AAA has it’s second taping of the year tonight in Toluca. Fenix, Myzteziz & Psycho Clown take on Perro Jr., Hijo del Fantasma, and Pentagon Jr. in what sounds like a pretty good main event. Fantasma made an open challenge for his title last Friday, AAA’s been setting up matches for Rey de Reyes already, and there’s a couple possible challengers on the tecnico side. They could get a match out of that. The second Rey de Reyes semifinal match with La Parka, Parka Negra, Mesias, and Cibernetico. La Parka & Cibernetico appear tied up (and Cibernetico’s got a long proud history of losing out of this tournament by double countout draw) and Parka Negra barely exists, leaving Mesias as the favorite. The show is listed as a five match card, with the opener still to be announced. Show starts at 9pm local.