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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE Backlash PPV 2016 LIVE Coverage and Discussion

    WWE Backlash Kick-Off Show


    WWE World Championship
    Dean Ambrose (c) vs. AJ Styles

    Six-Pack Challenge
    WWE Smackdown Women's Championship

    Alexa Bliss vs. Becky Lynch vs. Carmella vs. Naomi vs. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella

    Tah Team Tournament Final
    WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship

    TBD vs. Heath Slater and Rhyno

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    The Miz (c)(w/ Maryse) vs. Dolph Ziggler

    Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt

    Semi-Final: WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship tournament
    The Usos vs. The Hype Bros

    (Card subject to change)

    Backlash 2016 (SDLive)
    Date: 11th Sep, 2016
    Location: Richmond Coliseum - Richmond, Virginia

    The show opened with a remembrance of 9/11.

    They then went into a video feature on all the top matches before a lot of pyro for the opening.

    "Survivor" star Jonny Fairplay is in the front row.

    Out came Smackdown Live Commissioner Shane McMahon. Daniel Bryan then made his way to the ring. They welcomed everyone to the PPV. They thanked everyone for their support and said they were going to give the Red team all they could handle. Bryan plugged tonight's title defenses and that they would crown the first ever Smackdown Tag Team champions. They said they were going to kick off with the Women's championship right now.

    Elimination bout to crown first WWE Smackdown Women's championship match
    Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki Bella vs. Natalya vs. Naomi vs. Carmella

    All six began battling at the bell. It settled down to Becky and Naomi. Lynch nailed a series of deep armdrags and cinched in the armbar. They went back and forth. Naomi nailed a series of kicks on Lynch. She charged her but was sent over the top to the floor. Lynch ascended the ropes but Carmella nailed her. They battled in the corner. Carmella hit a handstand into a rana off the ropes, which looked nice.

    Nikki returned to the ring and faced off with Carmella but Lynch and Natalya attacked them before they could throw down. Bliss drilled Bella with a double knee strike for a two count. Bella nailed a bodypress off the ropes for a two count. Bliss nailed a sunset flip powerbomb for a two count. Natalya cut her off with a dropkick and nailed a legdrop for a two count.

    Lynch returned to the fray to nail a series of flying forearms. Natalya was caught with a sit-down full nelson bomb by Naomi, who then locked on a cattle mutiliation. Carmella caught Naomi with a big kick but was speared by Bella. Carmella drilled her with a right and tried to lock in the Code of Silence. Bella turned it into an Alabama Slam for a two count in a nice sequence. Bella placed Carmella on the buckles. She attempted a superplex but Natalya slipped under with a powerbomb in a Tower of Doom spot.

    Bliss tried to pick the bones and covered each of them for near falls, but they each kicked up. Bliss began beating on Carmella and complained about the referee's count. Becky grabbed her and went for the Disarmher but was sent into the corner. Bliss nailed a sunset flip bomb for a two count. Carmella hit the ring and nailed a series of forearms, sending Bliss to the outside. Bella knocked her through the ropes and teased a dive but Carmella cut her off Naomi returned and sent Carmella to the floor. Naomi nailed a big springboard dive to the outside that looked great on everyone.

    Bliss stomped the hell out of Natalya in the coner and rained down with punches. Natalya went for a running Ligerbomb but Bliss held on Naomi came off the top and nailed a Blockbuster and Bliss was pinned.

    Alexa Bliss has been eliminated. Five competitors left.

    Naomi used headscissors to send Natalya to the outside. Naomi battled Bella but was nailed with a big forearm as she came off the ropes. Natalya locked her in a Sharpshooter and Naomi tapped.

    Naomi eliminated. Four competitors left.

    Carmella and Natalya cornered Bella. Natalya turned on Carmella before they could do anything, but Bella nailed Natalya. Bella nailed a backbreaker to pin Natalya. Carmella rolled up Bella and hooked the rights, scoring the pin. Carmella shoved her but Bella drilled her.

    Bella and Natalya eliminated. Two competitors left.

    Carmella was losing it over Bella nailing her. She began beating Lynch, smashing her head into the mat. Lynch came to life and nailed a series of exploders. Lynch charged but was kicked down by Carmella. Carmella kicked away at her and went to grab her but Lynch snatched her and locked her in the Disarmher. Carmella tapped.

    Your winner and first WWE Smackdown Women's champion: Becky Lynch

    After the match:
    Lynch was interviewed after and thanked everyone for their support. She said that every time people sing her song and hug and bring signs, they push her. She called herself Becky Balboa and said she didn't even know how to put the title on her shoulder yet. She seemed legitimately thrilled.

    We go to commercial.

    Clash of Champions in two weeks.

    WWE Intercontinental champ The Miz was walking backstage when he came across Jagger Eaton's dressing room. Miz was upset Eaton had a locker room. He acted as if he didn't know who Eaton was. Eaton said they met at a previous Nickelodeon event and he complimented Miz's work in the Marine movies, so Miz invited him here. Miz said that he was great in those movies. Eaton apologized for taking the locker room and invited Miz to be on his show...if they couldn't get John Cena. He closed the door on Miz. Miz played a good fool for Eaton in the cross-promotion bit.

    Bray Wyatt had attacked Randy Orton, who was on the floor, and was slammed a door on his ankle. The announcers wondered if the match tonight could be in jeopardy.

    Semi-Final: WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship tournament
    The Usos vs. The Hype Bros

    Usos came out with a totally different demeanour with black outfits and no paint. Rawley backdropped and slammed Jey Uso, setting Zack up for a slingside splash into the ring. Ryder nailed a facebuster and set up for the Facewash in the corner but Jimmy pulled Uso away. Zack hit a sliding kick to the outside and then nailed a dropkick off the apron to the floor on them. Mojo charged the Usos and tackled them into the barricade.

    Ryder put his head down after sending one of the Usos into the ropes and was kicked in the face. The Usos began double teaming him and sent him to the floor. They worked him over and dumped him back in the ring, where he was nailed with a falling headbutt. They continued to double team Ryder who kept kicking up. Rawley was all hyped up in the corner wanting to be tagged in. Jimmy Uso drilled Ryder with a big roundhouse kick. They nailed the running hip attack on Ryder, although the camera angle revealed how it only grazed Ryder.

    Jey continued to work over Ryder, who came back with a hangman's neck breaker. Jimmy Uso was tagged in and kicked Mojo off the apron to prevent Ryder from making the tag. The Usos worked over Ryder in their corner. Ryder fought them off and finally made the hot tag to Mojo, who began cleaning house. He nailed a big Stinger Splash in the corner on Jey. He caught Jey coming off the ropes and nailed the press slam and dropped him. Jimmy Uso pulled Mojo to the floor and slammed him into the canvas.

    Ryder nailed a top rope rana on one of the Uso. He nailed a Broski Boot on Jimmy but was nailed with a chop block from behind on Ryder. They attacked Ryder the same way they attacked Chad Gable and cinched in a single leg Boston Crab. Ryder finally tagged.

    Winners: The Usos

    We go to commercial.

    Rhyno and Heath Slater were interviewed about their match tonight. Slater said he felt like $100,000 and was like the guy in Star Wars who fought the Empire alone. Who was that? He slapped Rhyno's shoulder and Rhyno looked like he was angry. Slater walked off. He then returned and thanked Young for the interview and then told Rhyno his stomach felt a little off because of something his wife made and he was nervous because he needed to win. Rhyno reminded him they were still on the air and Slater was surprised, then tried to play it off like he was swerving Rhyno as a joke. He cut a promo hyping himself up and then acted as if he was going to poop himself and said he had to go. Young then said she had to go too, trying to get away from whatever smell leaked out of Slater.

    WWE Intercontinental championship match
    The Miz ((c)(w/ Maryse) vs. Dolph Ziggler

    Backstage, Miz demanded respect from Daniel Bryan and said they were going to negotiate a new contract for him right now. Bryan was silent, not giving Miz what he wanted. Miz's music hit and said he was going to do what Bryan can't do anymore and now the negotiations were going to be harder.

    Ziggler started out aggressive but Miz Zbyszko left the ring and killed time walking around. Ziggler was controlling Miz but was caught with right hand and Miz slammed him down. Ziggler made a comeback with a series of dropkicks but avoided a superkick. Miz sent Ziggler into the ropes and worked him over. Ziggler cut him off but was caught during a dropkick attempt and hit a catapult that sent Ziggler over the top to the floor.

    Ziggler was grabbing at his shoulder as he came up. Miz hit a dropkick through the ropes and sent Ziggler back into the ring, scoring a two count. Ziggler sent Miz into the corner and went for the splash but Miz moved. Miz locked on a modified surfboard, working on Ziggler's back, then stomped the back of Dolph's knees. Miz continued to lay waste to Ziggler, nailing the Awesome clothesline in the corner.

    Ziggler surprised Miz with a forward roll but Miz escaped at two. He followed up with a big dropkick but was too exhausted to follow up. He drilled Miz with an elbow as he charged in the corner. Ziggler nailed a series of clotheslines, a splash in the corner and a neckbreaker. He took down Miz and began nailing elbows. They continued back and forth until Miz nailed his shoulder on the ringpost. He was able to nail a slingshot off the ropes into a sitdown powerbomb, but his shoulder was hurting and was unable to make the cover initially. When he did, Dolph kicked out.

    Dolph went to kick Miz as he charged, but Miz snatched the leg and begna working it over. Ziggler caught him with a bulldog for a two count. Miz blocked the Zig Zag. Ziggler cinched in a sleeper. Miz tried to get to the ropes but was pulled away. He finally ran to the buckles, slamming Ziggler into it. Ziggler caught Miz with a leaping DDT but Miz kicked up at two.

    Ziggler went for a superkick but Miz blocked it, nailed a DDT and cinched in a figure four leglock. Ziggler battles and makes it to the ropes. Nice pop when he makes it. Miz continued to work on the leg and nailed a running kick to the face. Miz went for the figure four again but Ziggler pushed him off and nailed the superkick but Miz got his foot on the ropes at the last second.

    Miz pulled himself out of the ring and tried to climb up the aisle. Ziggler caught him and brought him back to the ring. Maryse distracted Ziggler, allowing him to roll up Ziggler. Ziggler rolled through and even hooked the tights but Miz kicked out. Ziggler was sent into the ropes, where Maryse pulled out an old Missy Hyatt trick and sprayed him in the eyes. Miz nailed the Skull Crushing Finale and scored the pin.

    Winner: The Miz

    We go to commercial.

    Bray Wyatt came to the ring. The crowd chanted for "Randy."

    They announced that due to injury, Randy Orton will not be competing. Wyatt demanded they ring the bell, so he could win by forfeit. They rang the bell and began counting Orton out. Wyatt was announced the winner via forfeit.

    They then announced Wyatt would compete in a No Holds Barred Match against....

    Kane's music hit.

    No Holds Barred Match
    Kane vs. Bray Wyatt

    They immediately brawled to the ringside area. Wyatt was dumped into the timekeeper's area. Kane set up a table but Wyatt nailed him with a ring bell. Kane fought him back and they returned to the ring. Wyatt nailed a kick but was sent to the floor with a big boot. Kane went to follow him but Wyatt nailed him with a chair to the leg.

    Wyatt worked over Kane with the chair, nailing him across the back and drilling him in the mid-section. They battled back and forth and returned to the floor, where Kane was placed atop of a commentary table. Wyatt nailed a back senton splash off one table through the other, destroying it as he put Kane through it. Wyatt brought him back to the ring and went for Sister Abigail but Kane slipped out and nailed a chokeslam for a two count.

    Kane set up a chair and called for a tombstone but Wyatt slipped out and drilled him with a Uranage on the chair for a two count. Randy Orton came out and began limping towards the ring. The crowd chanted for Orton. Bray turned his attention to Orton but Kane sat him. Orton caught him with the RKO out of nowhere and left the ring.

    Kane grabbed Wyatt and nailed a chokeslam for the pin.

    Winner: Kane

    AJ Styles was walking backstage when he came across two local wrestlers. He said he knows where they have been, sleeping in their cars and hitting the indy scene. He told them they are going to be destined for failure, but they can always say that they met "him" on the night he became WWE World champion.

    They announced the next Smackdown brand PPV will be 10/9 for No Mercy.

    WWE Smackdown Live Tag Team Championship Match
    The Usos vs. Heath Slater & Rhyno

    Slater came out strong early, controlling Jey Usos. There was a "ECW" chant for Rhyno when he tagged in. Slater was caught on the floor and hit with a double suplex into the ringpost. The Usos trapped Slater and continued taking their time beating him down. Slater finally drilled Jey Uso down with a kick as he charged in the corner. Rhyno was almost tagged in but Jimmy Uso caught Slater and sent him hard into the buckles.

    The Usos continued to savage Slater. Jey slammed Heath after antagonizing Rhyno for a two count. The crowd chanted for Rhyno. Slater almost made the tag but Jey Uso grabbed him by the hair and slammed him down to the mat. Uso drilled Slater back into their corner and continued tagging in and out. Rhyno finally made the tag and cleaned house but missed a charge in the corner and was down.

    Slater tagged himself back in and cleaned house. He had one of the Usos pinned but the other pulled him out of the ring. He was caught by a Jimmy Uso superkick but Rhyno gored Uso while the referee was preoccupied with the other Uso. Slater rolled atop of him for the pin.

    Winners and the first WWE Smackdown Tag Team champions: Heath Slater and Rhyno

    After the match:
    The new champions were interviewed in the ring after their win. Slater thanked Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan. He was excited about winning and said it was the biggest moment of his life except for a couple of his kids being born. He declared to his wife Beulah that they were getting a double wide.

    WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Dean Ambrose (c) vs. AJ Styles

    Styles demanded to be announced as "The Face That Runs the Place." Styles tried to steal a win with a rollup and a small package but Ambrose kicked up. Dean offered his jaw for Styles to hit. They locked up and Styles took him to the ropes and told Dean that he owns him. Dean hit him with a right and began whipping out slams and suplexes. Styles went to the floor and Dean followed Styles nailed him with a double axehandle as the champ returned to the ring.

    Ambrose was worked over but executed a sunset flip for a two count. Styles escaped and nailed a forearm. Styles drilled him into the corner. Dueling chants for each man. Ambrose nailed a big backdrop. Styles went to the floor. Dean teased a dive but Styles slid in and caught him with a drop toehold as Ambrose raced across the ring.

    Styles nailed a hangman's neckbreaker for a two count. Styles picked up Dean and dropped him across the top rope. Dean fought back but was nailed with a beautiful dropkick and covered for a two count. Styles continued to work over Dean, telling him he can do this all night. Styles wailed away on Dean in the corner. Dean tossed him in the corner and stomped the hell out of Styles in the corner. He charged Styles and nailed the ringpost shoulder-first. Styles and Ambrose continued to battle. Styles missed a splash in the corner.

    They battled to the top where Ambrose nailed a brutal looking back suplex off the top into the ring. Both men were down and were almost counted out. Styles went to the floor. Ambrose came off the top to the floor with an elbow. Back in the ring, Ambrose missed a charge but caught Styles with a sit-out wheelbarrow facebuster for a close two count.

    The battle continued until Styles caught Dean and drilled his knee down to the mat with all of Styles' weight behind it. Dean began grabbing and screaming at the leg and the announcers pointed out that Styles had him set up for the Calf Crusher. Styles began working on Dean's leg to worsen it's condition. Styles locked in the Calf Crusher. He tried to force a submission but Dean grabbed him and began beating his head into the mat, forcing a break.

    Styles went for the Styles Clash but Dean grabbed the ropes. Styles dumped him over it to the apron and nailed a step up enziguri. Styles attempted to do it on the apron but Dean slipped out and catapulted Styles into the ringpost. That was a pretty sweet exchange. Ambrose nailed a bulldog but Styles kicked up. Styles nailed a Fireman's Carry into a neckbreaker for a two count.

    Styles nailed a backbreaker into a whirly bird for a two count. Styles nailed a springboard 450 splash for a two count. Ambrose caught him with a neckbreaker for a two count. He unloaded with punches and strikes and nailed a sick dropkick that sent Styles rudely to the floor. Styles was sent crashing over the announcing table following a tope suicida. Styles was dumped over the barricade into the first row. Ambrose charged across the tables and jumped off the barridcade, coming off with a double axehandle.

    Ambrose brought him back into the ring but was nailed with the Pele Kick. Ambrose hit the rebound clothesline and went for Dirty Deeds but Styles shoved him backwards into the referee. Styles kicked Dean low and nailed the Styles Clash and scored the pin.

    Winner and new WWE World Heavyweight champion: AJ Styles

    After the match:
    Dean Ambrose lies in the middle of the ring as the new champion AJ Styles walks to the back holding title high and celebrating.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Randy Orton not medically cleared for Backlash.

    Several sources have noted that Randy Orton will not be able to compete at tonight’s WWE Backlash PPV. Orton was scheduled to face Bray Wyatt in one of the top matches on the card. The issue appears to be concussion-related, which would mean Orton has not passed an Impact test.

    There is no word yet on how WWE will handle the situation in terms of its storylines, although WWE are still promoting the match. This indicates WWE might run an injury angle this afternoon or even during the show to explain the situation.

    Randy Orton returned to WWE in late July after missing 9 months due to shoulder surgery. He’s wrestled only a handful of matches since then, most recently at SummerSlam against Brock Lesnar.

    There is a great chance that the scheduled rematch between Orton and Lesnar on 24th September in Chicago will not take place as well, unless Orton is cleared before then. As of now, that bout is still up in the air.

    Orton is backstage at the Backlash PPV in Richmond, Virginia.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad opeming match for the Women's title. Glad Becky won

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol What a piss weak injury angle for Orton.

  5. #5
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    I haven't taken my Connor's Cure bracelet off since I got it.

    Such a fantastic cause.

  6. #6
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    I remember being so pumped after Dolph's performance at Survivor Series 2014. Not even two years later and I'm rooting for Miz against him.

  7. #7
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Holy damn Maryse.

  8. #8
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Ziggler not even wearing PPV tights for this match.

    He ain't winning.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Role Model View Post
    I haven't taken my Connor's Cure bracelet off since I got it.

    Such a fantastic cause.
    Good man Great cause.

    Quote Originally Posted by Role Model View Post
    I remember being so pumped after Dolph's performance at Survivor Series 2014. Not even two years later and I'm rooting for Miz against him.
    Ziggler should win this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Role Model View Post
    Holy damn Maryse.
    lol She is hot, pisses me off thinking of her in bed with Miz lol

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad tag team match, knew Usos would win, I wonder if American Alpha will interfere in the title match though.

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