Danny Demanto vs. Grim Reefer
Fans are solidly behind the Grim Reefer in the early going, and Reefer is in control in the early going with a spinning back kick. Demanto is able to get control of the contest, however, with a press slam to the outside of the ring. He follows out and sets Reefer in a chair. Demanto is back in the ring and gets some momentum for a plancha... but Reefer moves! Reefer is on the advantage after Demanto went crashing through the chair, and he takes the match back inside the ring where he hits his signature rope walk swanton, but only gets two.
Demanto reverses a sunset flip attempt and hits a BIG senton for a two count. Demanto is jawing with the fans while on the advantage... but loses the advantage on the second rope. Reefer follows him up, but catches a hot shot on the top turnbuckle for his troubles! Demanto has set Reefer on a chair inside the ring this time. He ascends the top turnbuckle, but Reefer's manager holds him up while Reefer rises from the chair and grabs onto Demanto... ICONOCLASM through the chair!

Winner: Grim Reefer

Post-match, Danny Demanto gets a solid round of applause from the crowd... before Nate Hatred hits the ring! Demanto looks to unload on Hatred... but instead gets caught with a Decapitator! Hatred still going to work on the CZW newcomer, dumping him on his head with a German suplex! Now on the outside of the ring, he cracks Demanto over the back with a chair! Demanto scampers backstage about as well as a big man can, just hoping to get away from the onslaught of the CZW veteran.

"The New Jersey All Star" JC Ryder and "Hotshot" Ryan McBride vs. Team AnDrew (Drew Gulak and Andy Sumner)
The makeshift tandem of Ryder and McBride has quite a challenge ahead of them as Team AnDrew has been on quite a hot streak in recent outings. Ryder and Team AnDrew are familiar with each other from their battles in late 2006 and early 2007. Possibly accounting for their inexperience, McBride and Ryder look to get a jump start on Team AnDrew, but AnDrew gains the advantage, sending JC and McBride to the floor. Now a hiptoss style rocket launcher by AnDrew to the outside! JC Ryder follows to the outside with a springboard tope con hilo!
AnDrew now has gotten the upper hand again, and JC Ryder is battling it out with Gulak on the apron. They exchange blows, but JC Ryder has the upper hand... and he hits a Michinoku Driver on the apron!
Sumner and McBride in the ring, and Sumner with a front face lock, but JC Ryder is in to break it up. He has the advantage on the Sambo Style specialist, going to work on his left leg. Sumner comes back with a powerslam and looks for the tag, but Gulak is still feeling the effects of the Michinoku Driver on the apron, leaving Sumner open to the double team attack of the "All Star" and the "Hotshot".
Right now, McBride is on the advantage against Sumner, looking for a suplex, but it's blocked... he rushes in for a charging attack, but Andy Sumner hits a suplex of his own... tag to Gulak!
Gulak in with a couple clotheslines... a belly-to-belly on Ryder... a belly-to-back and a German on McBride! Bridge on the German, but JC Ryder breaks it up. Now advantage to Ryder and McBride, but Gulak reverses a double team opportunity. He hits a tornado clutch on Ryan McBride... rolls him over into the Nazi Stretch! Ryder looks to break it up with a springboard move, but Sumner shoulder blocks him out of the air! McBride taps!

Winners: Team AnDrew (Gulak and Sumner)

Javi Air vs. CJ O'Doyle
O'Doyle on the advantage early with a belly-to-back takedown, followed by a front face lock. He stands up the face lock, and Javi Air backs him into the corner, before releasing him and... combing his hair.
O'Doyle just smacked the fuck out of Javi, following up with a shoulder block. He whips Javi in and chases, but Javi low bridges the ropes, sending CJ to the floor. Javi hits the ropes and hits a tope con hilo over the top to the outside!
He takes the action back into the ring, looking to whip CJ off, but O'Doyle reverses and hits a nice powerslam. CJ looks for the whip but gets it reversed. He catches himself on the ropes and banderas Air to the apron, and Javi hits him with a guillotine on the top rope. Now he gets back to the apron, and hits the slingshot senton!
Javi has a sleeper locked in, but O'Doyle elbows his way out, following with a belly-to-back suplex! Both men down as referee Derek Sabato applies the ten count.
CJ is up first, followed by Javi Air, who looks for a punch, but is met with forearms to the face. Cj whips Javi in, but Javi springboards off the second rope, and is met with a t-bone suplex! O'Doyle whips Javi into the corner, but misses a charging move. He turns back towards the corner, and is hit with a diving front lungblower!
Javi scales the ropes again while CJ gets to his feet. He looks for the diving hurracanrana, but is caught with a powerbomb into the corner! Now CJ O'Doyle hooks for the brainbuster... Javi reverses but misses with a kick... CJ hooks him again and holds him up... stalling... squatting... brainbuster!

Winner: CJ O'Doyle

Before things can get underway, Maven Bentley enters and says that the loser of tonight's match will NOT be in Best of the Best!
With that announcement out of the way, the bell rings and things are underway. Lock up, and Jigsaw with a waistlock, Vortekz takes the wristlock, but Jigsaw reverses out into a wristlock of his own. He now takes the headlock, but Vortekz rolls him off... Jigsaw hits the ropes, but gets caught by Vortekz who applies a rolling kneebar. Jigsaw reverses out and winds up taking Vortekz down with a one-foot monkey flip, and now locking him in to a pendulum submission.
Both men are exchanging holds once again, with a series of reversals and armdrags... a beautfiul springboard sunset flip by Jigsaw... a series of pin reversals, but no three count for either man!
Jigsaw offers the handshake, and Vortekz takes that hand, using it to pull Jigsaw into a headlock. Jigsaw reverses out, but Vortekz bails to the floor. Jigsaw chases him back into the ring, but he gets caught inside the ring with a quebradora. Vortekz is now taking control of the champion with a choke. Snapmare, kick to the back, two count for Vortekz.
Rear chinlock by Vortekz, and Jigsaw looks for the jawbreaker reversal, but Vortekz throws him to the mat. Jigsaw tries again to no avail, and Vortekz stays on the advantage with a vertical suplex. Vortekz hits a chop, but Jigsaw doesn't take kindly to it, hitting a chop of his own, followed by a spinal tap! Vortekz takes control, but has a charging attack to the corner reversed. Jigsaw climbs to the middle rope and hits a double stomp to the back of Vortekz's head!
Now they are exchanging strikes, and Jigsaw gets the advantage there. He hits the high knee in the corner, follows up with a bulldog, and hits the missile dropkick from the top, but only gets two. Jigsaw has the whip reversed by Vortekz, and Vortekz his a beautiful cyclone kick! Now Vortekz hits a suplex variation, grounding Jigsaw and allowing Vortekz to go to the floor for a table! Vortekz sets up the table, and Jigsaw looks to powerbomb Vortekz through the table, but the attempt is reversed, and Vortekz looks for one of his own... but it gets reversed to a torture rack powerbomb that misses the table!
Jigsaw lays Vortekz on the table and ascends the ropes, but Vortekz recovers and follows him up. Jigsaw is looking for the side Russian Leg Sweep through the table, but Vortekz knocks him backwards onto the table... he comes off the top with the double knee drop through the table... and Vortekz has won the match!

Winner and NEW CZW World Junior Heavyweight Champion: Vortekz

CZW IRON MAN CHAMPIONSHIP: DJ Hyde (c) (w/ Maven Bentley) vs. Toby Klein
Things start with an eye rake by Mr. Insanity, distracting DJ long enough for him to go after Maven Bentley! DJ, however, recovers quickly and gives chase on the outside, taking the match back into the ring where both men exchange some nasty strikes. DJ backs Toby into the corner and hits a BIG chop. Toby reverses the whip to the opposite corner and is sent to the apron, where he hits DJ with a slingshot shoulder tackle. Now DJ is on the outside, and Toby follows with a diving plancha to the outside!
They're exchanging strikes again on the outside, and "Mr. Insanity" has gotten the upper hand. He claws away at the eyes of the champion, following with a headbutt. They're brawling up on the stage, but DJ got control and hit a hip toss on the ramp! He brings the match back into the ring where he gets just a two count.
He hits a snapmare and a thrusting back kick, followed by a senton splash! Both men to their feet with DJ in control... now a Boss Man Slam from the champ, but only a two count. Exchanging strikes once again, and Toby gets the advantage with a spinning back heel kick... a side kick... and now a thrust kick to the side of the head! He takes the champ down, but only gets two. DJ gets the advantage and looks for the Shadow Driver, but Toby reverses and hits a back suplex on the big man! Now Toby heads to the top and hits a change of direction splash for two!
Maven has Toby distracted... Toby turns around and ducks the lariat and hits a Samoan Drop! Two count only!
Toby has DJ up again, looking for the DVD... Maven gets back up on the apron, but Toby knocks him off using the feet of DJ Hyde... now he's looking for the DVD... DJ Hyde escapes and hits the Summoning Lariat for the three!

Winner and STILL CZW Iron Man Champion: DJ Hyde

Danny Havoc is out to issue his challenge to the man Maven Bentley claims will give him "brain damage".
Danny first wishes the crowd a Happy Easter, and then issues his challenge to Maven once again, prompting the CZW commissioner to make his way to the stage, introducing his man... Greg Excellence?
Excellence is quite obviously scared of Cylinder, Iowa's favorite son's hardcore tendencies. They start off chain wrestling with Excellence on the advantage... but Havoc starts striking and gets the advantage until Excellence whips Havoc in...
The crowd has erupted as BRAIN DAMAGE enters through the crowd, taking Excellence out with a headbutt! Havoc capitalizes by attacking Brain Damage from behind, but the big man CLOCKS Danny Havoc!
He is absolutely killing the youngster with thudding chops, forearms, headbutts... Havoc responds with a few forearms, but to no avail! Damage urges Havoc to punch him... when Havoc obliges, Damage DECKS him!
Havoc gains a momentary advantage, but the giant cyborg starts to throw around the youngster, and work on him with strikes to the head! He has a staple gun, and Havoc has been stapled repeatedly! Havoc's tongue just got stapled... and now he gets punched in the face again!
Damage has a chair set up, and Havoc's face laid upon the seat, following with a double knee drop!
Brain Damage is looking for a suplex... blocked by Havoc... blocked again... reversed... flatliner by Havoc into the chair! Brain Damage now goes to the ground on the outside, and Havoc follows with a slingshot double stomp to the floor!
Both men are bleeding, and somehow, Havoc has control of the match... but not for long! Damage reverses a suplex attempt into a facebuster on the floor! Brain Damage whips Havoc into the guardrail on two separate occasions, but Havoc gets possession of a chair a SMASHES BRAIN DAMAGE REPEATEDLY! CZW CHANTS FROM THE CROWD! HOLY FUCK!
Damage is dead weight right now, and Danny Havoc rolled him back in. He tops him... but Damage kicks out! Havoc goes to the top looking for a twisting moonsault, but he took too much time and Damage got out of the way!
Now they're exchanging JYD headbutts! The thuds are reverberating throughout the arena! Brain Damage with a barrage of headbutts... a package piledriver! It's over!

Winner: Brain Damage

Amazing contest and a standing ovation from the crowd for the effort both men put forth! Brain Damage proclaims he's back... and he's back to "kill everyone in the dressing room"! "I'm back, and I brought the fuckin' pain with me!"
Maven comes out to taunt Havoc, but Havoc takes the mic and says quite simply, "Fuck you Maven." He gives praise to Brain Damage, and the crowd gives him an enthusiastic ovation to take us to intermission.

CZW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian) (w/ Robbie Mireno, Chrissy Rivera, and (c) vs. Niles Young and Derek Frazier
BLK OUT's ring announcer Big Larry K has returned for the lengthy, outrageous introductions of CZW's most prominent label, introducing Chrissy Rivera, Robbie Mireno, Sabian, and Ruckus along with their numerous nicknames.
After the proceedings, we are finally underway before the bell rings with Niles and Frazier attacking the champions, but the champions gain the advantage and hit a pair of planchas to the floor. A cat fight is about to break out in the ring... but Sabato's awkwardness puts that to an end. No further comment on that.
Sabian has control of Niles Young back in the ring, but tags out to Ruckus, who comes in for a tandem wheelbarrow lungblower combination, followed by a wheelbarrow slam on Niles onto Sabian's knees! Ruckus follows with a cartwheel moonsault before tagging back out for a double knee, a Razzle Dazzle, then a tandem basement dropkick in the corner!
Sabian is going to work on "The Anomaly" with a chop before tagging out. Ruckus and Sabian look for a Hart Attack, but Frazier trips up Sabian and throws him to the floor before hitting the Dream Sequence on Ruckus!
Frazier gets control of the "Jake The Snake of Getting Baked" with a dropkick, then tags out to Niles for a double hiptoss. Niles drops an elbow, gets a two count, and tags back out to Frazier, who prevents Ruckus from getting a tag by knocking Sabian off the apron, then locks Ruckus in a full nelson using his legs. He releases the hold to knock Sabian off the apron again, then tags in Niles Young who is able to lock in the figure four leg lock on Ruckus. Noel helps out, but Ruckus is still able to reverse the moment.
Now with both men on their feet, Ruckus hits Niles with a corkscrew kick out of nowhere! Both men are down, but Frazier is able to prevent Ruckus from tagging by dragging him back to the corner, then tagging in for a series of dropkicks and enziguris on Ruckus! Sabian's in now to try his hand (without a tag)... Frazier misses a kick, but hits the second!
Frazier has taken control and placed Ruckus on the top... he goes for a top rope hurracanrana... but it's reversed into a powerbomb by Ruckus!
Both men are looking for a tag... Sabian is in... dropkick on both opponents... second rope springboard DDT on Young! Saito suplex by Sabian on Frazier! Bridging German! Broken up by Niles!
Double team on Sabian now... Niles helps out with a springboard frog splash! He rolls off while Frazier has the double leg nelson, but Ruckus springs off of Young's back with a stomp onto Frazier! Sabian locks Young in Rings of Saturn, but Noel Harlow uses her assets to distract Sabian. Sabian releases the hold, and Young charges for the Yakuza kick... Sabian moves! Young holds up, though, but Sabian rolls hip up with a tornado clutch, followed with a Skayde special pin for three!

Winners and STILL CZW World Tag Team Champions: BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian)

Post match, Niles and Frazier beatdown the BLK OUT and take their belts. Sabian takes the mic and tells Frazier and Young to "keep the belts until next month" because he wants to beat their asses again.

CZW Staff has entered the ring, and the crowd is chanting "BATTLE ROYAL!"... but it's not time for a CZW Staff battle royal... it's time for the LOSER LEAVES TOWN MATCH!

LOSER LEAVES TOWN: "The King of Diamonds" Eddie Kingston vs. Chris Hero

CZW Staff has formed a barrier between the competitors for the pre-match introductions. An interesting side note, Eddie Kingston did not enter with any representatives from the BLK OUT.
Both men are trying to push through security to get at the other, but security is able to keep them back until after the ring introductions.
The bell has rung, and both men are laying into each other! Headbutts! Chops! Forearms! Yakuza kicks! Punches from Hero! Neither man is going down! Hero now with the Kobashi chops and a temporary advantage, but now we're back to square one: both men trading blows! Hero has gained the upper hand again, laying a stomp right into the face of Eddie Kingston!
Kingston is begging for more... begging Hero to "kill him"... right now Eddie is getting his wish! Eddie has recovered and lays a chop into a running Hero, but Hero runs straight through it and hits a Yakuza kick, sending King to the floor! Hero follows out with a baseball slide dropkick between the bottom ropes!
Hero has Kingston in the corner of the guardrail, and he just hit him with a diving forearm! Both men have been KILLING each other thus far... now they're doing so back inside the ring with forearms and an especially nasty chop from the "Savior of CZW", followed by a punch square in the mouth! Hero now with palm strikes... looks for the Hero's Welcome... Eddie reverses and hit's a German Suplex!
Now the momentum is in Kinston's favor, hitting Hero with crossface forearms while he's draped over the bottom rope! Kingston is choking Hero in the corner, but Hero is able to escape the choke... but he isn't able to avoid the boot to the face when he stands back up. King goes back to the choke, but Hero escapes with a bootscrape from the ground.
The pace has slowed, but both men are still throwing heavy strikes, including a Yakuza kick in the corner by Kingston. A Northern Lights Suplex gets a two for Kingston, and he follows it with a JYD headbutt. Hero responds in kind with a thudding headbutt, but Kingston goes to the eyes to get the upper hand again.
Hero momentarily gets the advantage with a slap to the face, but Kingston gets right back on the advantage by responding with his own slap.
Hero is out on the apron... hits a forearm, stunning Eddie Kingston. He goes to the top, and hits a thrusting missile dropkick!
Both men take some time to rise, but when they do, we go back to throwing strikes. Now exchanging suplex attempts... Kingston applies a headlock out of desperation, but Chris Hero hits a big backdrop driver!
The shots these men are throwing are still resonating throughout the New Alhambra Arena. Backdrop driver attempt by Kingston, but Hero reverses out with simultaneous elbows and knees! Hero now with a big time headbutt, sending Kingston to the floor!
Hero hits the ropes, and hits a suicide dive out to the floor! He may have knocked himself silly, though, or gassed himself out, because both men are still in a heap on the floor as Sabato applies the count! Both men rise, and they are both bleeding profusely from the forehead! In spite of this, Hero continues to throw headbutts! He looks to whip Kingston into the guardrail, but Kingston reverses. Kingston tries for another whip to the rail, but Hero springs up to the guardrail and comes back at him with a forearm!
Hero takes it back into the ring, but only gets a one! Kingston reverses out of a Cravate neckbreaker and hits the Uranage suplex... two count! Kingston charges the corner again, but Hero kicks him right in the face to put a stop to it. He comes down off the top rope with a stomp that drives Kingston to the mat! Hero is laying into the "King of Diamonds", but has a forearm attempt reversed into a t-bone suplex!
Kingston brings him back up for another suplex... a backdrop driver... a pin... but only a two! Kingston is showing a lot of frustration, but keeps moving and hits a backdrop driver... Hero rolls through with Fighting Spirit! Cravate Suplex! Ducks a desperation uraken attempt... Hero's Welcome... 1...2... KICK OUT!
Hero is back up looking for another, but Kingston reverses into a Hero's Welcome of his own! 2 count only!
Kingston is up, but obviously dazed. King looks for the lariat on a dazed Hero, but Hero ducks and hits one of his own! Kingston is still able to kick out!
Hero is now out to the apron... to the top rope... Kingston hits him with a palm strike and climbs ato the second. He's looking for a superplex, but Hero is hugging the top rope to block it. King goes to the eyes, and starts to hammer away at the "Savior". Hero fires back with chops and slaps... knocks Kingston to the apron... double stomp! Powerbomb! Kickout, but Hero keeps the leg for the Hangman's Clutch in the middle of the ring! Kingston is hanging on for his CZW career! Hero lost his grip on everything but the cravate, and Eddie Kingston got the rope!
We're back to square one with striking from both men... slaps... punches... NASTY headbutt from Kingston... BACKDROP DRIVER! LARIAT! SPINNING BACKFIST! Kingston pins Hero... 1... 2... 3! It's over!

Winner: Eddie Kingston

The crowd is on its feet, giving a standing ovation to both men for the efforts they put forth in this match.Zandig is out, giving both men credit for the match we just saw. He thanks Chris Hero for all his efforts in Combat Zone Wrestling and wishing him the best in his career from this point forth.Hero has taken the mic, talking about his past in CZW, thanking the fans for the support and respect they've shown him. He says that CZW has been his home, and he has tried to represent the company to the best of his abilities since wrestling here. He thanks the fans for letting him become part of the CZW family. Kingston has returned to the ring, and... gave Hero the finger as a parting gift. Zandig is demanding Eddie Kingston come back to the ring, but Eddie simply walks off. Zandig talks about how Kingston has shit all over the fans, the company, and CZW as a whole... and FIRES EDDIE KINGSTON!

Mitch Ryder (w/ Maven Bentley) vs. Necro Butcher (w/ Toby Klein)

Mitch Ryder starts off by taking the mic and verbally laying into the crowd before saying he hasn't seen the Necro Butcher all day, and he says to play the music of "whoever you got".

As it turns out, the NECRO BUTCHER IS HERE!

Ryder tries to jump the Necro Butcher before the bell, but Necro simply clobbers him with a right hook to put an end to that. He follows up with a series of chops and punches, then sends Ryder to the floor. He busts open "Marvelous" Mitch Ryder and rips away at the wound with his fingers before whipping him into the guardrail. He then picks up another piece of guardrail and hits Ryder with it! He's choking him with the bars of the guardrail... he's pounding away at the head of Ryder with the guardrail and scratching at the wound to open it further. He takes the match (and the guardrail) back into the ring where he is distracted by Maven Bentley, allowing Ryder to throw the guardrail at him!
Ryder is on the advantage and going to work on the madman from God Damn, West Virginia with an assortment of holds and strikes. Necro is able to hit a few punches to the gut, but Ryder hits him with a kick to quell the comeback. Ryder is now looking for a piledriver on the guardrail, but Necro reverses out into a Tiger Driver on the guardrail! Two count only!
Necro is pounding away at Maven Bentley's henchman, and Ryder simply can't intelligently defend himself... Frank Talent just threw the towel in! At the request of Dr. Ron Brown, the match has been stopped for excessive bleeding, and... the decision has gone in favor of Mitch Ryder?!?

Winner: "Marvelous" Mitch Ryder

CZW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Justice Pain (c) vs. Drake Younger
The Ultraviolent Underground Champion entered to thunderous applause from the CZW faithful as this marks his return after competing in Europe last month. He has one hell of a test in front of him as he takes on the only Grand Slam Champion in the history of CZW, Justice Pain.
They lock up, and with the collar-and-elbow tie up broken, a small shoving match breaks out. They lock up again, and Pain takes the headlock. Now an exchange of throw attempts... a Drake's Landing attempt... an executed armdrag by Drake Younger... Pain bails out.
They exchange holds again, and Pain bails again. Drake follows him to the floor, but Pain is able to recover and whip the UVU champ into the guardrail. Pain gets a suplex for a two. He gets a chair and slams it against the head of Drake Younger before following up with a side slam onto the open chair.
Brain Damage has made his way to ringside to observe the action, while Pain hits a rolling neckbreaker on Younger in the ring. Pain is wrenching away at the neck of Younger. He has a chair open in the corner, and he set Younger in it. He looks for a cross body block in the corner, but Drake moves out, and Pain gets all chair!
Pain is striking away at Drake... Pain hits the front lungblower and locks in the triangle, but Drake breaks out. He gets the advantage and lays out the champ, heading to the top for a moonsault! Pain kicks out of a pin attempt, but Younger follows up by whipping Pain off and hitting a spinebuster. Now Drake goes under the ring looking for some plunder, and he comes up with a barbed wire board. As he tries to get back in the ring, he gets caught with a kick to the face. Pain comes out and sets up a table against the guardrail. He sets a dazed Younger up against the table and looks for a double jump tope con hilo, but Drake moves!
Drake goes for the pin back in the ring, but gets just a two count. Pain is being hit with a series of forearms, but Pain takes him down into the still open chair! Pain looks for the splash mountain bomb through the barbed wire board like the last time they met, but Drake reverses out and sends Pain to the apron. He gets a chair and smashes the champ with it, then hits him with a DVD through the barbed wire board!
Drake Younger rolls Pain back into the ring and is looking for another weapon... he comes up with another barbed wire board, which he slides into the ring. Drake brings the champ to his feet, and they exchange blows... Pain gets a series of strikes before hitting a sitout powerbomb on Drake!
Now Pain has Younger up for a powerslam... Younger slips out the back door, but Pain comes back with a big clothesline. Pain looks to bring the UVU champ to his feet, but Younger comes back with a series of knee strikes, followed by a double underhook piledriver! 2 count!
Drake has Pain backed into the corner and is laying in the chops... he puts him on the top and looks for the superplex... Pain breaks out... looks for the super German... Younger escapes... Pain looks for another clothesline, but Younger catches him in Drake's Landing! 1... 2... kick out!
Drake is setting him up for Drake's Landing again... reversed... Pain looking for the Pain Thriller... reversed back to the Drake's Landing attempt... Pain reverses again, and hits the Pain Thriller into the barbed wire board for the pin and the three count!

Winner and STILL CZW World Heavyweight Champion: Justice Pain