BJW “Teisen Pro-Wrestling Last Match ~ Sapporo Limelight”, 6/30/2015 [Tue] 18:30 @ Sapporo Teisen Hall in Hokkaido

~ Tonight is the final pro-wrestling show to be held at the Sapporo Teisen Hall. One of the more famous wrestling venues in Northern Japan.

(1) Toshiyuki Sakuda & Daichi Hashimoto [IGF] vs. Yoshihisa Uto & Kazumi Kikuta
◆Winner: Daichi (7:04) following the Sankakujime (Triangle Kick) on Kikuta.
(2) Jaki Numazawa & Antonio Honda [FREE] vs. Atsushi Maruyama [FREE] & Yuichi Taniguchi
◆Winner: Honda (13:33) with a Small Package on Yuichi.
(3) Ice Ribbon Offer Match: Tsukasa Fujimoto & Risa Sera vs. Mio Shirai & Yuuka
◆Winner: Sera (10:45) following a Diving Double Knee Drop on Yuuka.
(4) Great Kojika, Tsutomu Osugi & Hercules Senga vs. Shu Brahman, Kei Brahman & Takayuki Ueki
◆Winner: Kojika (11:31) via foul, Kei blasted the ref in the face with the dark ink.
(5) Isami Kodaka [UNION] & GENTARO [FREEDOMS] vs. Takashi Sasaki [FREEDOMS] & The Winger [FREEDOMS]
◆Winner: Winger (13:20) with a Small Package on GENTARO.
~ 3 years ago Kosaka and GENTARO competed in a singles match at this area, but GENTARO would suffer a sever back injury that would take him out of action for well over a year. Isami climbed a ladder and put a wrist band around the florescence lights above the ring.

(6) Deathmatch Heavyweight Championship Prelude Fluorescent Light 6 Man Tag Death Match: Abdullah Kobayashi, Yuko Miyamoto [666] & Masashi Takeda [U-FILE] vs. Ryuji Ito, Kankuro Hoshino & Masato Inaba [FREE]
◆Winner: Kobayashi (11:46) with the Diving Bakachinga Elbow Drop on Hoshino.
~ Kobayashi stated that he is 100% healthy after a thorough examination and that he is ready to defend the Deathmatch belt at Ryogoku.


~ A Kenta Kobashi Talk Show took place.
~ Kobashi and Abdullah Kobayashi shook hands before the interview with Abby also raising the ropes for Kobashi to get into the ring..
~ Kobashi reminisced about his times in this arena and Sapporo as a whole.


(7) Genichiro Tenryu [Tenryu Project] & Ryuchi Kawakami vs. Kazuki Hashimoto & Hideyoshi Kamitani
◆Winner: Kawakami (13:40) following a Hurricane Driver on Kamitani.

(8) Special 6 Man Tag Match: Daisuke Sekimoto, Takashi Sugiura [NOAH] & Masato Tanaka [ZERO1] vs. HARASHIMA [DDT], Yuji Okabayashi & Yuji Hino [K-DOJO]
◆Winner: Draw (30:00) Time Limit Draw.
Sekimoto thanked the fans for coming out as he then asked for everyone to come out to the ring to call to a close for the Teisen Hall.

Full show and order was released for the upcoming Ryogoku show…

BJW “両極譚~RYOUGOKUTAN~”, 7/20/2015 [Mon] @ Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo

(1) Yuichi Taniguchi & Kazuki Kikuta vs. Toshiyuki Sakuda & Yoshihisa Uto
(2) MEN’S Teioh, Tsutomu Osugi & Hercules Senga [all FREE] vs. Tsubasa [FREE], Atsushi Maruyama [FREE] & Shinobu [666]
(3) 6 Man Tag Death Match: Jaki Numazawa, Masashi Takeda [U-FILE] & Takumi Tsukamoto [FREE] vs. Ryuichi Sekine [K-DOJO], Masaya Takahashi [ASUKA] & SAGAT [UNION]
(4) Koji Kanemoto & Tatsuhito Takaiwa [both FREE] vs. Kazuki Hashimoto & Daichi Hashimoto [IGF]

(5) Yokohama Shopping Street 6 Man Tag Championship Match: [6th Champions] Shu Brahman, Kei Brahman & Takayuki Ueki vs. [Challengers] The Great Kojika, Kankuro Hoshino & Masato Inaba (FREE)
~ 1st title defense.

(6) Manabu Soya [W-1] & Ryuichi Kawakami vs. Ryota Hama [W-1] & Hideyoshi Kamitani

(7) BJW Tag Championship Match: [39th Champions] “Twin Towers” Shuji Ishikawa (UNION) & Kohei Sato (ZERO1) vs. [Challengers] “Yankee NichoKenju” Yuko Miyamoto (666) & Isami Kodaka (UNION)
~ 7th title defense.

(8) BJW Deathmatch Heavyweight Championship ~ 20th Anniversary 20 Different Weapons Death Match: [31st Champion] Abdullah Kobayashi vs. [Challenger] Ryuji Ito
~ 1st title defense.
~ Concrete Blocks and Salt announced at this time, fans are asked to decide on the other 18 weapon types.

(9) BJW World Strong Heavyweight Championship Match: [6th Champion] Daisuke Sekimoto vs. [Challenger] Yuji Okabayashi
~ 2nd title defense.