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  1. #1
    BANG! bad_meetz_evil's Avatar
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    Default (Spoilers) WWE SmackDown! Taping Results

    01/15/2006 - SmackDown! was taped tonight. Here are the results by Ric G of the Observer:

    Matches announced for the show are Mark Henry vs Rey Misterio in a #1 contender match, and Kurt Angle vs Daivari (I'm guessing something will happen on RAW to set this up).

    Lashley defeated JBL. During the match, the Boogeyman came out, distracted JBL and Lashley got the pin. Boogeyman ate worms in the ring after the match.

    Kurt Angle is walking around backstage, being congratulated by the Smackdown! superstars. Rey Misterio gets in Kurt's face, then seconds later Mark Henry also gets in Kurt's face.

    JBL is backstage, yelling at Teddy Long to do something about the Boogeyman. Long makes a match for the Rumble: JBL vs Boogeyman. JBL looks scared.

    Booker T and Sharmell come out to celebrate U.S. Title win. Balloons fall from the ceiling. Out comes Orlando Jordan, demanding a match tonight with Booker. Booker says he's not cleared to wrestle yet. Jordan shoves Booker down. Teddy Long comes out and makes a match for later tonight: Randy Orton (as Booker's substitute) vs. Orlando Jordan.

    Matt Hardy defeated Fit Finlay by DQ. At the end of the match, Finlay has Hardy in the ropes, and starts delivering hard crossfaces. Ref counts to five, Finlay is still delivering the crossfaces. So the ref DQs Finlay and awards Hardy the match. Finlay gets on the mic and says "I'll give you something to DQ me for." He puts Hardy's head on the steel steps and stomps on his head.

    Footage of Batista's surgery is shown, with a message from Batista saying he will be back.

    Rey Misterio vs Mark Henry. Henry kicked out of a 619 and frogsplash. Henry wins with a powerslam, setting up Henry vs Angle at the Rumble for the world title. Misterio sold the injured ribs for a good five minutes, and the refs carried him back to the back.

    The Gymini defeated Brian Kendrick and Paul London. Mr. Kennedy at ringside for this match providing commentary.

    Randy Orton defeated Orlando Jordan. At the end, Jordan is on the top rope, poised to attack Orton. Sharmell and Booker T come down. Booker nails Jordan with the crutch, Orton follows up with the RKO for the pin. Afterwards, Chris Benoit comes down and chops the hell out of both Booker and Orton. That sets up Benoit vs Orton at next week's Smackdown! tapings.

    Kurt Angle defeated Daivari by DQ. Mark Henry and Melina at ringside to scout the match. Angle puts Daivari in the ankle lock, but Melina
    interferes, causing the DQ. Angle puts the anklelock on Melina, causing Henry to come in and attack Angle. Henry nails Angle with the steel steps and leaves him for dead. Daivari grabs the mic and announces he is the new manager of Mark Henry, and that he "screwed" Angle. Show ends with Daivari and Henry celebrating while Angle is hurt outside.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Where the streets have no name...
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    With Raw this monday, it looks like they're turning Kurt face. Interesting to see how the 'you suck' chants will be affected. Although realistically Kurt is that damn good, he could pull off any character role. Except the 'anti-American'.
    Anyways, seems like another decent Smackdown.

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