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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'LockDown' LIVE Coverage! 2007


    Join us for LIVE Coverage!


    Lethal Lockdown Match
    Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe & Jeff Jarrett & Sting & Rhino vs. NWA champion Christian Cage & Tomko & AJ Styles & Scott Steiner & Abyss.

    NWA Tag Team championship
    Electrified Cage

    LAX vs. Team 3D

    TNA X-Division championship
    Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Jay Lethal vs. Alex Shelley vs. Shark Boy.

    Jerry Lynn vs. Christopher Daniels.

    Special referee: Bob Backlund
    Austin Starr vs. Senshi

    Robert Roode vs. Petey Williams

    Blindfold Match
    Chris Harris vs. James Storm

    Gail Kim vs. Jackie Moore.

    Voodoo Kin Mafia vs. Christy Hemme's Mystery Team

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    LockDown LIVE Coverage! - 15th April 2007
    Location - St. Louis at the Family Arena
    All inside the Six Sides of Steel

    Pre-Show Match: Voodoo Kin Mafia vs. Seratonin

    VKM wins the match with a One-armed Powerbomb by Kip James for the pinfall. After the match Raven comes to the ring with a caned and is about to cane all three members of Seratonin. Christy Hemme is demanding that Raven do so. He takes her by the throat and tells his followers to hold her to
    be caned. They set her up but Kaz steps in front of her and won't allow it to happen. Kaz then gets caned by Raven.

    Lockdown PPV

    Jay Lethal vs. Shark Boy vs, Alex Shelley vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Sabin [X-Division Championship Xscape Match]

    The bell rings and Sonjay Dutt starts off with Chris Sabin. They circle the caged ring and lock up. Dutt shoves Sabin and poses, while screaming. Dutt tossed, and rolls back thru. Sabin gets DDT’d and Sonjay picks up a two count.

    Shark Boy leaps in as Sabin sets up a powerbomb of Dutt on the top rope . Sharkboy powerbombs him off and now Alex Shelley is in. Double leg takedown for Sharkboy and Shelley rakes the eyes to break free. Shelley misses a clothesline and Sharkboy hits a Neckbreaker. Two count for Sharkboy.

    Sharkboy climbs the ropes and hits a Missile Dropkick on Shelley. Sabin leaps in now and attacks Sharkboy. He chest bumps Shelley and sends Shark boy to the ropes. Sharkboy leaps out of the way as he hits the turnbuckle and Shelley hits the corner. Sharkboy then sends Sabin into Shelley.

    Sharkboy goes for a Dead Sea Drop but its reversed into inverted DDT by Shelley. Shelley and Sabin now climb the same rope with arms around each other and they hit a simultaneous Legdrop/Splash on Sharkboy. Shelley pins Shark Boy to eliminate him.

    Shark Boy is eliminated

    Jay Lethal in now and he hits a leaping kick to Shelley then sends him to the corner and charges. Shelley moves, Lethal climbs the turnbuckle but Sabin clocks him. Allows Shelley to run over and hit a Jawbreaker. Sabin then springboards off of Shelley into Sonjay Dutt on the opposite side of the ring.

    Sabin now in with Lethal, Sabin stomps him and tags in Shelley. Double team suplex on Lethal. Dutt leaps in and gets clotheslined down, but Sabin and Shelley hit some great fast paced double-team maneuvers. All out mayhem in the ring now with all four men battling. Lethal hits a barrage of right hands. Then he hits a headscissors on Sabin. Shelley then hits an atomic drop. Quickly, Shelley hits a bridge on Lethal and Sabin quickly dropkicks him. Two count by Shelley on Lethal.

    Sabin charges Sonjay in the corner. Sonjay leapfrogs out and clotheslines Shelley. Then he hits a dropkick to the legs of Shelley, followed by an insiguri, followed by a springboard Moonsault! Two count for Sonjay.This has steadily been a fast paced match. Sabin kicks Lethal now and hits an abdominal stretch on him and Shelley Crippler Crossfaces Dutt. But all at once Dutt reverses into a Camel Clutch of his own and Lethal reverses into his own abdominal stretch.

    Dutt tries a hurrincarada on Sabin. Countered by Sabin into a Cradle Shock and Sabin pins Dutt.

    Sonjay Dutt is eliminated

    Lethal climbs the ropes and hits a Flying Elbow Drop on Alex Shelley and pins him.
    Alex Shelley is eliminated

    Now to win, you must escape the cage. Referee leaves the cage. Lethal quickly goes to escape, Sabin climbs right next to him and they exchange blows. They reach the top and are exchanging blows. The get to the outside and still exchange blows. Kicks and punches. Sabin kicks Lethal’s leg and gets it tangled in the cage. Sabin then takes advantage and drops to the floor to take the match.

    Chris Sabin def. Shark Boy, Sonjay Dutt, Alex Shelley and Jay Lethal at 15:50 to retain the X-division title.

    Backstage, JB interviewed team Cage. They are all confident. Cage said they are already have the match, and they are celebrating. All is well until Cage cracks on Abyss, who gets upset. Cage said only the best for Team Cage. Cage said Jeff Jarrett is a traitor. Cage said he is getting the pin fall tonight. Cage leaves, and Steiner and Tomko get into a war of words. Mitchell calls Abyss a "scum bag."

    Petey Williams vs. Robert Roode

    Match starts quickly as Roode entered the cage. Petey takes shots at him. Williams rope to rope and hits a hurricanrada on Roode. He then charges Roode and stomps him. Williams to the corner, leapfrogs off the ropes onto Roode and hits a knees to the jaw, Jawjacker. Roode is in a Tree of Woe now and Petey does the Oh Canada Crotch Stand.

    Roode now with the upperhand, choking Petey over the ropes. Eric Young sits and ringside and watches unhappily. Roode has Petey in the corner and he pummels him. Roode slows the pace of the match while he is on the offensive. He works the crowd a bit and chokes Petey now. Petey sent to the ropes, but he gets the boots up. Roode charges again, Petey gets the boots up again. Petey charges out and is met with a lariat, sending Petey in a 360.

    Scoop slam by Roode and he follows it with a knee drop off the ropes. Two count for Roode. Back drop suplex and another pin attempt but only two. Petey fights back, off the ropes turns it into a crucifix and a two count. Roode now sends Petey into the cage. Petey however, is fighting back tries to send Roode into the cage but instead Roode full body chokeslams Petey.

    Miss Brooks now gets a hockey stick and tries to give it to Roode. But Eric Young gets involved and yanks it back out. Inside the ring now Petey hits a big hurricanrada and a two count. Petey pulls a single leg for a pin attempt and gets two again. Outside Eric Young and Miss Brooks are still battling over the hockey stick. Inside, Petey hits a Swinging DDT and a two count.

    Young now gives Petey the hockey stick and he clocks Roode in the gut then the throat. Roode on his knees begging for a timeout. Petey winds up and Earl Hebner yanks the stick away and tosses it out. Petey gets picked up by Roode, rolls through and a two count. Roode charges Petey who misses. Petey calls for the Canadian Destroyer. He starts it but Roode reverses, then he hits the Payoff Fisherman Suplex for the pinfall and the victory.

    Robert Roode def. Petey Williams at 10:12 by Pinfall

    Backstage, Angle tried to smooth things over with Rhino. Rhino tells Angle he better talk to Joe now.

    Jackie Moore vs. Gail Kim

    The match starts on the ramp as Moore and Kim battle before the bell. They fight down to ringside and Kim sends Moore into the guardrails. Gail Kim now tossed onto the announce table into Mike Tenay who catches her. They are still brawling around the outside of the ring and finally Kim sends Moore inside the cage.

    Kim goes rope to rope and hits a hurricanrada and a dropkick. Jackie tries to escape but Kim sends her back inside the cage. Kim climbs now and hits a sunset flip off the middle rope but Jackie drops down into a pin. Kim reverses into a pin of her own. Two count.

    Both women now battling by the open door. Kim clocks Jackie with the door and has a free ride to leave, but slams the door shut and climbs the cage. She then hits a Plancha from the top of the cage on Jackie and scores the pinfall for the victory.

    Gail Kim def. Jackie Moore at 7:14 by pinfall.

    - Backstage, Samoa Joe blew up at Kurt Angle in an interview with JB. Joe warned everyone not to stand in his way of earning his title shot tonight.

    Austin Starr vs. Senshi [Special Guest Referee Bob Backlund

    Backlund checks Starr for foreign objects. The bell rings and off we go. Both men lock up, rolling around the ropes. Backlund calls for a break. We restart. Starr side headlocks Senshi. We break again.

    Senshi delivers a big knife-edge chop. Senshi to the ropes, shoulder blocks Starr. Senshi scoop slam and a snap Corkscrew Elbow Drop. One count. Senshi chops Starr again . Starr hits a back suplex now and a two count.

    Senshi then hits the Pendulum elbow on Senshi and a two count. Starr slaps on the Crossface chickenwing but Senshi runs free. He runs toward the cage and tries to spring back, but Starr catches him and powerbombs him down. Two count, as Senshi kicks out Starr reverses the kick out in to a half crab. Senshi grabs the ropes and Backlund calls the break.

    Starr punches Senshi and then Senshi reverses into a clothesline of his own and then hits a kick to the back of the head followed by a springboard back kick to the head of Starr. Starr charges Senshi who is in front of the cage and he gets back body dropped into the cage! Senshi gets a two count.

    Starr charges Senshi who is in the corner and dropkicks him. He then uses the ropes for leverage for the pin and Backlund stops counting when he notices. Starr and Backlund are exchanging words. Senshi stalks Starr and then hits a running dropkick when Starr turns around. Senshi calls for a Warriors Way but Starr shoves Backlund into the ropes making Senshi fall off the ropes. Starr then hits a 450 Splash. Backlund counts tow and Senshi kicks out!

    Starr is yelling at Backlund. Backlund takes off the bowtie and pushes Starr who falls backward right into a Senshi rollup. Senshi scores the pinfall.

    Senshi def. Austin Starr at 9:57 by Pinfall.

    James Storm vs. Chris Harris [Blindfold Match]

    The blindfolds are placed on the combatants. Storm feels around and then goes to attack the referee but the referee turns him around. They start to walk toward each other but pass right by. They are now walking the perimeter of the cage. They find each other in the center and throw a punch at each other and both miss.

    Fans start chanting, “We want wrestling.” They find each other in the center and Harris goes for a single leg takedown but Harris gets away. Harris now asks for the crowd to tell him where Storm is. He finds him and takes him down with a double leg and throws a bunch of punches. Storm gets away. Chris Harris finds Storm and nails him, taking his mask off. The referee puts it back on. Fans chant, “BORING.” Storm slams Harris then goes for an elbow drop but misses.

    Storm finds Harris and puts on a chinlock. Again the blindfold comes off. Referee puts it back on. Storm now knows where Harris is and he hits swinging DDT off the top ropes and a two count. Storm picks him up by the head and goes for set up for another swinging DDT off the top ropes. Harris battles back and hits a Diamond Cutter as a reversal. Harris crawls over and tries a pinfall. Only two.

    Storm now climbing of the cage but Harris somehow catches him and climbs next to him. Both men exchange blows. Storm is hanging off the cage, his mask comes off and Harris hits a perfect spear from the cage onto Storm. Harris now has his mask come off and he hits a sideslam and a two count. Referee puts the mask back on again.

    Chris Harris now puts a figure four on the referee by accident. James Storm takes the mask off intentionally now, Superkicks Harris and puts the mask back on for the pin and gets the three count.

    James Storm def. Chris Harris at 10:00 by Pinfall.

    - Backstage, Angle talked to Sting. Angle told Sting that Jeff Jarrett has changed for the better. Angle said tonight they are together as a team. Sting said after Bound for Glory, Jarrett was a different man. Sting said no one better screw him over. Angle ended the interview by saying "this job sucks."

    Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn

    Daniels is attacked as he climbs into the cage. Lynn goes right to work with punches and kicks. Daniels sends Lynn into the cage, blocked. Lynn tries the same… blocked. Lynn sends Daniels to the ropes and hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker and a two count. Lynn throws some punches ad Daniels. Lynn Thesz Presses Daniels and pummels him.

    Lynn to the corner and he headscissors Daniels through the ropes and he then dropkicks him sandwiching him between the ropes and the cage. Daniels reverses out suddenly with a Jawjacker across the top rope. Daniels hits a running knee lift to the back of Lynn sending Lynn into the cage from impact.

    Daniels in charge now and he rakes the eyes of Lynn. Daniels takes the video camera man cable and chokes Lynn out with it. Daniels hits a back drop suplex and hits a springboard Moonsault off the bottom rope. Two count. Very slow paced match thus far. Daniels applies an abdominal stretch.

    Daniels places Lynn on the top rope and tries to whip him off but Lynn holds onto the cage. Daniels now climbs over Lynn setting up a hurrincanrana. Lynn sinks down and quickly springs off the ropes to Daniel’s Right and hits a sunset flip powerbomb. Lynn rope to rope and hits a 360 back elbow. Daniels trying to climb but Lynn yanks him back down. Lynn in the corner climbs and pummels.

    Daniels charges Lynn but Lynn reverses into a DDT. Two count for Lynn. Lynn charges Daniels who is up against the cage. Daniels back body drops Lynn into the cage. Daniels with the legsweep clothesline combo and a two count. Lynn goes for a Cradle Piledriver now but Daniels reverses into a Full Body Chokeslam, and then goes for the Best Moonsault Ever but Lynn rolls away and Daniels misses. Lynn lifts Daniels in a Fireman’s carry and hits a TKO. Two count only for Lynn.

    Daniels and Lynn now standing on the top rope, up against the cage. Daniels hits a Reverse Russian Legsweep from the top rope and gets a two count. Daniels goes for a clothesline on Lynn but he catches the arm and turns it into a Novacain! Two count for Lynn!

    Now both men climb the ropes. Daniels tries to set up Angel’s Wings from the top. Lynn battles out and tries to set up the Cradle Piledriver from the top. Daniels fights it off and crotches Lynn, making him fall from the top. Daniels gets to the mat and hits the Last Rites for the pinfall and the victory.

    Christopher Daniels def. Jerry Lynn at 13:19 by Pinfall.

    Backstage, Konnan (with LAX) said Team 3D is washed up and their legacy is over. He said he didn't know what was worse, watching a Team 3D match or listening to a Christy Hemme promo. Konnan said Team 3D isn't at their level, and the belts are staying with the LAX.

    Backstage, Team 3D said the time for talking has ended. Brother Ray talked about the 10,000 volts that might be necesary to win their 20th world tag team titles. Brother Ray talks briefly about Dory and Terry and ends the interview by telling LAX "Funk You."

    Latin American Exchange vs. Team 3D [NWA Tag Team Championship Electrified Steel Cage Match]

    Jeremy Borash does the formal in-ring introductions of both teams. Both teams are in the cage now. We shut the door. The cage then gets electrified, with some corny sound effects and no visual. Homicide touches the cage and says ouch! The bell rings and Team 3D battles LAX right up against the ropes and. Homicide gets sent into the corner. Hernandez sent into Homicide. Ray charges and splashes, then Dvon does as well. Brother Ray hits an overhead release suplex on Homicide.

    Still with Team 3D in control now throwing punches. Homicide tries a DDT but Ray slams him and goes for the WHAT’s UP, but Hernandez slams him off the ropes. Homicide now tries to get Brother Ray to contact the cage, but Ray bites Homicide to battle back.

    Brother Dvon is busted open. Homicide tries to put Dvon’s head on the cage but cannot. Homicide leaps off the top and hits a knee to the back of the head of Dvon. Hernandez climbs the ropes and touches the cage and falls off from the shock. Dvon takes advantage and suplexes him off the top. Ray simultaneously suplexes Homicide. Dvon now hits a clothesline in Homicide

    Konnan is now being wheeled down to ringside. The person who wheeled Konnan down took out the outside referee and gave Konnan the protective gloves. Hector Guerrero then attacks the member of the Latino Nation. He then takes a steel chair and threatens Konnan. Hector takes the key and opens the cage door lock, but seems to forget that he needed gloves to not get shocked, but he opens it anyway without shock. The door is open now and Brother Ray calls for a table. The table touches the cage and again no shocking. Hernandez then yells to the outside of the ring at Hector saying he is Latino and what the heck is he doing. Guerrero slams the cage door into Hernandez, again no sign of any shock.

    Brother Ray Full Nelson slams Homicide. Hernandez Powerbombs Ray. Homicide climbs the ropes and hits a Flying Elbow Drop. Two count. Homicide goes for a running dropkick but Ray moves and Homicide connects with Hernandez. Ray hits a huge running powerbomb and a two count. Hernandez then pops up and lariats Ray. Two count for Hernandez. Quick pace now. Hernandez picks up Dvon in a crucifix and Border Tosses him into the cage. Suddenly the lights flicker and we hear a shock sound. Corny. Fans Boo.

    Fans start to chant “FIRE RUSSO” Homicide charges Ray in the corner, Ray reverses and shoots him into the opposite corner. Ray has Homicide on his shoulders. They hit the Doomsday Device. Two count for Dvon on Homicide. Hernandez Spinebusts Ray then one for Dvon. Hernandez sets up the table. Hernandez puts Dvon on the table and he puts on some gloves that he had in his pocket. He climbs the cage and is sitting on the cage, no shocking. Hernandez is on the top of the cage and he leaps from the top!!! Splash through the table, as Dvon rolls away. Despite the fact that the corny electricity factor was just ignored that high spot was worth it. Dvon sends Homicide to the ropes, Homicide ducks, and is then leapfrogged in to the cage. Homicide catches it and again with the corny electric shock sound and lights flickering. Homicide falls off on to the shoulder of Ray who looks like he was going to turn that straight into a 3D, but they fall accidentally it seems. Ray then picks him up again and hits 3D.1….2…..3!

    Team 3D def. LAX by Pinfall at 15:35 to win the World Tag Team Championships.

    Backstage, JB interviewed Kurt Angle. Angle said he did the best job he could in assembling his team. He said if Jarrett screws Team Angle, he screws Kurt Angle which wouldn't be good for Jeff Jarrett.

    Team Cage [Christian Cage, Tomko, Scott Steiner, Abyss, A.J. Styles] vs. Team Angle [Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, Samoa Joe, Sting, Rhino] [Lethal Lockdown Match]

    The first competitors are A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle. Additional members will enter in two-minute intervals.

    They circle the ring and Angle arm drags Styles over.They lock up and Angle takes Cage into a side headlock. Angle, sporting the old red, white, and blue garb, goes rope to rope. Angle punches Styles and Styles charges him in the corner. Angle catches him as he leaps and Angle tosses him to the mat and then scoop slams him.

    Styles with a blatant choke of Angle, and follows up with a headlock. Angle Olympic Slams Styles and we now have our third entrant.

    Abyss enters.

    Abyss goes right after Angle and lifts him up and hits a seated back breaker on him. Styles and Abyss double-team Angle. We have our fourth entrant.

    Rhino enters.

    Rhino sprints to the ring and Spears Abyss, then Spears Styles. Belly to Belly on Abyss and now he tries for a Gore on Abyss but gets caught mid move in a Chokeslam. Rhino battles out and goes rope to rope and clotheslines Abyss. AJ and Rhino battle now. Rhino catapults AJ into the top turnbuckle. Angle and Rhino double shoulderblock Abyss. We have our fifth entrant.

    Tomko enters

    He runs in and quickly delivers a Big Boot to Rhino. He then charges Rhino and hits a running knee lift.

    Angle now fighting with Abyss. Tomko and AJ double team Rhino. Entrant number six on the way.

    Samoa Joe enters

    Joe cleans house and hits an atomic drop on Abyss and a running kick and a back splash. Tomko sends Joe into the corner and gets a flying knee to the face for his troubles. AJ then steps up and kicks Joe in the face. Joe in the corner still and AJ charges. He leaps, and Joe catches him and one arm slams him down. Joe then hits a Muscle Buster on AJ. Tomko goes for a clothesline of Joe who ducks. Angle then catches him and hits 1…2…3….4….5 German suplexes. We have entrant number seven.

    Scott Steiner enters.

    Steiner Belly to Bellys Angle and Samoa Joe. HE then puts Rhino on the top rope and he actually hits a Frankensteiner! And it looked good! Amazing! All out mayhem in the ring now. Steiner chokes Angle. AJ and Tomko beat on Rhino. Joe hits a Pelle kick to Abyss.

    Sting enters.

    Entrant number 8 is here and Sting hits Inverted DDT on Abyss and hits a Stinger Splash on Steiner, then Abyss, then a combination of Styles and Tomko. Styles on the cage. And we have a pyramid of men from cage to floor who in unison hit a Pyramid backsuplex!! AJ takes the brunt of the move though. Sting slaps on the Scorpion on Steiner but AJ makes the save. Here comes number nine.

    Christian Cage enters.

    Cage comes in and runs Rhino into the cage then he chops Sting and gets sent in to the ropes and receives a back body drop from Sting. Cage chops Sting, but Sting powers up in his face and gives him a WOOOOO! Sting hits a Stinger Splash on Cage in the corner, he goes for another and hits! Sting then runs Cage into the cage. Scorpion Deathlock locked in on Cage. Styles breaks it up with a kick. The 10th and final entrant is here.

    Jeff Jarrett enters.

    Jarrett hits a dropkick on Abyss and Tomko, then Cage. Styles goes for a kick but Jarrett ducks and hits the stroke. Lethal Lockdown now begins, as the roof is lowered. Both teams took sides and once the top came down, then they charged each other and began to battle. Jarrett climbs up and gets a bat, and tosses it to Sting, and then he gives a garbage can to Rhino. He tosses a nightstick to Samoa Joe Jarrett still on the top rope, gets a trash can lid and clocks Abyss, then he gives Steiner about 7 shots with the lid.

    Angle gives AJ a two-finger salute and then kicks him. AJ runs away and leaps to the top. He then springs to the roof and slips through to the top of the cage! Angle climbs up to follow. Angle and Styles on the top of the cage. Mitchell hands Abyss two bags of tacks

    Harley Race, who is the special key holder knocks out James Mitchell outside. Inside the ring Joe and Tomko are on the top rope battling and Joe trips and falls off the rope. Tomko is on the mat outside the ropes, in front of the door. Rhino runs and Gores him through the door! Tomko goes flying. On the top now and AJ clocks Angle with a chair on the roof. Rhino heads outside the ring now after Tomko and Steiner goes out after him. Joe then goes rope to rope and flies through the ropes to the outside!! Abyss pours out the tacks. Jarrett gets choked and so does Sting ready for the ride but they reverse out. Cage flies in with a double axe handle to make the save and then Cage gets Double Chokeslammed by Jarrett and Sting into the tacks!! Abyss then hits a Black Hole Slam on Jarrett on the mat. Styles and Angle fighting near the edge of the cage Angle throws a big blow to AJ who takes a huge spill with a flip to boot that the camera totally missed and AJ goes from the top of the cage onto Rhino, Tomko and Steiner on the outside.

    Abyss puts tacks in the guitar. Jarrett has the guitar ready to go and Sting backs up into Jarrett turns around and Jarrett doesn’t swing, instead he clocks Abyss! Jarrett tells Sting to cover Abyss. Sting is hesitant. Sting covers Abyss and gets the pinfall. Jarrett then extends his hand to Sting. Joe and Rhino come in the ring. Sting isn’t shaking his hand. Then he finally does. Rhino shakes Jarrett’s hand and Rhino reluctantly shakes his hand. Angle climbs down the cage, looks at Jarrett, and shakes his head and leaves. Jarrett runs up the ramp and walks next to Angle but Angle pays no mind to him as we go off the air.

    Your Winner at 28:05 and #1 Contender: Sting

    Note: A huge thankyou to Will322 for taking on the play by play on such short notice

  3. #3
    Flamez -O- Holic flamesoffury's Avatar
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    jeff jarrett is with the faces? i am confused!
    < Thanks Eragon

    < Thanks Joe

  4. #4
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flamesoffury View Post
    jeff jarrett is with the faces? i am confused!
    Welcome to Russo's world of strange and unbelievable booking.

  5. #5
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    are there any gimmicks in wrestling that are stupider than blindfold matches? I cant think of any.

  6. #6
    Main Eventer wwe9112's Avatar
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    ummm......u...... how bout ummm...... no lol thanks for the pbp tonight will. Good job dude.

    Rep if you like my posts - I do my own banners, if you would like one please feel free to PM me; I'll do my best to get it to you. Thanks.

  7. #7
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    Thanks, I'm just trying to do my part to help.

    Who is your pick for the main event tonight?

  8. #8
    Main Eventer wwe9112's Avatar
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    i like the dudlys match

    Rep if you like my posts - I do my own banners, if you would like one please feel free to PM me; I'll do my best to get it to you. Thanks.

  9. #9
    WOOOOO! Flair Country's Avatar
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    I can hear people chanting "Fire Russo" during the LAX vs. 3D match. I don't think they're buying the Electrified Steel Cage thing.

  10. #10
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    I wish the Dudley's would just retire, they are about a decade passed their prime.

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