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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE Night of Champions LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 21st Sep, 2014

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    World Heavyweight Championship
    Brock Lesnar (c) vs John Cena

    WWE United States Championship
    Sheamus (c) vs Cesaro

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    Dolph Ziggler (c) vs The Miz

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    Usos (c) vs Goldust and Stardust

    WWE Divas Championship
    Paige (c) vs AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella

    Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns

    Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho.

    Mark Henry vs Rusev

    WWE Night of Champions All Access Pass

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    WWE Night of Champions LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 21st Sep, 2014
    Location: Nashville, TN
    Announcers: Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole and JBL

    Kickoff Show

    The panel is Renee Young, Big Show, Alex Riley and Booker T. Young welcomed us to the panel and the PPV and noted the late breaking news that Roman Reigns underwent emergency surgery yesterday and would not compete tonight.

    They went right into a video feature on WWE World Heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar, showing his dominance in the company.

    When they returned, the panel discussed the John Cena vs. Lesnar bout at Summerslam. They used some boxing/MMA- lie factoids from the first match, noting Cena was only on offense for a little over a minute in their last match and was on the mat over 11 minutes.

    The panel talked about the title match, then Tom Phillips in the social media lounge discussed what fans felt about the main event.

    They aired a video package about Rusev vs. Mark Henry.

    Big Show said Mark Henry was going to show Rusev some good old-fashioned American justice. Booker said that you can't sleep on Rusev as he's laid out everyone he's been in the ring with.

    They recapped the issues between the Chris Jericho and Randy Orton, then discussed the WWE Intercontinental championship bout between The Miz and Dolph Ziggler. They talked about the U.S title bout as well.

    Backstage, Booker T interviewed Goldust. They talked about their old tag team and joked around. Goldust then got serious and said the old Goldust is gone. Booker looked disturbed. Stardust showed up and did his entire deal, promising the “cosmic key” (The WWE Tag Team titles) would be theirs tonight.

    The panel discussed the WWE Divas championship situation. AJ Lee was interviewed by the panel. She said that her boss Stephanie can throw anything into the match but she’s going to get that she gets what belongs to her. She then looked into the camera and addressed Paige, saying tonight would be the last time that she would hold what rightfully belongs to her. She was asked about Nikki Bella. She said, “Nikki has a big bark. I bite.” She skipped off.

    After another visit to the social media lounge, they ran a breaking news piece on Roman Reigns. They had a video of Roman in his hospital bed where he talked about calling 911 because of the pain in his abdomen, which was due to his incarcerated hernia.

    They aired a great video on the Cena vs. Lesnar main event.

    It was time for The Peep Show with Christian. He brought out Chris Jericho. They went back and forth taking shots at each other over who was in charge of their former tag team. Christian mocked his clothes. Christian said that Jericho has his hands full with Randy Orton tonight. They showed the attack from Raw where Orton jumped Jericho in the training room.

    Christian said that Orton’s issues with Jericho is that Jericho is everything Orton isn’t, noting that Orton is HHH’s lapdog. Orton, on the screen, showed up and said some really lame lines knocking the two. He said he beat Christian so bad, he can’t compete anymore. He said when he was done with Jericho, the only TV show he will be able to star on is Total Divas. Wow, that was lame. Jericho knew it as he said Orton would be starring in Total Jackasses and said Orton told some lame jokes. He went into Y2J promo mode ripping on Orton and promising that he would take out Randy. The Jericho promo was fun. Everything else? Eh, not so much. Orton’s verbiage was BEYOND forced. They need to let these guys and girls talk like real people because the verbiage doesn’t even sound like anything anyone would ever say in legitimate conversation, much less competition.

    Night of Champions

    After WWE did a great video on the WWE championship, fireworks went off and we went right into the action.

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    The Usos vs Goldust & Stardust

    They showed footage of the Dust Brothers taking out Jey’s knees. The announcers noted that he says he’s 100% tonight.

    Goldust and Jey locked up. Goldust was backed in the corner and nailed with a series of right hands. Stardust tagged in but was controlled with several slams. The Usos used a double team Hotshot on Stardust. Jimmy locked on an armbar but was backed into the Dusts’ corner. The referee was distracted, allowing Goldust to nail a right hand.

    Goldust tagged in and whipped Uso hard into the buckles. They controlled Uso as they tagged in and out. Jimmy Uso finally was able to stop himself during an Irish whip and nailed a right hand on Goldust. He scored a two count. Goldust went to the outside. Uso jumped on the guard rail and hit a dive on Stardust. Goldust grabbed him and drilled him on the floor.

    Goldust tossed Jimmy back into the ring for a two count. They continued working over Uso, who tried to fight his way out, only to be caught and taken back down. Some fans were chanting, “Cosmic Key.”

    Uso finally nailed a jawbreaker on Stardust. He staggered into the corner, where Stardust missed a charge. Goldust tagged in but was tagged with an enziuiri. Jimmy finally made the hot tag to Jey, who exploded with several clotheslines and right hands.

    Jey went for a back suplex but Stardust landed on his feet. Jey caught him in the corner and began beating his hamstring and knee. Jimmy nailed a dive to the outside on Goldust. Jey nailed a flying bodypress on Stardust for a two count. He followed up with a Samoan Drop and nailed the back splash in the corner on Stardust, followed by a superkick on Goldust. Stardust attacked Jey from behind and nailed Crossrhodes for a two count.

    Stardust tied up Jey in the ropes and slapped him. Jimmy went to unhook him but Stardust nailed him off the apron. Jey rolled up Stardust for a two count. The Usos hit a pair of dives on the Dust Brothers. Stardust finally was able to roll up one of the Usos and hooked the tights for the pin.

    Your winners and new WWE Tag Team champions: Goldust & Stardust

    After the match:
    Goldust and Stardust celebrate in the ring as The Usuos kneel outside the ring.

    Byron Saxton interviewed WWE Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler and R-Truth. Ziggler said he isn’t a movie star but has the best stunt double in the business (Truth) and that you can hardly tell them apart. That was sort of funny. He promised Miz would never work in this town again after mocking his acting stardom.

    WWE United States Championship
    Sheamus vs Cesaro

    They locked up but ended up in the ropes, forcing a clean break. Cesaro tried to out wrestle Sheamus but surprisingly, Sheamus countered and controlled the early action. They broke clean again and Cesaro slapped the champion. That fired up Sheamus who went after Cesaro. Cesaro was worked over but snapped the champion’s throat over the ropes.

    Cesaro came off the ropes but Sheamus came back and mounted him with right hands. They ended up spilling over the top to the floor. Sheamus returned to the ring with a shoulderblock over the top for a two count. He went to the top but Cesaro pounced and nailed a big uppercut that sent him to the floor. Decent action so far.

    Cesaro snapmared Sheamus over and cinched in a side chinlock, trying to wear the champion down. Cesaro turned it into a sleeper and Sheamus dropped to his knees. Cesaro worked him over but Sheamus nailed a belly to back suplex. Cesaro recovered first and went for a clothesline but missed. Sheamus nailed a series of his own and went for a move but was caught with a big clothesline as he rebounded off the ropes.

    Sheamus nailed The Irish Curse for a two count, then drilled him with another backbreaker, only to see Cesaro kick out. Cesaro rolled outside to the apron but was caught and drilled across the chest with hard shots. Cesaro broke free and kicked Sheamus in the head. Cesaro went to the top but Sheamus cut him off and overpowered him, sending the Swiss Superman flipping forward into the ring for a two count. Good, physical bout.

    Sheamus went for the the White Noise but Cesaro slipped out and nailed a big Uppercut. He called for the Neutralizer but Sheamus blocked it. Cesaro nailed a big kick to the head but was caught with an over the shoulder tiltowhirl backbreaker for another two count.

    Sheamus psyched himself up and went for the Brogue Kick but missed and was rolled up for a two count. Cesaro nailed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Sheamus missed another Brogue Kick but was caught with a DVDR-like slam for another two count. Good stuff!

    Cesaro began slapping the hell out of Sheamus but that only fired up the champion Cesaro nailed a series of kicks to the face and a right hands but Sheamus dared him to keep them coning, looking like a beast. Cesaro did but Sheamus hit an explosive Brogue Kick out of the corner and scored the pin.

    Your winner and still WWE United States champion: Sheamus

    After the match:
    Sheamus celebrated his win with the crowd.

    WWE do a promo with Stings 2K15 video for the game.

    Mark Henry was pacing his locker room. Big Show showed up and asked him if he was ready. Henry said that you know he is. Show asked him if he knew what was on the line. Henry said the country was. Show said he’s got 318 million tag team partners tonight. He presented Henry with tights that featured the American flag and cut a good promo firing up Henry. Henry said that he was going to take out Rusev, because that’s “what I do!” Good segment.

    Justin Gabriel interviewed country music stars Florida-Georgia Line. They are going to join the announcers on commentary. Cue all the jokes about guys being too “Southern.” They announced they were going to be part of Tribute to the Troops in December.

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    Dolph Ziggler (with R-Truth) vs The Miz (with Damien Mizdow)

    The commentary was more about the music careers of Florida-Georgia line early on, so much that I was having flashbacks to Nitro with announcers talking about anything but what was going on in the ring.

    There was some decent action early on, believe it or not. Miz took over and stomped on Ziggler. Miz locked in a side chinlock. Ziggler fought back but was whipped into the ropes where Miz drilled him with a knee to the mid-section that sent him up and over.

    Miz continued to stomp away on Ziggler, controlling the match. Miz nailed a big right hand and scored a two count. He psyched himself up and began acting like a professional boxer, dancing around the ring as he nailed his strikes. Miz went for a right hand but Ziggler tagged him first. Miz cut him off and whipped him into the corner but Ziggler charged out with a nice clothesline.

    They battled to the floor, where Miz was tossed into the guard rail. Miz was tossed into the ring but Mizdow nailed Ziggler on the floor. Truth went to help but Mizdow attacked him too. He began jawing with Florida-Georgia Line and they confronted him. Oh Lord. He told them to sit down and they shoved him on his ass. Truth chased Mizdow out of the Arena.

    Ziggler nailed a big kick but Miz kicked out at two. Ziggler missed the Famouser so Miz locked in the figure four leglock. Ziggler was trapped in the center and almost pinned but pulled his shoulders up. He fought to turn the move and actually did a hell of a job trying to get to the ropes before finally doing so. Miz tried to capitalize but Ziggler kicked him off and scored a two count.

    Ziggler called for Miz to get up. Mizdow returned and tried to interfered but was nailed off the apron. Miz rolled up Zigger and hooked the tights to get the pin.

    Your winner and new WWE Intercontinental champion:The Miz!

    After the match:
    Miz and Sandow celebrate their win.

    They recapped The Roman Reigns injury issues.

    Out came Seth Rollins, dressed to wrestle and carrying The Money in the Bank briefcase. Rollins took the mic and said it was funny how life works sometimes. “One minute you are on top of the world and the next…you’re Roman Reigns.”

    Rollins said that Reigns was scheduled to face him tonight but Reigns was rushed to the hospital. He said emergency surgery was no excuse for not showing up here tonight. He said that in the interest of fairness and justice, he was going to give Reigns ten seconds to come to the ring and face him. If there’s an angle for tonight, here it comes. You can hear people chanting for “Ambrose.”

    Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins

    Rollins had the referee ring the bell and Charles Robinson began counting out Reigns. He hit ten. They announced Seth Rollins was the winner via forfeit.

    Winner by DQ: Seth Rollins

    Rollins took the mic and said it’s not official until someone raises his hand. Robinson did and Rollins began laughing and smiling. Rollins said that he knows everyone is let down because he isn’t competing tonight. He said that he’s disappointed because of Roman Reigns because he’s not half the man that he believed Roman was. He said that Roman left him high and dry and left him having to make it up to everyone. He showed off the case and said he’s an opportunist, then said he was going to issue an open challenge.

    He challenged anyone in the back to come out. No one did. He said that he was giving anyone a chance to compete with him. Backstage, a cab pulled up and out came Dean Ambrose. Big pop when he came out.

    Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose

    Business just picked up!

    Ambrose went nuts and they began brawling. Rollins went over the rails into the crowd and they brawled up the Arena stairs. They brawled across the arena floor. Rollins cut him off and went for a piledriver but was backdropped on the floor.

    Security hit the scene as they battled back towards the entrance ramp. Ambrose jumped off a digital sign after breaking free and wiped out security. Then he dove off the entrance stage on Rollins and they brawled back into the crowd. Ambrose clotheslined Rollins over the rail back inside the ringside area. He grabbed a steel chair but before he could use it, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury tackled him.

    Security jumped on Ambrose and handcuffed him with plastic ties as an angry Triple H showed up to direct traffic. Ambrose was carried out kicking all the way. Stephanie was also out there. Rollins was furious asking where Ambrose came from. Uh, the movie he was hired to do? Triple H and Stephanie escorted him to the back, raising his arms.

    Mark Henry vs Rusev (with Lana)

    Big pop when Henry’s music began. They had Lilian Garcia sing the national anthem, which got the crowd pumped and gave this an even greater “big fight” feel. Big pop when she was done.

    Henry nailed Rusev with some hard punches and Rusev went to the floor to regroup. Henry maintained control and Rusev went to the floor again. It was definitely all Mark Henry early.

    Rusev finally scored by drilling Henry into the ring steps on the floor. Back in thering, he killed Henry with an Avalanche in the corner and then a running back splash. He worked over Mark and locked in a camel clutch. Man, they should have the announcers outraged he is using Sgt. Slaughter’s move. That was turned into a side chinlock. Rusev (naturally) used the Side Russian Legsweep.

    Rusev continued wearing down Mark Henry. Henry fought back to his feet and scored several clotheslines. He nailed a splash in the corner but was hurting. He went for a slam but his back gave out. Rusev hit a spinkick to take Henry down.

    Rusev began working over Henry’s back and went for the Accolade. Henry suddenly realized what was going on and fought his way back to his feet before Rusev could nail it. Henry went for the sitdown powerbomb but Rusev raked his face. Henry somehow caught him coming and nailed the World’s Strongest Slam but his back prevented him from following up. Rusev rolled out of the ring before Henry could capitalize.

    Henry grabbed at Rusev from the ring but was nailed with a thrust kick that sort of hit him. Rusev climbed up on the apron and nailed another kick. Rusev hit a charging thrust kick and cinched in The Accolade. Henry fought but quickly tapped out.

    Winner: Rusev

    After the match:
    Rusev and Lana did their usual enormous Russian flag.

    JBL went into overdrive about how Henry let down the entire country and man, that was grating.

    They plugged the 26th Oct, 2014 Hell in A Cell PPV and said there would be "at least one" HIAC match.

    Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton

    Jericho took it right to Orton at the bell with punches and shoulderblocks. The referee tried to separate them allowing Orton to nail Jericho. Jericho worked him over in a corner and then preened to the crowd. Jericho fired back with a series of chops but was shoulderblocked down. Jericho came back with a dropkick and clotheslined Orton over the top to the floor.

    Jericho hit a baseball sliding kick to the outside and then smashed Orton into the Spanish announcer’s table. He tossed Orton back into the ring but was cut off. Orton whipped him into the corner and caught him with a clothesline against the turnbuckles. Jericho fought off Orton and went to the top but took too long and was nailed and crotched on the top.

    Orton nailed a superplex and followed up with a…side chinlock? Yep, he did! Jericho fought back but missed a leaping charge in the corner and crashed over the buckles to the floor. Orton worked over Jericho on the floor and slammed him onto the top of the railing with a big backbreaker. He then hit a belly to back suplex on the announcers’ table.

    Orton rolled him back into the ring and scored a two count. Jericho finally fought back and nailed several shoulderblocks and a leaping clothesline into a slam for a two count. Jericho stomped away on Orton in the corner but was caught with the snap powerslam for yet another near fall.

    Jericho cut off Orton and went to the top. He came off with a double axehandle and bulldogged Orton. He went for a Lionsault but Orton got out of the way. Jericho, now bleeding from the nose, realized and landed on his feet but was caught with Orton’s patented backbreaker. He went for the RKO but was sent off and nailed with the Lionsault for a two count.

    Jericho was cut off and set up for the hanging DDT off the ropes but escaped and went for the Walls of Jericho. Orton escaped and sent Jericho into the ringpost as he charged the corner. Orton set up for the punt kick but missed. Jericho rolled him up for a two then locked in the Walls of Jericho. Orton fought for the ropes but Jericho pulled him back out into the center of the ring.

    Orton finally was able to counter and roll Jericho, sending him through the ropes. Jericho landed on his feet and went to return to the ring but was cut off and nailed with the hanging DDT off the ropes Orton played to the crowd, then set up for the RKO as Jericho tried to get to his feet. Jericho caught him out of nowhere with the Codebreaker and scored a two count. Good back and forth stuff.

    Jericho scaled to the top rope. Orton caught him with the RKO as Jericho dove off and scored the pin.

    Winner: Randy Orton.

    After the match:
    Orton celebrates his win as Jericho lies in the ring.

    They aired a really good Paige video.

    Brie Bella did a promo backstage. She said that Paige and Lee have the chance to do what she hasn’t had the chance to do yet, knock Nikki down a notch. She said Nikki was like karma, a bitch.

    WWE Divas Championship
    Paige vs. AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella

    Back and forth action early. Lee gained control nailing Paige and Bella on the floor. Paige tried to get off and offered her hand for Lee to kiss. Lee instead worked her over and nailed a big kick for a two count.

    Paige caught her with a kick to the gut. Lee cut her off and went to the top but Nikki returned to shove her off and back into the ring. She covered Lee for a two count and then worked her over for another two count. Bella began beating Lee’s head into the mat but Paige attacked her and sent her to the floor.

    Paige cradled Lee’s head in her arms then drilled her in the gut. She screamed, “Why don’t you love me?” and drilled Lee with a series of headbutts before beating her down with punches across the back. Paige awkwardly ran Lee to the ropes and nailed her with a series of kicks to the face.

    Bella blasted Paige off the apron from behind and covered Lee for a two count. She drilled Lee with a knee for another two count. Bella slammed Lee down and covered her yet again. Lee fought back but was caught coming off the ropes with a bodypress. Lee turned herself into the Black Widow submission but Paige attacked them before Lee could get a tapout.

    A frustrated Paige worked them over. She went for a superplex on Lee but Bella slipped underneath for a powerbomb as they did a Tower of Doom spot. All three were spent and exhausted. Lee rolled to the outside. Bella grabbed Paige for Shock Treatment and nailed it, but Lee broke up the pinfall.

    Nikki nailed Lee and worked her over. Lee slammed her off the apron to the floor. Lee charged the ring and locked in the Black Widow. Paige countered it several times but Lee locked it back on and finally scored the submission.

    Winner and new WWE Divas champion: AJ Lee!

    After the match:
    AJ celebrates by skipping around the ring as Paige lies in the ring upset.

    WWE World Heavyweight Championship
    Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs John Cena

    Lesnar overpowered Cena early and nailed German suplex. Cena fought back but was taken down and locked in a Kimura. Cena kept making it to the ropes. Cena fired back with a series of rights but Lesnar caught him with a German suplex. Lesnar suplexed him over and over but Cena’s shoulders weren’t on the mat so the referee wouldn’t count.

    Cena nailed several hard shots but was beaten back down to the mat. Lesnar rolled Cena up and hooked the leg for a two count. Lesnar beat him in the corner with a series of shoulderblocks. Cena fired back with a series of right hands and backed up Lesnar against the ropes but was clobbered with a clothesline as he rebounded off the ropes.

    Cena tried to attempt a single-leg takedown but Lesnar just beat him down with shots across the back. Lesnar grabbed a big hammerlock but Cena grabbed the ropes. Lesnar continued trashing him in the corner, then nailed an overhead belly to belly suplex for another two count.

    Cena fired back with a series of strikes only to be cut off with a series of shoulderblocks. The story has been that no matter what Cena throws at the champ, Lesnar is such a beast he can absorb it and beat Cena down. Lesnar began drilling him with knees across the back.

    Cena finally began putting some offense together with strikes and punches. He went for the AA but Lesnar slipped around behind and nailed a big Gernan suplex. Lesnar was bleeding from the nose after that last exchange. Lesnar nailed a series of shoulderblocks in the corner as WWE cameras closed in on a bruise around Cena’s kidney area.

    Lesnar drove Cena hard into the buckles and nailed a series of shoulderblocks. Cena shocked Lesnar with the AA out of nowhere but Lesnar kicked up at two. Lesnar went for the F5 but Cena slipped out and locked on the STF. Lesnar fought out of it and locked on a Kimura. Cena refused to tap and powered his way to his feet and charged Lesnar into the corner. Lesnar refused to break it. Cena did it again and nailed Lesnar, which finally broke it.

    Cena nailed the AA again and locked on the STF. Lesnar went for the ropes but Cena dragged him back to the center of the ring. Lesnar grabbed the ropes and Cena pulled him back to the middle and Cena locked it on again. Cena nailed the AA but Seth Rollins hit the ring, causing the DQ.

    Winner by DQ: John Cena

    Well, no one saw that coming.

    Rollins nailed Cena with the case, sending him to the floor. He looked at Lesnar down on the mat and nailed the curb stomp, then told the referee he was cashing in. They announced Rollins was cashing in but the bell never rang.

    Cena attacked Rollins and ran him off. Lesnar recovered and grabbed Cena from behind, then nailed the F5. Lesnar is still the champion. The show went off the air with a series of replays and Cena looking frustrated that he couldn’t get the job done.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Huge star out of PPV:

    Roman Reigns had to have emergency surgery for a hernia and is now out of the PPV. This leaves open a space for Dean Ambrose to return to the PPV now that his movie has finished filming this weekend. Question is will Ambrose and Rollins have a impromptu match if Ambrose returns at the PPV.

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    Night of Champions Notes:

    WWE has issued the following tweet, echoing what we say all the time about the WWE Network: “Reminder to #WWENetwork subscribers: Make sure log-in is successful & check live-streaming quality prior to #WWENOC at 8/7 CT...If you're experiencing any issues with our live stream, please contact #WWENetwork support.”

    Country music group Florida Georgia Line tweeted "Catch us on [MENTION=9423]wwe[/MENTION] Night of Champions LIVE this Sunday at 8/7 CT on [MENTION=9423]wwe[/MENTION]Network & PPV! #WWENOC"

  5. #5
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    Sucks that Reigns is out. No Wyatt Family on the card sucks. Hope Lesnar wins or Cena wins and Rollins cashes in MITB!

    Also hoping to see Ambrose return, but if that happens I think its less likely we see Rollins cash as he chases him out of the Arena.

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    If Rollins cashes in, he will not win the title IMO. I do think Ambrose will show up tonight since Reigns is out. Ambrose will attack Rollins and continue the feud since Rollins was the one who put him out for a while.

    lol I wonder if any Superstar backstage is quietly thinking, Reigns is out, now I might get a chance to shine.

    I am glad Ambrose finished his movie, I like him in the ring, he brings a energy to his matches. Also, the crowd like him. This could be a good chance for Ambrose to get the spotlight.

  7. #7
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    Holy crap this crowd sounds amped up tonight.

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    I LOL'd at how cole called Christian a "young man" and that he hoped he would continue his in-ring career.

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    Should've let the NXT guys work the pre-show.

  10. #10
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    I wish Rusev vs. Henry was first so that shit show could of been over with.

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