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  1. #1
    Super Moderator Shootkick Man's Avatar
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    Default World Class January 1985 Results

    1/2/85 Laredo, TX - Civic Center Ballroom (rescheduled for February 10)
    Mike Von Erich and Buck Zumhofe vs The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)
    plus much more..

    1/3/85 Crystal City, TX
    Tommy Rogers and Mike Von Erich d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey DQ

    1/4/85 Dallas, TX - Sportatorium
    Bobby Eaton beat Iceman Parsons
    Rip Oliver beat Buck Zumhofe
    Tommy Rogers drew Dennis Condrey
    Kevin & Mike Von Erich beat Gino Hernandez & Chris Adams
    Billy Jack Haynes beat Missing Link

    1/5/85 Seguin, TX - Guadalupe County Coliseum
    Bobby Eaton d. Bobby Fulton
    El Gran Diablo vs Jose Lothario
    Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey
    Kerry Von Erich vs The Missing Link

    1/5/85 Whitesboro, TX - High School Gym
    Kevin Von Erich vs Gino Hernandez
    Mike Von Erich vs Chris Adams
    Terry Gordy vs Rip Oliver
    Billy Jack Haynes vs Kelly Kiniski

    1/7/85 Fort Worth - Tarrant County Convention Center (8,575)
    NWA World Champ Ric Flair fought Kerry Von Erich to a 60 min draw (title could change hands on a DQ)
    American Tag Champs The Fantastics beat Kelly Kiniski and Buddy Landell
    Billy Jack Haynes beat Gino Hernandez (sub Chris Adams) to win the World Class Television Title
    One Man Gang beat Iceman Parsons
    Rip Oliver beat Buck Zumhofe

    1/8/85 Austin, TX - City Coliseum (A-2,000)
    NWA World Champ Ric Flair beat Kerry Von Erich by DQ at 27:48
    One Man Gang beat Iceman Parsons
    American Tag Champs The Fantastics beat The Midnight Express
    TV Champ Billy Jack Haynes beat Missing Link
    Terry Gordy beat Rip Oliver DQ

    1/10/85 San Antonio, TX - Hemisfair Arena
    NWA World Champ Ric Flair fought Kerry Von Erich to a 60 min draw in a No DQ match
    Terry Gordy beat Rip Oliver DQ
    The Midnight Express beat The Rock n Roll Express
    TV Champ Billy Jack Haynes beat Gino Hernandez
    One Man Gang beat Iceman Parsons

    1/11/85 Dallas, TX - Sportatorium
    Kelly Kiniski pinned Buck Zumhofe at 8:20
    Rip Oliver pinned Terry Daniels at 3:11
    Billy Jack Haynes beat Shawn Michaels by submission At 1:20
    NWA World Champ Ric Flair beat Terry Gordy at 14:02
    One Man Gang pinned Shawn Michaels at 2:51
    The Midnight Express beat The Fantastics to win the American Tag Titles at 17:21
    Kerry Von Erich pinned Chris Adams at 7:42

    1/12/85 Wylie, TX
    Bobby Eaton d. Tommy Rogers
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey

    1/12/85 Hugo, OK - Agriplex
    Buck Zumhofe vs El Diablo
    Billy Jack vs Kelly Kiniski
    Mike Von Erich vs Jake Roberts
    Kevin Von Erich vs Gino Hernandez

    1/13/85 Lubbock, TX
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey

    1/14/85 Fort Worth, TX - Will Rogers Coliseum
    Billy Jack Haynes drew Rip Oliver
    Mike Von Erich beat Jake Roberts
    Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey beat Brad Armstrong & Terry Taylor
    Jose Lothario beat El Gran Diablo
    Kevin Von Erich beat Chris Adams

    1/15/85 Victoria, TX - Riverside Market Square
    Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams (Lumberjack)
    Billy Jack Haynes vs Gino Hernandez
    Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey vs Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton
    Kelly Kiniski vs Rip Oliver

    1/16/85 Corpus Christi, TX - Memorial Coliseum

    1/18/85 Dallas, TX - Sportatorium - TV Taping
    Bobby Fulton beat Kelly Kiniski
    Tommy Rogers drew Johnny Mantell
    One Man Gang beat El Gran Diablo
    Terry Gordy beat Rip Oliver DQ
    Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers beat Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey DQ
    Kerry & Mike Von Erich beat Gino Hernandez & Jake Roberts

    1/19/85 Harlingen, TX - Lon C. Hill Ball Park
    Jose Lothario beat El Gran Diablo
    Billy Jack Haynes beat Kelly Kiniski
    Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers beat Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey DQ
    Kerry Von Erich beat Gino Hernandez

    1/20/85 San Antonio, TX
    Jose Lothario beat Kelly Kiniski
    Billy Jack Haynes beat Buddy Landell
    One Man Gang beat Brad Armstrong
    Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers beat Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey DQ
    Mike Von Erich beat Jake Roberts
    Kevin Von Erich beat Chris Adams, "I quit" match

    1/22/85 Abilene, TX - Taylor County Coliseum
    Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams (No DQ)
    Mike Von Erich vs Jake Roberts
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey
    Terry Gordy vs Rip Oliver

    1/24/85 Celeste, TX - High School Gym
    Kerry Von Erich vs Chris Adams
    Billy Jack Haynes vs Gino Hernandez
    Bobby Fulton vs Rip Oliver
    Tommy Rogers vs Kelly Kiniski

    1/25/85 Dallas, TX - Sportatorium
    Kelly Kiniski pinned El Diablo at 4:56
    Jake Roberts fought Johnny Mantell to a 15 min draw
    Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez beat Billy Jack Haynes and Kevin Von Erich
    American Tag Titles The Midnight Express beat Jose Lothario and Johnny Mantell at 12:41
    One Man Gang pinned Mike Reed at 1:16
    Mike Von Erich pinned Jake Roberts at 6:55
    Sunshine, Jim Cornette, Gary Hart appeared as well

    1/26/85 Longview, TX - High School Gym
    Bobby Eaton d. Bobby Fulton
    Johnny Mantel d. Kelly Kiniski
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey
    Chris Adams vs Kevin Von Erich

    1/27/85 Amarillo, TX
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey

    1/28/85 Fort Worth, TX (Tarrant County Convention Center, att. 7,400)
    Mike, Kevin & Kerry Von Erich beat Gino Hernandez, Jake Roberts & Chris Adams
    Gino Hernandez, Jake Roberts & Chris Adams beat Terry Gordy, Michael Hayes & The Rebel (Buddy Roberts)
    Kevin Von Erich beat Rip Oliver
    Kerry Von Erich beat Kamala DQ
    One Man Gang beat Jose Lothario
    Billy Jack Haynes beat Kelly Kiniski
    Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers drew Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey

    1/30/85 Alice, TX
    Tommy Rogers d. Dennis Condrey
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey

    1/31/85 Yoakum, TX
    Bobby Eaton d. Bobby Fulton
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Shootkick Man's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
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    Default World Class February 1985 Results

    2/1/85 Dallas, TX - Sportatorium
    One Man Gang beat Buck Zumhofe
    Bobby Eaton beat Jose Lothario
    Dennis Condrey beat Johnny Mantell
    Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers beat Rip Oliver & Kelly Kiniski
    Kerry Von Erich beat Gino Hernandez
    Kevin Von Erich beat Chris Adams

    2/3/85 Corpus Christi, TX
    Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey DDQ Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers

    2/4/85 Fort Worth, TX - Will Rogers Coliseum
    Rip Oliver beat Buck Zumhofe to win vacant World Class Television Title
    Kelly Kiniski beat Mark Ragin
    Dennis Condrey beat Johnny Mantell
    Bobby Fulton beat Bobby Eaton
    Mike & Kevin Von Erich beat Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez

    2/8/85 Dallas, TX - Sportatorium
    Texas Champ Gino Hernandez pinned Tim Horner at 4:19
    The Fantastics fought Rip Oliver and Kelly Kiniski to a Double DQ at 12:16
    Chris Adams pinned Kerry Von Erich to win the American Title at 10:30
    One Man Gang pinned Buck Zumhofe at 2:01
    Texas Champ Gino Hernandez pinned Mark Ragin at 4:35
    Mike Von Erich and Brian Adidas beat American Tag Champs The Midnight Express in a Non title match at 14:40
    Gary Hart, Sunshine, Jim Cornette appeared as well

    2/9/85 Arlington, TX - Sam Houston High School Gym
    Johnny Mantel vs Kelly Kiniski
    Bobby Fulton d. Bobby Eaton
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey
    Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams

    2/9/85 Mercedes, TX - High School
    Kerry Von Erich d. Gino Hernandez (cage)
    Billy Jack Haynes vs One Man Gang
    Rip Oliver vs Jose Lothario
    El Gran Diablo vs Mark Ragin

    2/10/85 Laredo, TX - Civic Center
    Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams
    Kerry Von Erich vs Gino Hernandez
    Billy Jack vs Rip Oliver

    2/11/85 Fort Worth, TX - Will Rogers Coliseum
    One Man Gang beat Mark Ragin
    Gino Hernandez beat Buck Zumhofe
    Rip Oliver drew Brian Adias
    Little Coco beat Little Tokyo
    Mike & Kevin Von Erich beat Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey & Rip Oliver

    2/12/85 Del Rio, TX - Civic Center
    Billy Haynes vs. Gino Hernandez
    Kelly Kiniski vs. Jose Lothario
    One Man Gang vs. Mark Ragin
    plus one other match

    2/12/85 Temple, TX
    Bobby Eaton d. Bobby Fulton
    Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers d. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey

    2/13/85 New Braunfels, TX - Civic Center
    --10 Man $20,000 Battle Royal--
    Featuring Brian Adias, Bobby Fulton, Tommy Rogers, Rip Oliver, Jose Lothario, Kelly Kiniski, Gino Hernandez, One Man Gang,
    plus 4 other matches..
    Submitted by spatulapup

    2/14/85 Victoria, TX - Riverside Market Square
    Gino Hernandez vs Butch Reed
    Bobby Fulton vs Rip Oliver
    Tommy Rogers vs Kelly Kiniski
    The One Man Gang vs Mark Ragin
    Jose Lothario vs El Gran Diablo

    2/15/85 Dallas, TX - Sportatorium
    Brian Adias beat El Gran Diablo
    Rip Oliver beat Mark Ragin
    Jose Lothario beat Kelly Kiniski
    Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers beat Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey DQ
    Kevin Von Erich beat Chris Adams
    One Man Gang won battle royal

    2/16/85 Seagoville, TX
    Kelly Kiniski beat Mark Ragin
    Jose Lothario beat El Gran Diablo
    Rip Oliver beat Mike Von Erich
    Kevin Von Erich beat Chris Adams

    2/18/85 Fort Worth, TX - Will Rogers Coliseum
    Terry Gordy beat One Man Gang DQ
    Gino Hernandez beat Kerry Von Erich
    Dennis Condrey beat Mark Ragin
    Bobby Fulton beat Rip Oliver DQ
    Brian Adias & Johnny Mantell beat Jack Victory & Kelly Kiniski

    2/21/85 Clifton, TX - Clifton HS Gym
    Gino Hernandez, Tommy Rogers, Dennis Condrey, Mark Ragan, One Man Gang, Jose Lothario, Kelly Kiniski, Kerry Von Erich

    2/22/85 Dallas, TX - Sportatorium - TV Taping
    Bobby Eaton pinned Mark Ragin
    Bobby Fulton pinned Jack Victory
    Kevin and Kerry Von Erich fought Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez to a No Contest in a lumberjack match
    One Man Gang pinned Jack Victory
    American Tag Champs The Midnight Express beat Brian Adidas and Johnny Mantell
    Kerry Von Erich beat Rip Oliver by DQ
    Jim Cornette, Gart Hart, Sunshine, Skip Young appeared as well

    2/23/85 Gilmer, TX - Intermediate School
    Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams
    Billy Jack Haynes vs Rip Oliver (note, Haynes had left the area by this point)
    Tommy Rogers vs Bobby Eaton
    Jose Lothario vs El Diablo

    2/23/85 Boswell, TX @ Boswell High School
    Dennis Condrey (w/Jim Cornette) vs. Bobby Fulton
    One Man Gang beat Mark Ragin
    Kerry Von Erich beat Gino Hernandez

    2/24/85 San Antonio, TX
    Kerry Von Erich beat Gino Hernandez DQ
    Chris Adams beat Kevin Von Erich, strap match
    Butch Reed beat Buddy Landell, cage match
    Little Coco d. Little Tokyo
    Tommy Rogers d. Kelly Kiniski
    Bobby Fulton d. Rip Oliver
    One Man Gang d. El Grande Diablo

    2/25/85 Fort Worth, TX - Will Rogers Coliseum
    Kevin Von Erich beat Chris Adams, "I quit" match
    Rock & Roll Express & Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers beat Kelly Kiniski, Rip Oliver & Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey
    Michael Hayes beat Gino Hernandez DQ
    Brian Adias beat Mark Ragin
    Rip Oliver beat Johnny Mantell

    2/26/85 Austin, TX - City Coliseum
    Jose Lothario beat Nick Kiniski
    Bobby Fulton drew Dennis Condrey
    Kevin Von Erich beat Chris Adams
    One Man Gang d. El Grande Diablo

    2/26/85 Coleman, OK - High School
    Kerry Von Erich vs. Gino Hernandez
    Bobby Eaton vs. Tommy Rogers
    Johnny Mantell vs. Crippler Rick Oliver
    Mark Regan vs. Kelly Kiniski

    2/27/85 Corpus Christi, TX - Memorial Coliseum

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