back on the turnbuckles. Rose goes for a superplex and he hits it. Rose gets a near fall. Rose with a short arm clothesline and then he goes to the turnbuckles. Rose with a fist drop and he hits a DDT for a near fall. Rose with a reverse chin lock.

Fandango gets to his feet and he punches Rose but Rose with a knee. Fandango with a drop kick and he connects with a series of jabs followed by a punch and clotheslines. Rose sends Fandango over the top rope to the floor.

Rose goes to the floor and he picks up Fandango. Rose punches Fandango after warning the Rosebuds. One of the Rosebuds gets in the way and Rose with a forearm to the Rosebud. Fandango with a boot and Falcon Arrow Slam before he goes up top for the FandangoTangoBamaa Jam and he gets the three count.

Winner: Fandango

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at what has happened over the last few weeks with Rusev and John Cena.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video feature on Ron Simmons for Black History Month.

We take a look at the Triple H/Sting situation that will be resolved on Sunday.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Jack Swagger versus Curtis Axel

They lock up and Swagger with a waist lock. Axel gets to the ropes and Swagger releases the hold. Axel tells Swagger he is the real Royal Rumble winner, and that does not impress Swagger because he gives a ‘We The People’. Curts responds with ‘Axelmania’. Swagger with a waist lock take down and he holds on. Swagger sends Axel into the turnbuckles and then he connects with a shoulder. Axel with a punch to Swagger.

Axel with kicks in the corner and the referee warns him. Axel sends Swagger into the turnbuckles and punches him in the ribs. Axel runs Swagger’s eyes across the top rope. Axel has a punch blocked and Swagger with punches of his own. Axel with an Irish whip but Swagger comes out of the corner with a clothesline and he follows with a shoulder tackle. Axel goes to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Axel with knees to Swagger’s arm and he applies an arm bar. Axel with a kick to the leg but Swagger with a flapjack for a near fall. Swagger punches Axel in the corner and the referee pulls Swagger out of the corner. Swagger with more punches but the referee pulls Swagger out of the corner and he misses a thumb to the eye by Axel.

Axel with elbows and kicks to Swagger. Axel runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose. Axel with a reverse chin lock. Swagger with punches but Axel with a drop kick. Axel sends Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Axel points to the Wrestlemania sign and then he goes to the floor. Axel with a kick and he sends Swagger back into the ring.

Axel runs into boots from Swagger but Axel puts Swagger in the ropes and he connects with a clothesline to the back of the head. Axel gets a near fall. Axel runs his elbow across the face and then he kicks and slaps Swagger. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex and both men are down. Swagger with a dive at the knee and Axel goes down.

Swagger with a knee into the corner followed by an Irish whip and clothesline. Swagger with the We the People Presents the Swagger Bomb for a near fall. Swagger sends Axel over the top rope to the floor. Swagger looks at the Wrestlemania sign and then he goes to the floor against the wishes of the referee. Swagger sends Axel back into the ring and Axel with a few kicks but Swagger ducks and he grabs the ankle and puts Axel in the ankle lock and Axel has to tap out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at the situation between Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns.