A mother of two from Brisbane has put her house and A$300,000 on the line to take on corporate behemoth Disney with a new social networking site for pre-teens.

Karen Orford, 40, has just launched ekidnaworld.com after an 18-month slog that, in her own words, nearly killed her.

She came up with the idea after her two daughters, aged 7 and 9, reached an age at which they were itching to chat online but Orford couldn't find a site that she was comfortable would be safe enough.

So she contracted a Brisbane technology company to build Ekidnaworld. She says it sets itself apart from Disney's Club Penguin by being "quintessentially Australian" and includes a built-in safety mechanism whereby parents have to enter a password before their child can add each "friend" on the site.

After remortgaging her house and pumping A$300,000 into getting the site up and running, Orford is managing the start-up virtually on her own.

"The process has been gruelling, as I do have a 'real' job and two children, a sick mother and a husband," she said.

"My office is a laptop at the kitchen bench and my hours are post everything. I generally start around 9pm and work until my eyes fall out, or I suddenly remember that I need to produce a Red Ridinghood costume by 8am."

Members - the target market is kids aged eight to 12 - start out by choosing one of 10 native Australian animals as their avatar and one of five homes, from a city penthouse to a tree house to a beach bungalow.

They start with 100 "ekidna gold nuggets" and can use them to customise their avatars and doll up their houses with new furniture and accessories.

The in-game money is earned by doing quizzes and playing one of the many Aussie-themed games including roo racing, surfing, snowball shootout, fishing, sheep herding and river rafting.

"Roo racing is actually quite cute because up to four kangaroos can be in a race and your avatar appears in the pouch," she said.

Kids can also build and maintain their own garden and once the plants have grown they can sell them for more in-game cash.

The built-in chat and email are monitored for swear words and members can only type letters, not numbers, limiting their ability to give out addresses and phone numbers. Sending out links is also barred so kids don't end up clicking through to an inappropriate site.

"The capacity of these children to use the internet, at eight, is astounding, but the problem is their emotional and social development is still eight ... and you've got to remember that as a parent," Orford said.

Everything on the site is free but parents must pay a monthly subscription fee of A$7.95 after a one-month trial. There is no advertising.

"For the price of two coffees a month you can get peace of mind," she said.

"As most parents of kids that age [eight to 12] will know, you can talk until you're blue in the face but it'll only do so much, kids are kids ... I think the only way you can really ensure their safety if they want the capacity to chat is to make sure you know who it is they're chatting to."

In just a few weeks the site has grown to 382 members, which Orford is happy with considering she has no marketing budget. She said she can afford to keep the site running at a loss for about six months, by which point she hopes to be breaking even.