Quote Originally Posted by tommy View Post
Eel, your just an idiot. Raw will get better now that the one man who gives it his all is gone? Yeah, right. Name one person who tries harder than Cena does, on the mic or in the ring, week after week. He took the lead spot in the WWE for 3 years now, without taking breaks, EVEN while filming a movie. He gets the biggest reaction out of the fans week after week, be it love or hate. Cena IS Raw, and this is going to be a HUGE loss.

Mark my words, over half of the Cena haters will be hailing him as a saint come his return. H

Granted he isn't on RAW, but you didn't specify.

I would have said Shawn Michaels too, more so for in-ring performance, but it doesn't look like he is coming back now anyways.