On Wednesday night TNA taped two more episodes of Impact Wrestling, scheduled to air on November 3rd and November 10th:

– The Hardys defeat The Tribunal to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles.

– The DCC attacks The Tribunal after the match, then points at The Hardys.

– Braxton Sutter, Mandrews and X Division Champion DJ Zema Ion defeated Rockstar Spud, Abyss and Crazzy Steve.

– A contract signing between Lashley and World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Edwards for next week’s rematch takes place. Lashley admits to underestimating Eddie but says it won’t happen again. Lashley flips the table when Eddie gets under his skin but there’s no physical contact between the two, per the contract.

– Laurel Van Ness defeated Allie.

– Impact Grand Champion Aron Rex retained over Jessie Godderz via 3rd round pinfall. Rex was down 2 rounds but used eye pokes in the third.

– Segment between Eli Drake and Ethan Carter III ends in EC3 issuing a challenge for a Bound For Gold vs. never challenging for the title again match. Drake turns it down, saying he will challenge the winner of Eddie vs. Lashley next week.

– DJZ, Sutter and Mandrews defeated Marshe Rockett, Trevor Lee & Andrew Everett and Spud & The Decay, who were ejected mid-match due to double teaming.

– It’s announced that Lashley injured Cody Rhodes last week and he won’t be here tonight but Brandi Rhodes will be. She comes out and says Lashley put Cody down but he’s not out and this is not the last TNA has seen of Cody. Sienna and Maria Kanellis interrupt. They trade insults with Brandi before a brawl breaks out. Sienna lays out Brandi.

– The Hardys and The DCC have an in-ring segment. They beat The Hardys down, hold the belts up and leave. Jeff Hardy challenges them to come back and now we have a match.

– The Hardys defeated The DCC by DQ when the third masked member got involved. After the match, one of the men attacked Earl Hebner.

– Eddie Edwards retains the World Heavyweight Title over Lashley. Lashley pulled the referee in front of him when Eddie was running, leading to the ref going down. A second referee came out but Lashley punched him when he didn’t get a 3 count. It appeared the first referee calls for the DQ on Lashley as the bell rang but Eddie hit his finisher and pinned Lashley for the win.