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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 16th March, 2009

    Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!

    RAW Results - 16th March 2009
    Location -
    Announcers - Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    It's the antepenultimate episode of RAW before Wrestlemania XXV! JBL, the great American, teams up with the Moscow Mauler, Vladimir Kozlov, to take on The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, in the unique situation of opponents at the PPV teaming up to wrestle at a tag team before the big show. Unanswered questions include whether or not Ric Flair will come out of retirement to face Chris Jericho, is Triple H still in jail, and who is paying to repair Randy Orton's window. The show opens with a painstakingly long recap of last week's contract signing with Cena bringing back GTV.

    Shawn Michaels & The Undertaker vs. JBL & Vladimir Kozlov

    Lawler says that he can't believe that HBK and Taker are teaming, which makes me wonder if he's seen RAW before. Michaels leaps on Kozlov, then quickly tags Taker in. They exchange shots, then Taker blocks a charge. Kozlov is clotheslined out of the ring before going to commercial.

    When we return, HBK is tagging in to chop JBL. He comes off the ropes with a flying forearm, followed by an inverted atomic drop and scoop slam. Michaels goes to the top and hits the top rope elbow drop. Kozlov distracts him and JBL gets his own Sweet Chin Music. Kozlov tags in and wastes no time. Headbutts to the chest, followed by a slam for two. JBL comes back in and pounds HBK, then gets two with a clothesline. Kozlov back in, and he applies a bearhug. Michaels fights out and reverses the chokeslam with a DDT.

    Michaels crawls to his corner and tags in Taker just as Kozlov tags in JBL. Taker punches JBL, then charges in the corner a couple of times. Taker takes JBL back in time for Old School. Taker hits Snake Eyes (classic Taker), followed by a big boot and elbow drop. Michaels with a blind tag and he hits Sweet Chin Music on JBL for the win.

    Winners: Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker

    After the match
    Taker is none too happy and he chases Shawn to the back. Michaels seemingly retreats, then he comes back out and tags Taker with Sweet Chin Music and celebrates on the stage. Commercial.

    Edge walks into Vickie's office and she is apologetic. He has something he wants to tell her. He forgives her. She tries to say that Big Show forced himself on her. Edge says their love is for real. He blames Cena for their troubles. He says no one can take away what they have, then she says she hopes he wins at Mania. They kiss.

    Recap of Randy Orton, the Playboy Model, and Trips Breaking and Entering last week. Too many recaps when there are only three RAWs left including this one. Lawler says that HHH posted bail and Randy Orton decided not to file charges, so HHH is facing Cody Rhodes tonight.

    Orton is in the back with the rest of Legacy and Todd Grisham. He asks why Orton dropped the charges. Orton says he the H is a homicidal maniac. If he went to jail, though, his debt to Orton would not be paid. Rather than a court of law, it will be Orton's Law at Wrestlemania, where he will pass sentence and become WWE Champion. Commercial.

    In this week's "Wow We're Excellent" graphic, we learn that WWE Smackdown is the fastest episodic program in history to reach 500 episodes...or something.

    Mickie James, Kelly Kelly & Melina vs. Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendes & Jillian

    Mickie and Beth start off. Beth powers Mickie into the corner, but misses an attack. She gets the better of Mickie and puts her on the ground, then steps on her throat. Snapmare by Beth. Mickie fights back, but runs into a shoulderblock. Mickie makes the tag to Melina. Melina dicks a punch from Beth, then hits a handspring back elbow. Melina takes Beth to the mat by her hair for two. Melina blocks a charge, then hits a senton off the middle rope. Beth with a backbreaker for two. Santino's interference doesn't go as planned, and Melina rolls up Beth for the win.

    Winners: Mickie James, Kelly Kelly & Melina

    12 Rounds preview. Insert your favorite Orange Sash joke here. I will say that having Governor Carchetti from The Wire makes it more interesting.

    Cena vs. Edge is on for tonight.

    HHH vs. Cody Rhodes

    Orton and DiBiase are there for back up. HHH is not distracted and he easily handles Rhodes. They go outside the ring, and HHH throws him around. The trusty sledgehammer is retrieved from underneath the ring and HHH taunts Orton. Cody gets up, then he is put down with a Pedigree. HHH calls for the steel cage to be lowered. Cole and Lawler are in awe, so I guess they didn't look up tonight. HHH leaves the ring to chase Orton and DiBiase towards the back. The steel cage is completely lowered. The bell rings and the match is officially on.

    HHH punches Rhodes in the face. Orton starts to climb up, but HHH tosses Rhodes into the cage, then does it again to stop DiBiase. No one can get in the ring with Trips throwing Rhodes around at will. Orton and HHH go face to face with the cage between them, as HHH taunts him with a sledgehammer. DiBiase makes it to the top, but Triple H stops him from entering. He tells Orton to watch, then nails Rhodes in the face with the sledgehammer.

    Winner: Triple H

    After the match
    HHH sits atop the cage and stares at Orton.

    Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler

    Dolph gets no entrance music, so we know where this is headed. Dolph with a wrist lock. He takes Rey down and gets some punches. Rey has issued a challenge to wrestle JBL at Wrestlemania. He tries a weak cover for two, followed by two after an elbow drop. Full Nelson by Ziggler. He drops Mysterio on the mat, but Rey kicks back. Rey ranas Dolph into the corner in a vintage move. Senton out of the corner. Another rana sends Dolph into the ropes, followed by a 619 and a splash for the vintage win.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    It remains to be seen if JBL will accept Rey's challenge for a match at Wrestlemania.

    Chris Jericho comes out ready to wrestle. He blames Flair for keeping him out of actual Wrestlemania, so tonight will be his Wrestlemania. He calls Flair pathetic and says that he doesn't want to stay on the sidelines, then he calls him a joke, washed up, etc. But Jericho is giving him another chance to bask in the adulation of the hypocrites. He is giving Flair a chance and Flair's music plays. Flair is not dressed to wrestle.

    Flair gets on the mic and says even though he knows he can beat Jericho, he is officially retired as an active competitor. He will always be the man, though. He does not want to tarnish the great sendoff last year, calling it the greatest night of his career. He says he can't wrestle Jericho, but he has found some men that can.

    Superfly Snuka is out first, followed by Ricky the Dragon Steamboat, and finally, Rowdy Roddy Piper. The Hall of Famers head to the ring. They surround Jericho in the ring. They get on the apron. Go for Snuka first, Jericho! Jericho tries to run, but the olde timers get a couple of shots in, including a right hand from Flair.

    Jericho vs. Geritol at Wrestlemania

    Jericho, reeling from the Old Folk's Home attacking, says he is upset at them for ruining his Wrestlemania. He is incredulous at the thought that he should be called embarrassed, but then challenges his elderly attackers to a match at Wrestlemania. He demands that Flair be in the corner of the Legends that night, saying the pain the has beens feel will be on his hands. He remembers to tell Mickey Rourke that he is buying a front row seat. And this ending won't be ambiguous, it will be tragic, as Jericho puts the old men out of their misery.

    Kane, Shelton Benjamin & Mark Henry vs. Kofi Kingston, MVP & CM Punk

    Christian, Finlay and Hornswoggle are on commentary. Kofi and Shelton go at it to start. Henry tags in and headbutts Kingston. Kofi avoids a charge, then tags MVP in. They team to dropkick Henry. MVP dropkicks Henry into his corner, where Kane is tagged in. MVP avoids a charge and hits the Drive By in the corner. The faces and heels stare down like the Sharks and the Jets. Commercial.

    Kane is stretching Kofi's back after Kofi ran into a big boot. Side slam by Kane. Shelton Benjamin tags in. Finlay smartly wonders why no one is turning on their partner, saying they should be trying to take each other out. Benjamin keeps Kingston on the mat. Benjamin with an abdominal stretch on Kingston. Finlay says he would cash MITB in at Wrestlemania 25 if he won. Punk tags in and takes Benjamin down with a leg lariat. Charge in the corner, followed by a bulldog for two when Kane breaks the pin up. Kofi takes Kane out of the ring. MVP sends Benjamin into a GTS and Punk pins him for the win

    Winners: MVP, Kofi Kingston and CM Punk

    Vickie is wearing a referee's outfit and asking Big Show what he is doing here. She accuses Big Show of using her to get in the title match. He says that isn't true, and says Vickie pursued him. They both know that Show is anatomically superior to Edge. Bigger feet? Big Show tells her to calm down and says Edge is using the tactics he accuses Show of using. Show tells Vickie Edge doesn't love her, but he (Show) does. Show then kisses Vickie before telling her she looks sexy in her shirt. Commercial, and not a moment too soon.

    HHH is leaving and Grisham wants to know how he got Vickie Guerrero to cooperate by lowering the cage. He doesn't answer, but we see Stephanie McMahon in the front seat

    Edge vs. John Cena w/ Special Guest Referee Vickie Guerrero

    Edge with a side headlock to start. Cena throws him off. Edge throws Cena into the corner, but Cena reverses another whip. Suplex by Cena, but Vickie won't count the cover. Edge attacks from behind and stomps away. Cena takes a spill over the top. Cena's head is slammed on the announcer's table, then he is whipped into the steel stairs. Edge gets ready for the spear, but he finds turnbuckle instead. Blue Thunder by Cena, and you can't see him, Vickie. Vickie covers Edge for a moment, but she gets up and Cena still hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. She keeps Cena from hitting the Attitude Adjustment, but Cena applies the STF (no U). Vickie applies her own chinlock.

    The Big Show comes out and goes after Cena. Edge joins in. They tie Cena up in the ropes. Edge hits a spear. Big Show with some punches. Edge turns on Show and spears him. Edge stands tall, and now there are only two RAWs before Wrestlemania.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Scheduled for tonight on Raw:

    *Shawn Michaels & The Undertaker vs. WWE Intercontinental champ JBL & Vladimir Kozlov.

    *Ric Flair responds to Chris Jericho's challenge for a Street Fight tonight.


    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    The Eating Machine! Kenpachi Zaraki's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
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    What a horrible show such bad matches was it the jobber night ?

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