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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Impact Results - 4th Mar 2006

    Impact Results - 4th Mar 2006
    Location: Orlando, Florida

    Quick Results

    - Jarrett, Abyss and AMW def. Shark Boy, Riley, Quartermain and Smiley
    - Lance Hoyt def. Kenny King
    - Team Canada def. Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal
    - Samoa Joe and Shannon Moore def. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels


    We see footage from last week’s Impact with Monty Brown laying the challenge for the World Champion only to be taken down by Christian. We also see Bob Armstrong come to the aid of Kip and BG James. We then see Abyss send Rhino through the wall on the Heel Stage. The review ends with the Sting footage and Eric Young’s comments that he is not gone.

    Eight Man Tag Team Match
    Jeff Jarrett, Abyss and America's Most Wanted vs. Cassidy Riley, Shark Boy, Buck Quartermain and Norman Smiley

    Before the first match begins, Gail Kim throws America’s Most Wanted’s jackets onto Jackie Gayda and then she has some words for her.

    The bell rings and James Storm goes after Cassidy Riley while Shark Boy tries to surprise Abyss. Jarrett kicks Norman Smiley while Chris Harris goes after Quartermain. Abyss, Jarrett, Smiley, and Shark Boy go outside the ring while Harris continues to work over Buck and Storm works over Riley. Harris ducks a clothesline from Quartermain and Harris hits a flying clothesline.

    Riley hits a handspring elbow on Storm and then he does Raven’s pose. Storm sends Riley to the apron and then Storm hits a super kick that sends Riley to the floor. Abyss and Shark Boy are now in the ring and Shark Boy punches Abyss followed by a drop kick that barely moves Abyss. Outside the ring, Smiley slams Jarrett’s head into the ring apron. Back in the ring, Abyss does not budge on an Irish whip attempt by Shark Boy and Abyss grabs Shark Boy’s hand and then he gets Shark Boy up for the Shock Treatment.

    The Finish:
    Harris Irish whips Quartermain into the guardrail. Jarrett and Smiley enter the ring. Smiley with a slam to Jarrett and it is time for the Big Wiggle. Smiley turns around into a Black Hole Slam. Abyss covers, but Jarrett pulls Abyss off Smiley. Jarrett with the Stroke for the three count.

    Winners: Jeff Jarrett, Abyss and America's Most Wanted

    The Aftermath:
    After the match, Alex Shelley comes to the ring and he has a video tape for Jarrett and Jeff appears to be very happy. Jarrett tells Jackie that he has the proof that Sting is a quitter. Team Canada comes out and they join the celebration. Eric Young does not appear to be too happy about the news. Alex tells Eric something as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Matt Bentley and Traci Brooks are in the interview area with Jeremy Borash. Jeremy brings up Matt’s attack on Lance Hoyt last week on Xplosion. Matt says that a maverick is a man who takes chances. A man who does not play by the rules. Matt says that he is a maverick. He tells Lance that it does not matter how big you are, how tall you are, or how strong you are when you are lying flat on your back. From out of nowhere, Jeff Jarrett comes in and tells Jeremy Borash that tonight there is going to be a viewing party. Tonight they will prove to Showtime and the world that Sting is a quitter. Jeff tells Jackie to come over to get the viewing room ready. Jackie tells Jeff no so he gives the tape to someone to hold. Eric takes the tape and he looks around. Gail tells Jackie that she will be doing this or did she forget about the internet. Jeff tells Jackie that he owns her and she will do what they want when they want. He asks Jackie again if she is going to get the viewing room ready. Jackie agrees to do it. Jeff wonders where the tape is and where Showtime went. They all leave the interview area while Jeremy, Matt, and Traci remain.

    We see footage from Matt Bentley’s attack on Lance Hoyt during last week’s Xplosion broadcast after they worked together as a tag team.

    Lance Hoyt vs. Kenny King

    The Start:
    King with a springboard clothesline as the bell rings and then he punches Lance. Lance pushes Kenny down, but Kenny with a jumping kick and more punches. Lance with a knee and more punches. Lance kicks Kenny and then he leaps over the top rope to the floor while he drops Lance’s throat on the top rope.

    The Finish:
    Kenny tries for another springboard move, but this time Lance is able to avoid it and he punches King in the abdomen. Hoyt with a double sledge to King followed by a back body drop. Hoyt hits a big boot and then he hits the Texas Tower Bomb for the three count.

    Winner: Lance Hoyt

    In the arena:
    Konnan comes over to the announce table and he tells Don and Mike that they are going to make another example of a member of the Armstrong family. What they did to ‘Bullet’ Bob Armstrong was nothing compared to what they are going to do to BG James. Homicide and Machette bring out BG James. They prepare to attack BG James, but Kip makes the save and they chase the Latin American Exchange to the back. We go to commercial.

    Six Man Tag Team Match
    Team Canada vs. Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin and Jay Lethal

    Eric Young shows the cameraman that he has the video tape.

    The start:
    Sabin and Williams start things off. Williams with forearms to Sabin’s back. Williams tries for a leap frog, but Sabin holds on to the ropes. Williams charges at Sabin, but Sabin with a back kick to Williams followed by a drop kick to Williams’s knees and a rollup for a near fall. Sabin chops Williams and then he Irish whips Williams followed by a flying forearm and then he tosses Petey to the mat.

    Mid-match notes:
    Sabin goes up to the second turnbuckle for a missile drop kick for a two count. Lethal tags in and he clotheslines Williams and gets a two count. Williams backs Lethal into the corner. Williams tries to punch Lethal, but Dutt blocks the punch and Sabin punches Petey. Lethal with a hip toss followed by a cartwheel into a drop kick on Williams for a two count. Lethal with an Irish whip, but Roode makes the blind tag. Lethal with an elbow to Williams as he comes off the ropes and then he hits a drop kick on Roode as Bobby enters the ring.

    Williams with a German suplex to Lethal followed by a belly-to-back suplex for a two count. Roode slams Lethal’s head into the turnbuckle and then he chokes Lethal with his boot. Williams tags in and he puts Lethal in the Tree of Woe and it is time to sing before pulling Lethal back to the ring. Roode is tagged back in and he rakes Lethal’s eyes. Roode with a rear chin lock to Lethal. From out of nowhere, Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring and he wants to talk to Eric Young. Young refuses to give Jarrett the tape. Scott and Jeff tell Eric to give him the tape.

    Meanwhile, back in the ring, Lethal with a jumping leg lariat to Roode. Williams and Dutt tag in and Sonjay punches Petey. Roode hits Dutt from behind and puts Dutt in a full nelson. Dutt kicks a charging Williams and then he hits an arm drag on Roode. Dutt with an enzuigiri to Roode that sends Bobby into the ropes. Dutt with a spinebuster to Williams followed by a springboard moonsault for a two count with Roode making the save. Sabin with a springboard tornado DDT to Roode and Bobby goes outside the ring.

    The Finish:
    Lethal with a somersault plancha onto Young and when Eric goes down, Jarrett takes the tape and goes to the back. Williams sets Dutt for the Canadian Destroyer, but Dutt counters. Dutt with a rollup, but the referee is distracted by Bobby Roode. Williams sends Dutt into the ropes and D’Amore hits Dutt with the hockey stick. Williams hits the Canadian Destroyer for the three count.

    Winners: Team Canada

    The Aftermath:
    Jeremy Borash is in the interview area with the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Christian Cage. Christian covers Jeremy’s mouth so he can soak in the crowd noise inside the Impact Zone. He says that it sounds like they are live inside the Peep Zone tonight. The question on Jeremy’s mind is the same one that is on everybody’s mind. Will Christian Cage make his first title defense a successful defense at Destination X? From out of nowhere, Abyss and James Mitchell enter the interview area. Mitchell calls Christian a thief because he leap frogged over Abyss and stole his opportunity. Now he is wearing a belt that belongs around Abyss’s waist. James says that Christian has two options. Either give Abyss a title shot or..click...Doomsday. James wants to know what the answer is going to be. Christian says that he is tired of people like him and Monty Brown who walk around and..

    From out of nowhere, Monty Brown attacks Christian and Monty punches Christian as they fight through the back and up the Chute of Heelish Impact and onto the Stage of Heelish Impact. Christian punches Monty, but Monty regains the advantage. Christian slams Monty’s head into the wall twice, but when he charges at Monty, the challenger moves out of the way and Christian hits the wall. Monty with a POUNCE to Christian that knocks Christian to the floor and onto the guardrail. Christian is down while Rhino comes over to check on Christian. Monty brings out the NWA Title belt and holds it over his head as we go to commercial.

    We are back and we are presented with a warning that SpikeTV does not condone the behavior or content of this segment. It is time for the latest viewing party. Jeff says that everyone should give Alex Shelley a round of applause. Jeff says that if Alex was in the military, he would get a Congressional Medal of Honor. Alex tries to tell Jeff something, but Jeff cuts him off. Jeff tells Eric to watch the video. Eric still looks afraid of what they will see.

    The Footage:
    We see Alex following Sting and Alex says that patience is a virtue. We see Sting coaching his son’s football team and walking with his daughter. Alex sees Sting and his family crossing the road and Alex makes an Abbey Road reference. They go to footage of Sting at the driving range. They go to footage from Thursday when Sting confronts Alex and tells him to turn off the camera. Sting wants to know if Alex thinks it is funny and Alex says no. Sting then wants to know why Alex is doing this and he tells Alex to get a life. He tells Alex to tell Jeff Jarrett to get a life and stop filming his personal life. They stepped over the line. Sting says that he will be at the next pay per view and Jeff better have eyes in the back of his head because it isn’t funny and it isn’t a joke. Jarrett will wish that he never started this whole thing. Sting is not coming to the pay per view . . . Steve Borden is going to be at the pay per view. Sting drives away.

    We return to the party room and James Storm is in so much shock that he is spilling beer on his shirt. Everyone else in the room, except Jackie Gayda is in shock. Jeff asks Eric if Sting said that he was coming to the pay per view. Jeff asks Alex if he thought that was an important thing to bring up. Alex said that it crossed his mind.

    Samoa Joe and Shannon Moore vs. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

    The start:
    Moore and Styles start things off and Styles backs Moore into the corner and Styles with a clean break. Moore with forearms to Styles, but A.J. with an elbow to Moore. Moore blocks a hip toss, but Styles hits a hip toss. Styles with a punch to Moore and then he charges at Moore, but Styles is sent to the apron. Styles with a head scissors that sends Moore to the floor. Joe comes into the ring and A.J. moves out of the way and Daniels punches Joe followed by Styles with a punch. They continue to exchange punches to Joe. Joe and Daniels with double back elbows followed by double shoulder tackles that send Joe to the floor. We go to commercial.

    Mid-match notes:
    We are back and Joe and Styles are in the ring. Styles backs Joe into his corner and he tags in Daniels. Styles tries to set up for a double suplex while Daniels punches Joe in the ribs. Styles and Daniels appear to have some communication problems. Styles tries to set up Joe for the double suplex again, but Daniels continues to punch Joe in the ribs. A.J. gives up on double teaming Joe and goes to the apron. Joe chops Daniels and then he tags in Moore.

    Moore kicks Daniels and then he chops Daniels followed by a forearm. Styles is tagged in and he hits a phenomenal drop kick for a two count. Styles slams Moore’s head into the turnbuckle and then tags in Daniels. Daniels with a jumping leg lariat to Moore. Styles is tagged in and he connects with forearms. A.J. goes off the ropes, but Joe with a knee from the apron and Moore with a drop kick. Joe is tagged in and he kicks Styles in the head. Joe with a reverse atomic drop followed by the Shining Mister and senton splash.

    Joe backs Styles into the corner and then Irish whips A.J. and follows that with a running knee to A.J.’s chest. Moore is tagged in and he kicks and chokes Styles. Moore with a forearm to Styles, but Styles punches Moore. Moore punches Styles while Joe holds A.J. Moore comes off the ropes and tries for a running forearm, but A.J. moves out of the way and Moore hits Joe instead. Moore with a forearm to A.J., but A.J. with a spin kick and both men are down. Daniels tags in and he connects with forearms to Moore and Joe. Daniels continues the attack with a clothesline to Moore. Joe with a back kick to Daniels.

    The Finish:
    Daniels kicks Moore and Joe and then runs Shannon into Joe’s chest and Joe goes outside the ring to the floor. Styles with a somersault plancha over Moore onto Joe. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Daniels with a rollup for a two count. Moore with the Mooregasm and gets a two count. Moore chops Daniels. Moore leap frogs Daniels, but Daniels with a flatline to Moore. Daniels sets up Moore for the Angel’s Wings, but Joe comes in and hits a clothesline on Daniels for the three count. Boy.

    Winners: Samoa Joe and Shannon Moore

    The Aftermath:
    After the match, while Joe jaws with the crowd, A.J. Styles puts the belt on the cables and then he pushes it into the center of the cables. Joe kicks the guardrail and looks at the belt hanging over the ring.

    Jeremy Borash is in the back and Jeff Jarrett is laying down on a bench while Scott D’Amore is pacing around saying that they are screwed. Jeremy talks about how the announcement that Steve Borden will be at Destination X has not been well received. Scott tells Jeff that they are screwed. Jeff says that they are not screwed and he has an idea, and his number is on speed dial. We go to credits.

    Report by PWInsider.com
    Edited by LionDen

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