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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE RAW Live Coverage - May 30th, 2022

    Bobby Lashley, Omos and MVP sign the contract for their 2-on-1 Handicap Match at Hell in a Cell

    After defeating Bobby Lashley last week, thanks in part to Omos, MVP decreed that The All Mighty will go up against The Nigerian Giant and himself in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match at Hell in a Cell. But before the three Superstars collide in Chicago, Lashley, Omos and MVP will sit down to put pen to paper and make their match official. Will sparks fly during the colossal contract signing?

    – We start off our special Memorial Day episode from Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, IA.

    Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring and hops on the mic after Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton--our commentary team--show highlights from Becs manipulations to add herself into the Raw Women's Championship match this Sunday at Hell in a Cell. "Welcome to the big time, and welcome to Monday Night Raw!" Cheap pop. Lynch whoops, stating it feels great to do that again. She recollects it's been a while since she's welcomed us to Monday Night Raw due to her sadness over losing her title. She accuses the audience of praying for her downfall. "So many of you hope I never get my hands on that title again, don't you?" She then yells that she runs on spite and coffee and does what she wants, and right now she's feeling pretty fueled up. Lynch states she collects enemies the way other people collect stamps and coins. She states she's days away from regaining her title at Hell in a Cell.

    She goes on, stating that she defies odds and convention. She throws us back to Money in the Bank 2020--the one held at the corporate HQ during the height of the pandemic--and shows us stills of Asuka winning the Money in the Bank briefcase. Becky reminds us that the case didn't hold a contract, but a belt, as Becky had to step away for motherhood. Lynch states she had a plan; she knew she could defeat Asuka, so she wanted Asuka to hang on to it until Lynch could come back and win her title from Asuka. She states she made a monster when she handed the title to Asuka, and Asuka makes her way on out. Asuka gets on the mic, mocking Becky. "You are still 'Big Time' baby," she states before imitating crying. Lynch tries to interrupt Asuka, but she tells her to shut up and speaks something in Japanese that didn't sound friendly. Asuka states no one is ready for Asuka "because at Hell in a Cell, I'm ready to be (the) new Raw Women's Champion!" Big pop from the crowd. Lynch starts to take exception--and out comes Raw Women's Champion Bianca Belair!

    Belair tells them both to stop. "I'm not over here crying and complaining that I have to defend my title at Hell in a Cell--not in a one on one match...it's a triple threat. I don't even have to get pinned to lose my title." She tells Asuka that she respects her, but last week Asuka kicked her so in their match tonight, "I'm gonna have a lot to say." She turns her attention to Lynch and tells Becs that she's eager to get her hands on Lynch. Belair hoists her belt up in front of Lynch and states "this is 100% not going anywhere. And if I have to, I will 100% drop you just like I did at WrestleMania!" Lynch shoves Belair; Asuka jumps on Lynch and fights her to the corner. Belair pops up and pulls Asuka off; the two argue until Lynch attacks. Belair gains the upper hand and hits the KOD to dump Lynch over the ropes while Asuka hit the Bump to send Lynch spilling to the floor. Asuka and Belair dance to Belair's music as Corey Graves hypes the upcoming singles match--after this word from their sponsors.

    Raw Women's Champion Bianca Belair vs Asuka

    Back from the break, and this match is under way. Becky Lynch is shown observing from ringside, scouting the competition ahead of their triple-threat on Sunday. Bell rings and Belair locks up with Asuka. Both women shove each other around the ring, looking to get the upper hand. Asuka wins the first takedown, Belair the second, and Lynch is now on commentary. Lynch guarantees to be the next champion while Belair uses a side headlock on Asuka; Jimmy Smith tells Lynch he doesn't think she can do it as Belair somersaults over Asuka, lands on her feet, and slaps her butt to taunt Asuka. Belair looks for a handstand and Asuka kicks her hard in the gut. The crowd is 65-35% Asuka-Belair, it seems. Belair takes Asuka to the corner and holds her there, pausing for a few moments before using a hair toss to send Asuka rolling to the other corner. Belair pulls her up and again uses the hair toss-this time the ref warns her. Belair charges Asuka in the corner but Asuka uses a drop toehold to send Belair into the buckles!

    Asuka takes her turn in control, choking Belair in the corner as the ref counts a warning. Belair uses a suplex to drop Asuka, holds on and attempts a second--but Asuka wiggles free! Asuka with a takedown to the champ before slapping on an ankle lock! Belair attempts to reposition, but Asuka pulls her back to the middle of the ring and keeps the lock on for several long moments. Finally, the crowd lightly tries to rally Belair. Asuka transitions to a knee lock but Belair powers her way out of it. Asuka hops back on, slapping on a Guillotine! Belair sinks to the mat. The champ rallies, however, turning the Guillotine into a gut-wrench suplex! Belair with a handspring senton drop for a close two count. Again, Asuka slaps on a Guillotine! Belair powers to her feet and attempts to dump Asuka to the outside. Asuka attempts to counter and both women spill to the floor, sending us to another break.

    Back from the break. We return to find both women landing strikes on each other. Asuka connects with a running Hip Attack and covers for a close two. Lynch, on commentary, gloats that she's loving watching her future opponents beat the tar out of each other. Asuka ascends the turnbuckles and is distracted by Lynch, allowing Belair to rally. Belair climbs the middle turnbuckles and clubs Asuka in the back. Belair looks for a Superplex but Asuka fights her off. Belair back-flips to the ring but Asuka dives off right after her, hitting a drop kick right to the kisser of the champ! Belair rallies again, isolating Asuka in the corner. Belair sets up for a KOD but Asuka wiggles free--and seemingly injures her left knee. We get a replay and you can clearly see she landed bad; her foot and knee went differing ways.

    Belair takes Asuka into the ring and has words with Lynch. Asuka manages to recover enough to hit a jumping knee for a close two. Asuka rubs some life into her knee. Belair ducks under a pair of kicks but Asuka locks on and slithers along the champ, attempting to cinch in an Asuka Lock. The crowd rallies behind the champ who powers her way to her feet. Belair rams Asuka into the turnbuckles to break the lock. Belair with a face-first inverted Michinoku. Asuka attempts to roll up Belair, but Belair rolls through and picks up the win! Immediately after the bell, Lynch attacks both women. She leaves them both laid out and backs up the ramp, yelling insults.

    Winner: Bianca Belair

    Lynch is immediately in the ring after the match to lay out both Asuka and Belair.

    – Commentary throws to a recap of last Monday’s match between Ezekiel and Chad Gable.

    – Back to the arena and Rey & Dominik Mysterio make their entrance for a 6-man tag team match that’s coming up next. But first, we go to a commercial break.

    – Back from the break, The Mysterios are waiting in the ring for the rest of the participants in this upcoming match. First, is their partner, Ezekiel.

    Next is Alpha Academy, followed by their partner Kevin Owens.

    Six-Man Tag Match: Ezekiel & the Mysterios vs Kevin Owens & the Alpha Academy

    The Mysterios are out first as commentary hypes the tension between KO and Elias' younger brother, Ezekiel. We head to break. When we return, Ezekiel comes out to a nice pop. The heels are out after a quick prop for the Ezekiel/KO match this Sunday. Shoosh! Rey Mysterio starts off with Chad Gable. Rey battles the 4.0 GPA superstar and brings in Dom. Dom falls victim to a pair of suplex slams from Gable. Mysterio uses a wristlock toss to send Gable out of the ring. Kevin Owens enters the ring and charges; Dom ducks down and pulls the top rope to send KO flying to the outside! Otis enters the ring and both Mysterios work with Ezekiel to send Otis to the outside! Dom climbs the turnbuckles, playing up to the crowd--and is tosses off the top by Chad Gable, sending the youngster down hard into the floor and barricade. We head to another break.

    Back from the break. Owens had Dom in a leg submission. Rey enters the ring illegally and hits a dropkick to Owens to free Dom. KO manages to tag in Otis, who prevents Dom from tagging out. Otis looks for his corner splash but Dom moves out of the way just in time. Both men inch towards their respective corners; Gable and Ezekiel take the hot tags! Ezekiel is "all Zeked up" and "about to Zeke out" per Corey Graves. Ezekiel hits corner splashes on Owens and Gable in homage to 1998 Sting. Ezekiel hoists Gable up, spins 'round n' 'round then hits a sit-out powerbomb! Otis hits an attack on Zeke; Rey attacks Otis to send him outside. Owens sends Dom outside, and Rey looks for a 619 on Owens! Owens dodges and fires off a superkick--but inadvertently hits Chad Gable! Gable is draped over the middle rope and receives a double-619 from father-and-son. Ezekiel uses a stalling suplex to pick up the win as the Mysterios stand guard! Owens freaks out at ringside after realizing he just handed Ezekiel a win.

    Winners: Ezekiel & the Mysterios

    Owens is very upset after the match and won’t let the commentary team move on with the show as he tosses around the papers on their desk. Owens finally moves on and the commentary team sets up a recap of last Monday’s events involving Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes.

    – Cody Rhodes makes his entrance. We go to a commercial break.

    "The American Nightmare" makes his way out as commentary hypes his upcoming showdown in a Hell in a Cell match. We cut to commercials. When we return, Rhodes cuts yet another promo about Rollins as we build towards their third match in a row across three premium live events. Rhodes continues on until Seth Rollins comes out by way of the audience. People yell "welcome home, Seth" as he tells Cody he doesn't like him, nor does he want him in the WWE. Seth states that every week, Cody's pandering's gotten worse and worse and the Cody chants have gotten louder--and the crowd complies as Seth states he can't stand it any longer. Fans near Seth start cheering for the home-state boy. Rollins states Rhodes left the WWE six years ago "because you weren't good enough." Boos. "And then, every single day you were gone, you and your little friends tried to tear down what I was building here! And when that didn't work out so well for you, you came running back--the prodigal son returns home to fulfill his family legacy!" Ouch! Rollins screams, "not on my watch, pal! You don't get to be the conquering hero in my...Kingdom." He angrily repeats that he doesn't like Rhodes, wants him gone, and in six days "I"m gonna prey on your insecurities and I"m not just gonna change you, Cody...I'm going to end you." Big pop from the crowd. "And then we can all finally wake up from this American nightmare." Seth cackles to the crowd's pleasure.

    Rhodes gets on the mic and asks, "What right now is stopping me? Three little ropes? This barricade?" He points and the crowd grows louder. "What is stopping us? Why are we waiting? It seems as polite as I've been, the time for talk is over!" Rhodes takes off his jacket and tie as Rollins marches down the steps, reaches the barricade, starts to climb--and pauses, cackling "I'll see you Sunday!" Rollins heads back to the audience. Cody Rhodes, however, isn't done with Rollins and storms the ringside area! Rhodes crosses the barricade and unloads on Rollins! The two brawl in the crowd. Rhodes and Rollins use fists to fight back down to the ringside area. Rollins hoists Cody up but Rhodes wiggles free and sends Rollins through the barricade! Rhodes rips open his shirt and mount-and-pounds Rollins! Rhodes rains down kicks as Rollins rallies. A dozen officials hit the area and separate both men. Of course, the two Superstars break free and brawl again for a few more seconds until they're separated yet again. Rhodes heads to the back and Rollins turns to the crowd, who frequently chant "let them fight" and welcome the home-state boy. Finally Rhodes storms out of the back, officials chasing him, and attacks Rollins again! Once again, the officials separate both Superstars and the crowd chants us out to a break with "this is awesome".

    – Back from the break, we get a recap of what we just saw.

    – We get a sponsored recap of Alexa Bliss winning the women’s Money In The Bank match in 2018 and cashing it in one hour later on Nia Jax to win the “Raw” Women’s Championship.

    Alexa Bliss vs. Doudrop (with Nikki A.S.H.)

    Bliss attacks with the forearms, but Doudrop shrugs them off and takes her down with a shoulder block. Doudrop slams Bliss into the corner and follows with a splash. Doudrop grounds Bliss with a modified cobra clutch. Bliss fights to her feet but gets slammed back down for a 2-count.

    Doudrop lands a headbutt and goes back to the modified cobra clutch. She sends Bliss into the corner but misses a splash. Bliss lands a knee strike and a pair of dropkicks and Doudrop is down. Bliss charges right into a slam by Doudrop but Doudrop misses a senton. Bliss charges again but gets knocked down with a shoulder block. Doudrop drags Bliss to the corner and climbs to the second rope. She misses the Vader Bomb.

    Bliss climbs to the top rope. Nikki tries to intervene but Bliss kicks her off and hits Twisted Bliss to pin Doudrop.

    Winner: Alexa Bliss

    – We go to a recap of last Monday’s match between Bobby Lashley and MVP.

    – We get clips from last week, during which MVP found himself in the Hurt Lock. Later on, MVP chose a stipulation for the Omos/Lashley match--making it a two-on-one handicapped match by inserting himself into it.

    – The Miz makes his way out as Graves hypes the upcoming season premiere of the Miz's reality show. We head to break. When we return, the Miz hypes the return of his reality show and states that he'll have Maryse with him for it's debut. The Street Profits make their way out after a few moments of his blathering, and Ford--looking more jacked normal--hops on the mic. After a cheap pop, the Profits introduce themselves. Future Hall of Famer Angelo Dawkins tells the Miz he should be talking about Hell in a Cell this Sunday. Dawkins and Ford go back and forth discussing what they're looking forward to. Dawkins is excited to see Cody Rhodes in action, then asks the Miz if he took the L to Rhodes last week. The Miz looks upset. Ford states he's excited about his wife's triple-threat title defense match. The Miz stands by silently until Ford remarks that they've forgotten their manners--"We came out here, we addressed the crowd--they're so beautiful...but we were rude." He calls the Miz a leader, "a monarch, a patriarch, a legend, an inspiration!" He wants to "ask Mike on Miz TV what do you think about Hell in a Cell this Sunday?" The Miz thanks them, starts to say what he thinks, and is cut off with a Rock-ish "it doesn't matter what you think!" The Miz holds his arm up and the Profits ask if he's got a question. They say in perfect unison with the Miz, "when my hand goes up your mouth goes shut!" 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke & Tozawa get involved in an attempt to take the 24/7 title. T-Bar, now looking more like Dominic Dijakovic gets involved, as do and others. The 24/7 madness goes on until Tamina hits a Samoan Drop to become the new 24/7 champion.

    Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion: Tamina!

    Afterwards, Tamina kisses Tozawa--who rolls her up and picks up the pin!

    Winner: and NEW 24/7 Champion: Akira Tozawa

    – Commentary tosses to a recap video of Veer Mahaan vs. Mustafa Ali last Monday.

    – Back in the arena, Theory makes his entrance. He’s here to watch Ali face Ciampa. If Ali wins, he’ll get a shot at Theory’s United States Championship. We go to a commercial break.

    – Back from the break, Ciampa is already in the ring and Ali is making his entrance. Theory is on commentary.

    United States Championship Contender's Match: Mustafa Ali vs Tommaso Ciampa

    Theory is introduced as the youngest US champ in history and makes his way down ahead of this match. If Ali defeats the newly-christened, eponymous Ciampa, he'll earn a title shot. We head to break. When we return, Ciampa's already out and Ali's finishing his entrance. Both men run off the ropes early on and Ciampa runs over Ali. Ciampa looks for a back drop but the agile Ali floats over. Ciampa and Ali counter each other's offense for the first few moments, culminating in Ali rolling into a dropkick and a Ciampa cover for two. Ciampa slaps on a chin lock and arches his back to put more pressure on Ali. Ciampa batters Ali with rising knees and counters a whip with a huge lariat. Ciampa sits on the turnbuckle NXT Style and pats himself on the back! Ciampa with a knee drop and another close cover. Ciampa maintains control with working holds, taking his time in grounding the high-flyer. Ali battles to a vertical base and takes a headbutt from Ciampa for his troubles. Ciampa with a strong Irish Whip that leads to Ali starting his comeback as he sends Ciampa to the outside! Ali with a boot kick to drop an entering Ciampa before using a suicide dive to crush Ciampa against the commentary table! Ali ascends the turnbuckles but Theory attacks. Theory continues to beat on Ali after the bell.

    Winner by DQ: Mustafa Ali

    Theory continues to beat up on Ali after the match and leaves him laying. Theory gets the microphone. He says he’s on another level and says he’ll give Ali his title match right now. We go to a commercial break.

    – Back from the break, Theory is beating up on Ali in the ring but commentary informs us the match has not started yet. The referee asks Ali if he still wants to do the match and Ali agrees.

    United States Championship Match: Theory vs Mustafa Ali

    We return from break and are informed by Corey Graves that Theory continued to beat up Ali throughout the break. The ref checks on both men and we get the bell. Theory starts off hot, easily pummeling the weakened and tired Ali. Theory taunts Ali, talking smack while taking his time punishing Ali. Ali catches an unsuspecting Theory with a Tornado DDT, laying out the champ! Ali ascends the turnbuckles but Theory dives, hitting the rope and causing Ali to fall. Theory picks him up, hits the ATL Down, and pinned Ali. Afterwards, Theory posed for selfies with a downed Ali as the crowd loudly booed the champ.

    Winner: Theory

    Adam Pearce strolls out after the match. He says Vince McMahon was impressed by Theory’s psychological tactics but he wants to see what Theory can do in a fair fight, so there will be a championship rematch at “Hell In A Cell”.

    – Riddle is shown backstage, talking into the camera. He thanks the fans for the love and support they've shown Orton. He addresses the Usos and states he didn't come alone--enter Nakamura! Nakamura and Riddle warn the "tribal piece of trash" that he can't stop them from taking the Uso's belts.

    – The Usos make their entrance. We go to a commercial break.

    – Back from the break, The Usos are in the ring.

    – Shinsuke Nakamura makes his entrance. Riddle follows with his own entrance. Riddle is introduced as “one-half of RK-Bro”.

    Championship Contender's Match: Undisputed Tag Team Champions the Usos vs Riddle & Shinsuke Nakamura

    The Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions of the World, the Usos, are out first to boos. We head to break ahead of our second-hour main event! We return and the crowd is still booing the champs. Out come Shinsuke and Riddle to a decent pop. We start with Riddle and Jimmy after a vociferous chant for Riddle. Riddle shows off great core strength with a reverse gut-wrench, holding Jimmy long enough to tag in Nakamura. Nakamura lays into Jimmy with a strong suplex and driver. Jimmy bull rushes Shinsuke to the corner, allowing Jey to tag in and attack Nakamura. Nakamura recovers and lays in multiple knees to Jey's ribs before a sliding kick to the jaw rocks the champ. Riddle comes in and both men unload on Jey. riddle looks for a suplex and cradle and picks up two. Jey with a swing and miss! Riddle looks for a Kimura Lock but Jey shoves them back to the rope, allowing Jimmy to tag in and break the hold. Jimmy drives Riddle down and looks for a cover, garnering a two. Jimmy uses the bottom rope to choke Riddle until the ref warns him off, opening up a cheap shot from Jey. Jimmy slows the pace and stomps Riddle, bringing Jey back in.

    The Usos double-strong Irish Whip Riddle into the turnbuckles, bouncing his body off and down. Jey stomps Riddle's head and slows the pace again. Jey uses the bottom rope to choke Riddle as the ref warns him, setting up a cheap shot from Jimmy this time. The Usos hole up single fingers because they the ones. Jey with yet another strong Irish Whip, then tags in Jimmy. Jimmy stalks Riddle to the corner and fires off slow chops and talks smack. Jimmy takes a moment to taunt Shinsuke and it costs him, allowing Riddle to recover and tag in Nakamura despite Jey's interference! Nakamura comes in on fire, battering both Usos with a series of kicks. Nakamura connects a sliding German Suplex to Jimmy and ascends the turnbuckles, hitting a middle-rope knee for a close cover! Jimmy kicks out just in time. Nakamura positions in the corner, setting up a Kinshasa. Jey, of course, distracts Nakamura and allows Jimmy to hit a Superkick. Jey tags in and hits an Uso Splash off the top, covering Nakamura--but Riddle makes the save! We head to break!

    Back from the break. We return to find Nakamura stretching for a tag from Riddle as Jimmy holds him back. Shinsuke uses a step-up roundhouse to drop Jimmy. Both men get hot tags and here comes Riddle and Jey! Riddled with an overhead/modified Pele to Jey! Riddle with his multiple elbow strikes in the corner followed by a snap suplex. A Bro-ton rocks the champ. Riddle sets Jey up for the Spike DDT but Jey dumps him over the rope--not before Nakamura makes a blind tag! Jey looks for a Suicide Dive but Nakamura catches him with a Kinshasa mid-move! Jey is covered but Jimmy makes the save at the last possible moment. Jimmy and Riddle clash; Orton uses a pair of Orton Powerslams to lay out the champs. Riddle sets up Jey for the Spike DDT and connects! Riddle spins and slams the mat, Orton style, and looks for an RKO! Jey shoves him off and connects with a Superkick, then uses the middle rope to choke Riddle once again as the ref warns him--and for the third time, Jimmy attempts to interfere. This time Jimmy uses the scooter to hit Riddle--and is caught by the ref, giving Nakamura & Riddle the win and contendership! Afterwards, the Usos set up a double Uso Splash but are halted when Riddle fires off a Super RKO to send the champs packing!

    Winners: Riddle & Shinsuke Nakamura

    The Usos try to beat down Riddle and Nakamura after the match but Nakamura saves Riddle and Riddle hits a top rope RKO on Jey to chase off The Usos.

    – Commentary tosses to a recap of Rhea Ripley beating up Liv Morgan three weeks ago and other shenanigans from The Judgement Day.

    – Liv Morgan makes her entrance. She’s getting another match against Ripley tonight. We go to a commercial break.

    – Back from the break, we get a look at Titus O’Neil at the Indy 500 over the weekend.

    – The commentary team shows us a recap of Theory’s dealings with Mustafa Ali earlier tonight, setting up their match for “Hell In A Cell”.

    – Backstage, Kevin Patrick interviews Ali. Ali says he’s hurting right now but he’s going to make sure it’s worth it. He says he earned this opportunity. He says he knows the odds are against him but he won’t stay down and he’ll walk out of his hometown of Chicago as the new United States Champion. Theory jumps Ali from behind and takes a selfie.

    – The commentary team plugs “Hell In A Cell” and runs down the confirmed matches for the event, which now includes a 6-person mixed tag team match: The Judgement Day vs. AJ Styles, Finn Balor & Liv Morgan.

    – Rhea Ripley makes her entrance. She enters alone to face Liv Morgan. That match is next. But first, we get a commercial break.

    – Back from the break, the commentary team is on camera. Corey Graves delivers a Memorial Day message, thanking the fighting men and women who’ve been killed in service to the United States. That sets up a patriotic Memorial Day video package.

    Liv Morgan vs Rhea Ripley w/ the Judgment Day

    Morgan is out first as we're informed of this match. She'll face "the Eradicator" Rhea Ripley after this word from their sponsors! And now, ten minutes later, we're finally getting Rhea's entrance--and yet another commercial break. After a few commercials, a Memorial Day video package and an impressive seventeen minute wait from Morgan's entrance to the bell, we finally get things started! Morgan and Ripley jockey for position; Morgan attempts to use her agility and working holds to wear down the powerful Ripley. Morgan leaves a sleeper on for several long moments until Rhea drops back to break the hold. "The Eradicator" of the Judgment Day weathers through a spurt of offense from Morgan. Ripley takes control with a Big Boot and stomps away at Morgan before kicking her in the gut. Ripley uses the middle rope to choke Morgan as the ref counts a warning. Vince has everyone choking each other out tonight. Ripley catches Morgan in an Electric Chair outside; Morgan hops tot he apron and kicks Ripley then looks for a Hurricanrana off the apron--only to have Rhea counter by swinging Morgan into the barricade! Ripley screams "pathetic" as we head to another break.

    Back from the break. Commentary informs us that both Damian Priest and AJ Styles have made their way to the match to watch. Ripley works Morgan's side, stretching her. Morgan's busted open (WWE 'busted open,' not AEW). Ripley locks her legs around Morgan, attempting to force a submission. Morgan escapes but runs right into a clothesline from Riley, who mocks AJ Styles and yells insults at Morgan. Ripley yells that Morgan made her weak, and finally Morgan's had enough. Morgan starts her comeback sequence, rocking Ripley with a step-up knee. Ripley looks for a spear in the corner and Morgan moves; Ripley hits too fast, too hard, right to the ring post and falls out of the ring awkwardly. Morgan climbs up as the camera pans off to check on Rhea, but all seems well-enough. Morgan with a double axe handle off the top Morgan sends Ripley into the ring. Priest attempts to help Rhea cheat but Morgan kicks out while Styles drops Priest with a big right. Ripley is distracted and Morgan counters a Riptide with a Backstabber to roll her up and steal the win!

    Winner: Liv Morgan

    Priest attacks Styles after the match, then stalks Morgan while hinting he'll attack her. Bálor hits the ring and takes down Priest. Rhea fails to notice Morgan stalking her and falls victim to a top-rope Backstabber. AJ Styles then hits Priest with a Phenomenal Forearm, and Bálor follows it up with a Coup de Grace to Priest. The three stand over the fallen Judgment Day members an d make the "two sweet" gesture.

    – Back to the announce desk, where we get a recap of Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins brawling earlier tonight.

    – Bobby Lashley is out first for our final segment. We go to our final break of the night! When we return, WWE Official Adam Pearce welcomes the superstars and asks them to sit. Begrudgingly, they do. MVP implores Lashley, stating that they shouldn't be there--and that MVP got Lashley everything he wanted. "And now, here we are. At this Sunday at Hell in a Cell (awaits) a brutal beating I'm going to put on you with the Nigerian Giant Omos." He states the Almighty Era was nothing without MVP, and he'll put an end to the Almighty Era. MVP signs the contract. Lashley gets a turn on the mic as Omos signs, too.

    Lashley and MVP take turns blaming each other for turning on Lashley. Lashley states this is his opportunity "to send both of your asses straight to hell." He signs it, Pearce makes it official--and MVP gets back on the mic. MVP states no one wants to wait for Hell in a Cell, leading to all three to rise to their feet. Pearce tells them to stay frosty; Lashley throws the desk out of the ring and a dozen security officials enter the ring. Lashley and Omos toss them all out of the ring, leaving just the two behemoths in the ring. Omos throws the chairs out of the ring and Cedric Alexander attacks with ac hop block! Lashley fights off Alexander but turns right into a Big Boot from Omos. MVP mounts Lashley and unloads rights, then directs the Nigerian Giant to get a table. Omos does as ordered and sets it up in the ring, leaning in a corner. Omos attempts to Lawn Dart Bobby into the table but Lashley escapes! Lashley spears Omos through the table! We fade to black!

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I am glad Cody is back on WWE with this gimmick

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good segment with Rhodes and Rollins. Rollins was great lol

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol The Ronin and The Bronin

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Gee Ripley is a big girl lol

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I see Judgment Day winning at Hell in a Cell

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    That Omos is just one big giant lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol Need a army to keep Omos and Lashley apart

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad RAW. Best moment was Rollins and Rhodes segment Thank you for LC

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