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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default TNA Victory Road PPV Live Coverage - September 13th, 2024

    Countdown to Victory Road

    The countdown show begins with a shot from the production room as Josh Matthews throws it to Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt.

    KUSHIDA vs. Leon Slater

    They circle each other and lock up. KUSHIDA quickly goes behind Leon Slater. Slater picks a leg, but KUSHIDA is able to reverse into a head scissor, which Slater quickly gets out of. They circle and KUSHIDA grabs an arm. He brings Slater to the mat and works over his leg. Slater is able to get out of the submission, but KUSHIDA transitions it into a Bow and Arrow. Slater wiggles out and they duck each other’s strikes until a short standoff.

    They stand and KUSHIDA jumps into Slater’s arms, wrapping his legs around his body. Slater pushes him off and KUSHIDA runs the ropes. Slater misses an Enzuguri, but connects with a back kick - followed by a handspring cutter. KUSHIDA stops a leaping strike in the corner and puts Slater on the ropes. KUSHIDA knocks him off of the ropes and sets up for a dive off of the top rope. He hits a big front flip dive.

    Slater is tossed back into the ring and KUSHIDA ties up his leg. Slater is able to reach the ropes to break the hold. Slater holds the ropes to get up and KUSHIDA kicks at his arm. He continues to work over Slater’s arm on the mat. Slater kicks at KUSHIDA’s face to get out of the arm submission. Slater gets some strikes in, but KUSHIDA is able to hit a cartwheel dropkick. KUSHIDA misses a palm strike and Slater hits a big dropkick in the corner for a two count.

    KUSHIDA rolls Slater around on the mat, but Slater is able to stand out of it. KUSHIDA lays in a hard punch, but Slater strikes back with a kick. KUSHIDA tries to lock in the Hoverboard Lock, but Slater powers out of it. He tosses KUSHIDA outside and goes for a dive, but KUSHIDA moves. Slater is able to stop his momentum. He regroups and is able to hit the dive over the turnbuckle. He tosses KUSHIDA back inside and goes to the top. KUSHIDA stops Slater’s progress, hits a Spanish Fly, and slaps on an armlock for the submission win!

    Winner: KUSHIDA

    Josh Alexander is in the back. Gia Miller approaches him and asks for a word. Alexander says that the fairy tale of Joe Hendry ends tonight. Alexander is the hero and Hendry is the court jester. Alexander will save the company. He’s a great professional wrestler and Hendry makes wrestling a mockery. Alexander says that when the bell rings, Hendry is in Alexander’s territory. After tonight, Hendry won’t be able to make music anymore. Gia says that Alexander seems sure of himself. Alexander says, “It’s not all ego, it’s all confidence.”

    A video package is aired for the match between Nic Nemeth and Moose.

    The System is shown arriving.

    Nic Nemeth is shown arriving.

    Steve Maclin & Eric Young vs. Hammerstone & Jake Something

    The two teams stare each other down and jaw at each other before the bell rings. The referee tries to get one in and one out, but no one listens. They go after each other. Hammerstone and Jake Something are irish whipped into each other. They bounce off of each other and attack their opponents. Eric Young is back body dropped by Jake Something. Something and Hammerstone double team Steve Maclin for a moment and the referee calls for the bell.

    Hammerstone and Maclin officially start the match. Something rushes back in and tries to double team Maclin. Maclin fights it off and Something accidentally hits Hammerstone. Maclin uses the accident to take control of both men in the corner. He then tosses Something to the outside and continues his attack on Hammertone in the corner.

    He puts Hammerstone in the Tree of Woe and goes for a running strike. Hammerstone lifts himself up and Maclin slides to the outside. Something is waiting for him and levels him. Something tosses Maclin into the ring and tags in. He gets in some strikes and tags Hammerstone back in. Maclin fights back, but Hammerstone cuts down his momentum. Maclin is able to wiggle out of a suplex, but Hammerstone tags Something back in. Maclin gets double teamed and feels the pain of a double spinebuster for a two count. Hammerstone tags back in.

    Maclin is lifted up on Hammerstone’s shoulders, but wiggles into a roll up of Hammerstone for a two count. They stand and Maclin hits a big knee. He tags Young in. Young comes in hot and levels the newly tagged in Something with running strikes. Young goes for the DVD, but Something wiggles out. Same with a piledriver. However, Young does finally connect with a powerbomb for a two count. He follows it with a Sunset Flip for a two count.

    Hammerstone tags in and Young doesn’t see it. As he continues to go after Something, Hammerstone levels Young for a two count. Hammerstone lifts Young to the top turnbuckle and lays in an elbow. Hammerstone joins Young on the top, but Young makes Hammerstone fall into a Tree of Woe. Maclin is tagged in and gets Hammerstone in the Crosshairs. Young tags in and hits a top rope elbow for a pin that Something breaks up.

    Something lays out Maclin and Young and gets legally tagged in. Hammerstone gets Maclin up in the Torture Rack, but Young is able to break it up. Something hits Into the Void on Young for the win!

    Winners: Hammerstone and Jake Something

    TNA Victory Road 2024

    Matt & Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Francis & KC Navarro

    Jeff Hardy and KC Navarro start things off. They lock up and KC slaps on a headlock. Jeff tosses him off into the ropes and tries to hit a tackle. KC stays standing. He keeps standing with another tackle try. KC hits the ropes again and lands on his feet from a throw from Jeff. KC mocks Jeff. Jeff attacks him and dances his Jeff Hardy moves. Matt is tagged in.

    The Hardys hit Poetry in Motion and Matt hits a twisting slam for a two count. He works over KC’s arm. KC counters, but Matt counters it back immediately - slamming KC’s head into the turnbuckles multiple times. He follows it up with a second rope elbow drop onto KC. KC pushes Matt into AJ. AJ tries to grab Matt, but Matt fights out of it and tosses KC to the outside. AJ catches him. Matt attacks both me and tosses KC back inside. He punches AJ and follows KC to the inside.

    KC had time to recover and gets the advantage on Matt. AJ tags in and whips KC into Matt. KC whips Matt into AJ, who hits a big boot. He then stands on top of Matt and then works over Matt between the ropes. He hits Tennessee Whiskey in the corner, tagging in KC in the process. KC gets a two count and tags AJ back in.

    AJ works over Matt’s back and taunts Jeff. AJ goes to the top rope and mocks Jeff Hardy. He goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Matt moves. KC tags in. Jeff tags in. Jeff comes in hot and levels KC multiple times. He stays in control and gets a couple of two counts with his unique roll ups. The referee checks on KC and AJ enters the ring. With the referee distracted, AJ drops Jeff and goes for another move off of the ropes. Matt stops his progress and The Hardys climb the ropes and hit a big double suplex on AJ. KC hits a splash right after that on Jeff and Matt has to break up the pin.

    AJ gets out of a Twist of Fate from Matt. He goes for a double Down Payment on The Hardys, but they reverse it into a double DDT. KC runs in and tries to hit Blessing in Disguise on Jeff. It’s countered into a Twist of Fate, followed by a neckbreaker. Matt hits another Twist of Fate. Jeff hits the Swanton Bomb for the win!

    Winners: The Hardys

    A Bound for Glory video airs.

    TNA X-Division Championship
    Zachary Wentz (c) vs. Speedball Mike Bailey

    The issues between Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee are talked about before the match. Before the bell rings, the competitors shake hands. The bell rings and they lock up. Mike Bailey gets a quick roll up that Zachary Wentz kicks out of. Bailey goes for two more quick covers and they stand off. They both miss some strikes until Bailey gets in a shot. Wentz gets frustrated and tells Bailey to hit him. Bailey isn’t sure about it, but does it. Wentz goes on the attack right after it and tries to lock in an armbar. Bailey gets out of it. Wentz dodges a kick and gets a superkick of his own.

    Bailey rolls out of the ring and Wentz hits a dive. He lays down punches on the floor and rolls Bailey back into the ring. Bailey goes to punch Wentz on the apron, but Wentz catches it and drags the arm down over the ropes. He pops into the ring and drops Bailey again for a two count. Bailey catches an attack and sends Wentz out to the apron. He gets in a kick and then uses the second rope to hit a moonsault to the outside on Wentz.

    Back in the ring, Bailey drops Wentz over the top rope. Bailey climbs to the top and jumps onto Wentz's back. Bailey locks in a leg lock. Wentz struggles in it, but makes it to the ropes. Bailey hits a chop, but Wentz counters with some strikes and a roll up for a two count. Bailey gets up and hits a flurry of kicks.

    Bailey lines Wentz up and hits a spinning back kick, followed by more kicks to the chest. Bailey tries to hit a running Shooting Star Press, but Wentz moves and drops Bailey. Wentz hits a running knee in the corner and then a big kick to the chest. They both miss running Shooting Star Presses and then hit a double kick. The referee starts his count.

    They both make it to their feet and exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Wentz yells at Bailey to hit him. Bailey warns Wentz and almost hits him, but then tells Wentz to hit him instead. They strike each other at the same time and exchange more strikes. They both go to the floor from a clothesline over the ropes by Wentz.

    They both keep pulling each other back out of the ring until Bailey gets in a strike and then rolls into the ring. Bailey runs at Wentz on the apron. Wentz moves. Wentz runs at Bailey and Bailey moves. Bailey hits a moonsault to the outside. Wentz is tossed back into the ring and Bailey climbs the ropes. He goes for Ultima Weapon, but Wentz moves.

    They both try handspring moves, but Wentz is the one who lands first. Wentz gets Bailey to the outside again and uses the second rope to hit a spinning flip. Bailey is tossed back in the ring and is able to swipe Wentz’s legs on the apron. He hits a double knee strike onto the chest of Wentz on the apron. Wentz rolls to the floor and Bailey recovers in the ring.

    Bailey goes to the outside so that there is no countout. Wentz is able to grab Bailey and drive him headfirst into the ramp. The referee goes and checks on Bailey as Wentz gets back into the ring. The referee gets back in the ring and starts his count. Bailey gets back in the ring at 9. Wentz immediately double stomps him and climbs the ropes. He goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Bailey gets his knees up.

    Bailey hits a backflip double knees and then a big superkick for a two count. Bailey puts Wentz on the top rope. Wentz locks in a sleeper, but Bailey gets out of it. Bailey joins Wentz on the ropes and Wentz hits a top rope cutter for a two count.

    Wentz goes for a knee strike. Bailey catches it, but Wentz strikes at him. He hits a running knee in the corner and lifts Bailey to the top rope. Bailey slips out and powerbombs Wentz. Bailey goes to the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press for a two count.

    Bailey lines Wentz up for a superkick and hits it. He hits a tornado kick in the cutter and goes for Ultima Weapon. Wentz moves and gets a roll up for a two count. Another roll up for a two count. Wentz hits a flipping DDT and is slow to a pin. Bailey sits up at one.

    Wentz goes for a headlock DDT, but Bailey hits a Poisonrana. Bailey sets Wentz up for a kick but Wentz counters it for a two count. Wentz hits a superkick. He goes for the UFO Cutter, but Bailey counters. Bailey hits the Flamingo Driver for the win!

    Winner: Mike Bailey (new champion)

    The System’s promo from Thursday’s iMPACT! airs and Tasha Steelz is introduced as Alisha Edwards’ replacement in tonight’s match.

    PCO & Rhino vs. Matt Cardona & Steph De Lander

    Steph De Lander is wearing a “Property of Matt Cardona” t-shirt. Steph De Lander gets a microphone when she enters the ring. She says that her career has been a dream so far. It’s been magic. She’s proud to be in TNA. She’s proud to be with her heroes. She’s proud to be in front of a sold out crowd in San Antonio, Texas. Her career has been full of ups and downs, but the issue between Matt Cardona and PCO is hurting her. It’s not the only thing hurting her, though. The reality is - she needs neck surgery. She’s needed it for a long time. She wakes up every day in pain, fighting through to not let anyone down. However, she needs to take care of it. She knows Matt has been a jerk, but he’s still her best friend. He found her at her lowest and took her to her highest. She thanks him.

    To PCO, she says that she never thought she’d find true love. She’s so glad she has. She says the friction between Matt Cardona and PCO isn’t healthy for anyone. She wants them both to figure it out without her. She says this isn’t a retirement speech. She’s not done yet. She has more to give to the business, TNA, and the fans. This isn’t goodbye, it’s “See you later.”

    She hands the microphone back to the outside and hugs PCO. Rhino holds the ropes open for her. PCO leaves with her up the ramp. Rhino goes to exit the ring and Matt Cardona kicks the second rope. He hits the Radio Silence on Rhino and leaves the ring.

    Gia Miller is in the back with Nic Nemeth. He talks about how being champion is a big responsibility. TNA is the place to be and he’s proud to defend the title. He’s a fighting champion and will keep what matters most to Moose.

    TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship
    Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards (c) vs. Spitfire
    If Spitfire does not win, they must split up

    As reported earlier, Tasha Steelz is replacing Alisha Edwards due to Edwards not being cleared to wrestle. Alisha is at ringside.

    Dani Luna and Tasha Steelz start things off. They lock up and Luna immediately throws Steelz done. They circle and Steelz goes behind. She tries to drag Luna over, but Luna blocks it. Steelz uses her quickness to make Luna miss an attack. Masha Slamovich tags in, as does Jody Threat.

    Masha and Threat block each other’s attacks until Threat is able to get a frenzied attack on Masha in the corner, followed by an Exploder for a one count. Luna tags in. She slams Masha and then slams Threat onto Masha for a two count. Threat tags back in and Spitfire goes for a double suplex. Steelz breaks it up.

    Threat is disposed of to the floor and Masha hits a Brainbuster on Threat for a two count. Masha hairmares Threat a few times, followed by a kick for a one count. Steelz tags in. She chokes Threat on the bottom rope. Threat tries to tag in Luna, but Steelz steps on her hand. Steelz chops Threat in the corner and hits a running elbow, then an uppercut. She hits a snapmare and then a kick to the chest for a two count.

    Steelz drags Threat to Masha and tags Masha in. Masha hits a series of suplexes for a two count. Steelz tags back in. Threat gets in some strikes and tries to tag in Luna. Steelz cuts her off and lays in some punches. Steelz locks in a Camel Clutch and transitions it into a cover for a one count. She tries two more covers and gets a one count each time. Steelz lays in some more punches. Threat is thrown into the corner with Masha and knocks Masha off of the apron. She levels Steelz and crawls to Luna. Masha tags in. Luna tags in and comes in hot.

    Luna levels Steelz. Levels Masha. Luna suplexes Steelz from the second rope. She hits a Fallaway Slam on Masha into Steelz in the corner. Luna powerbombs Masha for a two count. Threat is tagged in.

    Spitfire sets up Masha, but Steelz drags Luna to the outside. Steelz kicks Threat and Masha hits a German Suplex on her for a two count. They try to double team Threat, but Luna enters the ring. Steelz stops her. Masha hits a Snow Plow on Threat and covers her. Luna throws Steelz into Masha to break up the pin.

    Spitfire is regrouping in the corner and tries to fire each other up. Masha and Steelz attack and try to double team Threat. Luna breaks it up. Spitfire hits stereo fireman’s carry slams and follows it with Pressure Drop.

    Winners: Spitfire (New champions)

    After the match:
    Alisha Edwards gets in Masha Slamovich’s face. She’s not thrilled with her at all. Masha gets back in Alisha’s face and Tasha Steelz lays out Masha. Alisha raises Tasha’s arm and celebrates with her.

    Hammerstone and Jake Something are in the back. They are happy with their win against Steve Maclin and Eric Young on the Countdown show. It was a statement. Steve Maclin and Eric Young were just the first names on a very long list.

    A video package for the Josh Alexander vs. Joe Hendry match is shown.

    Josh Alexander vs. Joe Hendry

    Joe Hendry has a microphone before the match starts. He says that Josh Alexander thinks that he doesn’t have what it takes to be the face of TNA or to go toe-to-toe with Alexander. Hendry doesn’t need to prove himself to Alexander because he has entire arenas chanting “We Believe!” What they believe in is the answer to all of life’s problems - Joe Hendry.

    The match starts and they circle each other. They lock up and Alexander pushes Hendry into the corner. He breaks cleanly. They lock up again and Alexander goes behind. He brings Hendry down and paint brushes his head. They stand and Alexander locks in a headlock. Hendry reverses into a headlock of his own on the mat. Alexander transitions it into a headscissors and they stand.

    Alexander slows things down with a couple of strikes and a headlock. Alexander runs the ropes and tries to tackle Hendry. Hendry doesn’t go down. Hendry runs the ropes and is able to take Alexander down with a tackle. Alexander is frustrated and eats a hip toss. Hendry gets in a couple of shots in the corner, but Alexander reverses it. Hendry gets back control with a running elbow.

    Hendry hits a delayed suplex for a two count. Alexander rolls out of the ring. Hendry chases him and Alexander slides back into the ring. Hendry gets on the apron and Alexander tries to attack him. Hendry dodges and grabs Alexander. Alexander is able to attack Hendry’s arm, though. Hendry is on the apron and Alexander hits a crossbody through the ropes - sending Hendry to the floor. Alexander joins Hendry on the outside and pushes him into the ring post.

    They get back in the ring and Alexander goes for a pin - gets a two count. They stand and Hendry tries to fight back. He gets a Sunset Flip, but Alexander floats through and locks in the Ankle Lock. Hendry gets out quickly, but Alexander hits a German Suplex for a two count.

    Alexander locks in a chinlock, followed by a guillotine choke. Hendry powers out of it and hits a suplex. Hendry lands some punches and goes for a running strike in the corner. Alexander gets a boot up and pulls himself to the top. He jumps at Hendry and Hendry moves. Hendry hits a Fallaway Slam.

    Hendry goes for the Standing Ovation, but Alexander blocks it. Hendry hits a Pop Up Powerbomb for a two count. Hendry goes for the Standing Ovation again, but Alexander slides out of the ring. Hendry follows him out and Alexander kicks him. He tries to send Hendry into the ring post, but Hendry blocks it. Hendry hits the Trust Fall on the outside and rolls Alexander back into the ring.

    Hendry tries to hit the Razor’s Edge, but Alexander wiggles out. Alexander hits a backbreaker for a two count. Alexander goes for a C4 Spike, but Hendry counters it. Alexander charges Hendry, but Hendry blocks it. Alexander grabs him, though, and rams Hendry into the top turnbuckle. Alexander climbs the ropes, but Hendry trips him up. Hendry strikes at Alexander and joins him on the ropes.

    Hendry goes for a superplex, but Alexander blocks it. Hendry is able to hit a Fallaway Slam, though, from the second rope for a two count. They stand and exchange strikes in the center of the ring. Hendry’s chop is what wins the exchange, but Alexander is able to pick an ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock.

    Hendry struggles, but makes it to the ropes. Alexander kicks at Hendry, but Hendry gets to his feet. Alexander strikes at Hendry, but it only energizes Hendry. Hendry hits a hip toss on Alexander that sends him into the corner. He stomps a mudhole into Alexander. Alexander pushes Hendry into the referee.

    The referee is down and Alexander goes for the C4 Spike. Hendry reverses it into an Ankle Lock. Alexander taps, but the referee doesn’t see it. He’s still down. Hendry goes for the Standing Ovation. Alexander gets out of it and hits a low blow. He slides his straps down and celebrates, but Hendry pops up. Hendry reveals that he was wearing a cup with his own face on it.

    Hendry hits the Standing Ovation and locks in an Ankle Lock. Alexander taps!

    Winner: Joe Hendry

    TNA Tag Team Championship
    The ABC (c) vs. The System's Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards with Alisha Edwards

    Chris Bey has his ribs wrapped thanks to The ABC’s match with First Class on iMPACT! last night.

    Brian Myers and Chris Bey start things off. They lock up and Myers pushes Bey into the corner. He fakes breaking cleanly and goes for a punch. Bey ducks it and tries to go after Myers. Myers uses the ropes for protection. They go to lock back up, but Myers hits a kick to the midsection, followed by a tackle.

    Myers runs the ropes. Bey evades some strikes and hits a drop kick. Bey favors his ribs and Myers notices it. Myers runs at him, but eats an arm drag. Ace Austin tags in and works over Myers’ arm. Myers reverses control, though, and sends Austin into the corner. Austin pops out and gets a drop toe hold. He works Myers’ arm again and tags in Bey. The ABC double teams Myers and hits a stereo dropkick. Eddie Edwards tags in and gets double teamed, as well.

    Both Myers and Edwards roll to the outside. Bey dives onto Edwards. Austin kicks Myers from the apron and then goes for a dive on Edwards. Edwards blocks it. Bey takes out Edwards and hands from the ropes. Alisha Edwards gets in his face. Bey tries to skin the cat, but Myers hits a spear on him.

    Edwards takes control of Bey on the outside and then tosses him into the ring. He works over Bey’s back and ribs. Edwards sends Bey into the corner and Bey hits the turnbuckles hard with his ribs. Edwards stands on his back and then tags in Myers.

    Myers continues to work over Bey’s ribs. He works him over on the ropes. The referee breaks it up and Alisha chokes Bey behind the referee’s back. Myers drops Bey to the mat and then gets a hold of his ribs. Bey tries to fight out of it, but Myers gets in another hard shot to the ribs. Edwards tags in.

    Edwards hits a backbreaker on Bey and then knocks Austin off of the mat. Austin grabs at his ankle/foot. The ringside physician checks on him, but Austin gets back on the apron as Myers tags in and works over Bey’s ribs some more. Bey fights to his feet and hits a jawbreaker on Myers. Edwards runs in, but Bey moves - sending Edwards to the outside. Bey goes for a tag, but Edwards drags Austin off of the apron.

    Myers drags Bey back to The System’s corner and tags in Edwards. Edwards stomps on Bey. Bey tries to fight back, but Edwards chops him hard for a two count. Edwards lays in some punches. Myers tags back in and Edwards knocks Austin off of the apron again. The System double teams Bey for a two count.

    Myers works over Bey’s ribs some more. Edwards tags back in. He hits a slam on Bey and tags Myers in. Myers drops a knee on Bey and tags Edwards back in. Edwards throws Bey into The System’s corner and drops Austin from the apron. Bey tries to fight to his corner, but Edwards stops him. Bey is able to get a roll up, which Edwards kicks out of. Myers runs in and Bey moves from his attack. Myers goes to the outside.

    Myers drags Austin from the apron, but Austin drops him. He jumps onto the apron and Bey finally gets the tag. Austin comes in hot and levels Edwards and Myers. He gets control of Edwards with some quick moves, followed by a stomp to the head. Myers breaks up his pin and lays in some punches. Bey enters the ring and Myers kicks him.

    The System tries to double suplex Bey, but Austin helps him escape. Bey hits a double Art of Finesse. Austin covers Edwards for a two count. Bey tags back in. They set up for a double team on Edwards, but Myers breaks it up. They try it again, but Edwards hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Bey for a two count. Bey is down. Austin takes out Edwards. Myers takes out Austin. Everyone but Myers is down. He is jawing at Bey.

    Bey gets up and he strikes at Myers. He hits the ropes and Alisha trips him up. Myers hits Bey with a Spear. Edwards follows it up with the Boston Knee Party for the win!

    Winners: The System (New champions)

    A video package airs for the Jordynne Grace vs. Wendy Choo match.

    TNA Knockouts World Championship
    Jordynne Grace (c) vs. NXT’s Wendy Choo

    Jade Chung makes the in-ring introductions for the championship match. Jordynne Grace’s family is sitting ringside.

    The bell rings and Jordynne Grace immediately charges at Wendy Choo. She gets in some shots and hits a spinning slam for a two count. Choo goes to the outside and grabs her pillow. She swings it at Grace on the outside. Grace ducks it, but Choo is able to get in a DDT. She follows it up by slamming grace onto the pillow.

    Choo tries to hit Grace with the pillow, but Grace’s grandmother grabs it. Choo is tossed back into the ring and is able to use her positioning to attack Grace upon her entry into the ring. Choo hits a snapmare and then twists Grace’s neck. She uses the ropes for leverage as she places her boot on Grace’s face and throat in the corner. Choo hits an elbow and a kick in the corner. She goes for a cover and Grace puts her foot on the bottom rope to break up the cover.

    Grace blocks a corner attack and tries to jump on the ropes. Choo pulls her into the Tree of Woe and hits a drop kick to Grace’s face for a two count. Choo stays in control by attacking Grace’s throat on a tackle. Choo goes for a suplex, but Grace blocks it. Grace lifts Choo over the ropes and tries to lift her back into the ring with a superplex. Choo knocks Grace off of the ropes, but Grace climbs them again. Choo is able to lock in a Cobra Clutch, but Grace jumps off of the ropes with Choo on her back to break up the hold.

    Choo strikes at Grace, but Grace slams her. Grace hits a rolling Death Valley Driver for a two count. Grace sets up for the Juggernaut Driver, but Choo blocks it. Grace strikes her and tries again. Choo blocks it again, so Grace sends her into the corner and follows it with a spinning backfist.

    Grace hits a running Cop Killer for a two count. Grace lifts Choo to the top rope and joins her on the ropes. Choo strikes at Grace and tries to hit a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Grace strikes out of it and stays on the ropes. Choo runs up the ropes and hits a Belly-to-Back Suplex. She follows it up with a Brainbuster for a two count.

    Grace ducks a kick and almost gets a Juggernaut Driver locked in. Choo blocks it, so Grace settles for a cradled throw. Grace lifts Choo, but Choo wiggles out and locks in a Sleeper. Grace grabs the rope and Choo hits a German Suplex, followed by a Full Nelson Slam. Choo locks in a Sleeper again.

    Grace powers out of the Sleeper and drives Choo into the corner. Choo runs at Grace in the corner, but Grace catches her. She hits a powerbomb and follows it up with a Juggernaut Driver for the win!

    Winner: Jordynne Grace (Retains championship)

    After the match:
    Jordynne Grace is celebrating her win when Rosemary enters the ring. She Spears Grace and Wendy Choo locks in a Sleeper. Referees have to break up the attack.

    Santino Marella is in his office. There is a knock at the door and it’s Ariana Grace. Santino is super excited to see her. Ariana says that she told him before that she wants to do this on her own. Santino is proud of her - she’s all grown up! He says that he’s a professional, though. No monkey business! She walks away and he is still gushing over his “Little Liaison.”

    A video package airs for the Nic Nemeth vs. Moose match.

    TNA World Championship
    Nic Nemeth (c) vs Moose

    Before the main event starts, Frankie Kazarian comes out and joins the commentary table.

    Jade Chung makes the in-ring introductions for the championship match.

    The bell rings and they stare and jaw at each other in the middle of the ring. They pie face each other and Moose drives Nic Nemeth into the corner. Nemeth ducks a chop and gets in some shots. Nemeth ducks a running attack and hits a splash in the corner. Nemeth ducks some more shots and hits a drop kick, followed up by punches in the corner. Moose, though, is able to slam Nemeth down.

    Moose slows down the pace with calculated shots while Nemeth is on the mat. He sets Nemeth up for a powerbomb, but Nemeth blocks it. Nemeth goes to the ropes, but Moose stops his momentum and hits the Sky High for a two count. Moose throws Nemeth through the ropes - shoulder first into the ring post.

    Moose hits a big chop and then locks in an abdominal stretch. Nemeth bites Moose’s hand to get out of it. Nemeth hits some running strikes, but Moose is able to hit a big dropkick to pause Nemeth’s attack. Nemeth rolls to the outside.

    Moose follows him out and hits a running kick. Moose sets up for a powerbomb onto the ramp, but Nemeth slides out of it and Back Body Drops Moose onto the ramp. He rolls Moose back into the ring. Moose uses his positioning to hit a Uranage. He follows it up with a headlock. Nemeth tries to strike out of it, but Moose cuts him down with a big shot to the back.

    Moose runs at Nemeth, but Nemeth drops down - causing Moose to fall to the outside. Nemeth goes to the outside, as well, and eats a Pump Kick. Moose goes for a Powerbomb, but Nemeth counters it. Nemeth jumps onto Moose and Moose is able to Powerbomb him this time onto the ring apron.

    Moose throws Nemeth into the ring. Moose kicks at Nemeth on the mat. He slaps him, which energizes Nemeth. Nemeth hits back at Moose and then clotheslines him over the top rope. Nemeth goes to the outside and sends Moose into the ring post. Nemeth tries to hit a German Suplex. It’s a struggle, but he hits it. The referee is counting and Nemeth breaks up the count.

    Nemeth jumps at Moose, but Moose catches him. Moose Powerbombs Nemeth through the Timekeeper’s table. Moose tosses Nemeth back into the ring. Both men are slow moving. Moose goes for a Spear, but Nemeth moves out of the way and hits a Fame-Asser for a two count.

    Nemeth climbs to the top rope. JDC and Alisha Edwards run out from the back. Nemeth is distracted, but jumps onto Moose. Moose catches him, but Nemeth transitions into a Sleeper. Moose shakes him off and goes for a Spear. Nemeth moves and goes for a Danger Zone on Moose. Moose slips out of it. Moose hits a big spear for a two count. Alisha throws the title into Moose. Moose lines up for an attack on Nemeth, but Mike Santana runs out and rips the title away. Santana and JDC fight up the ramp to the back.

    With Moose distracted, Nemeth hits the Danger Zone for a two count. Nemeth goes to the top rope. Moose chops him to stop his progress. Moose joins him at the top. He sets up for a superplex, but Nemeth strikes out of it. Moose falls to the mat, but pops up and jumps back to the top rope and hits a superplex. He holds on and goes for a powerbomb, but Nemeth counters it into a Fame-Asser. He goes for the cover, but Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards run out and pull the referee out of the ring.

    The referee was about to call for a disqualification, but Nemeth stopped him. He wants to be a fighting champion. The referee ejects Myers and Edwards from ringside. Myers and Edwards are slow to leave, so John Layfield comes out and he lays them out. He gives Nemeth a nod and leaves.

    Nemeth is distracted and Moose takes advantage of it. He hits a spinning lariat and a Spear for a two count. Moose chops Nemeth and Nemeth wants some more. Moose chops him again. And again. Nemeth is returning the chops now. Nemeth gets in a slap and then some clotheslines. And then a superkick. He goes for another superkick, but Moose catches it and hits a headbutt. Nemeth hits a clothesline, a superkick, and then Danger Zone for the win!

    Winner: Nic Nemeth (Retains championship)

    After the match:
    Nic Nemeth celebrates his win in the ring to close out the show.

    End of show.

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