OVW Results - 29th Jun 2007
Location - Six Flags

In front of 800 fans packed in to the OVW Arena at Six Flags.

Pre-Event matches:

Jacob Duncan won a 20 man battle royal.

Beth Phoenix & Victoria Crawford pinned Katie Lea & Melody.

Jake Hager & Dr Death defeated Los Locos.

The Summer Sizzler series kicked off with Roucka getting a DQ victory over ODB. Mike Kruel kicked out referee Ray Ramsey and brought out Ramon Loco to call it right down the middle. Of course he did the ole call everything for the heel. ODB got mad and hit Ramon. Ramon then DQ'd ODB allowing her to keep the belt much to the chagrin of Kruel. ODB has her hair blonde now.

Colt Cabana pinned Victor Kozlov. Usual Colt fun in this match. Lot of dancing and exaggerated mannerisms. Cabana tried to use speed to counteract the power of Kozlov. Kozlov finally got his hands on ole Boom Boom though and started unloading power moves onto him. Cabana grabbed an opening to roll up Kozlov near the rope though and used his feet on them for leverage for the win. Kozlov was infuriated.

The James Boys (w/ both Bolins) beat the Major Brothers to win the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles. The match saw the James Boys being heat magnets, constantly double teaming behind the ref's back as well as doing non tag switches. Majors hat hit their finisher on Kassidy when Mini-B hit the apron, allowing KC to use Mini-B's briefcase to layout Brett. He pulled Kassidy on top of Brett for the pinfall.

Antoni Pulaski pinned Steve Lewington in the 2500 dollar Body Slam challenge. The match was simple, Lewington could only win by slamming the 450 pound Pulaski. Lewington made several attempts but when he finally got Pulaski up the weight was too much and fell backward with Pulaski winning via lateral press.

Jay Bradley pinned Chett The Jett to become #1 Contender for the OVW Heavyweight Title. Chett started out attacking Bradley's arm to try and neutralize his lariat finisher. Bradley came back with multiple kicks and elbow shots to Chett's head which just softened Chett's head and neck for the lariat Bradley used for the pinfall.

Cody Runnels won a strap match over Shawn Spears. First let me note, it's time for one of these guys to get new entrance music. I understand they were a tag team and used the same music then,but they have been feuding for 2 months now. One of them has to get new music. Spears stalled forever at the opening refusing to tie the strap on. Finally they are tied together and Cody goes right after Spears who bails. Cody chases him and Spears yanks him hard into one of the ring posts. Spears pulls him back in and hits 3 corners fast, Cody lunges onto him to break the turnbuckle count. Spears back drops him off, Cody comes back with fists and strap lashes to Spears back. Goes for the fist drop off the top rope but Spears yanks him down. Spears gets three turnbuckles again but Cody breaks it up. Spears then throws Cody over the top rope and then hangs him with the strap. Spears climbs to the top rope but Cody yanks him down onto the announce table. Both men are down and the crowd is finally getting hot for this match. Cody drags Spears into the middle of the ring and begins the slow journey around the ring hitting the turnbuckles. Cody hits the third turnbuckle and Spears tries to pull Cody away from the fourth. Cody whips Spears with the strap and then hits the last Turnbuckle for the win. This was probably about 25 minutes.

Idol pinned Carlito with a schoolboy. Carlito came out a huge pop, the loudest I've heard at Six Flags this year. Of course Carlito had to get on the mic and degrade the crowd one stereotype at a time (Fat women, toothless, wimpy). Carlito then said he'd beat Idol in "8.34 minutes". Carlito tries to leave because the crowd will not quiet down, but Idol pulls him back into the ring. This match was back and forth. Idol would get the upperhand and Carlito would pull out a counter move or gouge the eyes. At around the 8 minute mark they began trading near falls. Carlito hit a back springing elbow for 2 and then began stomping Idol. Carlito took a bite of his apple and got ready to spit it in Idol's face when Idol schoolboyed him for the win in just under 9 minutes.