RAW House Show Results - 5th Feb 2006
Location: Albany, Georgia

Thanx to Jay Matthews

For the first time in five months, WWE has come back to Albany, Georgia. Only this time the boys of Raw are in town. I have a lot of good memories, including RVD handing me his wrist tape and Kane and Torrie Wilson taking pics with me. To my dear pal, Brian Farmer, we missed ya, buddy.

So let's get to the show. Lilian Garcia comes out and sings the National Anthem. She begins the show.

Match 1: Kane vs. Freakin Deacon
Remember the last Deacon? Well, this guy isn't it. I have no idea who he is. I thought it was Snitsky. But oh, well. Quick match. Deacon has some nice moves and good psychology, but he fell victim the Chokeslam from Hell.

Winner: Kane

Match 2: Spirit Squad vs. The Miz and Chris Cage
The Spirit Squad is so damn annoying. But it works. They got great heat. It was a back-and-forth match. It ended when the Squad Leader interfered.

Winners: The Spirit Squad

Match 3: Chavo Guerrero vs. Tyson Tomko

Tomko dominated the match. There were "Eddie" chants. Chavo returned with the Three Amigos. He put away the Problem Solver with the Frog Splash.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

In Ring Segment: Ron Simmons and Matt Striker
Striker insults Albany and Florida State. He introduces the former Faarooq. Ron comes into the ring. Striker starts to compliment him. Striker starts talking about Southern parents. "I was never sent in my room. I ate my dinner before dessert. Bla bla bla" Simmons said that the reason why his parents never sent him to his room is because they were busy whipping his butt. And if you live in the South, parents pride on belt usage. He attacks Matt. Matt goes to the back. Ron plays to the crowd.

Match 4: Mickie James and Trish Stratus vs. Victoria and Torrie Wilson
Before the match, Mickie jumps on Trish and wrap her legs around Stratus. Victoria and Torrie dominated Mickie. Trish tags in and just before she gave the Chick Kick to Wilson, Mickie spears Torrie. Trish is aruging with Mickie. Victoria rolls up Trish for the win.

Winners: Torrie Wilson and Victoria

Just for the record, Chloe was there, and she was not giving autographs.

Before the next match, Shelton Benjamin says that the reason why Momma isn't there is because she is in church. He starts preaching to the choir. Ric Flair comes out and says that no church would accept a whore like her. And the reason why she isn't here is she is too big to walk the aisle.

Match 5: WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ric Flair(c) vs. Shelton Benjamin
Ric hears me yelling "Momma's Boy" and says, "That guy called you a Momma's Boy". Anyway, it is a back and forth match. Flair distracts referee and low blows Shelton. Figure 4 is put on and Shelton taps

Winner and Still Intercontinental Champ: Ric Flair

Match 6: Rob Van Dam and Val Venis vs. Chris Masters and Carlito
Fans are chanitng RVD throughout the match. Carlito spits an apple in Venis's face. Masters and Carlito dominated Venis. Rob Van Dam finally tags in and kicks both Carlito and Masters. RVD hits the 5-Star Frog Splash on Carlito for the win.

Winners: Rob Van Dam and Val Venis

Match 7: Street Fight
Triple H vs. Big Show
Both men wrestled outside for a while. Trips tried to hit him with a chair, but Show hits it with his bowling-ball hand. Trips caught Show with Pedigree but Show kicks out at two. Match ends when Show tries to hit Trips with stairs. Trips hits Show in the stomach with a chair. Show falls forward and is knocked out. So after chairs, stairs, and extension cords were used, Trips pins him for the win.

Winner: Triple H

Before the main event, Edge promos about how he should have been champ. He says something that made Lita leave. I guess it was from last Monday.

Main Event: WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Edge
Back and forth action ensues. Edge dominates the match for a good 7 minutes. Cena hits the 5-knuckle Shuffle. As he was prepared for the FU, Edge counters. Edge accidently spears the referee. Cena hits the STFU. Edge taps. Lita comes out. She grabs the belt and almost hit Cena. Edge gets the bullet. Cena gets the FU for the win.

Winner and Still WWE Champ: John Cena

This was a wonderful show to get us prepared for the Super Bowl. If anyone hears of Smackdown or Raw coming near their town, I strongly recommend you to see it. Rumor has it that Smackdown is coming back to Albany in TWO MONTHS.

Take care, Ya'll.