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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation LIVE COVERAGE - WWE PPV Armageddon

    Batista & John Cena vs King Booker & Finlay

    Inferno Match
    Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP) vs Kane

    Last Ride Match
    Undertaker vs Mr. Kennedy

    United States Championship
    Chris Benoit vs Chavo Guerrero

    Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms vs. Jimmy Wang Yang

    The Miz vs Boogeyman

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs William Regal & Dave Taylor

    Universe Of Sport | Universe Of Unknown

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV.
    No spoilers before they are posted in this post.

    WWE PPV Armageddon - 17th Dec 2006
    Location: Richmond, Virginia
    Announcers: Michael Cole and JBL

    First time in 7 years since an Inferno match!
    2nd time in history a last ride match!
    First time in history 2 champions unite!

    Video package showing the build up to Kane and MVPs Inferno match tonight.

    Video package showing the build up to Undertakers and Mr kennedys Last Ride match tonight.

    Video package showing the build up to Batista & Cena vs Booker & Finlays match tonight.

    Opening sequence airs and Michael Cole and JBL welcome us to tonights PPV as they throw us over to the Spanish announce table.

    MVPs music hits and he makes his way to the arena, Cole mentions the flames will get to 8 foot in the ring tonight.

    A longer video package showing the beginning of MVP and how his and Kanes feud began and continued over the weeks to the match tonight.

    Kanes pyro goes off and makes his way to the ring .... and here we go.

    Inferno Match
    Kane vs MVP

    They announced that the only way you can win the match would be to set your opponent on fire. MVP came to the ring. They aired a video feature on the history between Kane and MVP. Kane made his entrance and made the flames around the ring explode as MVP looked freaked.

    MVP tried to escape the ring once Kane entered but the flames shot up and prevented him. He begged Kane for mercy, but instead got a big boot to the face. Kane whipped MVP into the corner. MVP tried to climb out of the ring but had doubts about leaving and returned. Kane pummeled MVP and tried to drag his arm towards the flames. He nailed MVP with a blow to the back of the head, sending him to the mat. Kane grabbed MVP's legs. MVP pulled himself upwards in the corner, so Kane pulled him away and dropped him on his face. Kane put MVP in the corner and attempted a superplex but was shoved off. Kane hit a bodypress onto Kane and peppered him with punches. MVP hit a running boot to the face in the corner, but Kane sat up. They exchanged punches center ring.

    MVP tried to break Kane down with kicks to the legs but Kane clotheslined him down. Kane measured him for the goozle, then hit a chokeslam. Kane removed a turnbuckle covering and attempted to light it aflame but the burners on that side of the ring went out. Kane then lit the padding on another side but MVP nailed Kane before he could use it and tossed it to the floor,. MVP tried to hit a sliding kick on Kane into the flames but Kane moved and MVP barely escaped.

    Kane unloaded in the corner, finishing with a running clothesline. Kane hit a sideslam in the center of the ring. MVP fought back but his blows didn't effect Kane. He tried to climb out of the ring but Kane shoved him off the ropes. MVP crashed into the announcer's table. Kane went to the top and dove over the flames to the floor. MVP and Kane tried to force each other into the flames. Kane nailed MVP with a big boot on the floor.

    MVP tried to run under the ring but Kane pulled him out (cue the finish as they were putting something on MVP to help the effect). Kane grabbed MVP by the throat and forced him up the ring steps, then backwards into the flames. The back of MVP's outfit went up and he made his way around the ring.

    Winner: Kane

    When he got to the aisle, he dropped down and WWE staffers used fire extinguishers to put out the flames. They used a number of great replays to show the flames climbing up MVP's back. Kane celebrates in the ring setting off the whole ring of fire while JBL bitches and bitches about seeing a man on fire.

    Divas Jillian Hall, Leyla El, Ashley, and Kristal Marshall are visited by Teddy Long and he mentions Santa Claus in here tonight and that these divas will be in a Naughty or Nice Lingerie Contest, and he mentions we will find out who has been naughty and who has been nice.

    Back to JBL and Michael Cole and JBL is stll bitching about seeing a man burnt alive and they show a replay of how MVP was put on fire and carry pon about it for to long IMO.

    Thankfully Tag Team Champions London and Kendricks music starts and come to the ring. Then the challengers Regal and Taylor make their way to the ring. Teddy long comes out and says he is in the Xmas Spirit and mentions the Divas lingerie contest tonight and then says that the Tag Team Title Match is now a Ladder Match. Ladders are brought to ringside and Long says he has added 2 more teams to this match. Out come M&M and make their way to the ring.

    (Funny quote by JBL: Here are the 3 divas)

    Melina maakes her way to the back, no screaming tonight .. YaY. The crowd waits in anticipation as they chant Hardys and speak of the devils, the Hardys music starts and out they come and here we go .......

    WWE Tag Team championship
    Ladder Match
    Paul London & Bryan Kendrick vs William Regal & Dave Taylor vs MNM vs The Hardy Boyz

    All four teams began to brawl as the bell rang. MNM got tossed out. Kendrick and London took it to Team UK (as I will refer to them for simplicity's sake), then tossed them. The Hardys started battling with London and Kendrick. Jeff Hardy hit a jawbreaker on London. The Hardys worked over Kendrick. MNM and Team UK returned to the ring and worked over the babyfaces. The Hardys were over huge. Regal and Taylor worked over the champions with suplex variations in the Hardys and MNM brought ladders towards the ring.

    Matt Hardy nailed Team UK with a ladder to the mush. Jeff Hardy nailed Air Sabu off Matt's back. MNM hit Taylor with the Snapshot. Kendrick and London nailed a double superkick on Regal. Hardy hit a elbow off the ropes on Taylor. Kendrick dropkicked Nitro out of the ring.

    Matt whipped Kendrick into Jeff, who threw a ladder into Kendrick's face. Jeff tried to climb the ladder but London dropkicked him off. London climbed towards the top. Nitro tried to hit a springboard towards London to stop him but London moved, so Nitro crashed and burned, landing on the ladder after it tipped over. That looked nasty.

    Mercury got to the top of the ladder but the Hardy and London & Kendrick picked up the ladder, walked it over to the ropes and tipped Mercury out of the ring into Nitro on the floor. The Hardys whipped London into the corner, where a ladder was waiting. Jeff Hardy went for Air Sabu into a splash but London moved and Hardy crashed into the ladder. They showed several replays of Hardy hitting his head and claimed he had a concussion on Raw.

    London went to the top of the ladder but was shoved off by Matt Hardy. He landed on his feet but Hardy clotheslined him. Kendrick climbed up but was pulled backwards off by Matt. Matt tried to suplex London but London broke free and hit a dropsault, sending Matt onto the ladder, which was hanging off the ropes. Kendrick did a double stomp onto Matt, who was on the ladder.

    MNM put Jeff Hardy on the top rope and teased a double superplex onto stacked ladders but Matt saved his brother. Jeff Hardy legdropped the ladder, catapulting it into MNM's faces as Matt held them. Mercury was busted open huge with his eye swollen completely shut. It looked like his nose may have been broken. The announcers played it up like a devastating deal and it very well may have been.

    The match broke down to UK vs. London and Kendrick at this point as Mercury was rushed to the back. Regal hit a German suplex on London, sending him upside down into a ladder in the corner. Regal climbed up the ladder but didn't want to be up high and sent Taylor up. Kendrick attacked Taylor to stop him but Regal attacked.

    They announced that Joey Mercury was sent to the emergency room at the hospital. Nitro continued alone, dropkicking Jeff, who was standing on a ladder outside the ring, through the ropes, sending him to tumbling to the floor. Nitro cleaned house and climbed the ladder. Kendrick failed at pulling him down, but London hit a springboard dropsault off the ropes. Matt Hardy went to the top of the ladder London scrambled up to the top. Hardy backdropped London from the top of the ladder.

    Jeff Hardy and Nitro then battled to the top of the ladder. Hardy hit a sunset flip powerbomb into the ring. By the way, this is fn' awesome. Matt Hardy set up two ladders in the center of the ring. Team UK tried to slam the ladders into Hardy, but he ducked. They worked over Matt in the corner. Taylor held Matt in a Fireman's Carry while Regal hit a running knee to Matt's head.

    Regal and Taylor both climbed the ladder. Kendrick pulled Taylor down, then worked over Regal with punches. Taylor pulled Kendrick to the mat and clotheslined him. Regal tried to get the belt but Kendrick returned and hit Sliced Bread #2 off the ladder, nearly decapitating himself on the ropes in the process.

    Paul London finally grabbed the tag belts, retaining the titles.

    Your winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions: Paul London and Brian Kendrick

    Personal Note: This was an awesome match and not one to be missed!!!!

    Kendrick and London celebrate their win.

    Ad: RAW 30 man battle royal tomorrow night and the winner gets the chance to take on Cena for the title later on in the show.

    Armageddon live from Live Richmond, VA

    Ad: Armageddon sponsored by Call of Duty 3

    They show Crystal looking hot as she gets ready for the lingerie match tonight.

    Mizs music hits and makes his way to the ring and carries on with shit like he usually does .. HOOO RA! Boogeymans music starts thank gawd to shut Miz up and he makes his way to the ring ......

    Boogeyman vs The Miz

    Miz was scared of Boogey but was tossed into the ring. Boogey whipped him into the corner but Miz caught him with an elbow. Miz tried to work over Boogey's arm and clotheslined him. Michael Cole said if Miz wins, it would be a huge upset. JBL remarked, "Miz being in a wrestling ring is a huge upset." Boogey hit his finisher and pinned Miz, then wormed him. JBL kept burying Miz the entire time.

    Your winner: Boogeyman

    Personal Note: Only good thing about this match was JBLs comments during it.

    Aftermath (thank gawd):
    Boogeyman makes his way to the back eating more worms, yummy.

    Jillian and Leyla checking out each others lingerie.

    Back to Michael Cole and JBl and Cole says the U.S. Championship is up next and then leads us into a interview with Chavo Guerrero and Vicki. She thanks Chavo for being a real man unlike Chris benoit and complains her neck has been killing her for weeks. She says not only is benoit going to lose the Championship but he will get whats coming to him.

    They show a clip from Survivor Series where benoit ran into Vicki Guerrero and she hurt her neck. Then show last weeks SmackDown with Benoit attacking guerrero.

    Guerreros music hits and makes his way to the ring ....

    WWE United States Championship
    Chris Benoit(c) vs Chavo Guerrero

    Chavo attacked Benoit from behind before the match started. Benoit battled back with knees and chops. Benoit clotheslined Chavo, then worked him over with punches. Vicky Guerrero was at ringside selling her neck in a brace. Benoit backdropped Chavo and went for the Sharpshooter but Chavo kicked him off. Benoit tossed Chavo to the floor and followed. He unloaded with chops on Chavo at ringside, then rolled him back inside the ring.

    Back in the ring, Benoit hit his signature series of German suplexes, then signaled for the flying headbutt off the top rope. Guerrero got to the corner and took Benoit's legs out from under him. Benoit and Guerrero battled on the ropes with Benoit getting the better of the exchange and shoving Chavo off. Chavo returned and caught Benoit with a suplerplex into the ring. Good match.

    Chavo began working over Benoit's back with punches and kicks. He whipped Benoit into the corner. From outside the ring, he used the ringpost to stretch Benoit around it. Chavo returned to the ring and hit a baseball sliding kick into Benoit, nailing the champion into the post. Guerrero scored a two count off the move, then continued working on Benoit.

    Benoit fired back with chops, but was caught with a drop toehold. Chavo kept working on the back, then cinched in a rear chinlock. Benoit fought his way to his feet and tried to backsuplex Guerrero, but Chavo turned in mid-air and ended up on top as they crashed to the mat. Benoit finally got the better of Chavo and went for the crippler crossface, but Chavo grabbed the ropes.

    Guerrero continued the assault on Benoit's back with uppercuts and suplexes. Guerrero tied Benoit upside down in the corner. He went for a sliding kick but Benoit pulled himself up and Guerrero nearly crotched himself on the post. Guerrero caught Benoit and went for the Electric Chair but Benoit escaped and landed on his feet. They battled back and forth. Benoit began nailing German suplexes. He nailed seven suplexes total. Really good match.

    Benoit covered Chavo for the pin, but Guerrero draped his leg over the bottom rope. Benoit went for the Sharpshooter. Vicky Guerrero grabbed the U.S. title and got into the ring. Benoit yelled at her not to do it, and finally released the hold. Guerrero fell backwards in fear. Benoit grabbed her and teased putting the Sharpshooter on her. Guerrero rolled him up but Benouit rolled through, locked on the Sharpshooter and forced the submission.

    Your winner and still United States champion: Chris Benoit

    Benoit celebrates his win.

    Ad: Brian Pillman - Fanatic Series all December.

    Ashley is shown getting ready for the lingerie match tonight.

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship
    Gregory Helms vs Jimmy Wang Yang

    This should be good as they've had solid matches on Smackdown. No mention of the departure of Amy.

    Helms and Yang shoved each other back and forth at the bell. They did some good back and forth mat wrestling and counters early. Yang went for a moonsault but Helms retreated to the floor. Yang followed. Helms hit the ring and cut off Yang as he returned. Yang ducked a running knee and hit flying headscissors. He suplexed Helms and floated over but Helms kicked out.

    Yang ended up on the floor, where he was dropkicked into the railing. Helms hit a neckbreaker on the floor. Helms worked over Yang in the ropes, clotheslining his throat across the top and snapping it. He whipped Yang into the ropes and caught him with an elbow.

    Helms worked over Yang with a top wristlock but Yang fought back. Yang backdropped Helms to the floor, then hit a dive to the floor. They fought back to the ring, where Helms hit a Stun Gun on the ropes and locked on a chinlock. Helms battled back but was caught with a rollup for a nearfall.

    They battled back and forth. Yang caught Helms with a clothesline and backdrop. Yang hit a running heel kick to Helms in the corner, floating over to the floor. Yang covered Helms, getting a two count. Yang charged Helms in the corner but Helms sidestepped and Yang crashed into the ringpost.

    Helms pulled Yang to the top and hit a swinging neckbreaker off the top into the ring. Helms recovered first and went to the top but was hit with a spinning kick as he came off the top. Helms kicked up at two. Yang was caught with an elbow by Helms and put on the top. He pushed Helms off and went for Yang Time, but Helms evaded. Helms drilled Yang's face into his knees and rolled up Yang, scoring the pin.

    Winner: Still Cruiserweight Champion Gregory helms

    Helms bleeds from the mouth and starts to celebrate as he makes his way tot he back.

    Video package showing the build up to tonights Undertaker vs Kennedy 'Last Ride Match'.

    Back to the arena and eerie music starts as a hearse begins to come into the arena and an ad is shown again that Armageddon is brought to us by Call of Duty 3.

    Mr Kennedys music hits and makes his way to the ring, and does his usual speech. All the wgile you can hear some really loud guy yelling to Kennedy, You Suck lol and he just doesn't stop. We wait for the undertaker as the crowd chants Rest in Peace.

    The bell rings as fire erupts high in the air and Undertakers music begins, the crowd cheers as The Undertaker makes his way out from the back through the thick smoke and makes his way to the ring ....

    Last Ride Match
    Ken Kennedy vs The Undertaker

    Kennedy was out first and did his introduction. He called himself the future of Smackdown, then said, "Hell, I am Smackdown." I hate when guys are called the future because if they are on TV now, they are stars. When Kennedy corrected himself, my first thought was, "About time someone did that."

    At the bell, Taker came out looking he was fighting in UFC. Kennedy retreated quickly to the floor. Taker finally caught Kennedy in the corner, then chased him to the floor. Taker slammed Kennedy's head into the stairs at ringside, then tossed him onto the Spanish Announce Table. He slammed his head into the table, then launched him into the ring apron.

    Back in the ring, Taker charged for a big boot but Kennedy ducked. Undertaker ended up over the ropes and on the floor. Kennedy attacked him in the floor. He went for a running dive off the apron but Take caught him in the air and drove Kennedy backwards into the ringsteps.

    Taker began carrying Kennedy towards the hearse but Kennedy slipped out from behind and shoved Taker towards the car. Kennedy worked over Taker and tried to put him in the car. He got Taker in but was unable to close the door. When he opened it, Taker kicked him in the head. They battled back towards the ring. Kennedy tried to escape over the rail into the crowd but Taker pulled him back in.

    Taker put Kennedy on the apron and dropped a leg across the throat. Taker dragged him back into the ring and hit a suicide-plex with both men standing on top of the ropes into the ring. Taker tossed Kennedy to the floor.

    Kennedy locked Taker in a sleeper on the floor in front of the hearse with the idea that Taker would be out and easy prey to be tossed into the car. Kennedy began dragging Taker to the hearse and tossed him in. He shut the door but needed to drive it out of the Arena. When Kennedy opened the door to get in, Taker was waiting and grabbed him by the throat. He dragged Kennedy back to the ringside area and tossed him into the rail. Taker began clearing off the announce table but was attacked by Kennedy with a chair. Kennedy worked over Taker's ribs and back with the chair. Taker sat up, and Kennedy scampered from the ring.

    Kennedy headed towards the hearse with Taker in pursuit. They climbed up the Armageddon set, which was designed to look like a medieval castle. They battled on top of the set. Kennedy teased throwing Taker off the side of the set. Taker caught Kennedy with a goozle and teased a chokeslam but kicked Taker low. He tossed Taker off with Taker taking a big bump into a crash pad below. The crowd gave one of those brief "Holy sh**" chants - the type of chants Kevin Dunn didn't want airing on the ECW PPV that led to a good portion of the crowd audio being muted.

    They played it up like Taker was destroyed. Kennedy dragged a limp Taker to the hearse. He tossed Taker into the car, so he's either about to win or we get the undead comeback from Taker.

    They had a camera inside the car that showed Kennedy trying to drive and Taker sitting up behind him, like a horror move. Taker dragged Kennedy backwards into the hearse and they spilled out the back. Taker went nuts, unloading with punches and strikes. Undertaker began wrecking Kennedy with a chair. He grabbed a steel pipe, but missed Kennedy and shattered the back window of the hearse. He drilled Kennedy with another chair, this time busting open Kennedy.

    Undertaker continued with punches. He tossed Kennedy atop the roof of the hearse. Undertaker grabbed him for a chokeslam and slammed him on the roof of the car. That looked and sounded brutal. Taker then tombstoned Kennedy on the roof. Undertaker opened the hearse door, exposing all the broken glass inside and tossed Kennedy in. Taker then drove the hearse out of the Arena, winning the match.

    Your winner: The Undertaker

    Personal note: The huge fall by the Undertaker was upsetting since they showed the padded mats that he fell on, it made it look so fake, unlike older falls by the likes of Mick Foley etc and even Shane McMahon. They needed to hide it better, having a few coiled wires does not make it believable, although the crowd could prob not see this, it would have beenbetter for the TV audience to either not see the mat or hide the padded mats better.. When the undertaker was being dragged by Kennedy to the hearse from where he fell, he hit his head on a light lamp and i am sure that hurt more.

    Booker is shown talking to Finaly. Finlay says even though they have had their fallouts and doubts, tonight he will not double cross Booker, tonight they are a team. Booker says he will not double cross Finlay either. Sharmelle comes in and says they need to work together tonight and should not double cross each other. Finlay says he has the luck of the Irish with him and the little fella and he says all Booker has is Sharmelle.

    New Years Revolution Ad: HBK and HH rip the Declaration of Independence lol.
    DX to take on Rated RKO.
    Cena takes on undefeated Umaga.

    Back to the arena and Santa makes his way to the ring giving away candy on the way.

    Naughty or Nice Lingerie Contest
    Leyla El vs Jillian Hall vs Kristal Marshall vs Ashley

    They set it up for Ashley go go last, since she's doing Playboy and has to get the big push. JBL called Jillian, "Lillian" and when Cole called him on it, he responded, "Like I remember women's names. They're all hot to me." JBL is really cracking me up here. They all looked so hot but Leyla and Ashley were incredible. Santa announced that everyone was the winner, then asked for his music to be hit, revealing himself to be Big Dick

    Winner: Ummmm all of them though Ashley did get the biggest POP from the crowd. (Some will say Leyla did)

    He stripped down and danced with the Divas. Must be nice to script yourself segments where you dance with a bunch of hot women and scar children for life all at once. They did a conga line out of the Arena.

    Ad: Royal Rumble - Sunday jan 28th 2007 San Antonio

    Back to Cole and JBL, they remind us that the winner of the Royal Rumble goes to take on the Champuion at Wrestlemania. They start to advertise the next match, Batista & Cena vs Booker & Finlay.

    Video package showing the build up to tonights Main Event!

    King Bookers music hits and he makes his way to the ring with Sharmelle all the time screaming 'All Hail King Booker'. I do not know whats more annoying, her continuing to say that or Melinas scream! :eek: Oh and here we go ......

    John Cena & Batista vs Finlay and King Booker

    They did big entrances for everyone. Booker and Cena started out. Booker nailed Cena with a series of forearms but Cena came back with an armbar. Crowd was really quiet beyond the entrances.

    Batista and Finlay tagged in. Finlay tried to jump off the turnbuckles but was caught, dropped, and slapped. Batista catapulted Finlay into the ropes. Finlay bounced back and snapped backwards over Batista's knees. Batista hit a muscle buster but Booker broke up the pinfall.

    Booker tagged in . He worked over Batista with chops in the corner. He tried to hiptoss Batista, but Batista caught him and clotheslined him down. Batista and Cena tagged in and out, working over Booker. Cena hit the five knuckle shuffle on Booker, teased the F-U, but Booker escaped. He locked on the STFU but Finlay interfered.

    Batista and Finlay brawled while the referee broke them up. Booker nailed Cena in the throat with his royal sceptre. Booker and Finlay took turns working over Cena. The Little Bastard tried to interfere but when he measured Cena for a kick, Cena moved and he ended up kicking himself in the head. Booker took back over with a top wristlock. Cena escaped and nailed a DDT.

    Cena made the hot tag to Batista, who nailed a spinebuster on Batista and clothesline on Finlay. He sent Finlay crashing into Booker in the corner. Booker ended up kicking Finlay. Batista hit a spinning sideslam. They went back and forth with nothing really clicking. Batista hit the Demon Bomb on Booker for the pin.

    Your winners: John Cena and Batista

    Cena and Batista celebrate in the ring with the crowd as the PPV comes to an end. JBL repeating 'What a Show' 'What a Show'.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage for WWEs 'New years Revolution'. No spoilers in the shoutbox please. UOWForums hope you all and your families have a safe and happy Holiday Season.

    Universe Of Sports | Universe Of Unknown

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The Tag team match was one of my favourite this year!

  4. #4
    Ring Crew
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    Let's Go Miiiiiiiiz!!!!!

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    gawd that match never should have happened, what a waste of 5 mins, Miz and Boogeyman can leave the WWE anytime IMO

  6. #6
    Lazarus Rising Vance's Avatar
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    the Tag team match pwned LD one of the best tag team matches of the year,and JBL's comment was funny about the miz :lmao: its going in my sig lol :agree:.

    its my life
    imma do what i do
    and if you don't like it
    its cool fuck you

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smallville View Post
    the Tag team match pwned LD one of the best tag team matches of the year,and JBL's comment was funny about the miz :lmao: its going in my sig lol :agree:.

    The only good things about that whole little match.

  8. #8
    Lazarus Rising Vance's Avatar
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    this is ppv has been really good so far apart from the miz/boogeyman and big dick johnson dressing up as santa :scared:

    7/10 so far i think and meh about the main event im not even gonna watch that.

    its my life
    imma do what i do
    and if you don't like it
    its cool fuck you

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