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  1. #1
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Default ROH 14th ANNIVERSARY 2016 Live Coverage & Discussion Thread

    ROH 14th ANNIVERSARY 2016

    Date: February 26, 2016
    Location: Sam's Town Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada


    ROH World Championship
    Jay Lethal (c) (w/ Truth Martini) vs. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Adam Cole

    Okada vs. Moose (w/ Stokely Hathaway)

    Michael Elgin & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Briscoes

    ROH World Television Championship
    Tomohiro Ishii (c) vs. Roderick Strong vs. Bobby Fish

    ROH Tag Team Championship
    No DQ
    War Machine vs. All Night Xpress

    NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championship
    Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Young Bucks) (c) vs. ACH, Matt Sydal & Kushida

    Dalton Castle vs. Hirooki Goto

    Okada vs. Moose (w/ Stokely Hathaway)

    Alex Shelley vs. Christopher Daniels

    Adam Page vs. BJ Whitmer



    Last edited by A Blissful Ass; 02-27-2016 at 02:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    ROH World Television Championship
    Tomohiro Ishii (c) vs. Roderick Strong vs. Bobby Fish

    All three men go at it, with Ishii being sent outside as Strong hits Fish with an Olympic Slam. Ishii gets forearmed and no-sells it, as is tradition, but gets dropkicked by Strong, and he definitely sells that. Fish re-enters the fray and takes out Strong with an Exploder into Ishii.

    Ishii catches Fish up top with a big superplex for a two count. The ref or someone botches because there's a three count in there. All three strike, but Ishii kills Fish with a lariat before Strong breaks it up. Double knee gutbuster sets up a Sick Kick on Ishii, who kicks out, thanks to another terrible ref count.

    Fish applies the Fish Hook, but Strong gets out. Ishii lariats Strong for two, then hits a vertical brainbuster for the win.

    Winner: Tomohiro Ishii via pinfall (vertical brainbuster) to retain the ROH World Television Championship

    The production values tonight are outstanding.

    Adam Page vs. BJ Whitmer

    The two brawl outside, where Page dropkicks Whitmer out of a chair. Whitmer back suplexes Page onto the guardrail, before an eye poke. Back inside the ring, Whitmer hits Page with a snap suplex for two. Page comes back with a clothesline, but gets powerslammed for two.

    Whitmer goes for an Exploder, but Page gets an arm drag. Whitmer teases an apron piledriver, but gets booted off the apron. Page hits the shooting star shouldberblock, but Whitmer grabs a chair. The ref throws it out and Whitmer wins with a low blow!

    Winner: BJ Whitmer via inside cradle (low blow)

    Page goes for the Rite of Passage but Whitmer escapes. Page starts beating up security guards everywhere.

    Hirooki Goto vs. Dalton Castle (w/ The Boys)

    Castle has six boys, all shapes, colors and sizes that form stars for him to get in the ring. All but two leave the ringside area. Goto wins a shoulder block war, but Castle suplexes Goto. Hirooki recovers with a big forearm, then hits a flying elbow drop for two.

    Castle comes back with a knee in the corner and another suplex for two. He can't get Bangarang and ends up getting kicked in the corner several times before a Saito suplex from Goto gets two. Outside the ring Castle gets a really nice rebound rana that sets up a missile dropkick for a two count.

    Castle hits a deadlift German suplex with one of the best bridges ever. Goto hits Reverse Ushigoroshi and a Shouten Kai for the win.

    Winner: Hirooki Goto via pinfall (Shouten Kai)

    Seems like a lot of give and not a lot of take with this ROH-NJPW stuff from the ROH side.

    Alex Shelley vs. Christopher Daniels

    Daniels gets tossed to the outside, but Kaz trips him. Shelley dives outside onto the Addiction, but Daniels low blows Shelley and boots him in the face. An STO from Daniels only gets a one count, but misses a slingshot elbow. He manages to land a slingshot split legged moonsault and applies a crossface, but Shelley gets to the ropes.

    Kazarian leg drops Shelley while Daniels has the ref distracted. Shelley manages an enziguri and a flying body press, but can only get two. Daniels gets a two of his own after a northern lariat. Kazarian tries to get involved, but Chris Sabin shows up and helps Shelley win!

    Winner: Alex Shelley via pinfall

    The Motor City Machine Guns clear the ring as the crowd chants for them!

    Briscoes vs. Michael Elgin & Hiroshi Tanahashi

    Elgin dominates Jay Briscoe, landing a hanging vertical suplex as Tanahashi suplexes Mark himself. Briscoe fends off Tanahashi and Elgin, and the Briscoes work over Tanahashi for several minutes.

    Tanahashi gets a body press and makes the tag to Elgin who flattens Mark with a flying shoulder block, then a series of German suplexes. Elgin catches Briscoe off the top with a swinging side slam that gets a two count.

    The Briscoes double team Elgin until he practically launches Mark into the crowd. Jay boots the hell out of Elgin, but ends up eating a big forearm to the face. Tanahashi gets the tag but ends up double teamed as well. He fights both off but takes too much time and gets dropped by a uranage suplex and a neckbreaker. A froggy elbow hits for two!

    Elgin scores a Death Valley Driver on Mark onto Jay, then reverse powerbombs Tanahashi onto Mark for two. Slingblade on Jay takes him out, then a High Fly Flow gets the pin on Mark.

    Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Michael Elgin via pinfall (High Fly Flow)

    Again, the NJPW guys win. Elgin is first and foremost an NJPW talent now, as he should be.

    Moose (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. Okada

    Okada tries to troll Moose, but Moose puts Okada on the top rope and teases a dropkick before walking away. Okada does the same before kicking Moose, then eating a dropkick, including the top rope variety that sends him outside. Moose swings Okada into the post and the barricade.

    Okada hits a nice body press over the barricade onto Moose, and the crowd comes alive. Moose gets his punch combo, but gets DDT'd. He no sells it and clotheslines Okada for two. A double powerbomb and a pump kick get a two count for Moose.

    Moose ends up getting posted, which allows Okada to connect with a flapjack. Moose is back to his feet, only to be welcomed by the forearms of Okada. They strike with each other until Okada gets the reverse neckbreaker for a two count. He follows up with a flying elbow drop and the Rainmaker pose.

    Moose counters with a big body press and does the Rainmaker pose but gets dropkicked twice. Okada gets the Rainmaker and wins.

    Winner: Okada via pinfall (Rainmaker)

    ROH loses again. The two show each other respect after the match.

    NEVER Openweight Six-Man Tag Team Championship
    The Bullet Club Elite (c) vs. ACH, Matt Sydal & KUSHIDA

    Omega brings his broom out and puts a headset on it. Nick Jackson and KUSHIDA come to a stalemate, and KUSHIDA tells him to suck it. Matt Too Sweets ACH in the eye. ACH comes back and hits Omega with a big Thesz press and an Austin elbow, but misses the Stunner. Sydal pops in and hits Omega with a rana, followed by a double rana on the Bucks.

    The Bucks kick Sydal outside into the waiting arms of Omega who German suplexes him on the ramp! The Bucks hit a dive and amp Omega up, who hits one of his own. The crowd is going nuts, chanting "New Day Sucks."

    Sydal finally hits a kick and tags in KUSHIDA, who turns Omega inside out with a clothesline and Nick with a handspring elbow. Omega accidentally kicks Matt, then flips from the top rope to the outside onto the Young Bucks, followed by a 'suck it' dropkick and a moonsault on Omega for two.

    KUSHIDA applies the Hoverboard Lock and turns it into a triangle that Omega counters into and Buck-le Bomb. A sitdown powerbomb from Omega on KUSHIDA is good for two. ACH pops in and hits a Stunner on Matt Jackson for two, but then Nick gets a facebuster. All hell breaks loose and ACH hits Air Jordan on everyone.

    Superkick #1 on Sydal, then 'suck it' punches on KUSHIDA, which he counters, but eats Superkicks #2-4 at the same time. Superkicks #5-7 take the rest of the team out. Bucks hit the assisted Swanton, and Omega gets a Dragon suplex with the most velocity I've ever seen. Superkicks #8-10 almost finish Sydal, but ACH breaks it up.

    Sydal breaks up the Tiger Special and does a Spanish Fly on Matt. KUSHIDA and ACH land a 450/moonsault combo, but it gets broken up. Omega takes KUSHIDA out with a Tombstone on the floor, and Sydal eats Superkick #11. ACH is punted, and the Bullet Club Special #2 wins it.

    Winners: Bullet Club Elite via pinfall (Bullet Club Special #2)

    That was unbelievable.

    ROH World Tag Team Championships
    No DQ
    War Machine (c) vs. All Night Xpress

    ANX try to dive onto War Machine but get tossed into each other. Shotgun knee into Bronco Buster and repeated running facewashes on Titus after Kenny King is put through a table. ANX run War Machine into a set of chairs and begin kicking away at Rowe.

    ANX puts a trash can on Hanson's head and ring his bell for a two count. Rowe comes back in and knees King in the face. War Machine hits Fallout and King kicks out to no reaction. They set Titus up for it outside, but King cracks Hanson with a chair and send him through a table to the outside.

    Rowe kicks out of the One Night Stand, and Titus sets up a ladder across the ring and barricade. Kenny King gets put through it and War Machine get the win after Fallout on Titus!

    Winners: War Machine via pinfall (Fallout) to retain the ROH World Tag Team Championships

    That was violent.

    ROH World Championship
    Jay Lethal (w/ Truth Martini & Taeler Hendrix) vs. Adam Cole vs. Kyle O'Reilly

    Lethal is double teamed by the former Future Shock, but Cole can't take advantage despite getting Kyle with a German suplex. He's sent outside, then Lethal lands a reverse DDT on O'Reilly. Lethal chops away at O'Reilly. The crowd asks him to do it again and he flips them off.

    O'Reilly takes out both opponents with a double missile dropkick, and almost gets a three on a spinning belly to back suplex, but Lethal breaks it up. Lethal goes for a Lethal Injection, but gets caught in a RNC by O'Reilly, but Cole superkicks him off.

    Cole applies a figure 4 on Lethal, and O'Reilly armbars Cole. Kyle dropkicks Cole out of a chair, but falls victim to the Trifecta, which allows Martini to pop in and do a Trutharoonie. Lethal Combination on Cole gets a two, and O'Reilly is nowhere to be seen.

    Cole gets the knee neckbreaker on Lethal, but it's only good for two. O'Reilly gets a brainbuster on Lethal for two, then applies a triangle. Cole tries to intervene, but he's put in an ankle lock! Lethal is about to pass out, but Cole keeps his arm from falling. O'Reilly applies an RNC to Cole, and Lethal hits a double Lethal Injection for the win!

    Winner: Jay Lethal via pinfall (Lethal Injection) to retain the ROH World Championship

    Last edited by A Blissful Ass; 02-27-2016 at 06:02 AM.

  3. #3



  4. #4
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Thank you for doing the Live Coverage, Mat!


    ***GAME OVER!***

  5. #5
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angélico View Post
    Yeah that was Epic Reunion

    Quote Originally Posted by Kemo View Post
    Thank you for doing the Live Coverage, Mat!
    No Problem bro

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Shootkick Man's Avatar
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    What would you say was match of the night? Also any match of the year candidates?

  7. #7
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Good PPV

    Thanx for the coverage Mat!

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