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  1. #1
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Default Dengue Dengue - A Novel (And The Road To Finish It)

    *Reserved for future notes etc*

  2. #2
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
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    Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. These may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin itching and skin rash.


    Chapter 1 - Relishing The Horse

    Many words could be used to describe Waldemar.
    Elusive, Strange, Peculiar, Mysterious, Queer, Rare, Odd, Curious, Alien, Bewildering....
    He was also a creature of the equine variety. More commonly known as a unicorn. Complete with a corkscrew horn and all.
    At this very moment he was about to reward himself with some fresh leaves from a Eureka tree on the top of a small hillock when suddenly one of the tree's ripe fruits fell down and skewered itself perfectly on his screwy horn.
    This whole ordeal was supervised by a young girl, who was staggered by what she was witnessing. The young girl was also a princess, who had dreamt of this moment since she was a small babe. Now she crouched further down into the thick shrubbery of the raspberry bush she was hiding in, trying to be as silent as possible, so not to startle the magnificent beast. She relished every second of this amazing moment, so much that she almost forgot to breathe.
    Another, biggeer issue presented itself though, as she could feel a giggle was on it's way, mostly because the scene that played out in front of her didn't even in the slightest resemble anything she had ever read or heard about when it came to unicorns. From her experience, they was supposed to be graceful and noble animals, but this one was neither. At least at the moment. Something that could explained by the fact that he feriously tried to get rid of an apple which conveniently, and probably with a little help from fate, had dropped exactly onto the poor mare's horn. Her mind did wander for a few seconds though, probably a self-defence mechanism, so not to giggle and break the silence. She suddenly found herself wondering what uses a unicorn horn could have. Could it be used as a Wine-opener? Suddenly she imagined a scene from a party with a big gathering of people, and as the host is about to bust open the wine, one of the guests present him with a unicorn-horn wine-opener. With the animal still attached.
    She should not have thought that last thought, because not only did it make her giggle, but flat out laugh...

    Waldemar on his side was startled by the sudden laughter from the shrubberies, and volted forward in surprise.
    He connected with the trunk of the tree with quite an impact, and all of a sudden, an apple stuck on his horn was the least of his problems, as he found himself nailed to the trunk by his horn.
    Not only that, but the sudden impact made several others of the tree's ripe fruits fall down all around him, like small cluster bombs.
    One of the properties of the Eureka apple was that whoever would take a bite of it, would find himself extremely smart for a brief period of time. But that was when you ate them.
    Half blind because of the sticky apple juice running down in his eyes, Waldemar bolted for the deep woods and disappeared.
    The princess stood left behind, flabbergasted and dumbfounded.
    Who would ever believe her?

    Princess Bea knew exactly who, and wasted no time, running trough the castle's immense gardens towards the toolshed.
    It was actually much more than a regular toolshed. It was also the home of her father and mother's private gardener Bertram. And that was exactly who she was seeking.

    To be continued....
    Last edited by Smartmark; 03-16-2023 at 01:31 AM.

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