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  1. #1
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - June 8th, 2022

    AEW Dynamite

    This week on DYNAMITE on TBS,
    the winner of a star-studded Battle Royal will face No. 1 contender Jon Moxley.

    Announcers: Jim Ross, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone

    Casino Battle Royal
    Winner faces Jon Moxley for the right to challenge for the AEW Interim Title:

    I'm coming in late thus far there've been no eliminations. I see Darby Allin, Swerve, Keith Lee, Tony Nese (whoi has now been eliminated), Lance Archer, Eddie Kingston, Rey Fenix, Jake Hager & Daniel Garcia.

    Archer clotheslines Lee over the top rope but Lee comes back, Archer tries a hurancanrana but Lee deposits him over the top for the elimination.

    John Silver, Konosuke Takeshita Max Caster, Austin and Colton Gunn are the next 5 in.

    Ricky Starks is also in this match. After commercial next group comes in: Powerhouse Hobbs, ReDRagon, Dante Martin & Wheeler Yuta. Allin hit a coffin drop on reDRagon to the floor. Fenix superkicks Caster and eliminates him. Lee with a double chop to the Gunns and Fenix nails a double cutter. Lee double clotheslines The Gunns over the top and Swerve tosses out Lee.

    Lee does not look happy.

    Heres comes the Joker: Andrade El Idolo w/Jose the assistant.

    Andrade goes straight for Allin. The announcers are wondering why Wardlow isn't in this. JR apparently knows and Wardlow will tell us later. John Silver, Kingston and Hager are out. Chop block by Allin to KOR. Takeshita and Hobbs exchange forearms. Starks and Hobbs eliminate him. Starks eliminates Martin. Fenix eliminates Starks. Darby and Swerve double team Andrade. Swerve with a backbreaker to KOR. Fish is eliminated by Allin. Allin gets eliminated by Swerve, Swerve gets tossed by Andrade.

    We're down to Fenix, Yuta, O'Reilly, Hobbs and El Idolo.

    Yuta takes advantage of Hobbs trying to eliminate Fenix and tosses him.

    Yuta with a dropkick and backbreaker to O'Reilly. He rebounds with a lariat. Fenix with a spinkick to Andrade, Andrade with a low blow and eliminates Fenix. Yuta with a quick backdrop eliminates Andrade. Yuta and KOR both go over the top and it's O'Reilly with a running kick that sends Yuta to the floor.

    Winner: Kyle O'Reilly

    Kyle O'Reilly will face Jon Moxley later tonight

    Moxley talks about blazing trails in both AEW and NJPW. He warns O'Reilly that he's in there with the wrong man on the wrong night.

    The announce team discusses the surgery CM Punk underwent today. There is a new championship coming to AEW: The All Atlantic Championship which represents the fans who watch AEW in 130 countries (wouldn't that be the World Ttile?)

    All Atlantic Championship Qualifier
    Pac (England) vs. Buddy Matthews (Australia)

    AEW is apparently having the wrestlers represent countries in this tournament. They stare each other down. Lockup, arm twist by Buddy, Pac flips out and reverses the hold. Matthews with his own reversal. Matthews with a headlock takeover. Leg sweep by Matthews, Pac kips up. Lockup, headlock byb Buddy into a shoulder tackle. Pac with a headlock and a tackle of his own. Hurancanrana by Pac. They play a little cat-and-mouse as we go to commercial.

    We're back and Matthews is on the apron. Pac with a kneelift and brings Matthews back in the ring with a DDT. Theybget to theor feet and trade forearms. Kick by Matthews, Pac with 2 of his own. Rollup for 2 by Pac, HUGE superkick by Pac. German by Pac into a lariat. Kick by Matthews, Pac with one of his own. Mathhews block a super plex. Matthews with a Liger bomb for 2. Back elbow by Pac. PoisonRana by PAc. Helluva kick by Pac and a black arrow for the pin.

    Winner: Pac
    Pac Moves to the Fatal Four Way at Forbidden Door.

    After the match:
    The Lucha Bros come out to celebrate. The rest of the House of Black greet Matthews in the aisle and they stare down Death Triangle

    Eddie Kingston is mad at the Jericho Appreciation Society. He challenges Hager for Rampage.

    Trent Barretta is in the ring and he's sad. It's National Best Friends Day and his friends aren't here. He says that Roppongi Vice deserves another shot at the ROH Tag Team Title. This brings out FTR who blames The United Empire for what happened. Will Ospreay interrupts. Aussie Open and Aaron Henare attack FTR and Barretta from behind. Ospreay nails Barretta with the hidden blade.

    William Regal addresses the Undisputed Elite. He wishes O'Reilly mocking luck and walks off.

    Adam Cole joins the booth for our next match

    Adam Page vs. David Finlay

    Jim Ross with the ringing endorsement that Finlay is suprisingly good. Lockup and they break in corner. Headlock by Finlay and Page with a shoulderblock. Another lockup, armlock by Finlay into a hammerlock takedown. Bodyslam by Page and a big boot to the face. Chops by Page, he clotheslines Finlay to the apron and shoulderblocks him to the floor. tope suicida by Hangman, he enjoys a beer with a fan at ringside. Heel hook and a chop block by Finaly as we go to commercial.

    Back live it's Page with an upkick. Page kips up and nails a running lariat. Chops by Page. Springboard clothesline by Page. Over the top cross body by Page. Page with apowerbomb for 2. Finlay escapes a deadeye into a backbreaker for 2. Page rolls through a cross body and tries a slam but Finlay rolls him up for 2. Rolling elbow by Finlay, Lariat and a Buckshot by Page for the pin.

    Winner: Adam Page

    After the match:
    Page has the mic. He has a lot he wants to say about the AEW Title. He wasn't in the battle royal and it doesn't look like he's getting a title shot anytime soon. But..there are other World titles out there. He challenges the IWGP Champion for Forbidden Door. He wants Okada. Cole reminds him that Jay White will be champion by Forbidden Door. Cole reminds Page that he won the Owen Hart Belt and any title shots should go to him.

    Earlier today, Thunder Rosa issued an open challenge. Marina Shafir answered and accepts the challenge.

    Tony Schiavone brings out Wardlow. He opted out of the battle royal because he has something else on his mind. He says that CM Punk is the champion and the Interim Title doesn't matter to him. What he wants is the TNT title. Scorpio Sky comes out. Dan Lambert and Ethan Page run out to stop him. Mark Sterling is with the AEW Security Staff aka the plaintiffs. It's either go to court or Wardlow meets the security staff 20 on 1 in the ring next week. Mark Sterling is with the AEW Security Staff aka the plaintiffs. It's either go to court or Wardlow meets the security staff 20 on 1 in the ring next week.

    The Young Bucks are in the back bragging about the roll they're on. They want the AEW World Tag Team Titles back. The Hardys interrupt and say it's them who deserves the shot. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus with Christian Cage. Cage suggests a 3 way ladder match for next week. The champions don't look too happy with Cage.

    AEW World Women's Championship
    Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Marina Shafir

    Lockup, armdrag by Rosa. Back to a lockup, tjey are really jockeying for position. Shafir sends her into the buckle and follows up with a kick. Cravate by Shafir, she gets Rosa's back but Rosa with a rollup for 1. Leglock by Shafir, Rosa escapes and Rosa with a big chop. Shafir shoves her off and goes to work on the left arm. Kneelifts by Rosa. Uppercut by the champion. Suplex by the challenger. We go to commercial.

    We're back and they are trading leg kicks. Running punch and clothesline by Rosa. Rosa drives the knees into Shafir and a dropkick to the spine. Northern lights for 2 by Rosa. LEg sweep by Shafir. Pump Handle suplex for 2 by Shafir. Body shots and a Death Valley Driver by Rosa for 2. Kicks by Rosa. Sunset flip for 2 by Rosa. The champion with a rollup for the pin.

    Winner: Thunder Rosa

    After the match:
    Shafir with a kick to the Rosa's back and Shafir with a choke/armbar combo. Toni Storm with the save. Storm hands the belt to the champion. Rosa takes it back with a look of anger.

    Tony is with Jade Cargill, Stokely Hathaway and the Baddies and they hype Red Velvet's upcomiong match with Kris Statlander.

    William Regal has joined the booth.

    Winner goes to Forbidden Door to compete for the AEW Interim World Title
    Jon Moxley vs. Kyle O'Reilly

    Kind of seems unfair to make O'Reilly wrestle again after the battle royal. Test of strength, both men are a little reluctant. Moxley with a takedown. We're told the Hirooki Goto vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi match will take place Sunday at Dominion. Looks like l'm getting up early. Jab by Moxley, he misses a palm strike but gets a hammerlock. Joint manipulation by Moxley into a wrist lock. O'Rilley tries an armbar reversal, Moxley avoids it and kicks Kyle's head. Kyle to his feet. They trade forearm shots. Moxley eventually gets the best of it but O'Rilley with a dropkick to the knee. Dragon screw by KOR. Kneedrop by O'Rilley as we head to commercial.

    We're back and it's a superplex by Moxley. Forearm exchange. Headbutts by Moxley. Double boots and both men are down. O'Rilley went for the armbreaker but Moxley turned it into a chicken wing. KOR bites the rope to force a break but Moxley kicks the ropes. O'Rileey survives the elbows and gets some on his own. Moxley traps him and nails elbows. Kyle blocks the Paradigm Shift and nails a kick. Cutter by Moxley. O'Rilley reverses a Gotch piledriver and hits adragon sleeper. Kneebar by KOR. Moxley breaks it with a punch. Piledriver by Moxley for 2. Palmstrikes. Knee and a Saito suplex by O'Rilley. Moxley hits one of his own and they both slump to the mat. Bulldog choke by Moxley and into kneestrikes. Regal Knee by Moxley into a Paradigm Shift. Moxley scores the pin

    Winner: Jon Moxley

    We go to credits

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    So O'Reilly vs Moxley in main event

  3. #3

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Jurassic Express vs Young Bucks vs Hardy Boys in a ladder match next week. Jeff will break something with a big spot lol

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol I'd like to see Wardlow take on 20 security staff next week.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Wild Thing such a cool song for Moxley lol

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good match between Moxley and O'Reilly.

    Not a bad show this week.

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