On Joe Rogan’s podcast featuring Dana White, comedian Tony Hinchcliffe decided to poke fun at Cristiane “Cyborg” Justino, and she didn’t find it funny.

In what has prompted an all-out Twitter war, Rogan and Hinchcliffe suggested that Cyborg has male reproductive organs:

“That would be amazing, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Where would I start?” – Hinchcliffe

“Her dick.” – Rogan

“That she’s the only person who cuts weight by chopping off her dick.” – Hinchcliffe

Cyborg didn’t take the remarks kindly, and fired back at the two on Twitter:

[MENTION=2366]Joe[/MENTION]rogan [MENTION=8659]tony[/MENTION]Hinchcliffe [MENTION=6615]Dan[/MENTION]awhite your jokes are mean and hurtful not comedy. Who would want 2 work for a team that's so disrespectful

— Cris Cyborg [MENTION=5380]cris[/MENTION]cyborg) November 17, 2015

[MENTION=8659]tony[/MENTION]Hinchcliffe you are 100lbs of coward. I look forward to coming 2, 1 of your live shows and shown you Brazilian culture in person. @tmz

— Cris Cyborg [MENTION=5380]cris[/MENTION]cyborg) November 17, 2015

[MENTION=8659]tony[/MENTION]Hinchcliffe your mom didn't give birth to a child, she took a shit and made a bully.

— Cris Cyborg [MENTION=5380]cris[/MENTION]cyborg) November 17, 2015

[MENTION=2366]Joe[/MENTION]rogan [MENTION=8659]tony[/MENTION]Hinchcliffe [MENTION=6615]Dan[/MENTION]awhite you're guys# F^%% bullying!! It's not my fault your champ can't take a punch https://t.co/788Z9frqLb

— Cris Cyborg [MENTION=5380]cris[/MENTION]cyborg) November 17, 2015

Here’s the clip of their original joke:

Joe Ragan, Dana White and some guy joke about [MENTION=5380]cris[/MENTION]cyborg having a dick…. pic.twitter.com/9CCPtICFTN

— ZombieProphet (@ZProphet_MMA) November 16, 2015