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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default This Day in History - 14th Aug, 2016

    On this day in history in ....

    1999 - Balls Mahoney & Spike Dudley defeat Buh Buh Ray & D-Von Dudley in Toledo, Ohio to win back the ECW World Tag Team Championship only one day after losing them to the Dudleys in Cleveland. This ended Buh Buh Ray & D-Von's seventh ECW Tag Title reign. Originally taped for ECW's debut show on TNN, it was later decided to have an "ECW history" show for the first episode, and then tape an episode in New York. So, this match was instead included on the first ECW DVD, Extreme Evolution. The finish of the wild brawl saw Spike Dudley powerbombed off the ring apron through two tables that were set on fire by Buh Buh Ray, then D-Von accidentally hit Buh Buh with a chairshot, allowing Balls to deliver the Nutcracker Suite on D-Von for the pin.

    Other results from the taped but never seen taping saw:

    Rhino pinned Prodigy
    Uganda defeated the Spanish Angel
    Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Super Crazy
    Little Guido defeated Nova
    Sabu & Jerry Lynn defeated ECW TV Champion Rob Van Dam & Justin Credible when Sabu pinned Credible
    Jazz pinned Steve Corino
    Vito Lograsso defeated Simon Diamond

    1999 - WCW held their "Road Wild" Pay-per-view event at the Sturgis motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. This would be the last Road Wild PPV ever held. It should be noted that because these events were held in the middle of the motorcycle rally, they never had any tickets sold and drew no live gate, thus only made money was off of the PPV buyrate. Here are the results:
    - Rey Mysterio Jr., Billy Kidman & Eddie Guerrero defeated Vampiro & The Insane Clown Posse when Kidman pinned Shaggy Too Dope with a shooting star press.
    - Harlem Heat defeated Kanyon & Bam Bam Bigelow to win the WCW World Tag Team Title when Bigelow accidentally collided with Dallas Page, who was trying to interfere, and Booker T hit a missile dropkick, followed by Stevie Ray getting the pin.
    - Perry Saturn, Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko defeated Barry Windham, Curt Hennig & Bobby Duncum, Jr. when Saturn pinned Duncum with a Death Valley Driver.
    - Buff Bagwell defeated Ernest Miller after whipping Miller into Sonny Onno, who was about to interfere.
    - WCW United States Champion Chris Benoit defeated Diamond Dallas Page with a top rope headbutt in a no disqualification match.
    - Sid Vicious defeated Sting with a chokeslam.
    - Bill Goldberg defeated Rick Steiner with a jackhammer.
    - Randy Savage defeated Dennis Rodman after hitting him with a chain.
    - WCW World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated Kevin Nash in a Retirement match with a legdrop. Shockingly, Nash's retirement wouldn't last and he'd be back in October of 1999.

    2000 - The Monday Night Wars continued, but it was a one-sided battle, as WWF Raw earned a 5.9 rating with a show headlined by The Undertaker beating Chris Benoit via DQ, Chris Jericho defeating Intercontinental Champion Val Venis by DQ and Kurt Angle, Shane McMahon & Triple H battling The Dudley Boys & The Rock to a no contest. WCW Nitro countered with only a 2.4 for a show headlined by Sting defeating Vampiro, The Great Muta and The Demon in a four corners match and Rey Mysterio & Juventud Guerrera winning the WCW World Tag Team Championship from Vampiro & The Great Muta. Also on Nitro, Lance Storm, who held three titles at the time, defeated Mike Awesome to keep the U.S. Title, then gave the Cruiserweight Title to Elix Skipper and gave the Hardcore Title to Carl Oulette. Oulette then lost the Hardcore Title to Norman Smiley.

    2007 - The Associated Press reported that an autopsy failed to conclusively prove what caused the death of former WWF and WCW star Bryan "Crush" Adams.

    2007 - The United States Congress, in the wake of the Chris Benoit tragedy, issued letters to WWE, TNA and The NWA seeking information on the business and drug use within. A copy of the letter sent to TNA was leaked. The complete letter sent to TNA President Dixie Carter yesterday by Congress reads as follows:

    Ms. Dixie Carter
    Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
    209 10th Avenue South, Suite 302
    Nashville , Tennessee 37203

    Dear Ms. Carter:

    We are writing to request information regarding the response of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) to allegations of pervasive use of steroids and other drugs by professional wrestlers. The tragic death of Mr. Chris Benoit and his family has focused attention on the seriousness of the problem. Illegal steroid use in professional sports has gained plenty of attention, but the record suggests that the problem is most pervasive and deadly in pro wrestling, an unregulated form of entertainment that is watched on TV and in arenas by an estimated 20 million fans a week, including children. See e.g., attached USA TODAY investigative report, "High death rate lingers behind fun facade of pro wrestling."

    As Chairman and Ranking Member, respectively, of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the subcommittee with jurisdiction over sports-related matters, we are monitoring this situation very closely. We request a briefing on this matter at the earliest possible time We also are considering a hearing on this matter, and whether there is a need for Federal regulation to protect the health and safety of the wrestlers. In the 109 th Congress, the Subcommittee held a hearing on "Steroids in Sports: Cheating the System and Gambling Your Health," and reported legislation, H.R. 1862, the Drug Free Sports Act

    World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. implemented a Talent Wellness Program in February 2006. Please advise the Subcommittee by close of business on August 28, 2007, whether TNA has adopted a similar program. If so, please provide the Subcommittee with a copy of your program, as well as any other relevant records detailing the specifics of the program as well as TNA' s implementation and interpretation thereof. Records include memoranda, correspondence, and electronic communications. Please also describe any and all actions that TNA has taken - either within or outside any such program - to detect and prevent steroid abuse. Information, including the aggregate number of random tests conducted in each month this year, would assist the Subcommittee in its review, and we request that you provide that information, as well. We are sending similar information requests to other wrestling leagues.

    Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact us, or have your staff contact Christian Tomatsu Fjeld or Consuela Washington with the Majority Committee staff at (202) 225-2927 or Brian McCullough or Will Carty with the Minority Committee staff at (202) 225-3641.


    Bobby L. Rush
    Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection

    Cliff Stearns
    Ranking Member
    Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection

    cc: The Honorable John D. Dingell, Chairman
    Committee on Energy and Commerce

    The Honorable Joe Barton, Ranking Member
    Committee on Energy and Commerce

    2007 - WWE broadcast ECW on SyFy. Buck Woodward filed the following TV report:

    ECW on SciFi for August 14th opened with a recap of last night's Raw, where Vince McMahon began his search for his illegitimate child, who according to his daughter Stephanie, is a WWE superstar.

    Live, Jonathan Coachman was in the ring, saying he was going to be continuing the investigation for Mr. McMahon on Raw tonight. Coach then introduced the new General Manager of ECW, "by order of Mr. McMahon", Armando Alejandro Estrada. Armando said he hoped Mr. McMahon took a lot of trips to Cuba in the 70's (in other words, he wants to be Vince's kid). Armando then said he would conduct the ECW Championship contract signing for the match at Summerslam. He then brought out ECW Champion John Morrison and CM Punk.

    They sat at the table for the signing, and Morrison said sitting at the table was, for Punk, as close as he would get to "Earthly Paradise". Morrison signed the contract. Punk was about to sign, when Morrison stopped him. Morrison said Punk couldn't last 15 minutes with him last week. Punk responded that he didn't last 15 minutes because he beat him in less than 15 minutes. Morrison started putting himself over and said Punk couldn't handle the pressure of being the ECW champion. Punk told him to shut up, and said Morrison talks way too much. Punk said none of what he says makes sense. Punk said he doesn't have fancy clothes or catchphrases, he also noted he doesn't wear fur coats in August, but he will be wearing the ECW Champions. Punk signed the contract, and the two argued.

    Armando said that it is good they are both fired up, because they both have matches tonight. Armando said Morrison will face The Boogeyman. Armando then said CM Punk's match would be next, and he would face Big Daddy V. Morrison smiled and they had a staredown as they went to break.

    CM Punk vs. Big Daddy V, with Matt Striker.

    They locked up, and V shoved Punk to the mat. Punk went for a waistlock, but V backed him into a corner repeatedly, then threw him down. V chopped Punk in a corner, then headbutted Punk repeatedly. Punk slumped in a corner and V hit some kicks. V missed a short arm clothesline, and Punk hit two jumping knees in the corner. V held onto Punk on the second knee and powerbombed Punk. V gave Punk a press slam, dropping Punk face first to the mat, then pounding him with a hammerfist. V pushed Punk against the ropes and hit a chop, then whipped him into the ropes and hit a spinning heel kick. Punk fell to the floor. Punk got on the apron and V shoulderblocked him off and into the announce table at ringside. Punk grabbed his ribs in pain, and started coughing. He reached for the ring, but couldn't get up, and was counted out at the four minute mark.

    Winner via countout: Big Daddy V.

    Post-match, Big Daddy V stood in the ring triumphant, while Punk was checked on by the referee at ringside. They showed numerous replays of Punk going into the announce table.

    A video package on the Boogeyman was shown.

    A commercial hyping Evander Holyfield vs. Matt Hardy in a boxing match on Saturday Night's Main Event was shown.

    Backstage, Tommy Dreamer told Armando that he wanted a title match with the winner of the Morrison-Punk match at Summerslam. Armando said he thinks Dreamer is lazy. Armando said Dreamer has 60 seconds to get to the ring, and if he doesn't get there, he forfeits his match and proves that he is lazy. After realizing he was serious, Dreamer headed to the ring. Nunzio and Stevie Richards both tried to stop Dreamer to talk as he headed down the hallway, but Dreamer passed them by, and also walked by Extreme Expose as they were dancing in front of the Miz. Dreamer was distracted by Expose, and ran into a catering cart. Dreamer tripped and fell, but still stumbled out the entrance and made it to the ring with 17 seconds left on the clock... only to see that Big Daddy V was still in the ring.

    Tommy Dreamer vs. Big Daddy V.

    Dreamer threw some right hands, but was given a Samoan Drop by V. V then stood on Dreamer's back. V stood Dreamer up and hit two chops, then bounced off the ropes and crushed him with an avalanche. Big Daddy V hit a spinning sidewalk slam, then dropped an elbow for the pin in under a minute.

    Winner: Big Daddy V.

    The showed a clip of how Kelly Kelly helped Balls Mahoney get up off the floor last week.

    Backstage, Balls Mahoney came up to Kelly and started to talk about a restaurant at Mohegan Sun. Miz walked in with the rest of Extreme Expose. Miz joked that Balls has a crush. Miz said Kelly doesn't like guys like Balls, she likes guys like him, saying he was a chick magnet. Balls was getting angry, and Layla said to Miz that they have plans. Miz and the girls walked off, and Miz told Kelly to come along. Kelly followed them, despite Balls saying her name as she walked away. Balls turned towards the camera, and you could see in the background that Kelly was looking back at Balls. By the time Balls turned back around, Kelly was already walking off again.

    They showed a clip of Kevin Thorn attacking Stevie Richards backstage last week.

    Stevie Richards vs. Kevin Thorn.

    Stevie battled back with a double leg takedown and some punches. Richards hit a knee to the gut, but Thorn nailed him with a clothesline and a series of punches. Thorn rammed Richards into a corner, then whipped him hard into the opposite corner. Thorn hit a series of knees to the head, but Richards got back up and threw some forearms, only to get beaten down again. Thorn slammed Richards, then drove a pair of knees into his back. Thorn dove into a clothesline on Richards, who was in a seated position, and applied a chinlock. Richards fought to his feet, but Thorn decked him with a short arm clothesline. Thorn dragged him up and hit another one. Thorn pulled him up again and hit a third clothesline. Thorn covered, but Richards kicked out at two. Richards got to his feet and hit a forearm, then a kick to the leg, then a kick to the face. Richards hit a double knee driver to the chest for a two count, then a sunset flip for another two, but then Thorn caught him with a sitdown spinebuster for the three count at the four minute mark.

    Post-match, Thorn kept hitting Richards. Thorn lifted Richards for a Crucifix Bomb, and the referee warned him not to do it. Thorn delivered the move anyway, so the referee reversed the decision and disqualified Thorn. Thorn slumped in the corner, then walked off, obviously enraged that he cost himself the match. Thorn is now 0-3 against Richards.

    Winner via disqualification: Stevie Richards.

    Backstage, Elijah Burke was telling Jonathan Coachman that his mother used to travel a lot, and they always followed WWE around the country. Burke noted that people have said he has Vince McMahon's smile.

    Joey Styles and Tazz went over the Summerslam lineup, then a video package on John Morrison vs. CM Punk was shown.

    ECW Champion John Morrison vs. The Boogeyman.

    Morrison made his entrance, then they went to commercial. When they got back from break, they announced John Morrison & Big Daddy V vs. CM Punk & The Boogeyman for Saturday Night's Main Event.

    Boogeyman immediately took Morrison down with a fireman's carry takedown, then leapfrogged him as he was on his knees. Boogeyman whipped Morrison in a corner, then the opposite corner and hit an avalanche. Boogeyman hit a clothesline, then slammed Morrison and hit a big splash for a two count. Boogey whipped Morrison into the ropes, but Morrison put the brakes on. Morrison caught a charging Boogeyman with a double boot to the face, then flipped over the top rope to the apron. Morrison went for a springboard dropkick, but Boogeyman swatted it away. Boogeyman went to the top rope, but Morrison jumped up and kicked Boogeyman to the floor. Morrison brought Boogeyman back in the ring for a two count, then slid into a clothesline on Boogey as he was in a seated position.

    Morrison applied an overhead wristlock, but Boogeyman punched out of it. Boogeyman hit a clothesline, then slammed Morrison and hit a legdrop for a two count. Morrison hit a chop to the throat, then kicked Boogey in the gut. Morrison kept stomping Boogey in the gut, then went to the second rope for the twisting moonsault, but missed by a mile. Boogey didn't even roll out of the way, Morrison just totally overshot it. Boogey slammed Morrison twice, but missed a charge in the corner. Morrison went for a springboard kick, slipping on the rope, but still nailed the kick for a two count. Morrison tried another cover, but Boogey held the bottom rope. Morrison tried to pull Boogey into the ring, but Boogey kept holding the bottom rope. Morrison threw some punches, while Boogey was still on the ropes, so the referee warned Morrison. Morrison shoved the referee for the DQ at the seven minute mark.

    Winner via DQ: The Boogeyman.

    Morrison argued with the referee, and Boogeyman got back up. Boogeyman hit Morrison with the double handed chokeslam, then went for his worms. He put a handful in his mouth, but Morrison got out of the ring before Boogey could spit them on Morrision. Morrison stared at Boogey from the aisle as the show ended and they plugged the tag match on Saturday Night's Main Event.

    2008 - Hulk and Linda Hogan came to an agreement earlier regarding how the couple will temporarily split their assets in their divorce, ending a messy court battle. In short, the agreement decreed:

    *Linda will receive $40,000 a month in temporary alimony over the next year.

    *Hulk will take $500,000 out of their combined assets.

    *Hulk will be allowed to withdraw up to $400,000 to cover legal costs involved in Nick Hogan's criminal defense.

    *Linda Bollea gets use of one home, while Hulk gets use of the other.

    *The couple will have to copy and provide the other any mail addressed to the couple.

    *The couple will temporarily split their vehicles during the divorce proceedings.

    The court also allowed Hulk out of a previous agreement that he would have to put money into a proposed Las Vegas condo for Linda.

    2008 - TNA broadcast Impact. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We start off tonight’s show with a look back at the Hard Justice pay per view.

    We see Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash arrive at the building and Lauren with her soliloquy about Sunday and she asks where the guitar came from. Joe says that if Booker and Sting want to play tonight, he is ready to play. Joe says that everybody is trying to get in on the action. Nash says that he is not going to get involved in this and he wants to focus on his match with Joe against Team 3D. Nash says that if Joe thinks things are getting interesting, he knows half of it.

    We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Mike ‘The’ Tenay and Don ‘the password is Jarrett’ West.

    Match Number One: Jimmy Rave and Lance Rock with Christy Hemme versus Rhino and Christian Cage
    Rave and Rhino start things off and Rhino with a kick, snap mare and shoulder tackle. Rhino misses a clothesline but then he hits another after a Rave kick. Christian tags in and Christian and Rhino with a double hip toss. Rave with a knee but Christian with a knee of his own and Rave seeks the comfort of Lance Rock. Lance tags in and he kicks Christian followed by a forearm and punch. Rock misses a boot and Christian with chops followed by a tag to Rhino. Christian sends Rhino into Rock in the corner and then Rhino with a belly-to-belly suplex. Rhino sets for the GORE but Rave trips him. Rave and Rock pull Rhino into the ring post in an uncomfortable way. Rave tags in and he punches Rhino in the head.

    Rave gets a near fall. Rock tags back in and Rhino feels a double back elbow and a double elbow drop for a two count. Rock with a knee to choke Rhino and then Hemme does the same. Rave tags in and he kicks Rhino. Rhino with a spinebuster for a two count and Rock breaks up the cover. Rhino with a clothesline to Rock and then he tries to make the tag to Christian. Christian clotheslines Rock over the top rope to the floor. Rave is sent into the ropes and then Christian with a clothesline. Christian with an inverted DDT for a two count. Christian with a back elbow from the second turnbuckle. Christian sets for the Unprettier, but Rock with a boot. Rhino punches Rock and sends him over the top rope to the floor. Rhino and Christian with a double back body drop to Rave followed by a GORE and frog splash for the three count.
    Winner: Rhino and Christian Cage

    TO THE BACK where Jeremy Borash is with Kurt Angle. Jeremy asks Kurt about his neck after Sunday night. Kurt says that his neck is sore and stiff. Kurt says that he has been wearing a neck brace since Sunday. Kurt says that it is Kurt Angle week. In 1996, he sent everyone who challenged him home packing. He became the greatest wrestler. Kurt talks about being in a Last Man Standing Match that had nothing to do about wrestling, but dealt with violence. Angle says that he was going to abide by the rules. Kurt says that A.J. cheated to win. Kurt says that A.J. tried to break his neck twice. Angle thanks Sting for showing up and taking care of A.J. Kurt says that he gets to book the match tonight. Tonight will be a ‘Gold Medal Challenge’ with no ropes and timed periods. The winner gets Kurt’s gold medal. Jeremy tries to suggest that Angle might lose the match because of his neck. Kurt reminds us that he won the gold medal with a broken freaking neck and he will do it tonight with an injured neck. We go to commercial.

    We are back and we are in the back where Jeremy is with A.J. Styles. Jeremy reminds A.J. of what happened on Sunday. A.J. says that he made a guarantee that Kurt Angle would not get up at the pay per view and Angle did not get up. Jeremy asks A.J. about Sting. A.J. says that a man he looked up to for his entire career decided to make an example of himself. A.J. says that he was wrong and Sting is no better than Kurt Angle. A.J. says that Sting is not going to make an example of him. A.J. accepts the challenge. A.J. guarantees that he is going to leave with the gold medal.

    TO THE BACK where Lauren is with Matt Morgan. Matt says that he has two goals. The first is to realize his full potential. Matt says that his name has been synonymous with a pay per view main event waiting to happen. He says that you make opportunities in this company. His second goal is to become the TNA Heavyweight Champion. He does not care who it is that he has to beat because none of them are going to stop him from realizing his goals. We go to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Matt Morgan versus Johnny Devine
    Devine has some words for Morgan’s chest after the bell rings. Matt receives a slap from Devine and then Devine runs out of the ring and Morgan chases after him. Matt with a clothesline to Devine and then he hits a splash into the corner. Morgan misses a boot and Morgan is crotched on the top rope. Morgan pushes Devine off. Devine with a knee but Morgan with a bicycle kick and then it is time for the Hellevator and the three count.
    Winner: Matt Morgan

    After the match, Team 3D attack Matt Morgan, but the magical music of Abyss plays and he comes to the ring but he has no treats for Team 3D. Team 3D send Devine at Abyss and Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam as Team 3D leave the ring. Abyss gets face to face with Matt Morgan. Morgan offers his hand to Abyss and Abyss shakes his hand.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for Karen’s Angle. This week’s guests are Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. Velvet says that they are heartbroken because nobody wants to talk to them or be around them. Angelina starts to cry and it appears almost sincere. Karen asks them why they are being treated like that. Karen suggests that they act nice. Velvet says that they are not going to be nice. Velvet says that they are here to show the person who takes care of them. That person is Kip James. Kip comments on the way that Karen looks and makes some suggestions for Karen. Karen says that the interview is over.

    We return to the Impact Zone and we see Gail Kim’s sister in the crowd.

    Lauren is in the back with Jay Lethal. Lauren asks if he talked to Val. Jay says that Val has to choose between him and Sonjay. Jay says that she needs to choose. He says that he wants to kill Sonjay. Jay tells Lauren to tell Val that this is not over until he says it is over. This segment is over because we go to commercial.

    We are back and we see Sheik Abdul Bashir’s interference in the X Division Title Match on Sunday. Bashir talks to the people of the Impact Zone in Farsi. Then he addresses the fans and says that he does not care what the people do because he took everything from this country.

    We also see footage from Jay Lethal’s match against Sonjay Dutt from Sunday.

    Match Number Three: Sheik Abdul Bashir versus Jay Lethal
    Lethal attacks Bashir as the bell rings. Bashir with chops to Lethal but Lethal with chops of his own. Lethal with a hip toss and drop kick to Bashir. Bashir goes to the floor and Lethal with a baseball slide followed by a suicide dive. Lethal sends Bashir back into the ring and then he hits a double sledge from the top for a near fall. Bashir with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Bashir pulls Lethal off the turnbuckles and then he gets a near fall. Bashir with a neck breaker or two and he gets a near fall. Bashir with knees and a reverse chin lock. Lethal tries for a back slide but Bashir with a double chop to the neck and a near fall. Bashir with a rear chin lock but Lethal gets to his feet. Bashir with a forearm to the back. Lethal with a flying clothesline and another series of clotheslines. Lethal with a chop and back body drop for a near fall. Lethal with a rolling suplex for a two count. Lethal punches Bashir and then the referee pulls him off. Bashir pulls a spike out of his boot and then he hits a DDT for the three count.
    Winner: Sheik Abdul Bashir

    After the match, Sonjay Dutt comes to the ring and then he goes up top for a 450 Splash on Lethal.

    TO THE BACK and Jeremy Borash is with Booker T and Sharmell. Jeremy asks Booker what is on his mind. Booker repeats the question and he says that he is thinking about a silver and black guitar. Booker says that he still has the bump on his head. Booker says that he had Joe beaten on Sunday and then a guitar appears. He does not know if this is a joke. Booker says that there is an old redneck saying. You mess with the bull and you get the horns. You mess with Booker T, you get your foot up . . . Booker says that he will let his actions speak more than his words.

    Jeremy says that we have footage of Kevin Nash and Sting from the pay per view and we go to commercial.

    We are back with a Sting video package wondering what is next for Sting as he approaches his annual Bound for Glory title match. Time to see the footage from after Sting’s appearance. Nash and Sting walk and Sting says that he is not confused at all. Sting says that he is running out of patience. He says that his biological time clock is ticking and it is now or never.

    Match Number Four: Team 3D versus Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash
    Devon and Joe start things off and Joe with shoulder tackles followed by an enzuigiri in the corner. Devon with a thumb to the eyes and an elbow to the top of the head. Ray tags in and they hit a double suplex for a near fall. Joe with punches to Ray followed by a snap mare and chop followed by a kick and knee to Ray. Nash tags in and Nash with a knee followed by an Irish whip and running clothesline. Nash with knees in the corner followed by a series of elbows. Devon attacks Nash and then he tags in. Nash with the side slam for a near fall as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Devon tags back in and he continues to work over Nash as Devon kicks Kevin in his hamstring. Devon drops onto the leg. Ray tags back in and he kicks Nash in the leg and then he knocks Joe off the apron. Ray returns to the leg and he puts Nash in a single leg crab. Ray uses the ropes for more leverage. Ray punches Nash in the leg and then Devon tags in and Devon goes into a boot from Nash and Nash with a clothesline to Ray and all three men are down in the ring as Joe waits for the tag. Joe makes the tag and he punches Ray and Devon. Joe with an enzuigiri to Ray and then he hits a reverse atomic drop followed by a running boot and senton splash. Ray hits Joe, but Joe with a leg lariat. Nash gives Devon a big boot and Joe gets a two count. Ray punches Nash off the apron. Ray hits Joe from behind and then Team 3D with the neck breaker and belly-to-back suplex combination but they only get a two count. They set for the 3D but Nash pulls Ray out of the ring. Devon turns around and Joe applies the Choke. Devon taps out.
    Winners: Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash

    After the match, Joe brings a chair into the ring and he hits Devon in the back with it. Then Joe hits Devon in the arm with the chair. Nash takes the chair from Joe and Earl Hebner plays charades with what Joe just did, but Joe did not like the clue so the result was reversed. Joe attacks the referee.

    Winners: Part Two . . . Team 3D

    We see Christy Hemme and Taylor Wilde stretching in the back as we go to commercial.

    Match Number Four: Taylor Wilde versus Christy Hemme with Official Women’s Match Referee Traci Brooks
    Taylor with a series of arm drags on Christy followed by a drop toe hold and then she puts Christy’s boot against the back of her head. Taylor with a forearm and Irish whip but Christy moves when Taylor charges. Christy with a bulldog for a near fall. Christy pulls Taylor up while standing on her hair. Christy pulls Taylor up by the hair and slams her to the mat. Christy gets a near fall. Taylor with forearms to Christy but Christy throws Taylor to the mat by the hair. Christy with forearms to Taylor and then she gets a near fall. Christy with a boot to the throat. Taylor kips up and connects with an arm drag and clotheslines. Taylor with a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Taylor with kicks to Christy but Christy with a matrix move and Christy with the split leg drop for a two count. Christy goes to the second turnbuckle but she misses the split leg drop when Taylor moves. Taylor with a German suplex and bridge for the three count.
    Winner: Taylor Wilde

    After the match, Awesome Kong comes out with Raisha Saeed. Taylor punches Kong as Kong enters the ring. Kong punches Taylor and Traci pulls Kong out of the corner. Kong with the spinning back fist and a choke slam. Taylor climbs Kong and Raisha pulls Taylor off. Saeed with kicks to Taylor and then she chokes her with the boot. Saeed gets a chair for Kong. Kong sets for an Awesome Bomb onto the chair, but Gil comes out and she hits Kong and hits a Codebreaker. Gail with a clothesline to Saeed and then she hits a cross arm neck breaker. Kong knocks Gail down and then Gail tries for a cross body but Kong catches her and then she tosses Gail to the mat. Gail with a drop kick into the chair and then she hits Kong in the head with the chair. Gail with a drop kick that takes Kong down.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time to run through the house shows coming up along with No Surrender.

    Time for Rough Cut with this week’s subject, Consequences Creed. Creed says that he always wanted to be a pro wrestler. We hear from one of Austin’s friends and he talks about how Creed always wanted to be a wrestler. He talks about how he started to wrestle in seventh grade. He mentions how he was in show choir in high school to try to get ready for the performance part of wrestling.

    Lauren is with LAX and she wants to know how Homicide is doing. Hernandez says that Roode and Storm took everything from him. They took his brother. Tonight, he is going back to his roots. We go to commercial.

    We are back with a video package about the feud between LAX and the team of Robert Roode and James Storm.

    TO THE BACK and Lauren is with the new tag team champions. Lauren tells them that Hernandez is upset and that means that Roode and Storm have to fake concern. Roode says that he does not care if Hernandez is upset. Roode asks Storm where his tag title belt is and he shows it under his shirt. Storm says that he does not care if Hernandez is upset. Storm says that they get rid of another Tacos R Us employee tonight.

    Match Number Five: James Storm with Robert Roode and Jackie Moore versus Hernandez with Hector Guerrero and Salinas
    Hernandez attacks Storm outside the ring and then he slams his head into the apron Hernandez with an Irish whip into the guardrail. Hernandez sends Storm into the ring and then he hits a splash into the corner. Hernandez throws Storm out of the ring and then he hits a plancha onto Storm and Roode. Storm is rolled back into the ring. Hernandez with a running body block followed by a chop. Storm with an Irish whip but Hernandez sends Storm to the apron. Jackie distracts the referee and Roode attacks Hernandez. Storm with a snap mare followed by a knee drop for a near fall.

    Storm with a reverse chin lock followed by a knee. Storm with a high knee that takes Hernandez down. Storm gets a near fall but he takes too long to make the cover. Storm with a double fish hook and then he works on the back. Hernandez gets Storm up for an electric chair drop and both men are down. Hernandez with punches to Storm followed by clotheslines. Hernandez with a back body drop and then Hernandez hits an overhead half nelson suplex for a near fall. Hernandez puts Storm on the top turnbuckle and Jackie grabs Hernandez’s foot. Storm hits an inverted tornado DDT for a two count.

    Hernandez with a back body drop and then he sets for the border toss. Hernandez knocks Roode off the apron. Storm with a boot but he is caught by Hernandez who hits a sit out power bomb for the three count.
    Winner: Hernandez

    A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle are walking into commercial.

    We are back and Don and Mike are joined by Jim Cornette. Jim has a few announcements to make. Cornette says that Hernandez wants a match with Robert Roode and Hernandez will get that match. Gail Kim will face Awesome Kong next week in a Street Fight. The main event at No Surrender will be a Four Ways to Glory Match and the challengers will be determined in qualifying matches. Rhino will face Booker T in the first match to see who faces Joe.

    We go through the rules for the match. We also see what happened after the match at the pay per view.

    Match Number Six: Kurt Angle with Anglevator versus A.J. Styles in the Gold Medal Challenge
    The referee explains the rules and they shake hands. The first round starts and Angle with a single leg take down for two points. Styles goes for the leg but Angle avoids him. Angle with a single leg sweep for another two points. Angle with an arm bar take down and he gets another two points. Angle looks like he is toying with A.J. as he keeps Styles from taking him down. The first round ends with Angle up 6-0.

    Time for Round 2 and Angle continues to play with Styles. Angle tries for a waist lock but Styles rolls through with a rollup for a near fall and two points so he gets points for the take down as well. Styles tries for a take down but Styles gets out of the ring as they get to the edge of the mat. They lock up and Angle with a take down for two more points. Angle with a leg but Styles with a take down and near fall so we are tied at eight after two rounds.

    The third round starts and they lock up as they try to get position. Styles with a waist lock but Angle with an elbow while the referee is not looking. Angle with a take down for two points. Angle with a front face lock as Styles tries to get the match tied. Styles with a Northern Lights suplex and the momentum knocks the referee out. Angle with a clothesline while the referee is still out.

    The lights go out and Sting’s music plays. Angle has a baseball bat but the lights go out again and Jeff Jarrett’s music plays. A guitar appears in A.J.’s hands and he is behind Angle. Styles hits Angle with the guitar and Angle is bleeding from the forehead. Styles pins Angle to win the match.
    Winner: A.J. Styles

    After the match, the referee hands Styles the gold medal. We go to credits.

    2009 - WWE announced they were releasing Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore, who had just been signed to return the week prior after he made one appearance on Raw and the company was unhappy with the shape he was in.

    Continued ...

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    Continued ...

    2009 - WE ran Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Gregory Davis filed the following results:

    Tony Chimmel is the ring announcer. The attendance is about 4000.

    Mickie James and Gail Kim d Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendes, with Chavo Guerrero as the guest ref.

    Evan Bourne d Alex Riley.

    The Miz d Jamie Noble.

    Santino Marella d Carlito.

    Ted Dibiase (with Cody Rhodes) d Primo.

    Kofi Kingston d Jack Swagger to retain The US Title.

    Randy Orton d HHH and The Big Show to retain The WWE Title.

    2009 - Ring of Honor ran Philadelphia, PA at the ECW Arena for a ROH on HDNet taping. Stu Carapola filed the following:

    -The cage is up, so it looks like they'll start with the Claudio-Albright match, then tear it down and proceed with the rest of the taping.

    -There are a bunch of kids here tonight, most of them wearing WWE shirts. I always wonder how they react to more athletic- based companies like WWE and if they get bored with the lack of 20 minute promos and goofy characters.

    -There are some seats open, but the place is mostly full.

    Opening Match:

    -Brent Albright defeated Claudio Castagnoli in a Cage Match.

    Dark Matches:

    -Bobby Dempsey and a partner I didn't recognize (something Matthews) beat two other guys I didn't recognize. I'm pretty sure this was a dark match.

    -Tony Dees defeated Bruno Marciano.

    Episode 1:

    -Delirious (with Daizee Haze) defeated Andy "Right Leg" Ridge.

    -Tyler Black and Jerry Lynn defeated Rhett Titus and Kenny King.

    -Sara Del Rey defeated Nikki Roxx.

    -Sonjay Dutt defeated Alex Payne, then cut a promo saying he's setting his sights on Delirious. That is the end of episode 1.

    Episode 2:

    -The Young Bucks defeated The Dark City Fight Club.

    -Bison Smith squashed Sal Rinauro. After the mtach, Prince Nana brought out Joey Ryan and challenged anyone in the back to come out and face him. This led to...

    -Colt Cabana defeated Joey Ryan by submission.

    -Nigel McGuinness cut a great promo from the crowd talking about his injuries, and the gist is that next time he gets hurt, he's hurting his opponent worse.

    -Kevin Steen/El Generico and the Briscoes fought to a no-contest when the American Wolves ran in and attacked both teams. After the match, Steen and Generico challenged the Wolves to Ladder War II in New York City.

    Episode 3:

    -Austin Aries comes out to randomely draw his opponent for the evening, and draws Kenny Omega. Unfortunately Omega's not here, so he draws another name and it's Grizzly Redwood. Aries defeats him with a brainbuster.

    -Erick Stevens defeated Brandon Day.

    -Necro Butcher defeated Jimmy Rave by DQ when Bison Smith did a run-in.

    -Roderick Strong, KENTA, and Bryan Danielson defeated Chris Hero and the American Wolves.

    2010 - WWE broadcast Smackdown. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We are live on tape from San Jose, California and your announcers are Matt ‘Camp Crystal Lake’ Striker and Todd ‘Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon’ Grisham.

    Vickie Guerrero is in the ring and she is dressed like she is getting ready to go on vacation. She gives us a few ‘Excuse Mes’ and then brings out the new Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is also dressed for a day at the beach. We see highlights from last week’s victory by Dolph Ziggler over Kofi Kingston. Vickie says that Dolph is more electrifying that the Rock, has more heart than Bret, and is sexier than Shawn Michaels. Vickie says that he is all hers. He is her boyfriend.

    Dolph takes the mic and he says that there is one very special person that he has to thank because without this person he would not be the Universe’s Intercontinental Champion. Without this person’s support, advice, and back rubs; he would not be the total package that everyone sees before them tonight. Dolph says this person is the official consultant to Smackdown . . . Vickie Guerrero.

    Vickie tells Dolph that she deserves it. She tells Dolph that she can’t wait to get out of this disgusting city and board their private plane and celebrate in Tahiti. The fans do not appreciate Vickie and Dolph’s travel plans so she gives us another ‘excuse me’. Vickie says that she will make this so romantic that Dolph won’t have to lift a finger.

    The good times are interrupted by the former Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston, who takes Ziggler down and punches him. Vickie leaves the ring and Kofi with a forearm to Ziggler and Dolph goes to the floor. Kofi with a suicide dive onto Dolph while Vickie calls for referees to come down to separate the two men.

    Teddy Long comes out and says that is enough. Teddy tells Vickie and Dolph that he is not going to let things go down like this. He tells Vickie and Dolph that they will have to cancel their vacation plans because Dolph will have to defend his title against Kofi Kingston. He also tells Dolph that he will face Rey Mysterio tonight.

    Vickie calls Teddy’s match and raises it by saying that Kofi will also be in action and Kofi will have to face Kane.

    Teddy says that Vickie is just a consultant so he is the man with the power. He tells Kofi that he doesn’t have to wrestle Kane. Kofi says that he isn’t a coward and he will face Kane. Kofi tells Teddy that he wants this match to be next.

    We go to a video package of Kane winning at Money in the Bank and then cashing in the briefcase that night against Rey Mysterio to become the World Champion. We hear Kane’s motivation for winning the title and how he did it for the Undertaker. Then we see the accusations between Kane and Rey Mysterio over who injured the Undertaker.

    Kane is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    Match Number One: Kane versus Kofi Kingston in a Non Title Match

    Kofi with kicks to Kane but Kane with an uppercut to stop Kofi. Kane with a punch to Kofi but Kofi with a drop kick and then he runs Kane into the turnbuckles. Kofi with shoulders until Kane pushes him away. Kofi leaps to the turnbuckles for his punches but Kane with a knee when Kofi returns to the mat. Kane with an Irish whip and side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top but Kofi with a drop kick that sends Kane to the floor. Kofi goes to the floor with a suicide dive and then he punches Kane while the referee starts his count. Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise but Kane moves out of the way and Kofi kicks the ring post.

    Kane with a clothesline to the injured ankle and then he returns Kofi to the ring. Kane uses the ring skirt to immobilize Kofi’s foot while he punches Kofi. Kane stomps on the ankle before returning to the ring. Kane stands on the ankle as he methodically works on the foot. Kane with a slam that bounces Kofi’s ankle off the ropes. Kofi struggles to get Kane away from him. Kane with an Irish whip but Kofi falls out of the corner whenKane charges. Kofi with punches but they don’t have the same impact. Kane sends Kofi into the turnbuckles and Kofi with the pendulum kick. Kofi tries to climb the turnbuckles but Kane is able to recover and he choke slams Kofi off the ropes and then hits the tombstone piledriver for the three count.

    Winner: Kane

    After the match, Kane gets on the mic and he says that Rey Mysterio attacked and incapacitated his brother. He says that the guilt is flowing through his veins like a disease. Desperation becomes the only recourse and it is obvious that desperation was the motivation behind his actions. On Sunday, Rey will pay for those actions. His lies will be no match for the hellfire of the dark side. His lies will not protect him from his fate. His lies will not shield him from the eternal darkness that awaits him in the casket. Kane says that his brother found it within himself to reach out from the darkness so he could speak the two words ‘Rey Mysterio’. Even in his blackest of moments, Kane says that he cannot understand the pain that his brother is enduring or the pain of knowing that he will never be the phenom that he once was. If Undertaker was here, he would punish the guilty his way. Kane tells Rey that on Sunday, vengeance will be delivered by the devil’s favorite demon.

    Rey Mysterio comes out to interrupt Kane’s pyro. He says that Kane comes out speaking about evil and lies claiming to be the devil’s favorite demon. He tells Kane that he is looking at one of God’s humble servants. If there is one person who had a motive to take out the Undertaker, it wasn’t him, it was Kane. Who found the Undertaker? Who wrongfully accused everyone of doing it? Who has been living in the shadow of their brother since he was born? Who had the most to gain? Rey says that it was Kane. He says that the title that Kane is holding, if Undertaker was here right now, it would be in his hands. Rey says that on Sunday that title belt will be in his hands because Kane will be one move away from the 6-1-9.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Did You Know about John Cena’s coffee cup at 7-Eleven?

    Christian comes to the ring and we see what happened to him two weeks ago when he faced Drew McIntyre and suffered an apparent shoulder injury during the match.

    We see Drew in the back with Cody Rhodes. Drew tells Cody that he says that they are both superstars on a rocket ship to the top. He says that he has already softened up Christian, but Cody interrupts Drew. Cody says that he knows what Drew is doing. He says that it is not going to be a problem because he is ‘Dashing’ Cody Rhodes. Drew says that if Cody doesn’t win, he won’t be ‘dashing’, he will be ‘disappointing’.

    Match Number Two: Christian versus ‘Dashing’ Cody Rhodes

    Cody with a knee and forearm as he backs Christian into the turnbuckles and he puts Christian’s arm in the ropes. Christian fights him off and pushes Cody away. Christian tries for a boot in the corner but Christian stops short. Cody with a single leg take down but Christian with a back body drop that send Cody to the floor. Christian with a pescado onto Cody as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Cody has gained the advantage and he puts Christian in an arm bar. We see footage from the commercial break when Cody pulled Christian off the turnbuckles and Christian landed on his injured arm. Cody with knees to the arm before he returns to the arm bar and Cody steps over to add more pressure to the arm. Christian gets to his feet but Cody with a knee and a hammer lock slam. Cody with forearms while Christian is in the ropes. We see Drew watching from the back. Cody with a hammer lock but Christian returns to the ropes. Cody holds Christian and kicks him ‘down low’. Cody with a punch and clothesline to the back of the head and Christian hits the rope with his injured arm on the way to the mat and gets a near fall. Cody with a Ric Flair rolling knee drop to the arm and he gets a near fall. Cody with a wrist lock and he uses the ropes again. Christian tries to kick Cody but Cody blocks it and connects with forearms. Cody puts Christian on top and they fight on the turnbuckles. Christian kicks Cody off and hits a cross body for a near fall.

    Christian with a clothesline and knee to Rhodes as he goes to the turnbuckles again. Christian hits the corkscrew back elbow and then he stands on Cody’s back while Cody is in the ropes. Christian goes for the slingshot punch but Cody gets away before Christian can connect with the punch. Christian with a shoulder from the apron followed by a sunset flip for a near fall. Cody hits the Alabama Slam but he can only get a two count. Christian tries for the Killswitch but he cannot turn Cody over because of his arm. Cody misses a springboard round kick when Christian ducks. Christian connects with a punch to the face and then Christian hits the inverted DDT and gets a near fall. Cody goes to the ropes and then he pokes Christian in the eyes and sends Christian into the ring post and then hits Cross Rhodes for the three count.

    Winner: Cody Rhodes

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Smack of the Night: Big Show being attacked and injured by the Straight Edge Society two weeks ago.

    Match Number Three: Big Show versus Derek Werley, Jody Reese, and Fernando Vega

    All three men are in the ring for the start of the match while Big Show has his right hand taped. As the bell rings, the Straight Edge Society shows up on the stage.

    Show tosses all three men around the ring. Show with a shoulder tackle followed by choke slams to two of his opponents and then he shows that he can still knock someone out on the third man and Show gets the three count.

    Winner: Big Show

    After the match, Luke Gallows gets on the mic and he tells Show to pay attention. He rhetorically asks Show if he thought that was impressive.

    CM Punk stops everything and then asks Luke how he got a mic because he does not speak until Punk tells him he can. Punk says hello to Show and he says that he knows that Show’s hand hurts. He knows that there is a tiny pea brain rattling around in his head so he cannot differentiate between the three ham and eggers who were in the ring and his sin free machine of self discipline that is going to crush him. Punk wants Show to picture what is going to happen at SummerSlam. Show is going to be in the pit, surrounded by an orchestra of virtue. His conductor for the evening will be himself. He tells Show that they will play his own personal opus. It will be a symphony that will sound a lot like Show’s bones being broken under the boot of the Straight Edge Society. It is a symphony that he has written just for Show and it is called ‘The Destruction of the Big Show’.

    Matt Hardy is walking in the back for his match and he walks past Kelly Kelly who wishes him luck in his match.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Four: Matt Hardy versus Drew McIntyre

    Drew tries for a boot to the head but Hardy moves. Matt with a few punches before Drew kicks Matt and sends him to the mat as he works on the head. Drew with a forearm to the head followed by kicks in the corner. Drew with a forearm to the back of the head and he tries for a slam. Hardy with a clothesline that sends Drew over the top rope to the floor. Matt goes to the floor and Drew kicks Matt and then sends Matt into the ringside barrier. Drew charges at Matt but Matt with a back body drop that sends Drew into the ring announcer/bell ringer cubicle at ringside. Matt avoids a punch from Drew and hits a Side Effect on the floor. Matt rolls Drew back into the ring and gets a near fall. Matt with a front face lock and Drew gets to the ropes. Matt takes advantage of the five count and then he connects with an elbow to the head and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Matt goes to the turnbuckles and Drew tries to pull Matt off the turnbuckles, but Matt holds on. Drew hits a sit out power bomb from the corner after a kick to the back but Drew can only get a near fall.

    Drew with a kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Drew with punches to the head and he puts Matt in an arm bar with chin lock. Matt with punches but Drew pulls Matt to the mat again. Drew stands over Matt and returns to the arm bar. Matt returns to his feet and he gets out of the hold with an arm drag. Matt with a spear and both men go through the ropes and to the floor. Matt with knees to the head but Drew sends Matt’s back into the ring steps. Drew with punches to Matt and then he puts Matt’s foot in the ring steps and he stomps on the steps. Drew wants the referee to make the count and Drew goes to the apron at nine to stop the count. Matt removes his boot and rolls back into the ring. Drew waits to pounce and he could barely get on his feet and Drew hits the Future Shock DDT for the three count.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre

    It is time for the Nexus/John Cena/Team WWE video package to set up the match on Sunday at SummerSlam.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the WWE Rewind: Highlights from the Rey Mysterio/Jack Swagger Falls Count Anywhere Match from two weeks ago when they battled into the Gulf of Mexico.

    Jack Swagger comes to the ring and he says that when he looks at everyone in the crowd he sees person after person looking for an excuse to feel sorry for themselves or for someone else to feel sorry for them because their lives are not spectacular. Jack says that he has a legitimate excuse for looking the way he does. Jack says that nobody knows what he has been going through for the last two weeks and the last two months. He has been cheated out of his title. He has been thrown into the Gulf of Mexico and deal with all of the diseases in the Gulf. Then he had to deal with severe family trauma. He had to stand by while his father was brutally attacked by that out of control, insane freak Kane. He says that he was up until 4:00 am last night dealing with chronic diarrhea. He let’s everyone know that it was not him, but his father who had the issue. Jack wants to know when the people will see that he is the former World Champion and he is not even in the title match at SummerSlam. Swagger says that it is official that SummerSlam has lost its Swagger. Jack says that you might as well bring Ari Gold back . . .

    Montel Vontavious Porter interrupts Swagger and says that Jack is full of excuses. Porter says that he kind of understands. He understands that nobody cares about his problems. The WWE Universe doesn’t care about his problems, nobody in the arena cares about his problems, and Porter says that he doesn’t care about Swagger’s problems.

    Swagger says that everyone should care. Swagger wants to know what Porter is doing out here because they had this discussion last year. Porter says that they had this discussion in this same arena. Porter reminds Swagger that after their conversation, he beat Swagger at SummerSlam.

    Swagger hits Porter with the mic and then throws him to the floor. Swagger goes after Porter and sends Porter into the ringside barrier. We go to commercial.

    We are back and it looks like there is going to be a match between Porter and Swagger.

    Match Number Five: Jack Swagger versus Montel Vontavious Porter

    Swagger with a running clothesline into the corner and he gets a near fall on the still injured Porter. Swagger runs Porter into the turnbuckles and he punches Porter until the referee pulls him out of the corner and warns him. Swagger chokes Porter with his knee. Porter kicks Swagger away but Swagger gets back up and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Swagger with a key lock and then he takes Porter to the mat. Porter tries for a float over on an Irish whip but Swagger holds on to Porter’s feet and then he drives Porter face first into the mat. Swagger applies the ankle lock but he is too close to the ropes and Porter is able to grab the ropes and Swagger must release the hold.

    Swagger kicks Porter and then he is admonished by the referee. Swagger with a standing power slam and then he sets for the double jump Vader Bomb but Porter gets his knees up. Porter avoids a charge into the corner and Porter with an exploder suplex and both men are down. Porter with punches to Swagger followed by a clothesline or two. Porter with a double thrust followed by a face buster and it is time to go for the Ballin’ Elbow but Swagger is able to get up and hits a big boot to the face. Swagger stands over Porter and he tries to send Porter’s knee into the mat but Porter with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter

    It is time for the latest edition of ‘Dashing Cody Rhodes’ Grooming Tips’. This week Cody talks about stinky, yellow, nasty ear wax. Cody says that he is here to show us how to be dashing. In order to remove such an unsightly substance, use a cotton swab. Place it gently in your ear and move it around in a nice circular motion. He tells everyone not to push it in too far because you don’t want to hurt yourself. Cody says that will remove the nasty, mustardy, cheddar cheese, awful substance from your ear. Cody tells us that we are now one step closer to being dashing.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a new Alberto Del Rio video package which is a summary of the other video packages and it mentions the attributes that he has talked about in previous weeks. We then see Alberto talking about everyone has been unable to achieve their goals for some reason. Then we see Alberto talking about how great he is.

    We are told by Matt Striker that Alberto Del Rio will debut next week on Smackdown.

    It is time to run through the card for SummerSlam.

    We see Rey’s comments from earlier in the show when he explained to Kane why Kane is the one who attacked Undertaker.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Did You Know that WWE Mobile content is available in 52 countries and over one billion subscribers have access.

    Match Number Six: Rey Mysterio versus Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero in a Non Title Match

    They lock up and Ziggler with a side head lock take down. Rey with a hip lock take down. Ziggler with a hard Irish whip followed by a kick to the chest for a near fall. Dolph kicks Rey in the corner and the referee warns him. Dolph punches Rey and kicks him in the ribs before choking him in the corner. Ziggler with another Irish whip but Rey with a rollup after sidestepping Rey. Rey with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Dolph sends Rey into the turnbuckles and then he stands on Rey’s throat. Dolph with a neck breaker to Rey and he gets another near fall. Dolph with a knee to the chest for a near fall. Dolph with a forearm to the back of the neck and then he puts Rey in a reverse chin lock.

    Rey with an elbow and forearm but Dolph with a kick. Rey escapes a slam attempt and he hits a drop kick to the knee and Dolph falls into the ropes. Rey signals for the 619 but as Rey goes off the ropes, Kane’s pyro goes off and he comes to the ring with a casket.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dolph with a reverse chin lock while Kane watches with his casket from ringside. We see footage from the commercial break when Rey missed a senton from the apron and Ziggler followed that with a clothesline on the floor. Rey with a kick to Dolph but Ziggler with a hot shot to Rey. Ziggler puts Rey over the apron and drops Rey’s throat across the apron and gets a near fall. Ziggler with a kick followed by rapid fire elbow drops before hitting the leaping elbow drop and he gets a near fall on Rey.

    Ziggler returns to the reverse chin lock and Rey is looking right at Kane and the casket. Ziggler does a headstand into a bridge to add extra pressure. Rey gets back to his feet and he hits Dolph in the back of the knee and hamstring and adds kicks. Rey with a waist lock but Ziggler with a standing switch. Rey with an elbow and standing switch. Rey sends Ziggler shoulder first into the ring post as Rey rolls to the apron and hits the springboard seated senton followed by a springboard cross body press for a near fall. Ziggler with a kick and sunset flip but this is Rey so he rolls through and kicks Ziggler and hits a seated senton for a near fall. Rey with a kick and he tries for a springboard move but Ziggler blocks it and hits an electric chair drop with a bridge and gets a near fall. Ziggler waits for Rey to get to his feet for the sleeper and he tries to lock it in. Ziggler with a forearm to the back. Rey with a kick and he tries for an Asai Moonsault but Ziggler catches him. Rey is able to get free and he puts Ziggler in the sleeper. Dolph quickly backs Rey into the turnbuckles to escape the hold. Rey puts the sleeper back on and he returns to the turnbuckles. Dolph with a snap mare to Rey and Ziggler waits for Rey to get back to his feet. Ziggler applies the sleeper but Rey gets out of the hold sending Ziggler into the ropes. Ziggler tries to get up and Rey tries for the 619 but Ziggler is able to get out of the ropes and he tries for a power bomb but Rey counters with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    After the match, Kane gets onteh apron but Rey with a baseball slide that knocks Kane off the apron. Rey with a kick to Kane followed by a 619 to the back. Kane tries for a choke slam for the apron but Rey escapes the hold. Rey with a springboard drop kick that knocks Kane into the casket. Kane gets out of the casket and heads up the ramp as we go to credits.

    2011 - WWE held their Summerslam PPV. Mike Johnson filed the following PPV report:

    Welcome to PWInsider.com's live, ongoing coverage of WWE Summerslam 2011!

    We open with Adam Jones of Tool performing the national anthem on guitar.

    The Miz & Alberto Del Rio & R Truth vs. Kofi Kingston & John Morrison & Rey Mysterio

    Miz came out first alone, wielding a mic. He proclaimed that the most must see champion of all time has returned to Summerslam. He said that he wanted to thank each and every one of the fans for their insistence that he compete tonight and for all their unwavering support. He told them to sit back and steal the show as only he....

    R Truth's music began and Truth came out. He said that he didn't know why The Miz would want to thank anyone in Los Angeles. He said that he hates spiders and they start with the letter "S" as does Summerslam. He tied Cee Lo Green into his conspiracy. He started in on the crowd, but Alberto Del Rio's music began. He came to the ring, where he got a nice positive reaction.

    The babyfaces all made singular entrances as well.

    Kingston and Miz started out. Miz ate a monkeyflip. Morrison tagged in and they doubled oin Miz. Miz was able to tag out to Truth. Morrison tackled him and slammed him into the turnbuckles. Morrison nailed a springboard kick to Truth's head. Truth came back with a big right and several kicks to the head. He charged Morrison in the corner but was kicked off.

    Before Morrison could build any momentum, Miz shoved Morrison off the apron to the floor. Truth followed him down and slammed his face into the apron. Truth brought him back into the ring and locked in a rear chinlock after a snapmare. Miz tagged in and drilled Morrison with a kick to the chest for a two count. Miz cinched in a side chinlock, working over Morrison.

    Morrison made his way to his feet. Miz went to pull him back down but Morrison kicked Miz as he went down and made the tag to Kofi. Kingston leapt in with a dropkick and followed up with several others. Miz manuevered him into the corner but was kicked off. Kingston hit a double jump bodypress for a two count. He fired up and nailed the Boom Boom Drop. Kingston set up for Trouble in Paradise but Miz ducked and went for the Skull Crushing Finale. Kingston reversed that into the SOS but Del Rio broke it up.

    It broke down with the others battling. Miz nailed a cutter into a jawbreaker for a two count. That move will be stolen by everyone in a month. Truth tagged in and beat down Kingston. Truth lifted Kingston for a suplex and dropped him down. Del Rio tagged in. Big reaction for that.

    Alberto nailed a textbook belly to back suplex for a two count and began mocking Kingston's mannerisms. Kingston kicked him away and almost made the tag but Miz cut him off and nailed a suplex. Kingston fired back but was cut off with a clothesline. Miz locked in another rear chinlock. Kingston fought back to his feet. He finally made the hot tag to Rey.

    Rey came in with some hot offense on Truth and Miz. Truth went for a sunset flip but Rey rolled through and nailed a roundhouse kick to the head for a two count. Rey set him up for the 619. Miz got involved and was set up as well. Rey went for it but Del Rio tripped him up. Morrison dove on Rio. Rey nailed the 619 on Truth as Miz escaped. Miz was dispatched. Rey hit a top rope splash on Truth and scored the win.

    Your winners, Kofi Kingston & John Morrison & Rey Mysterio

    Good back and forth opener. I'd love to see WWE hold more six man tags on PPVs as it allows for all sorts of different combinations and fresh interactions. Rey was held out for the most part to protect his ailing knee but

    Johnny Ace wanted WE champ CM Punk to tell him that the kick on Raw was an accident and demanded a public apology. Punk just smirked and gave him a completely fake, asskissing apology. He smiled at Ace. Ace walked off and Punk sneered. He turned around and walked into Stephanie McMahon. She said she came to wish him luck. Punk said he finds that hard to believe and told her to run along to her husband or her father. They mentioned he's still Chairman of the Board. She told them that she spoke to both of them and they wished him and Cena luck, but what did she know, since she's just the clueless daughter. Punk agreed and said, "but you said it, not me. I said idiotic." She offered her hand and he said, "I would but I know where that hand has been" and walked off. Pretty entertaining. Stephanie's appearance didn't get the reaction you'd expect.

    VVideo feature on Mark Henry. Really well done.

    Mark Henry vs. heamus

    Henry used his power to control Sheamus early. Sheamus fired back with a series of shots across the face and back, taking Henry down to one knee. Henry returned fire and they slugged it out. Sheamus was tossed to the floor. Henry continued the beating and brought Sheamus back to the ring, covering him for several near falls.

    Henry set up Henry across the ropes and splashed him, doing the same move the Big Bossman used to do. The crowd reacted bigtime to that. Sheamus kicked up at two. The crowd began chanting for Henry. Sheamus fired back with punches but was caught with a backbreaker.

    Henry continued the beating, whipping Sheamus into the corner. Henry went for the Vader Bomb splash off the ropes but Sheamus rolled out of the way. Sheamus made his way to hs feet first and drilled Henry with two big axehandles to the chest. Sheamus takes Henry down with another and begins dropping knee after knee.

    Sheamus tied up Henry in the ropes and pummeled him with shot after shot across the chest. They clunked heads charging at the other. Sheamus made a comeback but missed the Brouge Kick and was taken down by Henry. Henry measured Sheamus and went for the World's Strongest Slam but Sheamus slipped over his shoulder and nailed the Brouge Kick. Henry went out through the ropes to the floor and was out.

    Sheamus tried to pull Henry into the ring but Henry grabbed him and charged the ring barricade. They crashed through it and into the first row. Henry recovered first and returned to the ring. Sheamus struggled to return to the ring but didn't make it in by the ten count.

    Your winner by countout, Mark Henry!

    Solid match. Henry's aura and mannerisms improve by the week. They had some good back and forth exchanges and it was a solid slugfest. The ending was booked well as there's no way Sheamus lost any momentum with that finish. He will live to fight another day.

    Josh Mathews interviewed World champion Christian. Christian promised that Orton was not leaving the PPV champion. Christian said he had an insurance policy and the entire WWE is the beneficiary. Christian said the match was going to be the epic Summer blockbuster while he's going to be like Harry Potter. He said Orton is going to be like Cowboy and Aliens, overproduced and overmatched flop.

    Cee Lo Green performed. I can't believe he didn't wear the Road Warriors inspired outfit. The Bellas, Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox came out and danced with him for "Forget You." It's sort of silly to have HEELS smiling and dancing, but hey, that's WWE. The performance was good but Kid Rock still keeps his crown as best musical performer to ever appear on a WWE PPV.

    WWE Divas champion Kelly Kelly (with Eve) vs. Beth Phoenix (with Natalya)

    New outfit for Beth. It looked good.

    Kelly went right after Phoenix but Phoenix was too powerful. Kelly nailed a spinning headscissors but at the end just dropped down and Beth went out of the ring anyway. Kelly did a handstand into a Tarantula like move. She went to the topes and hit a clothesline to the floor.

    Phoenix was tossed back into the ring. Phoenix went for a backslide but Kelly ran up the turnbuckles to escape. Phoenix cut her off, then pressed and dropped her across the ropes. She almost lost Kelly.

    Phoenix continued working over Kelly, then shoved her face into her butt to mock her. Phoenix slammed Kelly and covered her for a two, then cinched in a rear chinlock. Kelly started to fire her way out but Beth drilled her and used an over the shoulder backbreaker. Bruno Sammartino would be proud.

    Kelly drilled Phoenix in the face to escape and nailed a neckbreaker. Kelly tried to fire up with offense but was nailed in the face and tied to the tree of woe. Phoenix began stomping her in the gut. Kelly slipped over and out, then rolled up Beth for a two count.

    Phoenix choked her against the ropes and kicked her in the head. She reached for Kelly but was snapped across the ropes. Kelly went nuts screaming and smashing Beth's face into the mat. She went for the handspring elbow but Phoenix caught her and lifted her onto her shoulders. She maneuevered Kelly into the Glam Slam but Kelly reversed it into a forward roll and hooked Beth's legs, scoring the win.

    Your winner and still Divas champion, Kelly Kelly!

    Match was OK. Kelly was trying really hard but you could tell when she was out of position. Phoenix did a great job of carrying her. I was surprised by the ending and they did a good job.

    We see Stephanie McMahon slamming a door and stalking off. It was Cena's dressing room.

    Jimmy Hart told R Truth that he needs someone like him to watch his back and make sure he's not getting taken advantage of by the man with his conspiracy. Truth said that Hart was right and he needed to "think big, little Jimmy." Truth then went on a rant about Little Jimmys and Hart left. The Lakers' Ron Artest and his daughter were watching this all unfold.

    Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett

    Bryan grabbed Bryan in a side headlock and shoulderblocked him down. Bryan came back with a running knee. Daniel Bryan chants. Bryan began working over Barrett's arm but was popped in the face. Barrett covered him for a two count.

    Barrett worked on Daniel's arm but Bryan flipped out of it and nailed a dropkick. He began stretching Barrett's arm, using his positioning to torque Barrett's arm and force him into a pinfall combination. Bryan nailed a running kick for a two count.

    Barrett drilled him with a knee to the head and worked over Bryan in the corner. Bryan slipped under Barrett and used a Dragon Screw Legwhip, followed by a running dropkick to the face in the corner. Bryan covered him for a two, then maneuvered Barrett into a bow and arrow. Barrett was too big so Bryan jumped down on his knees, then nailed a kick to the best.

    Barrett whipped Bryan into the buckles but Bryan ran to the top and backflipped over him. He rebounded off the ropes but was caught in an Uranage for a two count. Barrett used the ropes as a springboard to drop Bryan down over his knees. He locked in a rear chinlock. The crowd rallied Bryan and he began to elbow his way out of the move.

    Bryan came back with a nice leaping clothesline and several European uppercuts. Barrett came back with a leaping forearm to cut off Bryan and cover him for a two count. He choked Bryan against the ropes and drilled him with knee strikes. Barrett nailed a running boot, sending Bryan to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Barrett cinched in a side chinlock, trying to work Bryan down. Bryan mounted a comeback and dropkicked Barrett off the apron into the barricade. Bryan launched off the apron with a a leaping knee. The camera angle for that was awesome.

    Bryan nailed a missile dropkick off the top for a two count. They went back and forth. It was good. Bryan grabbed the LeBell Lock but Barrett was able to reach the ropes. Bryan drilled Barrett with a flurry of kicks in the corner and placed him on the top rope. Barrett shoved Bryan off when he followed and Bryan was crotched on the top. Barrett clotheslined him off the top into the ring, nailed Wasteland and scored the pin.

    Your winner, Wade Barrett!

    Very good match. We saw more elements of the classic Bryan Danielson matwork and style here than we have in some time. Barrett and Bryan meshed really well in the ring and this was the best Barrett has looked in a long time. Now, the booking decision is certainly something to discuss but the body of work was entertaining.

    Good video promo for the Orton vs. Christian match.

    No Holds Barred: World champ Christian vs. Randy Orton

    Christian said that he couldn't wait for this moment after he told Orton he had a major announcement that was going to change everything. He said that unlike Triple H, Teddy Long and Orton, he is a man of his word and introduced his best friend, Edge. Even though Christian is a heel, there was a big pop for that. With his haircut and sunglasses, Edge looked a little like Brian Pillman. They hugged in the center of the ring.

    Edge took the mic. He said his entrance was fun, but he's been told by the WWE doctors that he'll never be physically cleared to wrestle ever again. The place booed. He said he booed too and it was a bitter pill to swallow. Edge said that he was OK because he felt like he passed the torch to Christian and Christian got to become the World champion. He said it was unfair Teddy Long made Christian defend the title 5 days after he won it. He said that Christian moaned and complained and moaned week after week and finally got his title back. Edge questioned Christian winning the World title by DQ. Edge said that he did a lot of really terrible things but he did it with style and didn't hide behind lawyers and clipboards. Edge told Christian that somewhere along the way, he became a disgrace to himself. Edge told him that he loves him and will love him to the day he dies, but Christian needs to hear this from Edge because he won't listen to it from anyone else. He says that he can't believe his best friend became a whining, moaning little bitch and walked out on Christian.

    Good video promo for the Orton vs. Christian match.

    No Holds Barred: World champ Christian vs. Randy Orton

    Christian said that he couldn't wait for this moment after he told Orton he had a major announcement that was going to change everything. He said that unlike Triple H, Teddy Long and Orton, he is a man of his word and introduced his best friend, Edge. Even though Christian is a heel, there was a big pop for that. With his haircut and sunglasses, Edge looked a little like Brian Pillman. They hugged in the center of the ring.

    Edge took the mic. He said his entrance was fun, but he's been told by the WWE doctors that he'll never be physically cleared to wrestle ever again. The place booed. He said he booed too and it was a bitter pill to swallow. Edge said that he was OK because he felt like he passed the torch to Christian and Christian got to become the World champion. He said it was unfair Teddy Long made Christian defend the title 5 days after he won it. He said that Christian moaned and complained and moaned week after week and finally got his title back. Edge questioned Christian winning the World title by DQ. Edge said that he did a lot of really terrible things but he did it with style and didn't hide behind lawyers and clipboards. Edge told Christian that somewhere along the way, he became a disgrace to himself. Edge told him that he loves him and will love him to the day he dies, but Christian needs to hear this from Edge because he won't listen to it from anyone else. He says that he can't believe his best friend became a whining, moaning little bitch and walked out on Christian

    Christian screamed at Edge to come back but Orton began making his way to the ring.

    Orton had the advantage early but Christian nailed several rights. Orton cut him off with a clothesline. Christian, on the apron, thumbed Orton in the eye and snapped him over the ropes. He nailed a flying elbow for a one count.

    Christian choked Orton in the corner. Orton came back to whip Christian into the buckles and backdropped him. He began the Garvin stomps. Christian stood on Orton's back, forcing him against the ropes. Christian was grabbed for a DDT but Christian backdropped him over the top to the floor. Orton looked to be grabbing his left shoulder as he got up. They battled on the floor, where Orton slammed Christian into the barricade.

    Orton and Christian battled to the announcing table. Orton went for a RKO on the table but Christian slipped out, grabbed the World title belt and took off through the crowd. Orton caught him halfway up the Arena and was forced back toward the ring with punches. Orton stomped Christian's head.

    Back in the ring, Orton peppered Christian with punches in the corner. He charged but Christian sidestepped him and Orton nailed the ringpost shoulder-first. There was a sizeable "Let's go Christian" chant. Christian tossed Orton into the ring and grabbed a kendo stick from under the ring. He nailed Orton in the mid-section with it and lit up Orton's back before choking him with it. He covered Orton for a two count.

    Christian missed a shot with the stick and Orton drilled him with a kick. Christian reversed a whip and nailed Orton in the throat with a thrust. He covered Orton for a two count. Orton slipped out of a charge in the corner and rolled up Christian for a two count. Christian came back with a spinebuster for a two count.

    Christian grabbed the stick and came off the top with it but was drilled by an Orton dropkick. Orton was bleeding from the lip by this point. Orton nailed several clotheslines and a snap powerslam. He grabbed the kendo stick and wound up on Christian, but was caught with a kick. Orton came back with a near fall and nailed a Thesz Press for a two count.

    Orton went for the hanging DDT but Christian slipped out and went for the Killswitch. Orton reversed that into a DDT for a near fall. Orton began smiling maniacally and teased the punt kick. He went for it but Christian rolled out of the way. Christian tried to post Orton's legs but Orton pulled his knees up and Christian hit the ringpost.

    Orton went digging under the the ring and slid out a table, then a second. Orton brought one into the ring, then went to retrieve Christian. Christian tackled him into the ring apron and set up a table on the outside of the ring. Orton and Christian battled around the table. They then battled into the ring and up to the top. Orton nailed a superplex onto the flat table in the ring. Ouch. He covered Orton who kicked up at the last second.

    Orton went to set up the table but it was already cracked and falling a part from the superplex. He placed it against one of the corners. Orton tried to send Christian into it but Christian stopped the breaks. He tried to spear Orton into it but Orton leapfrogged him. He went after Christian who reversed and tossed Orton over the top to the floor. They battled on the outside, where Orton reversed a whip, sending Christian into the steel steps.

    Christian set up a portion of the steps against the ring and slammed Orton's head into them. Christian began dragging the limp Orton back towards the announcing tables. He grabbed a monitor and drilled it into Orton's face. He pulled Orton onto the table and attempted to nail a RKO through the table on Orton but Orton reversed and drilled Christian through the table.

    Both men sold it like they were dead and eventually made it to the ring. Orton went for the RKO but Christian turned it into the Killswitch for a near fall that the crowd thought was the finish. Christian grabbed a pair of chairs for a Conchairto. He went for it but Orton rolled out of the wau. Orton grabbed one of the chairs and unloaded on Christian with it. He drilled Christian off the apron with it and Christian crashed through the table they left at ringside.

    Orton grabbed the steel steps and brought them into the ring, then tossed more weapons from under the ring. Orton placed Christian on the steps and tried to stomp his head. Christian escaped but was caught and nailed with a scoopslam into the table in the corner. Orton drilled Christian with the kendo stick. He set up a trash can and nailed him with the hanging DDT onto the can. He ripped up his hand somewhere along the way as his fingers were all bloody

    Orton set up for an RKO on the steps but Christian drilled him with the kendo stick. Orton came back to nail it on the steps and pinned Christian.

    Your winner and new World champion, Randy Orton!

    Excellent match. Unlike most matches with hardcore elements, they told a hell of a story and had a number of teases that came back into play later. Some of the reversals in the match were brilliance. Really great.

    They ran a video piece on AXXESS.

    We sneak a look at Triple H and Stephanie McMahon talking in a hallway before sharing a snog.

    WWE champion CM Punk vs. WWE champion John Cena - title vs. title with Triple H as the special referee

    They lock up and Punk muscles Cena into the corner. Clean break. Lots of dueling chants immediately. Punk grabs an arm, then transitions into a headlock. Punk is sent into the ropes and shoulderblocks Cena down for a quick near fall.

    Cena used a headlock takeover on Punk. Punk brings Cena up to the ropes and shoots him off but is shoulderblocked down. They had some nice back and forth wrestling and near falls. Punk tied up Cena on the mat. Cena caught Punk in a suplex for a near fall and cinched in a side chinlock.

    Cena slammed Punk and dropped an elbow for a two count. Cena locked in a side chinlock. Punk tossed him off and kicked Cena down. Big CM Punk chant. He began drilling Cena with knee strikes and a kick to the gut sends Cena toppling over. Punk covered Cena for a two count.

    Punk dropped several headbutts across Cena's chest and scissored Cena's body, mocking him. Cena escaped and looked to be going for the STF but Punk kicked him off towards the ropes. They battled over a suplex until Punk kicked Cena in the head. Punk nailed a springboard dropkick off the ropes, sending Cena to the floor. Cena returned to the ring and Punk covered him for a one count. He continued the onslaught including the Earthquake splash.

    Punk tied up Cena in a hold but Cena powered to his feet and slid Punk into a sideslam. Cena nailed a shoulderblock but Punk nailed Cena with a high knee when Cena went for another, scoring a near fall. Cena made a comeback. He went for the Blue Thunder bomb but Punk reversed it into a takedown. He nailed a knee strike. Cena came back with another bomb.

    Cena went for the STF. Punk went to the ropes but was pulled back. He twisted his body and grabbed Punk in the Anconda Vice. Cena reversed it with a rear chinlock. Punk turned that into a keylock. He tried to muscle Cena into a pinfall situation but Cena reversed it back into the STF. Before Cena could lock his leg in place and trap Punk, Punk dropped his leg across the bottom rope to escape.

    Cena charged Punk but ended up deposited to the outside. Punk nailed a suicide dive to the outside. Both men were out and Triple H began counting. He got to nine, stopped and went to the outside. He tossed them back into the ring. I guess that's the WWE's answer to UFC standing up fighters.

    Punk used a double Mongolian chop. Cena fired back with punches. Punk with chops. Great exchange. God, I am loving this. Cena went for the AA. Punk slipped out and charged. Cena dropkicked him in the face and nailed the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena went for the AA but Punk turned it into a sunset flip for a two count. Cena and Punk went into a great back and forth sequence that ended with Punk nailing a roundhouse kick to the head for another near fall.

    Punk went for the GTS but Cena slipped out and shoved Punk into the corner. Cena nailed a splash in the corner for another near fall. Cena went to the top but Punk nailed him with the running knee strike. Punk drilled him with a bulldog off the ropes for a two count. Punk went to nail his clothesline off the ropes but was caught in mid-air and trapped in the STF. Punk desperately pulled himself to the ropes and finally made it, forcing the break.

    Cena muscled up Punk for the AA but Punk kept slipping out. Cena finally nailed it and scored a two count that was so close, Cena was stunned. Cena gained control and went for the Alabama Jam but Punk moved. Cena looked like he hurt his legs. Punk drilled him with the GTS but Cena kicked up at the last minute. Now Punk was looking shocked and was acting as if he hurt his knee when he nailed the GTS. Punk was now limping.

    Punk gingerly went to the top rope and did the Randy Savage motions before hitting the top rope elbow for another near fall. There was a loud "Randy Savage" chant. Punk had words with HHH over the call. Cena caught Punk in an inside cradle for a near fall. Punk and Cena battled back and forth with strikes and punches. Punk nailed a series of knees and went for the GTS again.

    Punk covered Cena and HHH counted the pin. Cena's foot was clearly on the ropes. They began playing Punk's music, so I guess....

    Your winner and Undisputed champion CM Punk!

    Cena tried to explain to HHH but Hunter said he didn't see it. Punk sat in the ringside table smiling and began walking around ringside celebrating. Cena left while HHH wguirias standing in the ring. Punk returned to the ring. HHH offered his hand. Punk wouldn't take it. HHH raised his hand. HHH exited the ring.

    Punk celebrated on the ropes when Kevin Nash, YES KEVIN NASH, hit the ring and clotheslined Punk, then powerbombed him before heading through the crowd. HHH returned to ringside looking stunned.

    Out came Alberto Del Rio with the Money in the Bank contract. He cashes in and drills Punk the leaping enziguiri, pinning Punk.

    Your winner and new WWE champion, Alberto Del Rio!

    HHH argued with the referee who counted the fall but was told it was legal.

    2013 - Brooke Orndorff, the granddaughter of WWE Hall of Famer Paul Orndorff was arrested at her home in Fayetteville, NC and charged with robbery and battery from an incident that took place on 8/3. Her father, Paul Orndorff III, was also arrested and charged with was charged with being party to robbery, party to the battery and two counts of financial identity fraud. The Citizen reported that the male victim was dropping Brooke off at her home when she attacked him physically. He exited his car, where the beating continued. Brooke's father "threatened" the victim not to get up. A third person, who the authorities are still looking for, allegedly stole the victim's wallet. The victim suffered a facial fracture as well as cuts and bruises.

    2013 - WWE broadcast Main Event. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We are in San Jose, California and your announcers are Josh ‘I know the way’ Mathews and Miz

    Match Number One: Alberto Del Rio versus Cody Rhodes in a Non Title Match

    They lock up momentarily. Del Rio with a waist lock and Rhodes with a leg sweep. Del Rio with kicks to Rhodes and then he tries for the float over but Rhodes is able to escape. Del Rio tries for a kick but Rhodes avoids it. Del Rio with forearms and a side head lock. Rhodes with forearms to the ribs but Del Rio holds on to the side head lock. Del Rio continues to hold on to the side head lock.

    Rhodes with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets out of the hold and he follows with a drop kick and forearms. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the back and he chokes Rhodes in the ropes.

    Del Rio with a belly-to-back set up into a uranage for a near fall and he goes to the reverse chin lock. Rhodes with punches but Del Rio sends Rhodes to the mat. Cody goes to the apron and Cody avoids Del Rio and Cody with a springboard drop kick.

    Rhodes with punches to Del Rio and then he hits the drop down uppercut. Del Rio falls into the ropes and Rhodes with a kick to the abdomen. Rhodes with a snap mare. Rhodes lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and Rhodes with Beautiful Disaster but Del Rio rolls to the floor and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Del Rio with punches. Rhodes with a kick but Del Rio sends Rhodes to the apron and Del Rio drops Rhodes on the top rope. Del Rio drops Rhodes’ arm on the top rope to get Rhodes ready for the cross arm breaker. Del Rio with a kick to the arm and then he sends Cody into the ringside barrier.

    Del Rio sends Rhodes into the apron and ringside barrier again as he focuses on the left arm. Del Rio with a kick to the arm. Del Rio with a kick to the midsection. Rhodes with a kick and punch but Del Rio with shoulders in the corner. Del Rio puts Rhodes in the Tree of Woe and then he connects with a running kick to the injured arm.

    Del Rio with forearms to the back and he sets for an inverted superplex but Rhodes with elbows and Del Rio goes to the mat. Rhodes with a moonsault and both men are down. Rhodes with elbows followed by a snap mare and running knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Del Rio sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and Rhodes tries for Cross Rhodes but Del Rio sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and he hits an enzuigiri and Del Rio gets a near fall.

    Del Rio chokes Rhodes and then he kicks the injured arm Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles but Rhodes with forearms to stop Del Rio. Del Rio with a cross arm breaker in the ropes and he releases the hold before the referee gets to five.

    Rhodes with Beautiful Disaster and he gets a near fall. Rhodes gets to his feet first and Del Rio with a single arm breaker and a super kick but it does not hit the target fully. Del Rio signals for the cross arm breaker but Rhodes avoids it. Del Rio with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Del Rio with kicks to Rhodes.

    Del Rio pulls down the knee pad and the knee brace for a super kick but Del Rio misses. Rhodes with Cross Rhodes and both men are down and Rhodes cannot capitalize on the situation. Del Rio sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and then Del Rio floats over into the cross arm breaker and Rhodes tries to keep Del Rio from locking it in. Del Rio is able to stop Rhodes’ attempts to block it and Del Rio forces Rhodes to tap out.

    Winner: Alberto Del Rio

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at the CM Punk versus Brock Lesnar match at SummerSlam.

    Match Number Two: Jimmy and Jey Uso versus Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater (with Jinder Mahal)

    Jimmy and Slater start things off and Slater avoids Jimmy. They lock up and Slater with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Slater blocks a hip toss but Jimmy blocks one as well and he hits a short arm clothesline and gets a near fall. Jey tags in and he connects with a double sledge from the turnbuckles.

    Slater with a boot to Jey and he connects with forearms to the back and he tags in Drew. Drew with a kick and punch to Jey. Drew with a kick and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex and Jey lands on his feet and he tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with a sunset flip and he hits a clothesline and flying back elbow.

    Jimmy with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Drew charges at Jimmy and Jimmy sends Drew onto Slater and Mahal. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Slater kicks Jimmy and he plays some air guitar. Slater with a punch followed by a snap mare and knee to the back. Drew tags in and he kicks Jimmy and connects with a forearm to the back. Jimmy with a chop and he sends Drew into the turnbuckles. Jimmy with a punch and Jey with a back elbow and he gets a near fall after being tagged in.

    Jey with an arm bar. Jimmy tags in and he punches Drew. Jimmy with a chop. Drew with an Irish whip but Jimmy goes to the apron and he takes care of Mahal and Slater, but Drew with a boot that knocks Jimmy to the floor. Drew runs Jimmy into the apron and then he tags in Slater.

    Heath with a forearm to the back of the head and then he sends Jimmy into the ringside barrier. Slater rolls Jimmy back in and gets a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Jimmy with a jawbreaker but Slater with a side kick and he gets a near fall. Drew tags in and he kicks Jimmy in the midsection.

    Drew sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles and he sends him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle and he punches Jimmy. Mahal with a punch to Jimmy when the referee deals with Drew and Drew gets a near fall.

    Slater tags in and he chops Jimmy. Jimmy fights back but Slater with a kick and he gets a near fall. Drew tags back in and they kick Jimmy to wear him down and he keeps Jimmy from getting close to his corner. Jimmy with a Samoan Drop and both men are down. Slater and Jey tag in and Jey with forearms and a kick followed by an uppercut. Jey with a flying forearm.

    Jey with the running butt splash and he connects. Jey gets a near fall but Drew breaks up the cover. Jimmy sends Drew to the floor and then Jimmy tags in and Jey with a savate kick and Jimmy hits the Superfly splash while Jey hits a plancha onto Drew and Jinder. Jimmy gets the three count.

    Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a reminder of the SummerSlam Kickoff Show featuring the United States Title Match between Dean Ambrose and Rob Van Dam.

    We take a look back at John Cena and Daniel Bryan from Raw.

    Match Number Three: Big E Langston (with AJ Lee) versus Justin Gabriel

    They lock up and Langston with a forearm and then he backs Gabriel into the corner and he applies a front face lock and he takes Gabriel to the mat. Langston backs Gabriel into the corner and the referee pull Langston out of the corner. Gabriel with a chop and forearms but Langston pushes Gabriel away.

    Gabriel with a drop kick but Langston with an uranage when Gabriel goes at him in the corner. Langston hits a running splash but gets a near fall. Langston with a punch to the midsection followed by an abdominal stretch. Langston with a stomach claw and forearms to the abdomen before releasing the hold.

    Gabriel with punches to Langston but Langston blocks one kick but Gabriel with another kick that connects. Langston with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Langston with a rear chin lock with his knee in Gabriel’s back.

    Langston hangs Gabriel over the apron and connects with a forearm. Langston with a punch to the midsection followed by a back breaker and he holds on to Gabriel for a second back breaker. Langston with a third back breaker and then he pulls Gabriel into the center of the ring. Langston goes for the splash again but Gabriel moves out of the way.

    Gabriel avoids a charge into the corner and Gabriel with an enzugiri and rollup for a near fall. Gabriel with a series of kicks and a forearm and spinning back heel kick. Gabriel with a cross body into the corner and he goes to the apron for a springboard cross body. Langston catches Gabriel and tries for the Big Ending but Gabriel counters with an elbow drop and then he hits a quebrada for a near fall.

    Gabriel with forearms and a front face lock but Langston pushes Gabriel to the mat and hits a body block. The straps are down and Langston gets Gabriel up for the Big Ending and he gets the three count.

    Winner: Big E Langston

  3. #3
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    nice thanks for the read Lion

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