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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Wrestlemania 39 Live Coverage: Night 1 - April 1st, 2023


    April 1, 2023 8:00 pm

    SoFi Stadium, Inglewood, California

    Available on:
    Peacock (U.S.), WWE Network (International)


    WWE United States Title Match
    John Cena vs. Austin Theory (c)

    SmackDown Women’s Title Match
    Rhea Ripley vs. Charlotte Flair (c)

    Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Match
    Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens vs. The Usos (c)

    Damage CTRL (Bayley, Dakota Kai, IYO SKY) vs. Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch & Lita

    Logan Paul vs. Seth Rollins

    Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio

    Men’s Tag Team Fatal 4 Way
    The Viking Raiders vs. Braun Strowman and Ricochet vs. Alpha Academy vs. The Street Profits

    Crowd: 80,497

    Your announcers are Corey Graves and Michael Cole.

    Your host, the Miz is in the ring with Snoop Dogg.

    Miz welcomes everyone to Wrestlemania. He says they are the perfect tag team to kick off this show. They have a lot in common. Snoop is a multi-platinum artist and Miz was in Wrestlemania the Musical. Snoop has been in 80 movies while Miz has been in the Marine 3, 4, 5, and 6. Miz says Snoop is a Gold Champ while Miz is a Grand Slam Champion.

    Snoop says it is about the people.

    Miz goes over some of the matches on tonight's show.

    Austin Theory makes his way to the ring.

    Video package on John Cena making the most wishes in jistory for Make a Wish foundation.

    Make a Wish kids shown on stage who made a wish to go to Wrestlemania.

    Cena makes his way to the ring.

    United States Championship Match
    Austin Theory (c) vs John Cena

    They lock up and Theory with a side head lock. Cena with a shoulder tackle. They lock up and Cena with a side head lock. Cena with a take down. Theory with a reversal. Cena with a shoulder tackle. They lock up and Cena backs Theory into the corner. Cena with a clean break. They lock up and Theory backs Cena into the corner. Theory bites Cena's ear and Cena is not happy and Theory goes to the floor. Theory hits Cena from behind and then he punches Cena. Theory with a suplex for a near fall. Theory with another suplex for a near fall. Theory goes for a suplex and Cena blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Cena with a punch and Theory punches back. Cena with punches followed by an Irish whip but he runs into a back elbow. Theory with a rolling blockbuster for a near fall. Theory poses on the turnbuckles and it allows Cena to recover a bit. Theory with a rolling drop kick for a near fall.

    Cena avoids the rolling drop kick and Cena with an STF. Theory bites the hand to escape and Theory with a clothesline. Theory mocks Cena. Theory with punches and a back elbow. Theory with a single boot cover for a near fall. Theory with a snap mare and a boot to the head. Theory with a snap mare and another boot to the chest. Theory with a snap mare and Cena blocks the boot. Ccena gets Theory up but Theory escapes and hits a DDT for a near fall. Theory with a clothesline into the corner. Theory does a victory lap and he misses a splash into teh corner. Cena with a punch and Theory punches back. They continue the exchange. Theory with a sleeper.

    Cnena backs Theory into the corner to escape. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and hits it. Theory gets his hand on the ropes to avoid the Attitude Adjustment. The referee is knocked out and Cena applies the STF. Theory taps out but the referee is still knocked out and did not hear the tap. Cena releases the hold and checks on the referee. Theory with a low blow and A Town Down for the three count.

    Winner: Austin Theory (retains championship)

    Titus O'Neil joins commentary for the next match.

    Men's Showcase Match
    Alpha Academy (Chad Gable and Otis) vs The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) vs Braun Strowman and Ricochet vs The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar [with Valhalla])

    Ricochet and Chad start things off and Ricochet with a rollup for a near fall. Gable counters a handstand head scissors with an ankle lock. Gable with a side head lock take down and Ricochet with a head scissors. Ricochet with a near fall and Chad bridges. Chad with a back slide for a near fall. Chad floats over and Otis makes the tag and he hits a shoulder tackle on Ricochet. Chad tags in and hits a back elbow. Braun tags in and Otis comes in and then Dawkins and Ivar enter the ring. Not to feel left out, all eight men are in the ring. They pair of and Ivar works over Dawkins while Erik comments with a knee to Braun followed by a spin kick of doom. Ivar tosses Ricochet to Erik and Ivar with a springboard clothesline. They get Ford up for Ragnarok. The Vikings pose with Valhalla. Braun gets back into the ring and when they turn around Braun with a running shoulder tackle to both men. Gable with a waist lock and Braun with an elbow to escape. Chad with Chaos Theory for a near fall.

    Chad goes up top but Dawkins tags in. Chad misses a splash. Ivar tags in and Dawkins misses a swanton. Ivar goes up top and Valhalla tells him to do a moonsault instead but Dawkins moves. Braun goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall. Otis stands over Braun and he gets Braun up for a World's Strongest Slam. The shirt comes off and it is time for him to go to the turnbuckles. Ford with a kick and Ricochet tags in. Ricochet leaps to the turnbuckles and he Ford kicks him. Chad and Erik set for a double superplex but Otis and Ivar go under for the Tower of Doom sets up but Ricochet hits a cross body on Ford. Dawkins tags in and Braun punches him off the apron. Braun looks at the surroundings and it is time for him to do a running shoulder tackle lap and he hits everyone in his way. Braun wants to do it again and he takes everyone down until Dawkins with an open field tackle.

    Ricochet with a shooting star press onto Dawkins and Erik. Ricochet with a kick and he goes up top and goes for a Shooting Star Press but Dawkins gets his knees up. Ford goes up and hits a frog splash and Dawkins gets the three count.

    Winners: Street Profits

    Video package on Brock lesnar.

    We go to Xavier Woods with Liv Morgan, Butch, Tyler Breeze, and some other people to look at the WWE 2K23 simulator, simulating a Seth Rollins match.

    Seth Rollins vs Logan Paul

    They lock up and Seth with a side head lock. They lock and Seth with a side head lock. Logan with a reversal. Seth with a shoulder tackle. Seth with a thrust kick but he misses The Stomp when Logan moves. Logan with a side head lock and Logan sends Seth over the top rope to the floor. Seth with a double leg take down and punches. Seth backs Logan into the corner. Logan goes to the floor but Seth brings him back to the apron. Logan drops Seth on the top rope and Logan with a round kick. Logan with a Buckshot Lariat. Logan with a punch to the midsection and Seth goes down. Logan with more punches to the body and the referee pulls Logan away. Logan with a boot to the midsection. Logan gets Seth up but Seth with elbows. Logan with a springboard cross body and a moonsault for a near fall.

    Logan gets another near fall. Logan with a kick to the midsection and Rollins with a forearm. Logan with a side Russian leg sweep and a seated Octopus. Logan with elbows and Rollins with chops. They go back and forth. Rollins misses a rolling elbow and Logan with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall. Logan with punches to Seth. Logan goes to the turnbuckles and misses a moonsault. Rollins with a forearm in the corner followed by punches but the referee pulls Seth away. Logan misses a punch and Seth with clotheslines. Seth sends Logan over the top rope to the floor. Rollins with a suicide dive and he returns to the ring for a second one. Seth hits a third one.

    Seth with a Stomp to the hand on the ring steps. They return to the ring and Rollins with a kick and he sets for the Pedigree but Logan counters. Rollins with a sunset flip for a near fall. They exchange near falls. Logan with a punch and Rollins is out but Logan cannot capitalize because of the damage done to the hand earlier. Logan gets a near fall. Logan goes for a head scissors but Rollins catches Logan and hits a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Rollins gets back to his feet and the mascot pulls Logan to the floor and it is KSI. Rollins with a drop kick through the ropes. Rollins grabs KSI and Logan sends Rollins into the ring post. They rearrange the Spanish Announce Table. Logan puts Seth on the table while KSI records. Logan takes a drink and Seth pulls KSI onto the table and Logan hits the frog splash on KSI.

    Rollins pulls Logan back in and hits a Pedigree for a near fall. Rollins with a rolling elbow and a forearm to the back of the head. Rollins sets for the Stomp but Logan catches Rollins and hits Go 2 Sleep. Logan goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall. Logan kiccks Rollins. Logan goes up top for a coast to coast but Seth with a super kick and Logan goes down. Seth with a Stomp for the three count.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    After the match:
    Rollins celebrates as Logan Paul checks on his friend KSI who is still down.

    Trish Stratus, Becky Lynch, and Lita vs Damage CTRL (Bayley, Iyo Sky, and Dakota Kai)

    All six are in the ring and they start to throw punches. Bayley, Iyo, and Dakota go to the floor. Becky with a baseball slide to Dakota and they start things off. Dakota blocks a Manhandle Slam and hits a scorpion kick. Bayley tags in and punches and kicks Becky. Iyo tags in and kiks Becky and follows with a hesitation double knee strike for a near fall. Becky has a kick blocked and Iyo trips her. Iyo with a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Bayley tags in as well as Dakota. They hit a double belly-to-back suplex with a neck breaker for a near fall. Dakota taunts Becky and works on the back. Dakota with a kick and a running boot in the corner for a near fall. Bayley tags in and she works on the back. Bayley mocks Lita and Becky with a jaw breaker. Dakota makes the tag and Becky sends Bayley over the top rope to the floor. Dakota with a kick to Becky. Bayley pulls Trish off the apron before the tag can be made. Iyo tags in.

    Becky with a kick to Dakota and a forearm to Iyo. Dakota keeps Becky from making the tag and connects with an Irish whip but Becky sends Kai to the apron. Lita with a forearm to Dakota and Lita tags in and clotheslines Iyo a few times and knocks Bayley off the apron. Lita with a head scissors take down. Lita with an Irish whip and Iyo floats over. Lita with a head scissors to send Iyo into the turnbuckles. Lita with a splash into the corner. Lita with a waist lock but Iyo with a standing switch. Lita with an elbow and Vertigo for a near fall. Iyo with an Irish whip but Lita with a back elbow. Lita sends Iyo to the mat. Lita knocks Bayley off the apron.

    Lita kicks Iyo and the referee checks on Iyo which allows Kai to kick Lita off the turnbuckles. Iyo gets a near fall. Bayley tags in and they hit a triple super kick for a near fall. Bayley mocks Trish and the referee sends her to her corner. Bayley kicks Lita and they pose in the corner. Iyo tags in and she chokes Lita in the ropes. Dakota tags in and kicks Lita for a near fall. Bayley tags in and so does Iyo. They set for a double back drop but Lita lands on her feet and she hits a double DDT. Lita tags in Trish and Kai tags in. Trish kicks Bayley and connects with a forearm to Kai. Trish with a Thesz Press and punches to Kai. Trish sends Kai into the corner and chops her. Trish with more chops and she hits a neck breaker on Kai for a near fall. Trish with an Irish whip and she runs into a back elbow from Kai. Trish with a handstandcanrana attempt but Kai blocks it and sends Trish to the mat.

    Iyo and Bayley pull Trish off the apron and Becky and Lita with forearms off the apron. Trish with an assisted handstandcanrana to Kai onto Iyo and Bayley on the floor. Trish with a spinebuster and she gets a near fall. Trish sends Kai into the turnbuckles. Lita tags in and Lita with a forearm off Trish's back. Becky tags in and she hits a leg drop off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Becky goes for DisArmHer on Kai but Bayley is stopped by Lita. Bayley with a knee to Becky and a baseball slide to Trish. Bayley pulls Kai into her corner to make the tag. Becky slaps Bayley and Becky tells Bayley to come on. Bayley with a slap and a forearm to the back of the head. Bayley with Rose Plant after Iyo strikes Becky in the ropes. Lita sends Iyo to the floor but Kai with a boot. Trish with Stratusfaction to Kai. Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex to Trish. Bayley and Becky go to the floor and Iyo goes up top for a moonsault onto everyone.

    Everyone beats the referee's count. Becky and Bayley resume things but Lita and Iyo tag in and then everyone tags in and then they pair off. Lita kicks Iyo and hits a Twist of Fate on Iyo. Trish with a round kick to Kia and Lita with a moonsault to Iyo and Dakota. Bayley puts Becky on the turnbuckles for a super belly-to-belly suplex but Becky counters into a super Manhandle Slam for the three count.

    Winners: Becky Lynch, Trish Stratus, and Lita

    Video package of Bianca Belair

    Bad Bunny joins the Spanish Announce Team for this match.

    Rey Mysterio vs Dominik Mysterio

    Dom and Rey start off face to face and Dom pushes his father. They lock up and they go into the corner. Dom with a take down and Dom poses. Dom with a waist lock and take down. Rey sends Dom to the floor and he poses. Dom pushes Rey and Rey pushes back. Dom with a side head lock and a shoulder tackle. Dom with a kick. Rey with a head scissors take down. Dom slaps Rey. Rey sends Dom into the turnbuckles and Rey spanks Dom with his weight belt. Dom asks his mom if she is going to let Rey do that to her. She asks Angie what is she going to do about that. Dom throws a drink in Aalyah's face. Rey goes after Dom and Dom catapults Rey into the ring post.

    Dom with a slingshot senton for a near fall. Dom with a shoulder in the corner. Dom with a hard Irish whip. Dom with an abdominal stretch. Rey with a hip toss to escape. Rey with an arm drag. Dom with a kick and a forearm. Dom goes to the turnbuckles for a wrist lock take down and then Dom with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Dom drops Rey on the ropes and then he pulls Rey to the floor. Dom goes over to his mother and he tells her to shut up. Angie slaps Dom and Rey sends Dom into the ring post. Rey goes up top and hits a seated splash and hits a springboard cross body for a near fall. Dom with a kick and Irish whip but Rey floats over and hits a Code Red for a near fall.

    Rey kicks Dom and goes for a suplex but Dom pushes Rey into the corner. Priest and Balor show up at ringside. Dom with an Irish whip and Rey floats ovver. Dom sends Rey face first into the turnbuckles. Dom gets a near fall. Dom with a suplex and he holds on and sets for a second one. Rey escapes and then he sends Dom into the ropes. Rey with a 619 and then he goes up top. Balor gets on the apron and Priest grabs Rey. Dom with a forearm to Rey. Dom with a hard Irish whip and then he gets Rey on his shoudlers. Rey with a head scissors that sends them over the top rope into Finn Balor. Priest goes over to that side of the ring as well.

    Cruz, Escobar, and Wilde attack Priest and Balor. Priest takes care of Wilde and Cruz. Santos with a suicide dive to send Priest between the announce tables.

    Dom with a clothesline. Dom catapults Rey into the ropes and hits a 619. Dom goes up top for a frog splash and hits it for a near fall. Dom yells at his mother. Dom removes the turnbuckle pad and the referee tells Dom he can't do that. Dom goes to the other side of the ring and gets the chain in Priest's jacket. Bad Bunny takes the chain and Rey drop kicks Dom into the ropes and hits a 619. Rey goes up top for the frog splash and gets the three count.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    After the match:
    Rey celebrates with Legado del Fantasma. Then he brings Angie and Aalyah into the ring.

    Smackdown Women’s Championship Match
    Charlotte Flair (c) versus Rhea Ripley

    Charlotte bounces off the ropes before locking up. Charlotte with a wrist lock. Flair with a hammer lock and she slaps the back of Rhea's head. Charlotte with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Rhea with a shoulder tackle of her own. Rhea blocks a hip toss and Rhea misses a clothesline. Flair with a shoulder tackle and she sends Rhea over the top rope to the floor. Rhea returns to the ring and she pokes Flair. Rhea pushes Flair and Flair with a chop. Rhea backs Flair into the corner and connects with shoulders. Flair with forearms. Rhea with an Irish whip and Flair does the Flair flip to the apron. Flair with a kick and she goes up top and hits a cross body. Rhea with a back elbow. Flair with a kick to the head. Flair puts the leg in the ropes and Rhea avoids the knee drop. Rhea drops Flair into the top turnbuckle and she goes down. Rhea kicks Flair many times. Rhea works on the back. Flair with forearms and Rhea with a kick and she sends Flair into the turnbuckles. Rhea with a body scissors.

    Rhea with forearms to the back and then she connects with forearms to the back. Flair with forearms and she escapes. Flair with a rollup for a near fall. Rhea with a forearm to the back and she connects with another two. Flair with a back elbow but she misses a chop. Rhea with a German suplex for a near fall. Rhea with a short arm clothesline and then she connects with another one. Flair with a boot and elbow. Charlotte with a back breaker and she sends Rhea into the turnbuckles. Flair with clotheslines. Flair with chops to Rhea. Flair with a knee drop to the leg hanging on the ropes. Rhea sends Flair to the apron but Flair with a forearm.

    Flair sends Rhea into the turnbuckles. Flair goes to the apron and she goes up top and hits a cross body but Rhea holds on and goes for a slam. Rhea goes for RipTide but Flair counters into a DDT for a near fall. Flair goes for the figure four but Rhea kicks her away. Flair tries again and Rhea kicks her again. Rhea with an inside cradle for a near fall. Both women with boots to the head and both go down. Rhea with a forearm and Flair fires back. Flair with forearms. Rhea with a kick and she stomps on the foot and hits a face buster. Flair with a fallaway slam. Flair goes up top for a moonsault but Rhea leaps to the turnbuckles. Flair knocks Rhea off the turnbuckles but Rhea gets back up and hits a German superplex for a near fall.

    Flair lands on her feet and she clips Rhea and hits Natural Selection for a near fall. Rhea rolls to the apron. They go to the floor and Flair misses a spear and hits the ring steps. They return to the ring and Rhea sends Flair to the mat for a near fall. Rhea sets for RipTide but Flair escapes and hits a German suplex. Flair with another German suplex. Rhea with a back elbow and a German suplex and Flair lands hard. Rhea with a forearm and she tries for another German suplex but Flair blocks it and connects with an elbow. Flair with a boot for a near fall. Rhea kicks Flair to stop the figure four. Flair with a running boot to knock Rhea off the apron. Flair goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault and she hits it.

    They return to the ring and Flair with a single leg take down but Rhea kicks Flair away. Flair misses a spear and almost hits the referee. Rhea with a head butt and RipTide for a near fall. Rhea sends Flair back into the mat. Flair with an inside cradle for a near fall. Rhea with the Prison Lock. Flair gets to the ropes to force a break. Flair sends Rhea into the referee on the break and Flair with a spear for a near fall. Flair pie faces Rhea and Rhea with forearms. They go back and forth with forearms. Rhea with a round kick and Flair with a boot to the head. Flair with a figure four leg lock but Rhea gets to the ropes to force a break. Rhea goes to the apron.

    Flair sends Rhea into the ring post and they go to the turnbuckles. Flair with a super fallaway slam attempt but Rhea stops it and drops Flair on the ring post. Rhea with RipTide from the turnbuckles for the three count.

    Winner: Rhea Ripley (new champion)

    After the match:
    Rhea Ripley celebrates as Flair continues to sit outside the ring.

    Byron Saxton is with Austin Theory. Byron asks Theory where is his head. Theory says he said it, he did it, and he made John Cena believe. Do you believe in Theory now?

    We go to Miz and Snoop Dogg in the ring.

    Miz says tonight's attendance is 80,497.

    Snoop says the only thing that would be better was if Miz had a match tonight.

    Miz says he agrees and he posted an open challenge on social media but no one responded. Miz says everyone knows he is the toughest man.

    Pat McAfee makes his way to the ring.

    Pat gets a mic and he says hello to Snoop. He says hello to Miz and he says that no one saw this alleged open challenge, but Pat says there is good news. This is his Wrestlemania tank top. If you would like a match, let him beat your ass now.

    Miz asks everyone if they want to see that match.

    Miz takes off his jacket and he says there is nothing he would rather do than beat him but he is the host and he can't make matches official.

    Pat tells Miz his tiny balls are showing. He says if Miz cannot make a match, there has to be someone who can make a match.

    Snoop says he thinks he can make that match happen.

    Miz vs Pat McAfee

    Pat punches Miz and then he hits a spinebuster. Pat puts Miz on the turnbuckles and Pat goes for a superplex and he pushes Pat off and Pat lands on his feet. Pat with a super kick as Miz comes off the turnbuckles. Miz says he has had enough and he walks past George Kittle and pushes him. Kittle goes over the ringside barrier and Kittle clotheslines Miz. Pat goes to the turnbuckles for a swanton. Miz is sent back into the ring and Pat with a kick to the face for the three count.

    Winner: Pat McAfee

    They go over Night 2 card.

    Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match
    The Usos (c)(Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

    Sami and Jimmy start things off. Jimmy asks Jey if he wants to start and Jey tags in. They lock up and Jey with a side head lock. Jey with a shoulder tackle and he points the finger to the sky. They lock up and Jey with a side head lock. Sami with a Thesz Press and punches. Sami punches Jey and Jimmy makes the tag. Jimmy pulls the ropes down and Sami goes over the top rope to the floor. Jimmy with a clothesline. Jimmy sends Sami into the ring post. Jey tags in and hits a suicide dive. Kevin comes over and the referee sends him back into his corner. Jey with a suplex on the floor. Jey with a punch. Jey chokes Sami in the ropes and Jimmy kicks Sami.

    Jimmy tags in and he kicks Sami. Jimmy punches Kevin off the apron. Jimmy sends Sami into the corner and Jey tags in and hits a forearm in the corner for a near fall. Jey with a reverse chin lock. Jey keeps Sami from making the tag. Sami with a boot and he punches Jimmy. Sami sends Jey to the floor and Sami crawls and makes the tag. Owens goes up top and hits a swanton onto Jimmy and Jey. Owens sends Jimmy into the ring post and then hits clotheslines on both men. Owens with a splash off the apron onto Jimmy. Owens goes up top and hits a frog splash on Jey for a near fall. Owens with a kick and he tries for a stunner but Jey with a pop up neck breaker for a near fall.

    Jey and Kevin are on the turnbuckles and Jimmy tags in. Kevin goes for a swanton on Jey but Jey gets his knees up. Jimmy with a frog splash for a near fall. Jimmy sets for the running hip into the corner and Owens moves. Kevin with a few super kicks and he hits a cannonball. Owens goes up top and Jey grabs Kevin's leg and Sami with a kick and a brainbuster on the apron. Owens with a swanton to Jimmy for a near fall. Sami goes up top and hits a frog splash on Jimmy for a near fall. Sami sets for a Blue Thunder Bomb but Jimmy blocks it. Jimmy super kicks Owens off the apron. Jey makes the tag and Sami hits the Blue Thunder Bomb on Jimmy. Jey with a super kick and a jumping thrust kick for a near fall. Jey with a super kick to Sami. Jimmy tags in and he hits a super kick on Sami. Jey with a super kick and then a double super kick for a near fall.

    Jey with a super kick to Owens. Jey says something to Sami and they hit a double super kick to the back of the head. Jey gets a near fall. Jimmy tags in and they hit another double super kick. Jimmy gets a near fall. Jey tags in and they set for 1D but Owens trips Jimmy and Sami gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Owens sends Jimmy into the announce table and then Owens goes for a package pile driver onto the table. Jey stops Kevin and then Jimmy kicks Kevin and they hit a double choke slam through the table. They hit 1D on Sami but Sami kicks out. Jey tags in and he wants to know when will Sami quit. Jey slaps Sami many times and follows with forearms. Sami leans on the turnbuckles to stay on his feet and then he falls to the mat. Jey with a Yakuza Kick on Sami.

    Jey holds up Sami and he says he never should have left the Bloodline. Sami with an exploder into the turnbuckles. Owens gets to the apron and he tags in. Owens with a pop up power bomb to Jimmy and then to Jey. Sami with a Helluva Kick to Jimmy and Owens with a stunner to Jey for a near fall. Kevin helps Sami up. Jimmy helps Jey up. They exchange punches and Jimmy with a super kick to Sami. Kevin with a super kick to Jimmy and Jey. Jimmy tags in and Jey leaps over a pop up power bomb. Jimmy and Jey with super kicks to Kevin and then knock Sami off the turnbuckles. Kevin is put in the middle of the ring and the Usos go up top. They hit a double frog splash but Kevin kicks out.

    Jey tags in Jimmy and they hit a double super kick. Jey tags in and they put Kevin on the turnbuckles but Sami trips Jimmy and sends him over the announce table. Owens with a super Fisherman's Buster. Sami tags in and he hits a Helluva Kick on Jey and then he hits a second one. Kevin kicks Jimmy and hits a stunner. Sami with a third Helluva Kicckc for the three count.

    Winners: Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens (new champions)

    We go to credits.

    WrestleMania Saturday Night 1 Post Press Conference: April 1, 2023

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    My thoughts on tonight's card.

    I just don't see John Cena being able to win the US title. Does he even have time to keep coming back to defend it? Unless he wins and comes back once and loses it. lol

    Looking forward to Dom vs Mysterio This match is to push Dom, although I would like to see Mysterio win.

    I really hope Rhea Ripley defeats Flair. Flair then needs to get out of the title scene for a very long time or she will end up having 50 championships by the time she retires lol

    If Logan Paul wins I will be very angry and cry at the same time

    Be classic if Becky Lynch, Lita, and Trish Stratus win.

    The Uso's have to lose lol

    No idea who will win between Braun Strowman and Ricochet vs. The Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy vs. Viking Raiders

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Final look at Wrestlemania stage

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol Theory is like a younger John Cena in every way lol especially the arms.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    That's fantastic having the kids on stage for Cenas entrance. Huge cheer for him

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Cena getting a bald spot on the back of his head.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    STF by Cena still the worst and most fake looking hold in history IMO lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol Technically Cena won but Theory got it in the end.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Logan Paul better not win lol

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