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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 9th July 2007

    RAW LIVE Coverage and Discussion Thread

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    Bobby Lashley cemented his spot in The Great American Bash's WWE Championship Match last week when he defeated Shelton Benjamin and the time of King Booker in the final "Beat the Clock" Match of the evening. This Monday night, right at 9 p.m. ET, King Booker will look for revenge as he takes on Lashley in one-on-one action. Will royalty rule this week on Raw? Or will Lashley overthrow the King en route to his WWE Championship Match with John Cena?

    Also, Randy Orton may also have a chance to add another Legend to his list of victims. After he slapped WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes last week, “The American Dream” told Orton to meet him face-to-face in Lafayette. What does Dusty have in mind for the Legend Killer?

    Plus, Candice Michelle may be Women’s Champion, but Melina’s not ready to let go. After defeating Maria in action last week, the former champion attacked Candice, only to find herself with a face full of floor. Will the rivalry between Candice and Melina come to a head this week?

    Find out the answers to all of these questions and more on Raw, Monday night at 9/8 CT on USA Network.

    RAW Results - 9th Jul, 2007
    Location - Lafayette, Louisiana
    Announcers - J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    We see Bobby Lashley spearing John Cena last week on Raw after they signed the contract for their match at the Great American Bash.

    Bobby Lashley vs King Booker (with Queen Sharmell)

    Lashley backs Booker into the ropes on a collar and elbow tie up but Booker with chops and forearms. Booker slams Lashley’s head into the turnbuckle. Lashley reverses an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Booker charges at Lashley and is given a powerslam for his troubles and Lashley gets a two count. Lashley with shoulders into the corner and then he hits a gutbreaker on his shoulder for a two count. Lashley with a snap suplex for a two count. Booker with kicks to the knee but Lashley with a clothesline for a two count. Lashley with a slam to Booker and then he picks up King Booker and connects with punches. Booker tries for a spin kick but Lashley blocks it and hits a power slam for a two count. Lashley gets Booker up for a delayed vertical suplex.

    From out of nowhere, Ken Kennedy comes out and he attacks Lashley. The referee calls for the bell. Booker and Kennedy attack Lashley and they double team the number one contender.

    Winner: No Contest

    Jonathan Coachman comes out and he tells King Booker and Ken Kennedy to stop. He says that Bobby Lashley deserves a fighting chance. Bobby Lashley was supposed to team with John Cena but since he sent Cena to Los Angeles, the main event will be King Booker and Ken Kennedy against Bobby Lashley and a partner of his choosing. If Lashley cannot find a tag team partner, it will be a handicap match.

    Kennedy leaves the ring but Booker tries to continue the attack. Lashley punches Booker and then he clotheslines Booker over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

    We are back and William Regal is in the office and Jonathan Coachman stops by. Coach wants to thank Regal for helping out last week and says that Regal did a good job. Regal says that people told him it was a breath of fresh air. Regal liked Coach’s announcement of the main event and called it creative and effective. Coach tells Regal that he will be facing the Sandman tonight. Regal calls him a beer swilling, cane swinging maniac. Coach says that from an entertainment perspective, it will be entertaining.

    We have the ‘Stay in the Game’ Moment: Umaga winning the Intercontinental Title back from Santino Marella last week on Raw.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Umaga(c) vs Santino Marella

    Marella charges at Umaga but Umaga pushes him back. Marella tries for a cross body but Umaga catches him and hits a side slam. Umaga kicks Marella in the back and punches the challenger. Umaga chops Marella in the corner and then punches him. Umaga is told by the referee to get out of the corner.

    Maria comes to ringside to check on Marella while Umaga continues to punch and kick Marella. Umaga with a chop to Marella followed by a knee drop across the upper chest. Umaga with a hard Irish whip to Marella. Marella punches Umaga, but Umaga with an uppercut to the throat and Marella goes down. Umaga chokes Marella in the ropes. Umaga with a forearm to the chest followed by a kick to the chest and head. Umaga with another hard Irish whip to Marella as he drags Marella into the center of the ring. Umaga takes his time and he goes to the second turnbuckle for a diving head butt but Marella moves out of the way. Marella with punches to Umaga’s head. Umaga pushes Marella into the ropes and Marella with a drop kick for a near fall. Umaga with a superkick to Marella and Marella goes down again. Umaga puts Marella into the corner and he punches Marella in the head before hitting the running butt splash into the corner. The referee checks on Marella and Umaga picks up Marella for the Samoan Spike and the three count.

    Winner: Umaga

    Maria checks on Marella in the ring.

    Bobby Lashley is walking in the back and he enters the locker room in search of a tag team partner. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Rey Mysterio will be coming back soon. You can read about his return in the WWE Magazine.

    Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch(c's) vs The Highlanders

    Rory and Cade start things off and Cade with a side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle. Cade with another side head lock and Rory with forearms and then he tries for a hip toss, but Cade blocks it and hits a fireman’s carry. Cade backs Rory into the ropes on a collar and elbow tie up and Rory reverses things and connects with a shoulder. Murdoch tags in but Rory with a knee before Murdoch can enter the ring. Murdoch with a side head lock take down. Murdoch with a slap to Rory’s back followed by an Irish whip and a running elbow into the corner. Murdoch with a snap mare and rear chin lock on Rory. Murdoch tries to slam Rory but Rory with a jawbreaker and Robbie is tagged. Robbie with a clothesline and drop kick before he hits a flapjack on Murdoch for a two count. Rory with a forearm to Cade but while the referee is with Rory, Cade and Murdoch hit a double gouzle on Robbie for the three count.

    Winners: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

    Maria is in the back with Santino Marella and she feels sorry for her loss. Maria wants to know if they can go out and have some fun. Santino says that everyone will point at him and say that he is the man who does not deserve to be Intercontinental Champion. Santino asks Maria if she can go to his hotel room to help him. Maria suggests that they can watch a movie. Santino says that he does not think he should be alone tonight. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Charlie Haas enters the locker room. Shelton says that he was getting ready for his match by taping his hand. Charlie points out that Shelton kissed King Booker’s hand last week. Shelton points out that this is his birthday and is looking forward to winning. Charlie tells Shelton that he should kiss his hand. Shelton says that he is so confident that he will win tonight that he will kiss Charlie Haas on the lips. Shelton leaves the locker room and Charlie does not look too happy about Shelton’s wager.

    We go to a video package about John Cena. It talks about his dream of being a WWE champion. We see John Cena’s debut on Smackdown against Kurt Angle in 2002. Cena talks about how he came out as himself. We see Cena come out in the throwback jerseys. Then we see Cena give Big Show the F5 to win the US Title at Wrestlemania XX. We go to footage from Wrestlemania 21 when he defeated Bradshaw to become the WWE Champion. We see more footage of Cena. We go to commercial.

    We see footage from last week’s Raw when Ken Kennedy got rolled up by Super Crazy to keep Kennedy out of the main event at the Great American Bash.

    Gene Snitsky vs Super Crazy

    Snitsky sends Crazy into the corner but Crazy with a boot. Snitsky with a forearm to Crazy and then he runs Crazy into the turnbuckles followed by a running knee to the back. Snitsky with a kick to Crazy’s back followed by a forearm to the back. Snitsky with a head butt to Crazy’s back. Snitsky with a hard Irish whip followed by a pump handle power slam for the three count.

    Winner: Gene Snitsky

    After the match:
    Snitsky gets Crazy up and hits another pump handle power slam.

    Jim Ross talks about one of the most embarrassing moments he ever saw last week on Raw. He talks about Randy Orton showing no respect to Dusty Rhodes in the back. We go to footage from last week when Randy wants to have Dusty introduce his son to him. Randy says that he can be just like Randy and be better than his father. Randy introduces himself to Cody Runnels. Cody tells Randy to stay away from his dad. Dusty tells Randy that he is disrespectful. Randy says that was not disrespectful so he slaps Dusty.

    Dusty Rhodes is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Triple H will be coming back soon.

    Dusty Rhodes comes out to the ring. Dusty has a mic and he says that last week he made a statement after their filibuster early in the night. He said that he wanted to meet Randy Orton face-to-face in the ring. Dusty wants Randy to come to the ring.

    Randy Orton comes out and Dusty calls his entrance impressive. Dusty wants to know if Randy thought the slap last week would be the end of it. Dusty calls Orton a snotty nose punk. Dusty wants to know if Orton is just going to stand there and look stupid. Orton says that it is enough of this legend speech. Dusty interrupts Orton and asks if this is about spitting in Harley Race’s face and being disrespectful to the people who brought him up in the business. Orton points out that he is a third generation wrestler. Orton says that people who live off the past do not deserve any respect. Orton says that he gets respect for the things that he has accomplished. Dusty wants to know how bad Orton is. Orton says that he is the youngest World Champion. He mentions that he ended the careers of Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam. Dusty says that is what he has been talking about. Having a great match is not what it is all about. When you kick someone in the head when they are down, you do not get respect. Dusty tells Orton to look at him when he talks. Orton tells Dusty to put his money where his mouth is. Orton challenges Dusty to a match at the show that Dusty invented, the Great American Bash. Dusty thinks about it and he says that there was a time that he would not need to hear what Orton said to jump on him. Dusty says that he is not in shape to meet Orton at the Great American Bash at this point in his career. Orton tells Dusty to do it for his son if not for himself. Orton asks Dusty if he should end Cody’s career before it starts. Dusty says that he will meet Orton at the Great American Bash, but on his terms. Dusty wants a Texas Bullrope Match. Orton accepts the challenge, but he tells Orton to bring a broom to clean up what is left of Dusty after the match.

    Cody Runnels comes to the ring and Orton tells Cody to get out of the ring before he gets hurt. Orton gets in Cody’s face and Cody slaps Orton. Orton cannot believe what Cody did to him and Dusty gets his son’s back. Orton leaves the ring and heads up the ramp towards the back. Dusty raises his son’s hand as we go to commercial.

    We are back and we are told that John Cena will be interviewed later on the show.

    Paul London vs Shelton Benjamin

    London with a side head lock but Benjamin escapes into a top wrist lock. London with a hammer lock but Benjamin reverses it and takes London down to the mat and applies a front face lock. Benjamin with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. London with a series of kicks to Benjamin and Benjamin goes to the apron. London with a front face lock but Benjamin backs London into the corner. Benjamin with punches to London but London with forearms. Benjamin with a hammer lock back breaker. London is sent shoulder first into the turnbuckles as Benjamin works on the arm. Benjamin with an arm bar. Benjamin with a punch to London but London with a kick and rana. London with a running drop kick and inside cradle for a two count. Benjamin with a thrust kick to London and then he slams London after putting London in a hammer lock. Benjamin kicks London in the arm. London misses an enzuigiri but London with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Paul London

    We see Shelton Benjamin in shock at the thought of having to kiss his tag team partner.

    Super Crazy is in the back and Ken Kennedy sees him. Kennedy wants to know if Crazy is okay and then he runs him into a dumpster. Kennedy tells Crazy that last week was just a big old misunderstanding due to the language barrier. Kennedy kicks Crazy in the head before leaving.

    Candice Michelle and Mickie James are walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas are in the locker room. Benjamin says that it was a joke about kissing him. Charlie says that he would not let Shelton kiss him on the lips because that would be weird. Charlie tells Shelton that he can kiss him on the hand. Charlie says that he got Shelton and then he hugs Shelton and teases kissing him. Ron Simmons enters the locker room for a DAMN moment.

    We see footage from last week when Melina attacked Candice Michelle after her match but then we see Candice send Melina into the ringside barrier.

    Before Melina comes to the ring, she says that she is invoking her rematch clause for the Great American Bash. Melina says that she will not be wrestling tonight because of a sprained ankle. She has a replacement who is a close friend of hers. She brings out Beth Phoenix.

    Candice Michelle (c) and Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix and Jillian Hall (with Melina)

    Mickie starts off with forearms and kicks to Phoenix. Mickie with an elbow when Beth charges into the corner. Mickie tries for a rana but Beth holds on and she tosses Mickie to the mat. Jillian with a kick to Mickie’s back but Mickie with a forearm to Jillian. Beth picks Mickie up and tosses her to the mat. Mickie is sent into the corner but she avoids Jillian when Beth Irish whips her into the corner. Mickie with a clothesline to Phoenix. Mickie kicks Jillian off and Candice is tagged in. Candice with drop kicks to Jillian and Beth before Jillian kicks Candice. Jillian tries to slam Candice, but Candice escapes the hold and hits a side Russian leg sweep and floatover for a two count. Beth breaks up the cover. Mickie with a Louise Thesz Press to Beth and they fight outside. Jillian with a side slam to Candice but she can only get a two count. Candice with a back slide for the three count.

    Winners: Candice Michelle and Mickie James

    Beth Phoenix attacks Candice from behind and then Beth and Jillian hold Candice in the air as Melina hits a seated senton splash onto Candice. Mickie comes into the ring and Melina, Beth, and Jillian leave the ring.

    We go to the Smackdown Rebound.

    We see Arn Anderson talking to Bobby Lashley in the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back and King Booker is in his locker room with Queen Sharmell. Ken Kennedy arrives and he says that Super Crazy has been taken care of so there is only one thing left, Bobby Lashley. Booker says that he was not made a fool, but Kennedy. Booker says that there is only one king and they will both be victorious.

    Carlito joins Ross and Lawler at the announce table.

    William Regal vs Sandman

    Regal attacks Sandman as Sandman enters the ring and punches him and connects with forearms. Regal with knees and forearms to Sandman and he gets a near fall. Sandman punches Regal in the midsection but Regal responds with a forearm. Regal with a knee to the head for a near fall. Sandman with a knee and punches to Regal. Regal sends Sandman out of the ring. Carlito tries to interfere but Sandman hits Carlito with the cane and then he does the same thing to Regal.

    Winner: William Regal (by disqualification)

    We are told that John Cena will be interviewed when we return from commercial.

    We are back and it is time to talk about the main event for the Great American Bash:
    John Cena vs Bobby Lashley for the WWE Title

    We go to a video package about Bobby Lashley. We see footage from his debut in September 2005 against Simon Dean. Lashley talks about comments made by Bradshaw that he would not be good until Lashley beats him. We see footage of Lashley beating Bradshaw to win the US Title. We then see Bobby Lashley defeating the Big Show to win the ECW Title. Lashley says that he is not done yet and then we see him spear John Cena from last week’s Raw.

    LIVE Feed with Cena:
    Jim Ross says that we are joined by John Cena in Los Angeles. Jerry asks Cena if he came off more intelligent than Paris Hilton. Cena says that a kindergartner would have done better. Cena says that he appreciates that Larry was professional enough to have people who are in the WWE on his show. Jim Ross asks Cena about his match at the Great American Bash and the spear from last week. Cena says that was competitive intensity but he will address Bobby Lashley next week. Lawler says that Cena has not met an opponent as motivated as Lashley. Lawler asks Cena if he thinks that Lashley is an uncrowned champion. Cena agrees with that description of Lashley. Cena says that if Lashley is on Raw, he is gunning for his title. After the Bash we will find out who the real champion is. Jim Ross asks Cena how someone can beat Bobby Lashley but Cena says that he has faced the biggest and baddest. His never say quit attitude has helped him get past every challenge.

    We go through the card for The Great American Bash:
    - John Cena vs Bobby Lashley for the WWE Title.
    - Dusty Rhodes vs Randy Orton in a Texas Bullrope Match.
    - Edge vs Kane for the World Title.

    King Booker (with Queen Sharmell) and Ken Kennedy vs Bobby Lashley and Jeff Hardy

    Hardy and Booker start things off and Booker gets in Hardy’s face and he punches Hardy and sends him into the corner. Hardy with an Irish whip but Hardy charges into a boot. Hardy avoids the scissors kick and Hardy with a leg drop for a near fall. Hardy with an arm bar. Booker sends Hardy into the corner and Booker with knees to Hardy. Kennedy is tagged in and he kicks Hardy and punches him. Kennedy slams Hardy’s head into the turnbuckle and then he kicks Hardy in the leg. Hardy with a mule kick to Kennedy and it sends Kennedy into the corner. Hardy with a delayed baseball slide for a two count. Hardy with an arm bar and he tags in Lashley but Lashley makes it back to his corner but Booker goes to the floor. Lashley with a suplex and elbow to the back for a near fall. Lashley with a forearm but Kennedy with a knee. Lashley sends Kennedy into Booker’s boot before Lashley sends Booker to the floor. Hardy hits Poetry in Motion on Kennedy and he gets a two count. Hardy punches Kennedy and Booker with a kick from the apron and Kennedy with a clothesline to Hardy for a two count. Booker tags in and he hits a back kick on Hardy for a two count. Booker with an Irish whip but Hardy with Whisper in the Wind and both men are down. Booker makes his way to tag in Kennedy but Lashley tags in and he hits a clothesline and kick on Kennedy followed by an Irish whip and running shoulder into the corner followed by a back body toss. Lashley with a Torture Rack into Shock Treatment for a near fall that is broken up by Booker. Hardy with a clothesline that sends both men to the floor. Lashley with a spear to Kennedy for the three count.

    Winners: Bobby Lashley and Jeff Hardy

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    King of New York yankeesman77's Avatar
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    I'm surprised they actually showed the Highlanders on Raw

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yankeesman77 View Post
    I'm surprised they actually showed the Highlanders on Raw

  4. #4
    Ring Crew
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    the whole maria santino thing is so stupid god....

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by omri87 View Post
    the whole maria santino thing is so stupid god....
    Yeah, I don't see where it is going. I am sure Maria could have better angles to go with.

  6. #6
    I'm back J-man's Avatar
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    dang man, your first post makes me like u already lol

    [Today 08:48 PM] Crossfire: pimping aint easy but its necessary, but Josh is chasing hoes like Tom chases Jerry

  7. #7
    The Maverick legolas4792's Avatar
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    mysterio is lashleys partner perhaps? or maybe even john cena or HHH
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    [Today 10:57 PM] EeL: now I just need Rob in here to give him my special chocolate bar
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  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legolas4792 View Post
    mysterio is lashleys partner perhaps? or maybe even john cena or HHH
    I don't think Mysterio will come back on RAW, it will be Smackdown. Him being on RAW house shows was to see how fit he was and I am sure to bring more people to the shows in Mexico.

  9. #9
    I'm back J-man's Avatar
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    it wont be cena either, he's in vegas, IDK bout HHH though, he wants to work with kennedy so there may be something there

    [Today 08:48 PM] Crossfire: pimping aint easy but its necessary, but Josh is chasing hoes like Tom chases Jerry

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I thought HHH would come back at SummerSlam, he may come back earlier but they would not show a clip of him returning on the night he returns would they?

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