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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Victory Road LIVE Coverage!

    Join us for TNA's PPV 'Victory Road'
    LIVE Coverage

    15th July, 2007
    8 PM / ET


    "The Match of Champions"
    TNA World Champion Kurt Angle & TNA X Division Champion Samoa Joe vs. TNA World Tag Team Champions Team 3D.

    10 Man Ultimate X Match
    Confirmed names: Jay "Black Machismo" Lethal, Christopher Daniels, Homicide, Sonjay Dutt, Kaz, Shark Boy, Elix Skipper, Puma and two more names to be determined on Saturday.

    Christian Cage vs. Chris Harris.

    Sting & Abyss vs. AJ Styles & Tomko.

    Rhino vs. James Storm.

    Eric Young & Gail Kim vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks.

    Jerry Lynn & Bob Backlund vs. Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The pre-game show was the Road to Victory Road special from SpikeTV, highlighted by Senshi defeating Jerry Lynn and Petey Williams in a very good match after the Warrior's Way doublestomp off the top rope on Williams, who had just nailed the Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver on Lynn.

    There was a dark match live in the building with Havoc and Martyr defeating All Japan Pro Wrestling undercard stars Brute Issei and Akira Raijin. The All Japan stars are currently on an extended stay in the United States working to improve and get seasoning.

    Interesting to note that the Elevation X structure is up for the Ultimate X match.

    Victory Road opening with a video feature on the main events. Mike Tenay and Don West welcomed us and they blew up some fireworks.

    Ultimate X Match

    The match will have Gauntlet style entrances and you can be eliminated by being tossed over the top./ Wow, that's a letdown. The first two competitors are Jay Lethal and Christopher Daniels. You win the match by retrieving the X hanging under the structure. Daniels attacked Lethal and choked him against the ropes. He whipped Lethal into the corner but missed a charge. Lethal unloaded with rights, but Daniels cut off his offense. The third competitor in was Puma, making his return to TNA rings. Puma went right after Lethal, who elbowed him. Puma evaded him and dropkicked Lethal in the head. He went for a suplex but Lethal avoided it. Lethal tried to toss Puma out of the ring but he held onto the ropes and swung back into the ring. Lethal clotheslined both Daniels and Puma.

    Homicide was the fourth man out. Lethal was working over Daniels when Homicide attacked him. Lethal went to clothesline him but Homicide avoided it and nailed an Ace Crusher. All three beat down Lethal. Sonjay Dutt came to the ring next, slowly, playing up his Guru persona. He went to the top and hit a flying bodypress on Puma and Daniels. He then hit fast offense on Homicide and Daniels. Puma drilled him with a kick to the head,

    Petey Williams was sixth and came in offense on everyone, including a combo DDT on Puma at the same time he drilled Daniels with a side Russian Legsweep. Puma picked upWilliams for a Spicoli Driver but Williams turned it into a sunsetflip. The seventh guy was Shark Boy. He bit Daniels on the derriere. Elix Skipper was next for his return to the company. He and Shark Boy went at it center ring. He dumped Sharky over the top. He tossed Dutt over the top. Dutt tried to skin the cat but was kicked in the back of the head and fell to the floor.

    The next competitor was Kaz, no longer sporting the facepaint. He cleaned house on everyone. The final competitor was Senshi. At this point, you can grab the X, so Kaz scrambles up. Senshi attacks him and locks a Dragon Sleeper on Kaz. Senshi began ascending the structure. He started climbing across but fell, landing on Daniels. Senshi and Homicide battled. Daniels began climbing across the structure. Kaz grabbed his boot and pulled him into the ring.

    Kaz, Senshi, Lethal and Daniels all began climbing across and met in the center. They began kicking at each other and were pulled down by Homicide and Skipper. The crowd chanted "TNA." Senshi clotheslined Homicide. Daniels clobbered Lethal with a clothesline.

    Daniels went to the top and began climbing across the structure's bottom using his hands and feet. Lethal followed and hit him with several knees. Daniels let go and was hanging upside down. Kaz came off the top and grabbed Daniels with a cutter, bringing him down into the ring from an upside down position. That was beyond insane and dangerous.

    Senshi missed a handspring elbow on Homicide in the corner. Homicide went to suplex senshi out of the corner. Lethal grabbed Homicide. Daniels grabbed Lethal so everyone was suplexed backwards. Meanwhile, Kaz and Skipper climbed up opposite sides of the structure and walked across the top of the structure. They met halfway and seemed shocked by the lack of space before starting to exchange blows. They continued to battle as they tried to climb to the underside of the structure. They exchanged kicks while hanging before falling into the ring.

    Seconds later, Skipper hit a DVDR on Lethal and was then drilled by Kaz. Kaz kicked Homicide who was on the top rope and then hit the Flux Capacitor (one man Spanish Fly). Daniels threw Kaz out of the ring and into the girder outside. He tried to climb up but Lethal threw him into the ring. Lethal began climbing. Daniels followed, trying to catch up. Lethal got to the X but was pulled down by Skipper. Daniels made his way across and finally grabbed the X while hanging on the underside with his hands and feet.

    Daniels dropped into the ring as Senshi and Elix Skipper began having words. Daniels held up the X over them and the former XXX tag team reunited (as we mentioned was being talked about on PWInsider.com a few days ago).

    Winner: Christopher Daniels!

    Backstage, TNA Tag Team champions Team 3D were interviewed by Jeremy Borash. Devon said it was the opportunity of a lifetime and said he couldn't wait. Devon said he's been waiting 15 years for the chance to be the World champion. He warned Kurt Angle to be prepared and said he would be the champion. Brother Ray looked surprised and said he was speechless. Brother Ray said he has good news and not so good news. He said the good news was Devon is fired up but he isn't going to be the World champion. Ray said he guaranteed Joe, Devon, and Angle weren't winning tonight. He said the "High-flying technical wizard" Brother Ray was going to win the X-Division title tonight. Devon told him a dream is a dream, but Ray's dream isn't coming true. Ray told him that Devon wasn't winning as long as he was in the ring. Devon told him to do what he's got to do and Ray will do the same. They got in each other's faces, upset with the other.

    Leticia interviewed Samoa Joe. Joe said he can't trust Angle, but that won't prevent him from winning the Tag belts tonight. He said that he set up Angle "like the mark you are" and now he's going to knock him down. He said that's going to take the Tag titles and he'll be coming for the TNA title next.

    Backstage, TNA Tag Team champions Team 3D were interviewed by Jeremy Borash. Devon said it was the opportunity of a lifetime and said he couldn't wait. Devon said he's been waiting 15 years for the chance to be the World champion. He warned Kurt Angle to be prepared and said he would be the champion. Brother Ray looked surprised and said he was speechless. Brother Ray said he has good news and not so good news. He said the good news was Devon is fired up but he isn't going to be the World champion. Ray said he guaranteed Joe, Devon, and Angle weren't winning tonight. He said the "High-flying technical wizard" Brother Ray was going to win the X-Division title tonight. Devon told him a dream is a dream, but Ray's dream isn't coming true. Ray told him that Devon wasn't winning as long as he was in the ring. Devon told him to do what he's got to do and Ray will do the same. They got in each other's faces, upset with the other.

    Leticia interviewed Samoa Joe. Joe said he can't trust Angle, but that won't prevent him from winning the Tag belts tonight. He said that he set up Angle "like the mark you are" and now he's going to knock him down. He said that's going to take the Tag titles and he'll be coming for the TNA title next.

    Mike Tenay and Don West welcomed everyone to the PPV. They previewed tonight's card.

    Leticia interviewed Voodoo Kin Mafia. VKM said that TNA said they will no longer tolerate man against woman violence, so tonight they would bring in the newest member of VKM. He said she "was imported right from the bayou of New Orleans." BG said they didn't forget about Lance Hoyt. Kip James said that he was personally going to stick his boot straight up Hoyt's a** saying he didn't forget about Hoyt turning his back on them after they took him under their wing.

    Voodoo Kin Mafia vs. Damaja and Basham (with Christy Hemme and Lance Hoyt)

    VKM came to the ring alone. BG took the ring mic and did their usual mic work. He said they were "soon to be NWA Tag Team champions of the world." Ooops! He then said they were happy to announce the new member of VKM, the Voodoo Queen Roxxi Lavoux. Roxxi slowly came to the ring dressed up like she was going to Mardis Gras, tons of makeup and a really bad wig. The crowd chanted "What is that?" That cracked me up.

    BG started with Damaja and like every big grudge match, they go right to the mat with a headlock. Basham and Kip tagged in and went back and forth. Kip dropkicked Basham. Basham missed his own. Kip continued to control the match. Hoyt tried to distract Kip but Kip still tacked him down. Kip chased Hoyt around the ring. Hemme slapped Kip. Kip wanted to hit her but couldn't. Roxxi got into the ring but the referee held her back. Hoyt and crew worked over BG on the floor. Basham and Damaja worked over BG.

    The crowd started chanting, "Boring." Basham missed a top rope headbutt. Basham missed a running kick into the corner. Kip James got the hot tag and cleaned house. Kip hit a vertical suplex for a two count. Basham nailed him from behind. Lance Hoyt grabbed a chair and slid it into the ring. He kicked it into Kip's face. Basham covered Kip, who got his shoulder up at the last moment. Hoyt argued with the referee. BG nailed Basham with the chair and Kip covered him for the pin. The story was Hoyt cost his stablemates the match by arguing with the referee.

    Christy Hemme and Lance Hoyt were jawing at ringside and she told him to get into the ring to stop VKM. BG clotheslined him over the top to the floor. Hemme got back into the ring but VKM grabbed her. They called for Roxxi. They tossed her to Roxxi who hit an over the shoulder powerslam on Hemme.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed TNA champion Kurt Angle, who had both his titles and was wearing a suit. He said that 3D guaranteed they were going to win. He asked why Joe doesn't have his best interests as Angle's partner. He said that if Joe is jealous that Angle is great, he should blame Angle's mother because she made him so great. He said tonight was "Shake and Break Time....Shake and Break." Well, I guess someone in TNA saw Talladega Nights recently.

    They went to a video feature on Rhino vs. James Storm.

    Rhino vs. James Storm (with Jackie Moore)

    The referee threw Moore out of ringside before the match. Rhino attacked Storm on the floor and whipped him into the guard rail. He hiptossed Storm onto the ramp, then tossed Storm into the crowd. They battled into the second level of the Impact Zone. Storm tried to escape but Rhino grabbed him. They battled across the Impact Zone with Rhino in control. Rhino ran Storm headfirst into the wall of the Zone, then grabbed a beer bottle. He teased hitting Storm, then tossed it into the crowd. He tossed Storm back into the ringside area. He tosses Storm into the ring and they rang the bell for the match to officially start.

    Rhino drilled Storm with a clothesline. The crowd is enjoying the hell out of this. Rhino went to the top rope but was shoved off by Storm. Storm worked over Rhino on the floor, then tossed him back into the ring. Rhimno battled his way back to his feet but Storm tossed him over the top rope to the floor. Storm worked over Rhino on the floor. He brought Rhino back into the ring and cinched on a side chinlock. The crowd chanted, trying to rally Rhino.

    Rhino finally breaks free and hits a clothesline and back elbow. He hit a shoulderblock in the corner, but Storm cut him off with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Storm goes to the top but Rhino catches him on the top and nails a superplex. Rhino gets a two count. He goes to clothesline Storm, but Storm ducks and the referee eats it. Storm takes out Rhino. Rhino comes back and tossed Storm into a corner. Storm grabs a beer bottle. Rhino goes for the gore but Storm smashes the bottle over the head and pinned Rhino.

    Winner: James Storm!

    Rhino was busted open. Storm brought a noose into the ring. He hogtied Rhino's body around the ropes, trapping him. He drilled Rhino with a chairshot to the head. Jackie Moore returned to the ring with a small keg and began pouring it into Rhino's mouth while Moore and Storm took turns taking pictures of the other. Storm began screaming in Rhino's face. He continued to work over Rhino. The referees got Storm to leave the ring. He teased leaving, then grabbed a chair, returned and drilled Rhino with it.

    Leticia interviewed Jerry Lynn and Bob Backlund. Lynn said that he and Backlund were old school and stood for everything that good about professional wrestling - respect, honor and talent. He said they were going to beat respect into Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley. Backlund went nuts and said they were fighting for the family unit and America.

    They aired a video feature on the Old School vs. New School match

    Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin (with Kevin Nash) vs. Bob Backlund & Jerry Lynn

    Backlund and Sabin started off with Backlund frustrating Sabin. Sabin tried to claim Backlund pulled his hair after an armdrag attempt. The storyline early here was that the older veterans were keeping the young punks off balance with good technical wrestling. Sabin and Shelley began double teaming Lynn, tagging in and out. Lynn used a Lucha armdrag and a dropkick to ward off Shelley. Lynn hit a leaping back elbow on Shelley. He DDT'd Sabin for a two count. Lynn went for the a piledriver on Sabin, but Shelley spit a mouthful of water in his face. Shelley dropkicked Backlund off the apron to the floor.

    Kevin Nash distracted the referee to give his charges a chance to work over Lynn. Lynn starts to mount a comeback but they cut him off. The referee had words with Backlund, who wanted to get in and help Lynn, allowing Sabin and Shelley to destroy Lynn. They tied Lynn upside down in the corner. Shelley hit a sliding kick, followed by Sabin's hesitation dropkick. Backlund lost it and attacked them. He hit the atomic drop on Shelley, who bumped out of the ring.

    Kevin Nash entered the ring as the referee pushed Backlund out of the ring and drilled Lynn with a big boot. Shelley and Sabin destroyed Lynn with a series of fast kicks and scored the pin.

    Winners: Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley!

    Backstage, Kurt Angle was looking for "back up" with Jeremy Borash in tow. They went into a bathroom where they found Jay Lethal. Angle asked him if he wanted the chance of a lifetime and watch his back tonight. Lethal said, "Wash your back?" Angle called him an idiot. Angle tried to bribe Lethal with the promise of a title shot. He put his belts on Lethal's shoulders, then attacked him. He began screaming at Lethal, asking whether he wanted to help him or not. Angle tossed him into the the shower stall and then smashed him into the sink. He tossed Lethal into a toilet stall, stopped to fix his suit and tie and walked off.

    Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks vs. Eric Young & Gail Kim - Mixed Tag Match

    Eric Young and Robert Roode started. Young was scared but Kim convinced him to get to it. She kissed him on the cheek, which set Young off like a rocket attacking Roode and whipping him into the corners. Young nearly gets an early pin. Brooks breaks it up Kim speared her. Roode went to hit Young, who ducked. He nearly hit Brooks, but stopped short. Kim dropkicked them into each other. Young dove out of the ring on Roode. Kim then dove out of the ring on Brooks. Really hot opening.

    Back in the ring, Kim nails a backbreaker on Brooks. Roode tries to menace Kim but she nails him with a forearm and tags Young. Young backdrops Roode for a two count. Brooks trips Young as he rebounded off the ropes. She and Roode grab Young's legs and pull him back, crotching him on the ringpost. Roode began stomping Young. Brooks and Roode took turns working over Young.

    Roode locked in a side chinlock. Young ducked a clothesline, then kicked Roode in the face. Roode Grabbed Young and nailed a uranage. He tagged in Brooks, who began kicking Young.He grabbed her, but Roode attacked him from behind. Roode slammed Young, then hit a kneedrop off the middle rope. He only scored a two count and began yelling at the referee when he didn't get a three count. You can see Roode really finding himself more and more every month. Brooks clotheslined Young, but when she went for another, Young shoved her down and tagged Kim.

    Kim hit a hurrancanrana on Roode, then drilled Brooks with kicks. Kim went to the top for a top rope hurrancarana, but Roode caught her and turned it into a Boston Crab. Young DDT'd Roode. Brooks goes for a superplex on Kim, but is shoved off. Kim nails a missile dropkick. Kim hits a droptoehold on Roode, sending him into Brooks. She then avoids a Roode elbow and he nails Brooks. Kim and Young hit a double dropkick on Roode, sending him out of the ring. Kim covers Brooks and scores the win. Outside, Roode throws a chair, kicks over the ring steps and has a tantrum.

    Winners: Eric Young and Gail Kim!

    Roode began screaming at Brooks, blaming her and shoving her several times. He screamed at her to leave the ring. They kept showing Young watching and he finally hit the ring, then yanked Roode's tights down, forcing him to moon the crowd.

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Christian Cage, AJ Styles and Tomko. Borash said that Cage thinks Chris Harris is trying to make a name at Cage's expect. Cage said that if Harris wants to be big time, tonight is his chance. He said Harris has been trying to make his way to the top of TNA from day one, but the difference is Cage walked in the door and was immediately on top. He told Harris that tonight he was going to be made a star and was going to become a bigger star than he ever wanted to be. Cage warned him there's only room for one star player in TNA. AJ Styles butted in, saying he has some star qualities to himself. Tomko got mad at Styles being goofy and reminded him they have Abyss and Sting tonight.

    Kurt Angle showed up looking for them to back him tonight, but Cage blew him off and the others followed. Sonjay Dutt showed up carrying a tambourine and told them he was taking up collections for that "ebola vorus epidemic" in Kenya Oh Lord, I see where this is going. Angle told him to stop worrying about world causes and start worrying about Kurt Angle. Dutt smiled at him and Angle told him to stop smiling. Dutt responded, "but, I love you." That was hilarious. Angle told him that without Angle, Dutt wouldn't have a job because without him, there wouldn't be a TNA. Dutt started talking about love and unity. He asked for a donation. Angle said, "You want a donation.:" Angle attacked him. He threw Dutt into the lockers and said, "This! Is! For! Your! World! Cause! You! Stupid! Bast**!" punching him with every word.

    They aired a video feature on Chris Harris

    Chris Harris vs. Christian Cage

    Cage and Harris go face to face, nose to nose at the bell. Cage shoves him. They go into the collar and elboe lockup. Cage gets caught with reverse hammerlock. Cage shoots Harris into the ropes but gets shoulderblocked after the rebound. They go back and forth and face off. They are measuring each other early. Cage spit at Harris to try and get under his skin. Harris slapped him. Harris began working over Cage in the corner with chops. Harris kicks him in the mid-section, then holds him high for a delayed vertical suplex. They go back and forth with Cage finally taking over, locking in an abdominal stretch.

    Harris tossed Harris to the floor. They battle in front of the announcers. Cage grabs a chair but the referee takes it away. Cage goes to whip Harris into the ring steps, but Harris reversed. Cage was supposed to hit the stairs and bump over, which is what the announcers said happened, but there was no real contact. Back in the ring, Harris tried to fight to his feet but Cage kept cutting him off. Harris finally nailed a bulldog out of the corner. Cage missed a running charge in the corner and was hit with a leaping lariat as Harris rebounded off the ropes.

    Cage tossed Harris back to the floor. Harris returned and hit a flying bodypress off the top rope. Cage tried to beg off, then used a double leg takedown for a pinfall attempt, even putting his legs on the ropes. Harris escaped. They battled in the corner. Harris tried for a superplex. Cage fought him off and came off the ropes with an inverted suplex. Cage went for the Unprettier but Harris escaped. Harris failed with the Catatoni. Cage went for the Unprettier, but Harris reversed and nailed Cage with his own finisher. Cage got his shoulder up at the last moment.

    Harris speared Cage for another two count. Harris went for the Catatonic, but Cage shoved him off. Cage shoved Harris into the corner and nailed the Unprettier. Harris kicked up. Harris hit a catapult into a corner, followed by a full nelson slam, but Cage kicked up. Cage, on the floor, went for a chair, and drilled Harris with it. Cage went to the top rope and nailed a frog splash, but harris got his shoulder up.

    Dustin Rhodes, in a suit, walked out of one of the entrances. Cage looked at him surprised. The announcers noted that he was partners with Harris and James Storm in the past. Uh, maybe once or twice, maybe. Tomko ran out and distracted the referee. Rhodes hit the ring and did something but we missed it since Tomko apparently distracted the cameramen and the director as well. As Rhodes was leaving, Cage small packaged Harris and pinned him. I think Harris was going for the Catatonic and Rhodes hit him from behind with handcuffs, but I don't know for sure.

    Winner: Chris Harris!

    hey aired a video feature on Tomko & AJ Styles vs. Sting & Abyss.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Sting and Abyss. Sting said they were a tag team a long time in the making and all the blood and hurt and tacks he suffered were worth it. Sting said that tonight was the passing of the torch from a legend to someone who was going to have an impact on wrestling for many years to come. Abyss was brandishing a barbed wire bat. Abyss said, "Tomko...Styles....your blood...my hands...tonight....click...Doomsday!" Abyss roared. I'm kind of enjoying this new aspect of Abyss' character but I don't want to see him talking long monologues like WWE has done with Kane in the past. For Abyss, less is more.

    Tomko & AJ Styles vs. Sting & Abyss

    Styles and Abyss started the bout. AJ kicked Styles in the leg and jumped around, all cocky. Styles tricked Abyss to chase him around outside and kicked him as Abyss returned. He began nailing rights. Abyss aborbed them. Styles tried to hit a high cross bodyblock off the ropes but simply bounced off. Abyss caught him with a backbreaker across the knee.

    Styles tagged in Tomko. Abyss and Tomko battled back and forth. Tomko chopped Abyss back into his corner. Sting tagged in. Tomko and Harris go back and forth. Sting tricks Styles into splashing Tomko. Sting hits the Stinger Splash. He whips Abyss into Tomko. Abyss then drills Styles. Abyss goes for the chokeslam but Tomko fights him off with elbows. Styles and Tomko took turns wearing down Abyss. Tomko holds Abyss, allowing Styles to drill him with kicks.

    Styles taunted Sting, who tried to come after him. The referee stopped Sting, allowing Tomko a chance to choke Abyss in the corner. Tomko and Abyss drill each other with a double clothesline in the center of the ring. Tomko tagged Styles, who used Abyss like a springboard to attack Sting in the corner. He then turned his attention to Abyss, who drilled him. Sting tagged in and DDT'd Styles, then hits a faceplant on Tomko.

    Sting clotheslined Tomko over the top rope to the floor. Sting began peppering Styles in the corner with punches, but Styles pulled out from under him and dropped Sting across the turnbuckles with snake eyes. Abyss was preparing to come off the ropes to the floor so Styles dropkicked him, sending him into Tomko on the floor. The storyline was Styles didn't realize that he got Tomko by getting Abyss. Sting began nailing Styles. Styles went for a springboard move but Sting shoved him forward. Styles took out Abyss and Tomko. Sting went to the top rope and dove to the floor on everyone.

    Sting grabbed a chair and drilled Tomko. Back in the ring, Sting went for the Scorpion Deathlock, but Styles escaped and hit an enziguiri. Tomko hit a Fall Away Slam on Sting for a two count. Styles hit a monster dropkick on Sting for a two count. Tomko tagged back in . He picked up Sting and hit a running powerslam for another nearfall. AJ worked over Sting in the corner. He set Sting up for a top rope hurrancanrana but Sting held on. Sting hit a clothesline from the top rope. The crowd rallied behind Sting.

    Abyss tagged in and went for a double chokeslam. Tomko kneed Abyss but was hit with a big clothesline. He nailed AJ, then chokeslammed Tomko for a two count. AJ hit the Pele Kick. Sting made the save to break up the cover. Styles was going for a discus punch but Abyss drilled him and hit Shock Treatment. He called for Doomsday but Tomko hit the ring. Tomko hit the sit down slam but Abyss got his shoulder up right before the three count.

    Sting put the Scorpion Deathlock on Tomko, who began tapping but Styles had the referee distracted. Styles springboarded off the ropes onto Abyss with a forearm. Abyss fell backwards and clunked heads with Sting, who released the hold on Tomko. Sting backdropped Styles over the top. Abyss hit the Black Hole Slam on Tomko and scored the pin.

    Winners: Sting and Abyss!

    James Mitchell appeared on the stage. He told Sting and Abyss to enjoy their moment because there are debts to be paid and "The Doomsday clock is ticking."

    They aired a video feature on the Match of Champions

    TNA champion Kurt Angle & X-Division champion Samoa Joe vs. TNA Tag Team champions Team 3D

    They hire fire dancers for Samoa Joe's entrance. Backstage, Kurt Angle asked Serotinin's Havoc and Martyr to back him up tonight, since Joe wasn't going to be there for him. He asked them for help and they just laughed at him. Angle said it was kind of funny and then laid them out as well with the title belts. They did the big introductions with Jeremy Borash.

    Samoa Joe and Devon started the bout. Devon and Joe started slugging it out cneter ring with punches and kicks. Devon began unloaded on punches in the corner on Joe. Joe hit a running elbow in the corner, followed by a kick to the back of the head. Angle asked for a tag and Joe obliged after looking at him with disgust. Angle took over on Devon, who then tagged to Ray.

    Angle outwrestled Ray early with hiptosses and armdrags, but Ray finally caught him in the corner with chops and punches. Ray kicked Angle, who returned the favor with a back suplex. Joe tagged in and peppered Ray with right hands. Devon tagged in but Joe caught him with an inverted atomic drop. He kicked Devon, then nailed a senton splash for a near fall.

    Angle tagged in and suplexed Devon over, then tried to score several quick pins. Joe tagged in and began drilling Devon with knee strikes and kicks. Angle tagged in and nailed a series of European uppercuts for a near fall. Angle and Joe drilled Devon with elbows together, then knocked Ray off the apron. Joe worked over Devon in the corner with strikes.

    Angle charged Devon, who caught him and slammed him down. Devon scored a two count, but Ray broke up the pin. Devon and Ray had words. Ray tagged himself in by slapped his "brother." Joe began kicking Ray in the legs and rebounded off the ropes. Ray caught him with a uranage but Devon broke it up. 3D had words. The crowd chanted for Devon. Ray begins paint brushing Devon with slaps. Talk about a reversal of their old roles. Ray teased walking out, but returned and lowblowed Joe. They then worked over Angle and hugged. West and Tenay said 3D were playing mind games with everyone.

    Devon measured Joe and drilled him with an elbow. He brought Joe into the corner, allowing Ray to smother Joe in the corner with his boot. Devon continued working over Joe in the corner. They clotheslined Joe's throat over the rope. They take turns working over Joe. Joe tried to battle his way out but Devon caught him. Joe nearly got to Angle for a pin but Ray nailed Angle and mocked the crowd. Devon worked over Joe with a side chinlock.

    Devon missed a splash in the corner, then drilled Ray with a clothesline. He makes the hot tag to Angle. Angle begins unloading with clotheslines and punches. He backdrops Devon, then Ray. Angle hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Ray. He teases the Olympic Slam but Ray escapes and slams him. Devon goes for the wazzup headbutt but Joe nails him. Angle leaped to the ropes and suplexed Devon into the ring. Ray broke up the pin.

    Joe and Angle took turns nailing suplexes and nearly getting pins. Angle goes to the top and hits a moonsault for a two count. Team 3D takes over and Ray teases getting the tables but Joe and Angle grab them each in anklelocks. Ray escaped and kicked Angle off. Angle went to clothesline Ray, who ducked. Angle nailed Joe and looked shocked because he didn't mean to do it.

    Team 3D hit the Dudley Death Drop on Angle. Devon covered Angle but Rick Steiner pulled Earl Hebner out of the ring. Devon and Steiner began brawling on the floor. Ray watched but Scott Steiner hit the ring from the crowd in street clothes and nailed Bubba with a lead pipe. Joe covered Ray but Angle broke it up. Angle went for the Olympic Slam on Ray but Joe clipped him from behind. Angle cradled his leg as if he was injured. Joe then covered Ray for the pin.

    Winners of the match: Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe!

  3. #3
    I'm back J-man's Avatar
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    Yes, they're back

    [Today 08:48 PM] Crossfire: pimping aint easy but its necessary, but Josh is chasing hoes like Tom chases Jerry

  4. #4
    End Of All Things To Come XXKSXX's Avatar
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    So this means Joe has 2 belts now I wounder who his partner is going to be?

    RIP JC

  5. #5
    Danger zone Punisher's Avatar
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    i really want to know i hope he doesn't pick angle as his partner as a joke

    gfx credit: Role Model

    "The best in the world" Andre Jones
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  6. #6
    WOOOOO! Flair Country's Avatar
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    Awesome PPV! I was skeptical about them using the Elevation X structure instead of the steel cables, but they pulled it off very well. XXX getting back together was the highlight of the night for me and Kazarian proved that he deserves to be pushed with his performance tonight. The Match of Champions turned out better than I expected and Joe winning sets up perfectly for his rivalry with Kurt Angle to continue.

    Match of the Night = Ultimate X Gauntlet Match

    Bathroom Break Match = VKM vs. Basham's for the 8th PPV in a row. You should have heard the crowd hating on that crazy looking "Voodoo Queen" chick.

  7. #7
    I am... McLovin!! Bad Boy's Avatar
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    XXX is back, best thing to happen to TNA in a long time... the X match and the main event were good matches, others were alrite...

  8. #8
    LORD of the WASTELAND DEMON's Avatar
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    UHM YEAH...I'm kinda confused on the Cage vs. Harris match!?
    It says that Chris Harris won the match under the recap but says that Christian wont he match IN the recap of it...so who actually won it?
    I'm going to guess that it was Cage and NOT Harris as stated for "winner of the match".

    Also,I thought that XXX were NEVER to be a tag-team again as long as they were in TNA.
    Wasn't that the specifications for their "last" tag match that they were involved with when they were having their feud with AMW a few years back?

  9. #9
    WOOOOO! Flair Country's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceAce View Post
    UHM YEAH...I'm kinda confused on the Cage vs. Harris match!?
    It says that Chris Harris won the match under the recap but says that Christian wont he match IN the recap of it...so who actually won it?
    I'm going to guess that it was Cage and NOT Harris as stated for "winner of the match".

    Also,I thought that XXX were NEVER to be a tag-team again as long as they were in TNA.
    Wasn't that the specifications for their "last" tag match that they were involved with when they were having their feud with AMW a few years back?
    I can help you out with both of those points man.

    1) Christian Cage actually won the match after Dustin Rhodes came in the ring and hit Chris Harris in the head with his pair of handcuffs.

    2) When XXX lost that match to AMW, it was just Skipper and Daniels. Now that all three members are back I think TNA will do one of three things:
    - Only have Skipper & Senshi or Daniels & Senshi team up
    - Have them win back their right to tag again
    - Forget the whole breakup of XXX ever happend

  10. #10
    LORD of the WASTELAND DEMON's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info FC...
    and I'm going to go with the first one on the XXX discussion,but I think it will end up being Skipper&Senshi,since Daniels is doing the singles thing more often than not these days.Plus that way they could use the XXX name,since it was Daniels&Skipper who lost the match and NOT Senshi&Skipper,or something to that effect maybe.

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