In the dumps about going back to work after the three-day Memorial Day weekend? Well, this news should get your spirits up – on June 28th, a special Wednesday night edition of Spike TV’s Ultimate Fight Night will be held at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada featuring one of the UFC’s rising middleweight stars against a newcomer with stellar world-class credentials.

You guessed it – ‘The Crippler’ vs ‘The Spider’ is now official.

Chris Leben, unbeaten in the Octagon at 5-0, will face the toughest test of his career when he takes on the UFC’s newest signee, Brazilian superstar Anderson Silva, and this is a bout practically guaranteed for a spot among the year’s best fights. Tickets are on sale now for June 28th’s Ultimate Fight Night, and you can also obtain them by clicking here.

A full-slate of exciting undercard bouts will be announced.