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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE RAW Live Coverage - May 4th, 2020

    RAW LIVE Coverage - 4th May 2020
    Location - WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida
    Announcers - Tom Phillips, Samoa Joe, and Byron Saxton.

    Montel Vontavious Porter is in the ring with the VIP Lounge. He says last week things went a little sideways. It was a special episode with the men's competitors in Money in the Bank. Things didn't go according to plan unless the plan was a brawl. This week, we return to style, sophistication, and class, but remember what happened last week with these three women. We see footage from the "it wasn't a match" match from last week.

    Out first is Asuka. MVP asks Asuka a question in Japanese and she says she is very happy. Asuka continues to dance before taking her seat.

    Out next is Shayna Baszler.

    The final participant from Raw, Nia Jax, makes her way to the ring. Since Shayna is sitting in the middle of one of the futons, Nia sits on the table between the futons.

    MVP says these ladies will be out of their comfort zones on Sunday. MVP asks Nia if she has the skill set to make it from the first floor to the roof to the top of the ladder to win? Nia asks MVP if he has paid attention to Raw. She says she has destroyed anyone put in front of her.

    Asuka is asked for her response and Asuka yells at Nia in Japanese about what Nia did to Kairi Sane and she calls her a big bully.

    MVP asks Shayna how her skills will help her win at Money in the Bank. Shayna says opera non verba. Shayna says unique skill set? She says she does all her talking with her actions and that is the difference between her and everyone else in the match. She asks Asuka and Asuka responds with a number of EZPZs.

    Shayna and Asuka stare each other down and they kick Nia off her table. MVP tries to separate Asuka and Shayna. MVP tells them to save it for the fight.

    Tom mentions the men's participants in the Money in the Bank ladder match and we see what happened to Apollo Crews last week.

    Tonight, someone will join the five men already in the match. We see Bobby Lashley in the back with Lana and we are told that he is going to start off the gauntlet.

    We go to commercial.

    Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifying Gauntlet Match

    Opponent One: Bobby Lashley vs Titus O'Neil

    They lock up and go to a stalemate. Titus with punches and chops. Lashley misses a punch in the corner and Titus with a punch and forearm. Lashley with a spear and he gets the three count,.

    Titus O'Neil Eliminated

    Opponent Two: Akira Tozawa vs Bobby Lashley

    Tozawa with a spinning heel kick and missile drop kick. Lashley with a spear for the three count.

    Akira Tozawa Elimianted

    SOpponent Three; Shelton Benjamin vs Bobby Lashley

    Lashley with a kick as Shelton gets to the ring but Shelton with a blockbuster and then he sends Lashley to the floor. Shelton with a knee to Lashley followed by a slingshot facebuster. Lashley sends Benjamin into the ringside barrier. Benjamin is sent into the ringside barrier. Lashley sets for a spear and Benjamin with a leap frog. Benjamin with a spinning heel kick but Lashley with a spear for the three count.

    Shelton Benjamin Eliminated

    We go to ccommercial

    Opponent Four: Humberto Carrillo vs Bobby Lashley

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Lashley chokes Carrillo in the corner. Lashley with an Irish whip but Carrillo with a boot. Lashley escapes a side head lock with a take down. Lashley with a shoulder tackle. Lashley gets Carrillo up and tries for a Dominator but Carrillo lands on his feet. Carrillo with a kick to Lashley from the apron followed by a missile drop kick. Carrillo with a back roll moonsault for a near fall. Carrillo goes up top and Lashley stops him and press slams Carrillo to the mat. Lashley with a running clothesline into the corner followed by kicks and a choke. Lashley with punches to Carrillo. Lashley pushes the referee away and the referee warns Lashley about being disqualified. Lashley has been disqualified by the referee.

    Bobby Lashley Eliminated

    Lashley biels Carrillo and hits a spear before referees come out to tell Lashley to stop.

    Opponent Five: Angel Garza (w/ Zelina Vega) vs Humberto Carrillo

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Garza chokes Carrillo in the corner. Garza with a chop. Carrillo with an elbow but Garza traps Carrillo in the turnbuckles and he drop kicks Humberto. Garza removes the pants and throws them at Carrillo. Garza with a leg drop to the groin and a drop kick. Garza gets a near fall. Garza with an arm bar and then he turns it into a bow and arrow.

    We see Bobby Lashley in the back and Lana is trying to give him a pep talk but he doesn't want to hear anything about it.

    Carrillo with a hip lock take down but Garza with a knee and slingshot reverse suplex. Garza with a super kick for a near fall. Carrillo with a kick to the head and a head scissors and drop kick. Carrillo gets a near fall. Garza gets his knees up on a moonsault attempt and Garza gets a near fall. Garza with a camel clutch. Garza turns it into a rocking horse. Carrillo tries to escape and Garza gets a near fall. Garza gets a series of near falls. Garza goes to the ropes and hits a quebrada for a near fall.

    Carrillo blocks a Wing Clipper attempt. Carrillo counters into a sunset flip for the three count.

    Angel Garza Eliminated

    Opponent Six: Austin Theory vs Humberto Carrillo

    Theory with forearms and punches. Theory gets a near fall. Theory with a hard Irish whip. Carrillo with a forearm and Theory with a kick and forearms. Theory with a snap mare and boot to the chest. Theory with a waist lock. Theory with a kick and he returns to the waist lock. Theory sets for a suplex but Carrillo gets to his feet and Carrillo with kicks. Carrillo goes for a springboard head butt and Theory with a forearm for a near fall. Theory puts Carrillo on the turnbuckles and Theory with a chop. Theory with a superplex and Carrillo with an inside cradle for the three count.

    Austin Theory Eliminated

    Opponent Seven: AJ Styles vs Humberto Carrillo

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Carrillo with a drop kick. Carrillo kicks AJ in the corner and follows with punches and kicks. AJ with an Irish whip and Carrillo tries to float over but AJ sees it coming. AJ with knees to the midsection. Styles kicks Carrillo in the midsection. Carrillo tries to land on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt but he lands on his stomach. Styles gets a near fall. Styles with a waist lock. Styles with an abdominal stretch. Styles with an elbow to the midsection as he holds on to the abdominal stretch. Carrillo gets to the ropes.

    AJ with a waist lock and Carrillo with an elbow and forearm. Carrillo misses a charge into the corner and AJ drops Carrillo's knee over his shoulder. AJ with a dragon screw leg whip. AJ with a knee drop to the leg. AJ works on the lower leg and Carrillo gets to the ropes. Carrillo with an elbow to AJ but AJ with forearms. AJ goes for a dragon screw but Carrillo escapes and hits a DDT. Carrillo with an enzuigiri and both men are down. AJ with a forearm and kick to the leg. Carrillo with a apinning heel kick and both men are down again.

    Carrillo runs into a boot and AJ goes for a moonsault into a reverse DDT but Carrillo counters into an inside cradle for a near fall. Both men with clotheslines and both are down. AJ with a pump handle gutbuster and then he applies the calf crusher and Carrillo taps out.

    Winner: AJ Styles

    After the match:
    AJ wrings Carrillo's leg into the ring post.

    AJ Styles says he is not a zombie or a ghost. There is no Undertaker to try to steal his spotlight. AJ says he got buried. So what. I admit it and I understand it. It doesn't mean that I lost. There are no rules in a Boneyard Match. That was then and this is now. I have seized an opportunity and he is in the most unique Money in the Bank Ladder Match. It's worth it. I'm going to do anything to get that contract. If that means throwing a Rey Mysterio or an Aleister Black off the top of the WWE headquarters, so be it. They have not been what I have been through. Get ready to rewrite the history book with the most memorable moment in Money in the Bank. AJ says he will win the match and then Mr. Money in the Bank will be Phenomenal.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with some of the top Money in the Bank moments.

    Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring to join Charly Caruso.

    Seth is asked about Murphy's match against Drew McIntyre. He says whatever is meant to be will be. Seth says he has the utmost confidence in Murphy. Charly asks Seth how does he prepare for someone as dominant as Drew McIntyre. Seth says Drew is dominant. He is a warrior and a fighter. He is an honorable man. He is not a leader. It is not Drew's destiny to be the champion that takes us into the future. Seth says you are asking how will I meet my destiny. Drew will put up one hell of a fight. The title means too much to him, but Seth says he is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Being a champion is more than what you do in the ring. You represent the entire industry to be that leader and that champion. Drew is not ready for the physical and mental despair that comes with being champion. Seth says he is trying to unburden him. Seth says he is trying to save Drew McIntyre.

    At Money in the Bank, my destiny will become a reality when I stand in this ring with my hand held high with the announcement AND NEW WWE Champion Seth Rollins.

    Shane Thorne and Brendan Vink are in the back and MVP shows up. He says he wanted to give one final word of encouragement. Great moments are born from great opportunities. Two of Australia's finest against two of Raw's flyest. Vink says Cedric and Ricochet will have all of the opportunity to talk about what it is like to lose to Shane Thorne and Brendan Vink.

    We go to commercial.

    Brendan Vink and Shane Thorne vs Cedric Alexander and Ricochet

    Alexander chops Vink as Alexander avoids Vink. Alexander with a boot and he leaps over Vink. Vink sends Alexander into the corner and he punches Cedric. Thorne tags in and he connects with a European uppercut. Alexander with a rollup for a near fall. Alexander with a drop kick. Ricochet tags in and Alexander with a knee and Ricochet with a swinging neck breaker onto Alexander's knee and Ricochet gets a near fall. Alexander tags in and he chops Thorne. Alexander with an Irish whip and Alexander is sent to the apron and he avoids Vink but Thorne knocks Cedric off the apron.

    Vink sends Alexander into the ringside barrier. Vink with a rear chin lock. Alexander with a Neuralizer and Thorne tags in but so does Ricochet. Ricochet with strikes to Thorne and Ricochet with a springboard cross body. Ricochet with a drop kick. Ricochet with a kick in the corner and he hits a jumping rana. Alexander tags in and Alexander with a drop kick followed by one from Ricochet. Alexander with a tornado DDT but Vink breaks up the cover. Thorne with a waist lock and Alexander with an elbow. Vink tags in and Alexander with a knee. Ricochet tags in and Ricochet leaps over Vink and Alexander. Thorne with a cannonball to Alexander. Ricochet with a super kick to Thorne. Vink with a running boot for the three count.

    Winners: Brendan Vink and Shane Thorne

    We take a look at some more classic Money in the Bank moments.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins have something to say. Montez asks Angelo to give a history of this building. Angelo says this is where they met, broke bread, and became brothers. This is where The Street Profits were born. Montez says since the Viking Raiders signed with WWE, we have been chasing them. The chase ends tonight.

    Non Title Match
    Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins (c) vs Ivar and Erik

    Erik and Ford start things off and Erik flips Ford over. Ford lands on his feet on a back body drop. Erik knocks Dawkins off the apron and Ford with forearms across the bridge of the nose. Erik with an Irish whip and Ford floats over and then he goes after Ivar but misses. Erik with a shoulder tackle and Ivar with a boot to Dawkins on the floor and a splash. Erik with a knee to the head and Ivar tags in. Erik with a power bomb and Ivar with a frog splash for a near fall. Ford with a jaw breaker. Dawkins is able to tag in and he punches Ivar. He also punches Erik and hits a drop kick. Ford tags back in and he hits a spinning splash into the corner. Iver with a clothesline to Dawkins and a clothesline to Ford. Erik with a drop kick and then Erik sends Ivar into Ford for a near fall.

    Erik with a shoulder in the corner. Ivar tags in and he connects with a knee and forearm to the back. Ivar with a snap mare and knee drop. Ivar runs Ford into the corner and Erick tags in and connects with a shoulder. Erik goes for a suplex but Ford lands on his feet and gets a near fall wit a rollup. Dawkins tags in and hits a few clotheslines and an exploder. Dawkins knees Ivar to the floor. Dawkins with a twisting splash and bullodg. Erik pulls Dawkins to the floor and Dawkins punches Erik when Erik goes for a dive to the floor. Dawkins POUNCES Ivar into the ringside barrier.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dawkins with a reverse chin lock on Erik. Erik with elbows but Dawkins with a knee. Ford tags in and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Dawkins tags in and he punches Erik. Erik with a punch and it staggers Dawkins. Ivar tags in and he kicks Dawkins. Ivar mises a splash but he hits a seated splash. Ivar with a clothesline to Ford and a bronco buster to Dawkins. Ivar gets a near fall. Erik tags in and Ivar with a knee. Erik with a knee for a near fall. Erik misses a knee and Dawkins with a gutwrench suplex.

    Ivar and Ford tag in and Ford with punches and kicks. Ford with a clothesline but Ivar stays on his feet. Ford with an enzuigiri and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Ivar blocks it. Dawkins makes the tag and they hit a double belly-to-back suplex on Ivar. Dawkins sends Ford onto Ivar and Dawkins gets a near fall. Ivar runs through a double clothesline and then he hits a handspring double back elbow. Erik tags in and he hits a back breaker on Ford followed by a tilt-a-whirl gubuster. Ford with an enzuigiri to Ivar. Erik with a forearm. Dawkins with a spear to Erik and Ivar does not complete the Viking Experience. Ford with a DDT. Dawkins tags in and he hits Low Down and Ford wit a frog splash but Erik breaks up the cover with a knee to the head.

    Ford is sent over the top rope to the floor. Erik tags in and Dawkins with a kick. Ivar with the Viking Experience and Erik gets the three count.

    Winners: Erik and Ivar

    Charly Caruso asks Drew McIntyre about Murphy's comments about how he knows he can beat Drew. Drew says he must have kicked Murphy harder than he thought. Does he even know what his name is? Seth has taken advantage of Murphy. If Murphy is willing to sacrifice for his messiah and the messiah is willing to sacrifice his disciple, who is he to stop a slaughter.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with more Money in the Bank Moments.

    Charly Caruso is with Erik and Ivar. She asks what do they owe their success to. Erik says it is not success, it is dominance. Ivar says they have a lot of respect for the Street Profits but they are the better team. Erik says they extinguished the smoke.

    Aleister Black asks AJ how did it feel? How did it feel to be buried six feet deep, all alone in that darkness. Being swallowed by darkness. What it didn't do was make it you more humble. Now you are talking about throwing me off a building on Sunday. If you find a way to throw men off that building, pray that I don't get back up because I climbed that ladder and I will take that Money in the Bank contract. When that happens, you'll wish you were buried deeper than just six feet.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Rey Mysterio says he has been here long enough to know what to expect before any match except for this Sunday. For the first time ever, it will not take place in the ring, but at the WWE Headquarters. Men and women will fight at the same time from the ground floor to the roof to try to get the briefcase. One bad decision or one wrong move and it is all she wrote. That briefcase contains a contract for a championship match any time any place. It makes him realize that his career is closer to the end than to the beginning. Rey says he does not know how many title matches he has left. It is risky, but the risk is worth the reward.

    NXT Women's Champion Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring.

    Charlotte says she is the hardest working woman in any industry. She has been pulling double duty, working Mondays and Wednesdays. She will be facing Io Shirai. She has wrestled all over the world. She won a brutal ladder match to get the opportunity to face me. Io said that Charlotte Flair was her dream opponent. Charlotte says that makes her happy because she gets to make Io's dreams come true and she gets to bow down to the queen.

    Liv Morgan makes her way to the stage. She says hello to Charlotte and asks if she remembers her.

    Charlotte says she thinks Liv wants her attention and Liv wants her to take her seriously.

    Liv says she wasn't born with a silver spoon in her . . . mouth. She didn't have a daddy to walk her to school or to the front of the line of the career of her choice. Liv says she will be a champion and take down a few backstabbers or a Queen.

    Charlotte says Liv doesn't know who she is and Charlotte knows who she is. She is Ric Flair's daughter and she had a silver spoon in her mouth. Charlotte says she expected that Liv would say she was her dream opponent.

    We go to commercial.

    Non Title Match
    Charlotte Flair (c) vs Liv Morgan

    They lock up and Charlotte backs Morgan into the corner. They lock up and Charlotte with a take down. They lock up and Charlotte with a side head lock. Charlotte with a shoulder tackle and kick to Liv. Charlotte with a forearm and she misses a forearm into the corner. Morgan with forearms and a drop kick that sends Charlotte into the corner. Liv with a head scissors take down and kick into the corner. Charlotte with a clothesline. Charlotte with an Irish whip and Liv floats over and then Liv hits a missile drop kick. Charlotte hip tosses Liv into the corner and then she kicks Liv as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Charlotte drives Liv's head into the mat and then sends Liv over. Liv kicks Charlotte away and follows with clotheslines and a face plant. Liv with a double stomp to the back and Liv gets a near fall. Charlotte sends Liv to the apron and connects with a forearm. Liv drops Charlotte on the top rope and Morgan goes for a sunset flip but Charlotte holds on to the ropes and kicks Liv. Liv with a punch and jaw breaker. Liv with a springboard Codebreaker. Charlotte blocks a head scissors and hits a power bomb for a near fall.

    Charlotte with chops in the corner. Liv with a forearm after teh referee warns Charlotte. Liv goes for a missile drop kick and Charlotte blocks it and she puts Liv in a Boston Crab. Liv gets to the ropes. Liv with a drop toe hold that sends Charlotte into the ropes. Charlotte with a back breaker and then she sends Liv into the turnbuckles. Charlotte goes to the turnbuckles and Liv with a forearm. Liv with a Codebreaker off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Liv gets another near fall. Liv sets for ObLIion but Charlotte avoids ti and she applies the figure four leg lock and bridges to force Liv to tap out.

    Winner: Charlotte Flair

    We take a look at the top moment in Money in the Bank history.

    We go to commercial.

    Non Title Match
    Drew Mcintyre vs Buddy Murphy (w/ Seth Rollins)

    They lock up and Murphy goes to the floor. Drew blocks a kick and Murphy with a back elbow and side head lock. Murphy with a shoulder tackle and he bounces off Drew. Drew with a shoulder tackle and Murphy goes to the floor. Murphy goes up the ramp and Drew follows to the bottom of the ramp. Buddy backs into Drew and Drew with a boot. Drew runs Buddy into the ringside barrier and the apron. Drew sends Buddy over the ringside barrier and then he breaks the count. Drew hot shots Murphy onto the led board and follows with a chop. Drew with a punch to the head and Murphy gets back into the ring. Murphy with a baseball slide to Drew and Drew is sent into the ringside barrier.

    Drew tries for a slam but Buddy escapes and he sends Drew into the ring post. Murphy goes up top and he hits Meteora for a near fall. Murphy with a kick to the back. Murphy with a chop and Drew chops Murphy and he goes down. Murphy with kicksbut Drew with a head butt and Murphy is down. Drew tells Murphy to do his leader proud and get to his feet. Drew runs into a boot and then Murphy with a kick from the apron. Drew with a chop that knocks Murphy off the ropes and to the floor. Drew sends Murphy back into the ring and Drew goes up top . Drew with a flying clothesline. Drew gets Murphy on his shoulders and he goes for an Air Raid Crash but Murphy gets to his feet.

    Murphy kicks Drew and hits a power bomb for a near fall. Murphy sets for his version of a Claymore but Drew shows him how to do it. Drew with a Claymore for the three count.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre

    After the match:
    Seth Rollins gets on the apron and Drew tells Seth that they can do this right now. Drew tells Seth to fight him and he gets down on his knees. Seth gets on the apron but he goes up the ramp.

    Drew turns around to the camera and then he turns into a super kick from Seth. Seth says this isn't about Drew. It is bigger than him and it is bigger than Drew. Seth sees the title belt and he picks it up. Seth puts the belt down and he sets for Black Out but Drew stops him and hits a head butt. Drew sets for a Claymore but Seth gets out of the ring and this time he does not come back.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    AJ Styles has risen from the dead after being buried alive by Undertaker. lol

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad pre MITB RAW.

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