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    Main Eventer LG's Avatar
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    Default Wrestlemania 30 Results

    Thank you for joining us for LIVE COVERAGE of Wrestlemania 30. We will be posting everything that happens in the pre-show to the main show to the aftermath.

    The Card

    Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way
    Cesaro/Swagger vs Ryback/Axel vs The Usos vs Los Matradores

    6-Man Tag Team Grudge Match
    The Shield vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws

    John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

    The Streak On The Line Against The Beast
    The Undertaker (21-0) vs. Brock Lesnar

    Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational
    AJ Lee vs. Naomi vs. Emma vs. Brie Bella vs. Aksana vs. Eva Marie vs. Tamina vs. Rosa Mendes vs. Summer Rae vs. Natalya vs. Alicia Fox vs. Nikki Bella vs. Layla vs. Cameron

    Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H
    *Winner gets entered into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match*

    WWE World Heavyweight Championship
    Randy Orton vs. Batista vs Bryan or Triple H

    The Andre the Giant Memorial 30-Superstar Battle Royal

    Intercontinental Champion Big E
    Dolph Ziggler
    Alberto Del Rio
    Damien Sandow
    Titus O'Neil
    Big Show
    Mark Henry
    Heath Slater
    Jinder Mahal
    Drew McIntyre
    Cody Rhodes
    Kofi Kingston
    The Miz
    Brodus Clay
    Darren Young
    Justin Gabriel
    Rey Mysterio
    Santino Marella
    The Great Khali
    Zack Ryder
    Sin Cara
    Brad Maddox

    Last edited by Role Model; 04-06-2014 at 11:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    WrestleMania XXX Pre-Show

    Welcome to UOWFORUMS.com’s coverage of the Showcase of the Immortals, Wrestlemania XXX from the Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. Before we get to Wrestlemania XXX, we have the Kickoff Show featuring 120 minutes of commentary, analysis, and video packages to get you ready for the biggest show of the year in professional wrestling.

    We start things off with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon from Friday evening when they unveiled the set for Wrestlemania XXX.

    We see outside the Superdome where people are waiting to get into the building.

    Josh Mathews is your host and he is joined by Mick Foley, Booker T, and Shawn Michaels.

    Booker says that it feels like Wrestlemania 29 was just yesterday but we are here for Wrestlemania XXX. He says that he is looking forward to the main event. Mick says that some of the seats are empty but the building is filled with electricity. Shawn mentions that people did not think there would be a Wrestlemania 2, and we are at Wrestlemania XXX.

    The Tag Title Match will take place during the second hour of the Kickoff Show.

    Josh asks about whether the Champion’s advantage is gone. Booker says the first championship is the hardest and he feels the Real Americans can slip in there. Zeb gives them an advantage. Mick says that this will be Cesaro’s moment this weekend. He starts it with a Tag Title victory. Shawn says that he likes the momentum of the Usos. He wonders if the Real Americans can stay united.

    Mick says that he was talking to Zeb and he said his boys were ready and united.

    Booker says that they will have butterflies and you need them to fly in formation. Mick mentions he won some tag team titles too and Shawn reminds Josh he started as a tag team wrestler.

    Renee Young is in the Social Media Lounge and she tells people to use #Wrestlemania on Twitter. She says that history will be made with the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal and she says to use #WM30Andre for that match.

    Renee reads some of the Tweets that were sent.

    Renee mentions that Hugh Jackman is the Social Media Ambassador tonight and she reads one of his tweets about tonight.

    We go back to the panel and Josh mentions the Battle Royal and he asks about the strategy.

    Booker says that the unwritten rule is to go after the biggest guys first. Mick says that size can play a role, but there is often a plan to get rid of the big guys. Shawn says that Josh always asks the same question. The most important thing is to not get thrown over the top rope.

    Shawn points out that Josh is going to favor Booker tonight because he has notes.

    Josh talks about the John Cena versus Bray Wyatt match and the question about whether Cena’s legacy will move on after tonight.

    Shawn is asked if Bray Wyatt can win. Shawn says that John is busy thinking about his legacy while you should be thinking about going in the ring every night and do what you need and everything will work out.

    Bray Wyatt interrupts and we hear Luke whistling. Bray says that he has done a lot of terrible things to a lot of good people. He used to have this friend who used to be like a brother to him. He loved him like a brother. Over time, he became reckless and became a danger to everyone and himself.

    Bray tells John he still could have saved. All he had to do was reach out his hand but he watched him walk right into the fire. The flames were so beautiful. You have to ask yourself John, if he were able to do something like that to someone he loved, what can he do to someone like John?

    Bray starts singing.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and they talk about Mountain Dew Kick Start and Shwan adjusts the can and Josh comments about how they took so much time to make sure the logo was able to be seen on camera.

    Josh asks Shawn to continue and he says that Bray is in Cena’s head.

    Mick says that they were in a match against Shawn called Mind Games. He knew that he was in Shawn’s head and Shawn’s goal was survival with the title secondary. Mick says that John has never faced an opponent like Bray.

    Shawn agrees that he was worried about survival in that match.

    We see a video package for the Undertaker versus Brock Lesnar match.

    Josh asks about being obsessed with ending the streak and he asks Shawn. Shawn says it is not a healthy thing, but Brock’s timing is good. The last five opponents have worn down the Undertaker. Booker says that many have craved this match. You have 21 consecutive wins on one side, but the most impressive physical specimen in years on the other side. Mick says that it is cliché to say where there is a will there is a way. Mick says that he will be sitting in the crowd to watch history be made. The streak ends or Taker becomes immortal.

    Byron Saxton is outside Brock Lesnar’s locker room and he knocks on the door but Paul stops him outside. Paul asks Byron if it is a good idea to ask Brock questions now and he should address them to Paul. Paul says that he will answer how Brock is preparing for his opponent. Brock is prepared to do what no other person has been able to do . . . he will beat the Undertaker. If you tune into Wrestlemania tonight, the people who watch will be able to tell their children and their children’s children that they watched live when the Streak was ended by Brock Lesnar.

    Josh mentions WWE Countdown and that the Undertaker’s entrance was voted the greatest entrance. Shawn says that it is fun to be in there once it hits you. You get to take it all in as it happens. Mick says that he got to talk about when him and Paul Bearer would stand out there, Paul would roll up his coat sleeve and they would show each other the goosebumps and how their hair was standing on end. Booker says that it seems like it gets 30 degrees cooler.

    Shawn says that it is great until you realize that you have to wrestle Taker.

    Mick says that Brock is used to expectations and motivation as an amateur wrestler.

    We go to a video showcasing the history of Wrestlemania.

    Alex Riley is in Champions Square outside the Superdome. He asks some of the fans if they think Daniel Bryan has a chance to win the WWE Championship.

    Josh sends it to Renee Young and she mentions the hashtags to use tonight. She reads some of the predictions for the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.

    We go back to the panel and they show some sights in the arena.

    Josh introduces Shawne Merriman and welcomes him to the panel. He says that this is his fourth Wrestlemania and it feels like a football game. He is asked for his favorite Wrestlemania moments. The Rock and John Cena was his favorite moment. He also mentions Bret and Shawn as well.

    Shawn says that Savage and Steamboat from Wrestlemania 3 was his favorite. Booker says that he might have gotten some heat from Flair and Shawn suggests that maybe with all of the matches that Flair had with Steamboat, he might have some issues.

    Josh asks if Daniel Bryan will get his Wrestlemania Moment tonight against Triple H and then move on to the WWE World Title.

    We have a Daniel Bryan video package.

    Tom Phillips is with Daniel Bryan and he asks about potentially being in two matches. Daniel says that he will be in two matches. He has lost respect for Triple H as a human being but not as a competitor. Hunter is tough but so is he. Daniel says his toughness comes from his heart and the people. He owes it to the people to defeat Triple H. He owes it to the people to defeat Randy Orton and Batista.

    Tonight is everyone’s night. It is for the people who were told they were not the right person for the job. Daniel says that he will not let them down.

    Josh asks Shawne about the match and he says the match will be one of the most emotional matches of the night because of the lead up and what was said by Hunter. Josh mentions that Shawn has questioned Hunter’s decisions. Shawn says that he enjoyed success and he enjoys watching the success of people he is friends with. Daniel’s success will not stop tonight.

    Shawn says that Daniel is not the atypical WWE guy. He is not 6’5” and 250 pounds.

    Josh sends us to the Bella Twins as Flight Attendants to explain how to get the WWE Network.

    Josh asks who will be the WWE World Champion at the end of the night? Shawne says that the anticipation and butterflies are there. This is their Super Bowl. He is looking forward to the match. Shawn says that Batista and Randy have been there before, but they do not know who the third man is and you have to prepare at the last minute.

    Booker says that it is the same for Cena thinking about Wyatt, Harper, and Rowan. Shawn mentions that John is not in a title match tonight so it is a different environment.

    Booker talks about his interview with Batista that aired on Wrestlemania Today on Thursday.

    Batista says that he has been saying that he will walk out of Wrestlemania as the champion. He was asked about how it felt to come back after four years. Batista says that he wishes it was someplace better than Dayton but it was good to be back. Booker says the fans might not have accepted him the way he thought. Batista says they did for the first two minutes.

    Batista says that he never cared about being cheered or not. If people dislike him, he will give them more. The more they booed him, the more he did things out of spite.

    Booker asks him what Wrestlemania XXX means to him. It is hard to put into words what it is like to perform at Wrestlemania. Booker asks him about being in a Triple Threat match. Batista says the thing that bothers him about the match is that he can lose without being beaten. He is so focused and he does not see himself losing.

    Booker mentions that things have changed since Batista left. Booker reads a quote from Hunter that was aimed at Batista. Batista says that he thought Hunter was talking about The Rock, but then he felt flattered that Hunter thought he was a movie star. He does not see Hunter as a threat and he needs to stay behind his desk. Daniel Bryan is the flavor of the month. Batista says that he will squash Daniel Bryan. The Yes Movement is a fad. He says that people can live vicariously through Daniel because he looks like him.

    Batista says that Randy Orton is the biggest corporate suck up he has ever seen. Batista says that he does not have to suck up to anyone. He just needs to hurt people. Booker asks Batista what can we expect from the match. Batista says that at the end of the match, he will be holding gold while the fans boo him and he will feel great about it.

    Booker says that he was here when Batista had his first tenure. Batista is a different man now. He is ready, poised, and primed for tonight.

    Josh says that either Triple H gets into the WWE Title Match, who wins. Shawn says that Batista mentioned that he does not have to be pinned to lose. Triple Threat matches are tough. Booker says every Triple Threat match is a battle of attrition. The person who wants it more than anyone else is Daniel Bryan. He is in a unique position.

    Josh says that Daniel has to get past Triple H and he reminds everyone what Hunter did to Daniel on Raw. Booker says that Triple H’s kingdom is unraveling before his eyes due to Daniel Bryan. Hunter said he had to be in there against A+ guys, but now he is facing that B+ guy in Daniel Bryan.

    Shawn says that Booker is right that Triple H said he would never, but now he is. That is a tough pill to swallow.

    Who will win the Andre the Giant Memoial Battle Royal? Is Big Show the favorite?

    We see the Andre the Giant Trophy at Wrestlemania Axxess and then it is wheeled into an armor truck to take it to the Superdome. It is a five foot tall trophy.

    Shawne is picking the smallest guy with the biggest heart, Rey Mysterio. Who better to not let your feet touch the floor. Booker picks Kofi and Shawn says you might throw him over the top rope but you don’t know where his feet will land. Shawn picks Big Show. He knows that people will go after him at the start of the match, but Show is the favorite.

    Booker says someone will make history by being the first.

    We see a Hulk Hogan video package.

    Shawne says that he has always been a Hulkamaniac and he even ripped off his shirt like Hogan yesterday when he was in the hotel. Shawn says that Hogan inspired so many guys and there is not one person who did not say they wanted to get in the ring with Hogan. Booker says everyone wanted to get in the ring with Hogan because that was where the money was.

    It is time to go exclusive to the WWE Network for Hour Two of the Kickoff Show.

    It is time for the second hour of the Wrestlemania Kickoff Show.

    Josh says the buzz is in the air and we will have the Tag Title Match during this hour.

    The panel now consists of Jimmy Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Booker T.

    Josh talks about the Tag Title Match. He mentions that the Usos can be beaten without being in the ring. Booker says the Usos will only get bigger and bigger over time. You have to worry about the Real Americans. They could slip in there as the new tag team champions.

    Shawn says the Real Americans are the pick if there are new champions. Shawn says that you want a standard match.

    Josh asks what happens if the Usos don’t even get into the match. Jimmy says his money is on the Real Americans because they have a manager at ringside. Booker says the Usos need to get in there to break up any cover.

    Josh asks what the strategy is. Do you stay in the center of the ring. Booker says that people might not realize they are going to be tagged in. Shawn says that you have to look at the big picture. Booker says there is no instant replay and the referee has to make the right call.

    Josh brings up El Torito as another outside factor. Jimmy says he was talking to the Real Americans and they were ready.

    Josh sends us back to Renee Young in the Social Media Lounge. Renee says that a lot will trend tonight and she mentions Daniel Bryan, John Cena, and Bray Wyatt. She read Hugh Jackman’s tweet again.

    Josh mentions the Battle Royal again and we see an Andre the Giant video package.

    We see the Trophy arriving at the Superdome and Tim White helps take it off the armored truck and follows it into the building.

    Josh asks Jimmy Hart who he thinks wins the match. Jimmy says the smartest and cleverest and he is picking Ryback. Shawn points out that he is not in the match even though Jimmy described him. He is still going with the Big Show. Booker reminds Shawn of the unwritten rule. Shawn says his unwritten rule was let everyone get tired.

    Josh says the tag match is now an elimination match.

    Shawn says that changes things and the Usos now have some control over things. Booker says the champs have a better chance.

    Josh thanks Shawn for being a part of the panel.

    We are back and they talk about the matches on the pay per view.

    Alex Riley joins the panel.

    Josh mentions that Jimmy Hart is trending on Twitter.

    Alex says that he is looking forward to seeing Daniel Bryan with the way the people outside were reacting to him. Jimmy says that he is looking forward to the merchandise because that will show who is over.

    Lillian Garcia makes her way out and the crowd goes crazy and it distracts the panelists.

    John Cena was interviewed by Michael Cole about his legacy at Wrestlemania. Michael says that he has known John for a long time and has called his main event matches, especially the ones against the Rock. John says that he felt he needed to beat the Rock to justify his place in the WWE Universe. You start to look at yourself from the outside and maybe you aren’t where you are supposed to be. Then you get a second chance and you redeem yourself.

    Regardless of where you are, you understand that your work has meant something. It was always about being the best. That is where Bray is different. He does not put that in perspective. Here you are working for 12 years to be able to leave the WWE a better place than when you walked into the door. That is John’s legacy. Bray does not care about rhyme or reason or who the best is. Bray sees John Cena and wants to turn him into a monster.

    Bray does not care about winning. He just wants to destroy everything that he has worked his life to build and falsify things.

    Michael asks John about his comments about being afraid of Bray and that the people are listening to him. John says that if he can be weakened to a point where the people listen to him. John says that he fears the sacrifices he had to make. John says that having the respect of the people is what he wants. Bray is trying to make him a BS character where the respect is gone. The opponents will say ‘I told you so’ while the believes will ask ‘why’ and move back to square one.

    Jerry Lawler makes his way to the announce table in the background.

    Josh mentions that John Cena looked around the arena to take in his legacy. Alex says that won’t happen tonight. John has been in ten Wrestlemania. Bray has imposed his fear over so many people, but John has been on this stage before. Jimmy says that John Cena says the right things but the Wyatts have a message that so many are following.

    There is a six man tag match tonight with the Shield against Kane and the New Age Outlaws. We see the footage of how we go to this match.

    Dean Ambrose says that he does not care how they got here. He wants Kane and the New Age Outlaws to bring their best tonight to Wrestlemania. He wants them to know the pain that their best is not good enough against the new symbol of excellence.

    Seth talks about their accomplishments and titles, but it does not matter because he saw the demon in Kane’s eyes. After tonight, the old will die out and the new will rise up. They will make them part of their history.

    Roman says that they are the future. He tells you to Believe in the Shield.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Trish Stratus joins the panel. She is asked about inducting Lita into the Hall of Fame. Trish says that it was natural. They had their careers together and it made sense to have their Hall of Fame moment together. Trish says it felt different than when she was inducted because she felt like the Maid of Honor because it was Lita’s night. Trish says that she has not had a chance to soak in New Orleans yet.

    Trish is asked about the Divas Title match with fourteen women involved. Trish says that it is time for a change. You have 13 women who hate the champion. It should be interesting.

    We go to ringside for our announcers John Layfield, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole.

    Zeb Colter is in the ring and he says that he knows that a lot of people snuck or swam across the border to get here. He wants everyone to get up and put their hands over their hearts and say ‘We The People’.

    Kickoff Show Match: WWE Tag Team Championship Match: The Usos versus The Real Americans versus Rybaxel versus Los Matadores in an Elimination Match

    Axel and Jey start things off. They lock up and Jey with a side head lock take down. Axel with a chop but Jey chops back. They go back and forth and The real Americans go to the floor to avoid a tag. Jey with a rollup for a near fall. Axel with a hurdle leap frog and a drop kick. Axel tags in and Ryback pie faces Jey and pushes him into the mat. Jey with uppercuts.

    Ryback with a boot to the upper chest and Diego tags in and he gets a rollup. Jey with a rollup for a near fall. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow and they miss a double elbow drop. Diego with chops but Diego floats over and he does an Ole. Diego with a back heel kick. Fernando tags in and he hits a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Fernando with an arm bar. Jey with a chinbreaker.

    Cesaro tags in and he connects with a European uppercut and then Swagger sends Cesaro into the corner for an elbow. Swagger with punches and he tries for a belly to back suplex but Fernando lands on his feet and he hits a springboard back elbow. Fernando with a springboard senton but he misses a springboard moonsault when Swagger moves. Swagger is sent over the top roe and so is Cesaro. Ryback and the Usos go to the floor. Axel is sent to the floor.

    Los Matadores hit stereo dives off the turnbuckles. Torito gets on the apron and he bouces on the ropes. Torito goes up top and Axel puts him in the ring. Axel looks at everyone on the floor and he goes up top but Los Matadores stop him and they hit a Tower of Doom cross body onto everyone with help from Torito.

    Swagger is rolled back into the ring and Fernando with a forearm. He kicks Cesaro off the apron and Swagger sends Fernando to the mat and applies the ankle lock and Fernando taps out.

    Los Matadores Eliminated

    Swagger with an ankle lock to Jimmy. Axel tags in and drops Swagger on the apron and connects with a running knee to Jimmy. Ryback tags in and he hits a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Ryback with a slam and he hits a belly flop onto Jimmy and Axel with an elbow drop after tagging in for a near fall. Axel sends Jimmy into Ryback’s boot. Ryback with a near fall. Ryback gets a near fall. Ryback with a reverse chin lock using Jimmy’s arm for extra pressure.

    Ryback with an Irish whip but he goes into the ring post with his shoulder when Jimmy moves. Jey tags in and he connects with a clothesline to Axel and then he goes after Cesaro and Swagger. Jey with a kick to the back of the leg and he flips like his dad. Jey with a Samoan Drop and he hits the running butt splash into the corner. Jey with a clothesline that sends Axel over the top rope to the floor.

    Swagger tags in and he hits a belly-to-belly slam for a near fall. Jey gets his feet up for a Swagger Bomb attempt. Ryback tags in and he hits spinebusters on Jey and Swagger. Ryback with a clothesline to Swagger and he says that it is over. Ryback picks up Swagger for the musclebuster but Cesaro tags in. Ryback brings Cesaro into the ring and Cesaro with Swiss Death and the Gotch Style Neutralizer to pin Ryback.

    Rybaxel Eliminated

    All four men stand in the ring and we get a We The People and an Usos Chant. Cesaro and Swagger are sent to the floor and then Jimmy and Jey with stereo planchas onto Swagger and Cesaro. All four men are down on the floor. Cesaro is rolled back into the ring and Cesaro catches Jey and hits a back breaker for a near fall.

    Cesaro sets for the Gotch Styles Neutralizer but Jey with jackknife cover. Cesaro kicks out and he tries for the Giant Swing but Jey get so the ropes. Cesaro with a European uppercut to Jimmy.

    Swagger tags in and Jimmy hits a corkscrew senton onto both men and he gets a near fall on Swagger. Swagger backs into the corner and Jimmy sets for the running butt splash but Swagger moves and he applies the ankle lock. Jimmy tries to fight out of it but Swagger holds on. Cesaro blocks a super kick. Jey with a super kick to Swagger. Cesaro with Swiss Death to Jey. Jimmy with a super kick to Cesaro and everyone is down in the ring.

    Cesaro gets back to the apron to make the tag. Jey avoids a kick and he hits an uppercut. Jey sends Cesaro into Swagger and then the Usos with a double super kick and Jimmy tags in. Both Usos go up to and they hit a double Superfly Splash for the three count.

    Winners: The Usos

    Matches Announced for Wrestlemania XXX

    Kickoff Show Match: WWE Tag Team Championship Match: The Usos versus The Real Americans versus Rybaxel versus Los Matadores

    Divas Title Match: Vickie Guerrero Invitational: AJ Lee versus Tamina Snuka versus Brie Bella versus Nikki Bella versus Eva Marie versus Natalya versus Summer Rae versus Cameron versus Naomi versus Rosa Mendes versus Layla El versus Aksana versus Emma versus Alicia Fox

    Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Dolph Ziggler, Big E, Fandango, Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow, Titus O’Neil, Christian, Sheamus, Big Show, Mark Henry, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, The Miz, Brodus Clay, Darren Young, Justin Gabriel, Rey Mysterio, R Truth, Santino Marella, The Great Khali, Zack Ryder, Sin Cara, Brad Maddox, and three more people

    The Shield versus Kane and the New Age Outlaws

    Winner Enters the WWE World Championship Match: Triple H versus Daniel Bryan

    John Cena versus Bray Wyatt

    The Streak versus The Beast: Undertaker versus Brock Lesnar

    WWE World Championship Match: Randy Orton versus Batista versus the winner of the Daniel Bryan versus Triple H Match

    After the match, Swagger yells at Cesaro for hitting him in the midsection. Swagger wants to know about We The People. Zeb wants Swagger to calm down. Swagger puts Cesaro in the ankle lock but he releases it. Zeb wants Jack to hug Cesaro.

    Swagger turns around and he offers his hand. Cesaro gets up and he looks around and he shakes his hand, but it is only the prelude to the Giant Swing.

    We go back to the panel.

    Josh asks if the Real Americans can be repaired. Booker says that he does not know. The Usos did what he thought they would do. He says big things are on the Usos’ horizon. Alex says Zeb had to keep his guys under control. Can they go back after the ankle lock. Trish says that you can’t put it all back together with a hug.

    Josh asks Trish about the Hall of Fame. She talks about Warrior’s speech. She also brings up Amy wearing a long dress.

    Josh asks Trish her favorite Wrestlemania Moment. Trish says that it was Wrestlemania 18, wrestling in Toronto. Alex asks Trish about walking to the ring at Wrestlemania.

    We see the announcement of the multitude of Divas in the Divas Invitational Match for the title.

    Alex says that he thinks Tamina will win. She knows AJ better than anyone. Trish says that it is time for Tamina to shine. Trish mentions a match in 2001 when she was involved. They were waiting for one of the women to shine and she became the champion. Booker says Tamina is the biggest threat, but he won’t put anything past AJ. She is crafty and witty.

    Alex says that he is looking forward to Triple H’s entrance to see what he has and when he blows the water.

    Josh asks if Triple H wins or will it be Daniel Bryan who goes into the Main Event? Booker says Triple H will be ready. Triple H cannot dictate the people in the crowd. Trish says the crowd is the thing that gets you going. Josh asks Booker if Hunter is different at Wrestlemania. Booker says that he knew he was going to win when he faced him, but Hunter has been the corner stone of the company.
    Last edited by Role Model; 04-07-2014 at 12:11 AM.

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    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    WrestleMania XXX Results - 6th April 2014
    Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole

    Welcome to UOWFORUMS.com’s coverage of the Showcase of the Immortals, Wrestlemania XXX from the Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. This is the coverage of the Pay Per View. In addition to this coverage, check out Dave Scherer’s Wrestlemania Blog on the site.

    Your announcers are Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and John Layfield.

    The show starts off with a New Orleans themed video package looking at the history of Wrestlemania.

    Justin Roberts introduces the host of Wrestlemania XXX, Hulk Hogan.

    Hogan looks around and he tells something to us . . . BROTHER. First off, he wants to welcome everyone in the Silverdome (sic) to Wrestlemania and to everyone on the WWE Network. Hogan says that he was there for the first Wrestlemania in Madison Square Garden when him and Mr. T beat Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorf. Hogan says that he cannot believe that he is in the Silverdome (sic) for Wrestlemania XXX. He corrects himself and he says that they are in the Superdome.

    Now that he stood corrected by his Hulkamaniacs, we are here about 30 years of Wrestlemania moments. There will be more special Wrestlemania Moments . . .

    Glass breaks and Steve Austin makes his way to the ring.

    Austin stares down Hogan and then he asks everyone for a Hell Yeah if they are ready for Wrestlemania XXX. He says that it is great to be back in the Silverdome and he laughs at Hogan. When Steve Austin gets inside the ring, he usually opens a can of whoop ass and beats the living hell out of whoever he is in the ring with.

    He asks if they want him to open a can of Whoop Ass. The fans say hell yeah. Austin says that he watched Hogan in all of his Wrestlemanias and the crowd ‘Whats’. Austin says Hogan kicked a lot of ass for a long time. Austin says that they have been protective of their legacies. He says that he has nothing but respect for Hogan and he respects what Hogan has done for the business. Austin wants a Hell Yeah.

    Austin says that he would love to flap his gums but it is the night for the Superstars to bring their asses to the ring and give everything that they got. Tonight is the night for the current regime of WWE Superstars to put everything they got on the line in the ring for your asses.

    Austin says to always remember Austin 3:16.

    The Rock’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

    The Rock tells us it is a true Wrestlemania moment when all five senses are on fire. You taste it, feel it, and smell it because . . . FINALLY . . . the Rock has come back to . . . New Orleans. That means the Rock has finally come back to Wrestlemania. That means finally The Rock, Hulk Hogan, and Steve Austin have finally come back to the SUPERDOME.

    When he looks across this ring, he does not see two of the biggest legends of all time, he doesn’t just see two of the biggest icons. He see his good buddy Steve Austin and his childhood idol Hulk Hogan. He sees the two biggest names in the history of the WWE. Rock says that he has had the honor and privilege to face each of them in the ring at Wrestlemania. You have had an impact on his career but everyone in the back.

    Someone will come out and fight for Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect unless someone vowed to say their prayers and eat their vitamins. A man will rise against the Authority tonight, but that doesn’t happen unless a bald headed SOB crosses the boss.

    Rock says so many fans have birthdays nine months after Wrestlemania because they were so excited after watching The Rock and wanting to make Rock Babies.

    Rock says there will be a lot of Rock Babies in January.

    Rock says that it is an honor to be in the ring with Austin and Hogan and to be in front of everyone in the building. Rock asks if you can smell what the Rock is cooking. Austin says that is the bottom line because Stone Cole said so. Hogan asks Whatcha Gonna do when Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, the Rock and the SUPERDOME run wild over you.

    Stephanie McMahon is in the ring to announce the most powerful man in the WWE, the COO and next WWE World Heavyweight Champion. The Cerebral Assassin, the Game, the King of Kings . . . Triple H.

    Triple H comes out with a rebooting of his Conan inspired entrance from past Wrestlemanias. Hunter also gives us the GameFountain before entering the ring.

    Bryan comes to the ring and his shoulder is still taped from the attack by Triple H on Raw a few weeks ago.

    Match Number One: Winner Enters the WWE World Championship Match: Triple H (with Stephanie McMahon) versus Daniel Bryan

    They stand across the ring waiting for the other to make the first move. Hunter offers his hand to Bryan and Bryan kicks it. Bryan with a rollup for a near fall. They lock up and Hunter backs Bryan into the corner and he misses a punch. Bryan with kicks to Hunter but Hunter avoids a round kick and goes to the floor.

    Hunter returns to the ring and Hunter with a wrist lock and he wrings the arm. Bryan with a drop kick and a side head lock take down. Hunter with a shoulder tackle but Bryan with a knee to the midsection and follows with a side head lock take down for a near fall. Hunter with a head scissors but Bryan bridges to escape and he applies a side head lock. Hunter with an escape but Bryan with a front face lock and European uppercut. Hunter with a shoulder in the corner.

    Hunter drops the arm on the ropes but Bryan with punches and kicks. Hunter blocks a kick and he hits a modified dragon screw leg whip. Hunter tries to send Bryan’s injured arm into the ring post but Bryan pulls it away. Bryan with a drop kick and then he hits a DDT off the apron.

    Both men are down on the floor and Stephanie checks on Hunter. Bryan goes back into the ring and he hits a senton onto Hunter but he does not hit Hunter completely and Bryan hits the ringside barrier.

    Bryan rolls Hunter back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Bryan goes up top while Stephanie taunts Bryan. Hunter is able to recover and he crotches Bryan. Hunter punches Bryan and knocks him off the turnbuckles to the floor. Hunter rearranges the announce table, but he chooses the English table. Bryan with punches but Hunter drives Bryan’s arm into the table.

    Hunter wants the referee to start his count. Hunter with knees to the injured arm and then he hits a Divorce Court. Hunter with a key lock on Bryan. Bryan gets to his feet and he punches Hunter. Hunter with a knee and then Hunter goes over the top rope to the floor when Bryan ducks down.

    Bryan sets for a suicide dive but Hunter with a punch to Bryan and Bryan is down on the apron. They fight on the apron and Hunter goes for a hammer lock belly-to-back suplex onto the apron and Bryan’s arm is further injured. The referee starts his count while Hunter talks to Stephanie. Bryan gets back into the ring at nine. Hunter with a cross face chicken wing.

    Bryan with elbows but Hunter with a Crossface. Bryan tries to crawl to the ropes while Hunter and Stephanie tell him to tap. Bryan gets to the ropes but Hunter refuses to release the hold. The referee warns Hunter. Hunter with a knee to the injured arm.

    Hunter with an arm wringer that sends Bryan to the mat. Hunter punches Bryan and backs him into the corner. Hunter with more punches to the head. Bryan punches Hunter but Hunter punches back. They go back and forth but Hunter pushes Bryan and Bryan with a flying forearm and both men are down. Bryan with kicks to the chest but Hunter stops Bryan. Hunger with an Irish whip but he flips over and Hunter knows to stop. Hunter tries for a German suplex but Bryan blocks it and he hits a German suplex of his own for a near fall.

    Bryan with another German suplex for a near fall. Bryan with a waist lock but Hunter reverses into the cross face Chicken Wing but Bryan blocks it. Hunter with a Tiger Suplex and both men are down. Hunter gets a near fall. Hunter puts Bryan on the turnbuckles and he punches Bryan. Hunter climbs the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex but Bryan blocks it. They exchange punches to the ribs and Bryan with head butts and Bryan with a sunset flip power bomb and both men are down.

    Bryan gets to his feet first while Hunter struggles. Bryan with a running drop kick into the corner and he hits a second one. Bryan goes for a third one and Hunter with a clothesline and both men are down.

    Hunter sets for the Pedigree but Bryan with a double leg take down into a jackknife cover. Bryan with a round kick to the temple and Hunter is down. Bryan looks around and he goes up top for the diving head butt. Bryan lands into Hunter’s knee and Hunter puts Bryan in the Crossface. Bryan crawls toward the ropes but Bryan looks like he is going to pass out. Bryan tries to roll through to escape but Hunter holds on and they are in the center of the ring.

    Bryan tries to crawl to the ropes again but Bryan rolls through for a near fall and then he is able to get Hunter in the Yes Lock. Hunter fights to get to the ropes. Hunter crawls towards Stephanie and then he is inches from the ropes and Bryan adds more pressure. Hunter gets to the ropes.

    Hunter rolls to the apron and then to the floor. Bryan sets for the suicide dive and he soars and scores but Bryan also hits the ringside barrier. Bryan hits a second one and then he kicks Hunter against the ringside barrier. Bryan rolls Hunter back in and he goes up top for the missile drop kick. Both men are down in the ring.

    Bryan kips up and he kicks Hunter repeatedly in the chest. Bryan sets for the round kick and he connects for a near fall. Bryan gets to his feet first and he waits for Hunter to get up and he prepares for the flying knee. Hunter catches Bryan and hits a spinebuster. Hunter sets for the Pedigree and he hits it but Bryan kicks out at two.

    Bryan with a small package for a near fall. Hunter picks up Bryan and puts Bryan against the turnbuckles and he punches Bryan. The referee gets to four and Hunter stops the assault. Hunter sets for another Pedigree but Bryan with a back drop for a near fall. Hunter holds on to the double underhook but Bryan drops down. Hunter with knees to the head.

    Hunter sets for the Pedigree again and Bryan with a round kick to the temple followed by another attempted kick but Hunter ducks. Bryan lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Bryan hits the flying knee for the three count.

    Winner: Daniel Bryan

    After the match, Stephanie comes into the ring and she slaps Bryan. Hunter hits Bryan from behind and then Bryan’s arm is sent into the ring post and Hunter hits Bryan in the shoulder with a steel chair.

    The medical staff checks on Bryan while Hunter and Stephanie celebrate on the stage.

    The New Age Outlaws come out and Road Dogg says the Hounds of Justice are going to learn a lesson in humility.

    Match Number Two: The Shield versus Kane and the New Age Outlaws

    Ambrose and Kane start things off and Kane with punches but Ambrose punches back. Kane with an uppercut but Ambrose with a clothesline and Reigns is tagged in. Gunn tags in and Reigns with clotheslines and a flying clothesline. Reigns with a flying clothesline to Road Dogg followed by a Samoan drop to Kane. Gunn with a splash that hits Road Dogg and Reigns with a punch. Reigns with a double running drop kick from the floor. Reigns with a Superman punch to Road Dogg.

    Kane grabs Reigns when he tries for a second one. Rollins takes care of Kane. Ambrose with a body block to stop a Fameasser attempt. Reigns with a Superman Punch to Gunn while Ambrose sends Road Dogg into the ringside barrier.

    Gunn is surrounded in the ring and then he goes to the floor. Ambrose and Rollins with suicide dives onto Gunn and Road Dog. Reigns with a spear to Kane and then a spear to the Outlaws. Ambrose and Rollins tag in and they get Gunn and Road Dogg up for a Double Cerberus Bomb for the three count.

    Winners: The Shield

    We go to the back and Sergeant Slaughter and Jim Duggan are playing Slam City with Danny Davis refereeing. Ricky Steamboat wants to challenge the winner. Ted DiBiase comes in and says that wherever you are, everyone has a price. Ron Simmons enters for his “DAMN” moment.

    Match Number Three: Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

    The bell rings and it is a sea of humanity. Kidd with a dive off the turnbuckles, but Yoshi Tatsu is the first person eliminated. Kofi skins the cat and he rolls back in. Cody is next to Kofi as they both hold on to the ropes and roll back in. Brad Maddox is eliminated next.

    Big E tries to get Kofi out of the ring but he deals with other issues. Truth is sent to the apron by Mark Henry. Brodus is sent to the apron and he is eliminated by a Khali chop. Khali is eliminated by 3MB. Rey is put on the turnbuckles and Zack Ryder is eliminated by 3MB. Ziggler holds on to the ropes. Darren Young fights off 3MB. Darren Young is eliminated. Rey stays in the match while hanging on the apron. Henry sends Drew into Jinder and both are eliminated by Henry. Slater comes off the turnbuckles and Henry catches him and eliminated Slater.

    Henry is eliminated by Big Show when he was focused on his last elimination. Ziggler hangs over the ropes and he gets back in. Cesaro with a European uppercut to Cody. Titus is eliminated. Santino gets the Cobra but Miz fights it off. Xavier Woods sends Miz to the apron. Woods punches Santino.

    Santino eliminates Miz with the Cobra. Cesaro with European uppercuts to Sheamus. Ziggler hangs from the ropes again. Goldust is setnt oth ea rpon but Sandow but Cody with Beautiful Disaster to Sandow and Goldust holds the ropes down for Cody to eliminate Sandow. Big E eliminates Justin Gabriel while Show head butts Truth. Cara kicks Rey on the apron.

    David Otunga has been eliminated. Fandango and Big E fight on the apron and Fandango with a kick and Big E is eliminated. Fandagno dances on the apron and Sheamus with the forearms to the chest and he keeps going until he is tired and Fandango falls to the floor.

    Ziggler avoids elimination at the hands of Cody and Goludst. Show eliminates Turth with a press slam. Kidd with a kick to Del Rio. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Kidd. Kidd kicks Del Rio but goes to the apron. Kidd with an enzuigiri and he goes up top but Del Rio with an enzuigiri and Tyson is eliminated. Goldust hangs on teha pron.

    Cesaro goes to the apron and he fights with Cody. Cesaro with a boot to stay in. Cesaro avoids Goldust and Del Rio eliminates Goldust. Del Rio fights off elimination at the hands of Cody. Del Rio eliminates Cody with a kick. Sheamus tries to eliminate Big Show while Del Rio tries to power bomb Rey but Rey with a rana that sends Del Rio into the ropes. Rey with a 619 and then he sends Cesaro into the ropes. Cesaro grabs Rey and then Cesaro with a European uppercut to eliminate Rey.

    Cesaro sends Kofi over the ring post but his feet stay on the steps. He hits a cross body on Cesrao. Kofi with a pendulum kick to Sheamus and Trouble in Paradise to Del Rio and then to Show. Cesaro blocks Trouble in Paradise and it is time for the Giant Swing. Show grabs Cesaro and gives him a choke slam. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to Show. Kofi falls victim to a Brogue kick but he stays on the apron. Another Brogue Kick eliminates Kofi. Ziggler skins the cat but a kick from Del Rio eliminates Ziggler.

    Del Rio punches Sheamus and Sheamus punches back. Del Rio with a kick but Sheamus sets for White Noise. Del Rio floats over into the cross arm breaker. Sheamus picks up Del Rio and both men are eliminated.

    We are down to the final two . . . Big Show and Cesaro. Show grabs Cesaro but Cesaro escapes and he connects with a series of European uppercuts and clotheslines. Show sends Cesaro over the top rope to the apron. Cesaro with a kick and then he goes up top and Show hits Cesaro in the throat with a chop. Show picks up Cesaro but Cesaro lands on his feet and he connects with a European uppercut and he slams Show over the top rope to the floor.

    Winner: Cesaro

    After the match, Show offers his hand to Cesaro and they shake.

    Michael Cole talks about the international contribution and the French announcers are the third announce team at ringside.

    We see the John Cena/Bray Wyatt video package and that leads us into a voodoo-esque musical interlude.

    The lights go down and then the lantern is lit because they’re here.

    Match Number Four: John Cena versus Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan)

    Wyatt waits on the turnbuckles and then he walks into the center of the ring and he gets down on his knees. He tells them to give them what they want to see. He wants John to finish him. Wyatt misses a charge into the corner and Cena with a side head lock take down. Wyatt backs Cena into the corner and Cena with a side head lock take down.

    Wyatt with a punch and head butt. Wyatt with punches in the corner. Wyatt says that Cena doesn’t even want to fight him. Wyatt with a punch to the head and Cena goes down. Wyatt kicks Cena in the head. Wyatt with a forearm and Cena goes down. Wyatt with head butts to Cena and then he kicks Cena in the chest.

    Wyatt with a flying forearm to Cena and he asks everyone if this is your hero. Wyatt with an elbow to the top of the head. Wyatt with a head butt. Wyatt with a hard Irish whip and Wyatt charges at Cena but Cena with a clothesline. Cena punches Wyatt and rakes the eyes.

    Wyatt starts to laugh despite the offense from Cena. Cena with a forearm to the head and Wyatt goes down. Cena punches Wyatt in the midsection and the referee warns Cena. Harper and Rowan get on the apron. Wyatt tells them to get down.

    Cena is conflicted over what to do and he chokes Wyatt. Cena with a forearm to Wyatt and it staggers him. Cena with a kick to Wyatt and then he looks at Harper and Rowan. Cena mounts Wyatt and he punches Wyatt but the referee warns him. Wyatt with a kick and suplex throw to Cena.

    Wyatt with forearms to Cena followed by kicks to the back and neck. Wyatt picks Cena up and Cena with a drop kick to Wyatt and both men are down. Wyatt with a sleeper to Cena. Wyatt tells the liar to go to sleep. Wyatt with a kick and eh applies a reverse chin lock. Cena blocks a kick and Cena with the two flying shoulder tackles.

    Cean with a Blue Thunder Bomb and then he looks around before setting up for the five knuckle shuffle. Bray does the crab walk and it forces Cena to retreat. Wyatt with a uranage for a near fall. Wyatt with an uppercut and rake of the eyes. Wyatt with a splash into the corner but Cena rolls to the other side of the ring.

    Wyatt runs into a boot from Cena and Cena with a DDT out of the corner and he gets a near fall. Cena goes to the apron and he looks at Rowan before going up top. Cena goes for the Rocker Dropper but Wyatt counters with a power bomb and Wyatt gets a near fall. Wyatt wants Cena to show it to him. Cena goes for the leg but Wyatt kicks Cena away. Cena with the Blue Thunder Bomb again and he hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle.

    Cena gets Wyatt up for the Attitude Adjustment but Wyatt lands on his feet. Wyatt with a uranage into a gutbuster for a near fall. Cena rolls to the apron. Wyatt punches Cena and Cena falls on the apron. Wyatt goes to the apron and Cena gets Wyatt on his shoulders but Wyatt gets back to his feet and Wyatt with a DDT on the apron. Wyatt gets a near fall.

    Wyatt starts to sing while he waits to continue the attack on Cena. Wyatt with punches and then he puts Cena on the turnbuckles. Wyatt with an uppercut and he climbs the turnbuckles for a superplex. Cena fights it off and he head butts Wyatt to the mat. Cena decides to go after Rowan and Harper with a cross body onto the minions.

    Wyatt with a kick to Cena followed by an Irish whip into the ring steps. Wyatt picks up the ring steps and Cena punches Wyatt and he sends Wyatt into the ring post. Cena picks up the steps and he stands over Wyatt but he throws them away.

    Wyatt with a running cross body for a near fall. Wyatt sits with Cena’s head on his knee while singing to him. Wyatt misses a back senton and Cena gets Wyatt up and hits the Attitude Adjustment but Wyatt kicks out. Rowan gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Harper with a boot to Cena and Wyatt hits the back senton but Cena kicks out.

    Wyatt sends Cena to the floor in front of Harper. The referee holds Wyatt back. Cena with a spear to Harper through the Roberts Cubicle. Wyatt grabs Cena from the carnage and then he tells Harper to get up. Wyatt sends Cena into the ring. Wyatt looks around and then he bends back. Wyatt picks up Cena and sets for Sister Abigail but Cena counters with the STF.

    Wyatt crawls to the ropes and the referee forces Cena to release the hold. Wyatt with Sister Abigail for a near fall. Wyatt falls into the corner wondering what just happened. Wyatt rolls to the floor and he destroys the Spanish Announce table while they tell Wyatt to do it to the French table.

    Wyatt takes a chair as he walks past a motionless Harper still down in the announcers’ area. The referee warns Wyatt and then Wyatt gives the chair to Cena while Rowan gets off the apron. Wyatt wants Cena to prove his legacy and finish Wyatt.

    Cena grabs the chair and the referee tells him that is now who he is. Cena picks up the chair and he hits Rowan on the apron and Wyatt with a rollup for a near fall. Wyatt with the kiss but Cena escapes and hits the Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

    Winner: John Cena

    It is time to take a look back at the Hall of Fame ceremony that took place last night (and might have still continued if not for some time compressing)

    Howard Finkel introduces the Hall of Fame Class of 2014.

    Daniel Bryan is in the trainer’s room being checked out for his match against Randy Orton and Batista.

    Michael introduces the Spanish Announce Team.

    Match Number Five: The Streak versus The Beast: Undertaker versus Brock Lesnar

    Taker and Lesnar stand face to face in the center of the ring before the bell rings.

    Taker with punches to Lesnar and he has Lesnar in the corner. Lesnar with an Irish whip and overhead belly-to-belly suplex and Taker is clotheslined over the top rope but Taker lands on his feet. Taker with punches on the apron but Lesnar with knees and forearms across the chest.

    Taker drops Lesnar on the top rope. Taker returns to the ring and he punches Lesnar while he is tied up in the ropes. Brock goes into the corner and Taker with punches. Taker pulls the arm in the ropes. Taker with a hammer lock and he sends Lesnar shoulder first into the ring post. Lesnar goes to the floor and Taker follows. Taker sends Lesnar shoulder first into the ring post.

    Taker rolls Lesnar back onto the apron and into the ring. Taker works on the arm and then he goes to the turnbuckles for Old School but Lesnar with punches and shoulders to stop him. Lesnar with an Irish whip and he charges into the corner and Taker moves again and Lesnar goes into the ring post again.

    Taker slams Lesnar’s head into the ring steps. Taker with a kick to the shoulder. Taker with a punch to Lesnar but Lesnar punches back. Taker sends Lesnar back into the ring but hangs him over the apron and Taker with a punch to Lesnar. Taker goes to the apron for the leg drop and he connects.

    Taker picks up Lesnar for Snake Eyes and he sets for the choke slam but Lesnar escapes and he gets Taker up for the F-5 but Taker gets to his feet and he sends Lesnar into the turnbuckles. Taker misses a knee in the corner and he gets caught on the top rope. Taker’s ankle is sent into the ring post and apron. Taker falls to the floor and Lesnar stands over him.

    Lesnar with punches and forearms to Taker. Taker with a punch to Lesnar and then Lesnar grabs the leg and pushes Taker to the mat. Lesnar sends Taker into the ring and Brock kicks Taker and he starts to work more on the leg. Lesnar slams it into the mat. Lesnar with a knee to the leg and then he chokes Taker in the corner.

    Lesnar punches Taker while Paul tells Lesnar to break him down. Lesnar with a kick to the back of the injured leg. Lesnar with kicks to the injured knee. Taker goes to the floor and Lesnar follows, but he takes his time. Lesnar with a kick to the back of the leg. Taker with a punch to Lesnar but Lesnar Irish whips Taker and he hits the post, steps, and ringside barrier. Taker is rolled back into the ring.

    Lesnar with a suplex to Taker and he circles Taker and applies a front face lock. Lesnar with knees to the chest. Taker falls to the mat and Heyman laughs at the sight. Lesnar with a forearm to the back as he continues to wear down Taker. Lesnar with punches to the midsection while Taker is trying to stay on his feet.

    Taker with a DDT and both men are down. Lesnar runs into the corner but he is met with a boot. Taker with punches to Lesnar followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Taker sets for a second splash into the corner and he connects. Taker with Snake Eyes again and he hits the running boot to the chest followed by a leg drop for a near fall.

    Taker grabs Lesnar by the throat and he hits a choke slam but Lesnar kicks out. Taker picks up Lesnar but Lesnar gets to his feet and Brock with an F-5 but Taker kicks out at two. Paul tells Brock he has him where he wants him. Lesnar stands over Taker while Taker is unable to get up. Lesnar gets between Taker’s legs and Taker applies Hell’s Gate. Lesnar picks up Taker and hits a power bomb to escape the hold.

    Paul tries to motivate Lesnar by pointing out he got out of Taker’s hold. Lesnar returns to the leg as he pulls Taker into the center of the ring. Taker applies Hell’s Gate again. Lesnar picks up Taker again and hits another power bomb to get out of the hold. Taker is still unable to get back onto his feet while Lesnar gets up. Taker gets to his feet again and Lesnar takes Taker down with a Kimura.

    Taker fights through the pain and he tries to get out of the hold. Taker is able to counter into a key lock. Lesnar takes Taker to the mat but Taker still has the key lock applied. Lesnar gets to the ropes to get Taker to release the hold.

    Lesnar with punches to the ribs and then he kicks Taker. Lesnar with shoulders in the corner and then he runs into a boot from Taker. Taker goes Old School and he does the tightrope on the top rope but Lesnar gets Taker on his shoulders and he hits an F-5 but Taker kicks out at two.

    Taker fights to get back to his feet while Lesnar stands over Taker. Lesnar with a waist lock into a German suplex. Lesnar holds on to the waist lock and he hits a second German suplex. The referee checks on both men. Lesnar with kicks and forearms to Taker. Lesnar with punches to the midsection and then Lesnar climbs the turnbuckles and punches Taker. Taker grabs Brock and he hits Last Ride and both men are down.

    Taker gets Lesnar up for a tombstone and he hits it but Lesnar kicks out at two. Taker sits up and he signals things are over. Taker picks up Lesnar but Lesnar counters and he gets Taker up and he gets him on his shoulders for a third F-5 for the three count.

    Winner: Brock Lesnar

    Match Number Six: Divas Title Match: Vickie Guerrero Invitational

    Snuka versus Brie Bella versus Nikki Bella versus Eva Marie versus Natalya versus Summer Rae versus Cameron versus Naomi versus Rosa Mendes versus Layla El versus Aksana versus Emma versus Alicia Fox

    AJ and Tamina get pushed into the center of the ring and everyone goes after Tamina and AJ. Tamina is sent to the floor. Summer with a spin kick to Emma for a near fall. Alicia with elbows to Cameron. The Bellas catches Layla and hit a back breaker for a near fall. Rosa is put on top of Alicia and then Cameron goes down and Eva with a rollup on Natalya for a near fall.

    Natalya, Nikki, Brie, and more hit suplexes for a near fall. Summer is sent into the turnbuckles but AJ. AJ kicks Summer and Cameron hits a Codebreaker. Cameron with an Irish whip to Emma in the corner. Emma with the DilEMMA to Cameron. Emma marches and then hits a cross body into the corner. Alicia with a kick to Emma. Layla kicks Alicia. Aksana with a spinebuster to Layla. Rosa with a side slam to Natalya.

    Naomi with the Rear End to Rosa. Tamina with a super kick to Naomi and Eva pushes Tamina down. Eva blows a kiss to Tamina and they stare each other down but Eva goes to the floor. Nikki with a facebuster and Brie with a missile drop kick. Nikki and Brie each with drop kicks. Nikki and Brie with suicide dives onto everyone on the floor. Nikki and Brie returns to the ring.

    Brie and Nikki square off and push each other. Brie with a kick but Nikki gets Brie on her shoulders for Shock Treatment but Alicia and Layla break up the cover.

    Alicia with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Nikki. Natalya with a butterfly suplex to Alicia. Tamina with a Samoan drop to Natalya and then she goes up top but Naomi pushes Tamina off the turnbuckles. Aksana stops Naomi on the turnbuckles. Natalya comes under for a Tower of Doom and Natalya covers Aksana and Tamina pulls Aksana out of the ring. Natalya with clotheslines to Aksana and Tamina.

    AJ kicks Natalya and she applies the Black Widow on Naomi and Naomi taps out.

    Winner: AJ Lee

    We go to the back and Mean Gene Okerlund says that he is enjoying this extravaganza. He is joined by Hulk Hogan. Hogan says Wrestlemania 30 is rocking the Superdome and Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff join him. Roddy says Hogan is doing a good job. Roddy says he heard Hogan talk about winning at Wrestlemania and it really bothered Paul.

    Paul says that for 30 years, he hears people bring up that he lost the main event at Wrestlemania. How does that make him feel? Paul says if he had a partner that would have watched his back, he wouldn’t have lost.

    Mr. T joins in and he says that he pities the fool who talks about Hulk.

    Pat Patterson comes by in his referee’s shirt.

    Hogan wants Piper to be a man and bury the hatchet. Paul shakes Hogan’s hand and so does Piper. Piper and T reluctantly shake hands.

    Justin Roberts introduces Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race, Bob Backlund, Dusty Rhodes, and Bret Hart, who are sitting at ringside.

    Match Number Seven: WWE World Championship Match: Randy Orton versus Batista versus Daniel Bryan

    Bryan with a drop kick to Orton and Batista tries for a power bomb but Bryan with a rana to send Batista to the floor. Bryan with kicks to Orton but Orton wrings the arm and sends it to the mat. Orton with boots to Bryan. Batista with a clothesline to Orton and shoulders in the corner. Batista with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner.

    Orton with a back breaker to Batista. Orton knocks Bryan off the apron with a shoulder and Batista clotheslines Orton over the top rope to the floor. Batista sends Orton into the apron and then into the announce table. Batista Irish whips Orton into the ringside barrier. Orton with a punch and head butt and European uppercut. Batista Irish whips Orton into the ring steps.

    Batista sends Orton head first into the ring steps. Batista sets up the steps for a power bomb onto the steps but Orton back body drops Batista onto the steps. Orton sends Bryan into the ringside barrier and then he hits a back drop driver onto the barrier. Orton does the same thing to Batista. Orton poses on the steps for his adoring fans, and the other 74,500 who are booing him tonight.

    Orton sends Batista back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Orton starts with the Garvin Stomp. Orton wants to hear the fans and they show how much they want him to win. Orton with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Bryan with a missile drop kick to Orton and Batista. Bryan tries to motivate himself to will through the pain.

    Bryan with kicks to Orotn and Batista. Bryan with a round kick to Batista’s head. Orton blocks a kick and hits an Exploder suplex for a near fall on Bryan. Batista breaks up the cover and then Batista with a power slam for a near fall that is broken up by Bryan. Batista kicks Bryan in the head. Batista gets sent into the turnbuckles with a drop toe hold.

    Bryan with a running drop kick to Orton followed by one to Batista. He hits another set and a third one to Orton. Batista is down on the apron and Bryan puts Orton on the turnbuckles for a rana and he hits it. Bryan gets a near fall on Orton. Batista with a shoulder from the apron and he suplexes Bryan over the top rope to the floor.

    Batista goes up top but Orton punches him. Orton with a head butt and he sets for the superplex but Batista with punches to Orton. Orton with head butts and he hits the superplex. Bryan with a diving head butt to Batista and he applies the Yes Lock to Orton.

    From out of nowhere, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come to ringside and Hunter pulls the referee out of the ring. Orton rolls to the floor and Bryan sees Hunter. Bryan runs into a spinebuster from Batista. Batista shakes the ropes and Scott Armstrong is back to referee the match. Batista with the Batista Bomb but Bryan kicks out at two.

    Batista runs into the ring post when Bryan moves out of the way. Bryan sends Armstrong to the floor. Bryan hits a suicide dive onto Hunter, Armstrong, and Stephanie. Bryan rolls back into the ring and Batista is still in the post. Hunter goes under the ring and he has the GameHammer. Bryan with a kick to Hunter and he grabs the GameHammer and he knocks Hunter off the apron with it. Bryan with a rollup on Batista but Orton breaks up the cover.

    Orton sends Bryan to the floor and Orton follows. Orton with a European uppercut to Bryan and then into the ringside barrier. Orton kicks Bryan and then Batista with a clothesline. Orton and Batista work over Bryan on the floor. Batista hot shots Bryan on the ringside barrier. Orton picks up the steps and he hits Bryan in the shoulder with them.

    Orton and Batista go face to face while Bryan is down on the floor. Batista and Orton do some feng shui for the announce tables. Batista hits Bryan with a monitor while Orton puts the ring steps against the announce table. Batista puts Bryan on the announce table for a Batista Bomb into an inverted RKO through the Spanish Announce Table.

    Batista stands on the English Announce Table to survey the damage and carnage. Batista stands over Bryan while the medical staff checks on Bryan. They bring a stretcher to ringside. Batista helps Orton up while Bryan is fitted with a neck brace and Batista with a spinebuster.

    Batista sends Orotn into the ringside barrier. Batista sends Orton into the ring post. Batista with a forearm to the back and then he Irish whips Orton into the ringside barrier. Orton punches Batista sends Orton back into the ring while Bryan is stretchered out. Orton goes for the IEDDT but Batista gets into the ring and Batista with a back body drop that sends Orton to the floor. Orton trips Batista and hits an IEDDT off the apron to the floor.

    Bryan wants to return to the match and he gets off the stretcher and he crawls to the ring. Orton picks up Bryan and Irish whips him into the ring steps. Orton rolls Bryan into the ring and Orton follows. Orton looks around and he twists to the mat to set up for the RKO. Orton pounds the mat and he goes for the RKO but Bryan with the Yes Lock and he applies it. Batista hits Bryan to break up the hold.

    Bryan applies the Yes Lock on Batista but Orton stops Bryan. Orton sends Bryan into the corner and the apron. Orton puts Batista in the turnbuckles and he connects with a European uppercut and punch. Orton looks at Bryan and then he twists to the mat for Batista. Batista avoids the RKO. Batista misses a spear on Orton when Orton leap frogs him and he shoulder tackles Bryan to the floor. Orton with an RKO for a two count.

    Orton looks around while Batista is on the mat and Bryan is on the floor. Orton backs up for the kick but Bryan with the flying knee and Batista sends Bryan to the floor and Batista covers Orton but Orton kicks out at two. Batista sets for the Batista Bomb and he hits it but Bryan with the flying knee to Batista and he applies the Yes Lock on Batista and Batista taps out.

    Winner: Daniel Bryan

    After the match, the crowd celebrates with Daniel Bryan. The pyro goes off in the Superdome while Bryan leads the crowd with the Yes Chant. The confetti flies through the stadium.

    Bryan goes back into the ring in a blizzard of confetti. Bryan brings some people into the ring to celebrate with him.

    Last edited by Role Model; 04-07-2014 at 03:57 AM.

  4. #4
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    Pretty damn excited about this, I think if the card delivers it could be the best WM we've had in a few years. I know I haven't been as excited for a WrestleMania in so long.

  5. #5
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    Nice intro video!!! They should start the show with the Battle Royal.

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    A moment in time!

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    Last edited by Role Model; 04-07-2014 at 12:33 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Role Model View Post
    What a start to the show. Great tag team match then the best start to a show EVER!

    thanks LG for the shield sig

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jake View Post
    What a start to the show. Great tag team match then the best start to a show EVER!
    HELL YEAH! Already better than WM29...

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