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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 30th March, 2009

    Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!

    RAW Results - 30th March 2009
    Location - Dallas, Texas
    Announcers - Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    We are live from Dallas, Texas and your announcers are Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole

    Eighteen Diva Tag Match

    Mickie and Jillian start things off and Jillian with an arm bar and she throws Mickie to the mat but she misses a handspring leg drop. Mickie with punches to Jillian and then Tiffany is tagged in and she works on the arm. Jillian with a knee and she tags in Beth. Tiffany punches Beth but Beth with an Irish whip and she charges into an elbow but Beth with a flapjack. Katie tags in and she kicks Tiffany. Tiffany with an inside cradle for the three count.

    Winners: The Faces

    After the match
    Santino Marrella comes out and he is wearing a robe. Santino says that he might have been denied entry into the Diva Battle Royale by Vickie Guerrero, but he went above her head to Jack Tunney. He calls himself an equal rights pioneer. He says that he is going to have an in ring swimsuit exhibition. Santino enters the ring to show that he is more dominant than anyone, even Beth. He wants to show that he has what it takes to be Ms. Wrestlemania. Santino says that he is going to unleash the Mankini.

    Beth yells at Santino and Rosa has to hold him back. Suddenly it is time to pile on Santino and then they throw him out of the ring.

    Cole talks about the match between Triple H and Randy Orton. Lawler says that Orton’s actions were inexcusable. In case you missed, it here we go with a recap.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the WWE Rewind: Chris Jericho’s attack of Ric Flair last week

    Jerry Lawler vs Chris Jericho

    They lock up and Jericho pushes Lawler out of the corner. Jericho pushes Lawler again but Lawler pushes back. Lawler with punches to Jericho followed by kicks and more punches. Lawler pushes Jericho in the corner. The referee tries to separate them and Jericho with a punch. Jericho with a clothesline followed by a kick and more punches. Jericho with a forearm to Lawler followed by a back elbow. Jericho punches Lawler and then he yells at him. Jericho with more punches in the corner but Lawler with an Irish whip but he walks into an elbow. Jericho comes off the turnbuckles but Lawler with a VINTAGE punch to the midsection and the straps are down in a vintage manner. Lawler with more punches to Jericho. Jericho punches Lawler and then he puts Lawler in the Walls of Jericho and Lawler taps out.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    After the match
    Jericho returns to the ring and he picks Lawler up but Lawler punches Jericho and Jericho leaves the ring.

    Jericho gets on the mic and he says that he already beat Lawler so he is not going to get back into the ring. He says that when it comes to Wrestlemania, it is not how he will beat them, it will be how bad he will beat them. Jericho says that he knows that he will be called heartless but he does not care because Mickey Rourke started it. Because of one night of false bravado, his three friends will meet their demise. He will win at Wrestlemania, and he will embarrass them. He will eradicate them from wrestling forever. The only name that will be synonymous with legend will be Chris Jericho.

    Time for a look at Vintage John Cena playing a person whose wife is kidnapped in vintage ways.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Toasty Torpedo Takedown: Big Show, John Cena, and Edge from two weeks ago. They stick Cena in the ropes. Then we go to last week’s Raw when Edge goes down and he goes down hard.

    Todd Grisham is in the locker room with John Cena. Todd mentions that they are six days away from Wrestlemania 25th Anniversary. They are joined by Edge. Edge says that Cena’s chances of winning at Wrestlemania are virtually non-existent. Edge says that it does not have to be that way. Two weeks ago, Big Show knocked Cena out. Last week, Show knocked him out. Edge says that Show could pick them off at will. If they could put their differences aside, they can get rid of the Big Show and then beat the hell out of each other. If they don’t do that they are sitting ducks. Cena says that makes perfect sense. It is intelligent and logical. (but this is the WWE and there cannot be any logic). Cena says that he does not like Edge and he would rather lose on his own. Cena says that he is going to Wrestlemania to be champion.

    Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes are in the back and Michael Cole asks them what Randy Orton might talk about later tonight. Cody says that Randy will probably talk about what happened last week. Ted says that what Randy is going to talk about tonight affects the entire WWE Universe. Ted says that everything in the WWE changes forever after Wrestlemania.

    We see a casket come out of a hearse and it opens to reveal Shawn Michaels. He asks if they were expecting someone else.

    We are back with a vintage look at Dallas.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment with audio of Shawn Michaels comments that were missed.

    Jerry Lawler is back to join Michael Cole at the vintage announce table.

    We see footage from Friday night when John Bradshaw Layfield showed Rey the bottom of his boot after Rey defeated Chavo Guerrero.

    Rey Mysterio vs John Bradshaw Layfield

    Before the match, Bradshaw says that he was going to deliver the most decisive victory in Wrestlemania history. Tonight is psychological. He is going to beat Rey within an inch of his life so in six days when it is time for the greatest pay per view in wrestling history he will be ready.

    They lock up and Bradshaw backs Rey into the corner and Bradshaw with a kick to the head. He follows with a forearm to the back and a punch to the head. Rey with a kick followed by a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and Bradshaw falls into the ropes. Bradshaw with a clothesline but he misses an elbow. Rey tries for a springboard cross body but Bradshaw with a boot to Rey and Rey goes down.

    We go to commercial.

    Rey tries for a cross body again but Bradshaw with a fallaway slam and Rey rolls to the floor. Bradshaw stomps on Rey’s hand and then he kicks him in the head as the action has moved to the floor for a bit. Bradshaw gets a near fall after rolling Rey back in. Bradshaw with a forearm and then he punches Rey in the corner. Rey is put on the top turnbuckle but Rey fights back as they are eye to eye. Rey with a seated senton and then Rey with an enzuigiri and Bradshaw falls into the ropes. Bradshaw escapes the 619, but he is not so lucky after a drop kick sends Bradshaw into the ropes at a vintage Mysterio angle and Rey hits the diving splash for the three count.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    We go to John Cena’s comments from Smackdown.

    Big Show is walking and we go to commercial.

    We are back with a Wrestlemania Retro Moment. We go back to Wrestlemania XI when Lawrence Taylor faced Bam Bam Bigelow.

    John Cena vs Big Show

    Before the match starts, we see Show main squeeze, Vickie Guerrero watching from the comfort of her wheelchair.

    Show with a kick and then he sends Cena to the mat. Show with punches in the corner. Show with a chop to Cena and Cena goes down. Show with a forearm to the back followed by a head butt and then he stands on Cena’s midsection. Show has Cena in the ropes as he stretches him. Show with a punch to the ribs. Cena punches back and he tries for the flying shoulder tackle but Show pushes him away like he was Hornswoggle. Show with a head butt. Show with an Irish whip but he misses a splash into the corner. Cena with a punch but Show tosses Cena into the air and then he stomps on Cena’s back. Show goes up to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop but Cena moves. Cena goes up top for the leg drop and he hits it. Cena tries for an STF but Show pushes Cena away. We go to commercial after Show hits a baseball slide.

    We are back and Show with a rear chin lock. We see footage of Show sending Cena into the ring post and ringside barrier. Show stands on Cena’s head. Show stands on Cena’s back. Show signals for the choke slam and Cena is in position but Cena blocks it with a gingerly placed DDT. Cena goes to the STF but he cannot reach his head. Show gets ready for the punch but Cena misses it and Cena tries for the Attitude Adjustment. Show with a choke slam for the three count.

    Winner: Big Show

    After the match
    Edge enters the ring and he attacks Cena. Show stands and watches as referees try to stop the vintage Edge attack.

    Time to take a look at Shawn Michaels' tribute to the Undertaker from Smackdown.

    Shawn Michaels is walking in the back and he has a casket behind him.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment when Big Show defeated John Cena.

    It is time for the Funeral for Mr. Wrestlemania and there is a casket in the ring but Shawn Michaels’ music plays. Shawn comes to the ring and he has a mic. Shawn says that he stands here tonight a man unafraid. The wreath, casket, and procession are not for him, it is for the Undertaker. On Sunday, his undefeated streak at Wrestlemania will cease to exist. Shawn says that they have had some epic matches and Shawn reminds Taker that he has always come out on top. There is one thing that Taker has not been able to accomplish in his career and that is to beat Shawn Michaels. Over the last few weeks, he has superkicked him in the face, treaded on the hallowed ground of his graves, and on Friday night he showed how his light will forever outshine Taker’s darkness. He has done it without the slightest bit of consequence. Without a hint of retribution.

    Shawn opens the casket and there is nobody in there. Shawn says that there will be no retribution. Shawn says that Taker uses Wrestlemania to show his peers what he represents. Shawn says that Taker not thinking that he can end the streak is a personal insult to him. On Sunday, every moment over the last twenty-four years will pale in comparison to what he achieved. The next night, they will talk about who won the title matches. They will talk about legends and ladders, but the moment that will be etched in their mind will be when Shawn Michaels pins the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

    We hear a gong and the lights go out.

    The lights go back on after the casket closes. Undertaker is in the ring and he is alone. Taker looks for Shawn and then he destroys everything in the ring. Taker thinks for a second and he turns his attention to the casket. Taker opens the casket and there is nobody in there. Taker is thwarted again. Shawn comes out from under the casket and he hits Sweet Chin Music on Taker.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Shawn Michaels getting another advantage over the Undertaker.

    We have a video package for Steve Austin and the rest of the Hall of Famers are mentioned. Then we take a look at the card for Wrestlemania.

    We are in the back and Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes are giving instructions to the security in the back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and did you know that a lot of people bought the WWE Encyclopedia.

    We have a video package for the match between Matt and Jeff Hardy.

    Eight Man Money in the Bank Participants Battle Royal

    We have everyone pair up. Kane tries to eliminate Punk but Punk stays in. Henry has Finlay on the apron but Finlay gets back in. Henry with an elbow to Finlay and then Finlay is eliminated. Hornswoggle throws his little jacket at Henry and that allows Kane and Porter to eliminate Henry. Kane has Christian and Punk in the ropes but Punk fights Kane off and he connects with forearms. Porter and Benjamin battle while the other four are in the opposite side of the ring. Benjamin sends Porter to the apron and Porter tries to suplex Benjamin to the floor. Benjamin and Porter fight on the apron and Kane knocks them both off.

    We are down to four and it is Kane, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, and Christian. Kane is the target of the other three men and Kane fights them off. Kofi Kingston is eliminated by CM Punk and Punk points at the briefcase. Kane with an uppercut to Kane. Kane tries to slam Christian to the floor but Christian holds on. Punk with forearms to Kane and Christian adds some punches. Christian tries to eliminate Punk but Punk stays in the ring. Punk with an Irish whip and running knee into the corner. Punk tries for the bulldog but Christian sends Punk to the apron. Kane throws Christian into Punk and both men are eliminated.

    Winner: Kane

    After the match
    Kane gets the ladder and he brings it in the ring. Kane grabs the briefcase, but it does not count.

    Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes walk in the hall with their security. Ted plays the part of Doug Dillinger and knocks on Randy’s door. They walk in the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time to hear voices from Randy Orton. Randy says that at the age of 24, he became the youngest world champion in the history of the WWE. He says that it was the greatest moment of his life and it was short lived because the next night on Raw, the man who was his mentor and claimed to be his friend turned on him in a bit of jealous rage.

    We go to the video tape of the night that Ortoning became a word in the wrestling lexicon.

    Randy says that on that night everything started to fall into place. He made a vow to ruin Triple H’s life. He had to wait until he had the talent to do it. He also had to wait until Triple H became more powerful. He needed to wait to see Triple H have something more powerful to covet than the World Title.

    We go to the Royal Rumble when Randy Orton eliminated Triple H to win and get the chance to point at Wrestlemania 25th Anniversary.

    Randy says that he had to raise the stakes and he set out to destroy everything that Hunter had. He went after Hunter’s family, the McMahons. He took care of Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, and Stephanie McMahon.

    You ready for some field goal practice and some RKOs?

    Randy says that almost five years after Triple H turned on him, he RKOed Hunter’s wife. Randy says that he knew exactly what he was doing the entire time. Randy says that he did not have IED. He says that he knew that Triple H would attack him. He says that the sledgehammers to Rhodes and DiBiase were things that had to be done to give Hunter a false sense of security and it lowered Hunter’s guard and led to . . .

    Time to take a look at last week’s IEDDT to Stephanie McMahon and the only kiss creepier than the one in Re-Animator.

    Now Hunter will be looking at the man who DDTed his wife and sealed it with a kiss. Randy says that if Hunter is going to come to the ring with a sledgehammer, he will be wrong. Randy says that he talked to Vickie Guerrero and if Hunter is disqualified or counted out, he loses the title. If Hunter comes to the ring with a sledgehammer, Hunter is disqualified and Randy wins the title without lifting a finger. Randy says that it has come full circle and he has taken everything but Hunter’s title. That happens on Sunday when the balance of power shifts. The young superstars will try to impress him for the opportunity to stand by his side.

    We see a limo arrive at the building. Randy wants Ted and Cody to come to the ring with security. They stand in the ramp as we see nobody in the limo in the garage.

    Legacy is in the ring and Orton tells Hunter to come to the ring so he can finish him off. Randy says that he has no problem winning by forfeit on Sunday.

    There is music, but it is the wrong McMahon because Vince is back and he is ready for a fight. Shane McMahon is here too and he is ready to shuffle. The third member of the family is here too as we see Triple H. They walk to the ring and security tries to stop them. First mistake as they are easily dispatched.

    It is on as all six men brawl at ringside. Hunter and Orton get in the ring and Hunter with a spear and then they exchange punches. We go to credits as Hunter punches Orton in the corner.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Main Eventer
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    Awful RAW before WM. It was worst than last year's own which I thought was boring and crap but this one really did it. The most entertaining thing was Santino. The Big Show/Cena match was probably the best one for the night and that's a stretch. Overall Vince should know with booking this amount of crap, the ratings deserve to go way down.

  3. #3
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    thanks . i missed it

  4. #4
    Main Eventer Kage's Avatar
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    Why do they reffer to MVP as Porter? That confused the hell out of me while I was reading this.

  5. #5
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    ^ They're just weird but the "P" in his name stands for Porter anyway.

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