RAW Results - 23rd Jul, 2007
Location - Sacramento, California
Announcers - J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

We start off tonight’s show with Jonathan Coachman in his office and he says that thanks to him, last night’s Great American Bash was a success thanks to the plethora of matches from the Raw brand including John Cena successfully defending his title against Bobby Lashley. Coach says that we are five weeks away from SummerSlam and a new number one contender will be determined. We will know who John Cena will be facing at SummerSlam by the end of the night. Tonight we will see all of the champions in a match as Umaga joins forces with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch to face John Cena and Candice Michelle in a No Disqualification Champions Only Match.

We are live from Sacramento, California and your announcers are Jim ‘Morris Day’ Ross and Jerry ‘Jerome’ Lawler.

The ring is filled with a table with some fruit, and a goblet. There is also a throne in the ring. King Booker and Queen Sharmell come to the ring.

We go to King Booker’s comments from last week when he ordered ‘Jerome’ Lawler to kiss his ring and Jerry’s refusal. We see Booker punch Lawler but Lawler responded with punches of his own.

King Booker and his queen enter the ring. Booker sits looking at Jerome and he addresses Jerome saying that they got off on the wrong foot last week. He says that they are both civilized and they should be able to solve things like gentlemen. He has set up a kingly compromise for Jerry to state why they should be the true king in the WWE.

Jerry goes to the ring and Booker says that he looks well. Booker says that he has spared no expense for Jerome. Booker asks Jerry how he is doing. Jerry has some problems with the microphone and Booker demands another mic for Jerome. Booker says that he should be King because he earned it in the King of the Ring last year. He was made the King. You cannot just go around calling yourself a king because that is an empty gesture. Booker talks about the sham of an organization known as the Sacramento Kings. What gives them the right to call themselves ‘King’ when they have won nothing? The only game they did win was due to a crooked referee. Booker says that he is going to petition to David Stern to have the team renamed the ‘Sacramento Peasants’. Should Ron Artest be a ‘king’? Should Jerome Lawler be a ‘king’? Booker says no. Should the self proclaimed ‘King of Kings’ Triple H be known as a ‘king’? Booker says hell no to that suggestion. The one true King of the WWE is King Booker.

Jerry starts to talk but Sharmell interrupts with an ‘All Hail King Booker’. Jerry says that he can make this real simple. A king is only as good as his kingdom. If the people don’t think of you as a king, you are not really a King. Jerry says that from what he heard, the people do not think that he is much of a King. Jerry says that he thinks the people think the same way about him that he does. He thinks that Booker is a pompous, idiotic, self-delusional, royal pain in the arse.

King Booker demands silence and he says that he will stand for this insubordination no longer. Booker says that if Jerome really feels this way, he defies Jerome to look him in the eye and say the same thing in his face.

Jerry and Booker stand face to face and Jerry says that he has a better idea and he punches Booker. Booker leaves the ring and Jerry throws Booker’s food at him. Sharmell tries to hold Booker back as he stares at Jerry Lawler in the ring.

We go to the back where Melina and Beth Phoenix are walking as they get ready for their Divas Tag Match. We go to commercial.

We are back as Jim Ross talks about last night’s Great American Bash and how it was the twentieth anniversary of his first Bash announcing job.

Melina and Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James and Maria (with Santino Marella)

Mickie and Beth start things off and Mickie pushes Beth in the back but Beth responds with a push and slap to Mickie. Beth with an Irish whip but she charges into an elbow and Mickie with a head scissors and slap. Beth runs Mickie into the corner and she kicks and punches Mickie before she tags in Melina. Melina kicks Mickie but Mickie with forearms. Melina with a kick and forearm to Mickie. Mickie with a kick to Melina when she charges into the corner. Maria is tagged in and they hit a double back body drop on Melina. Melina rolls to the apron and Beth kicks Maria in the head. Melina kicks Maria and pulls her up by the hair before Melina connects with a head butt. Melina with kicks to the midsection before tagging Beth back into the match. Beth with a near fall on Maria and then she has Maria in a reverse chin lock. Maria tries for a snap mare but Beth blocks it. Maria punches Beth but Beth gets Maria up in a double chicken wing. Melina tags in and she teases Mickie with a tag for Maria. Melina with a double sledge to Maria’s back and then she rubs Maria’s head into the mat. Melina with a kick to the midsection. Maria with a double leg take down on Melina and then Mickie is tagged in. Mickie with a head scissors and then she hits Beth on the apron. Mickie with a Louise Thesz Press on Melina. Mickie’s hair is pulled on the apron by Beth, but Mickie hits a double sledge on Melina for a near fall. Mickie with an Irish whip and then Maria is tagged in after Mickie hits a monkey flip. Maria goes up top and hits a cross body but Beth breaks up the cover. Beth knocks Mickie off the apron. Mickie argues with the referee and Maria ducks a double clothesline and Santino gets up from the announce table and he trips Beth and Melina at ringside. Maria with a bulldog to Melina for the three count.

Winners: Maria and Mickie James

Santino joins Maria and Mickie in the ring for the celebration.

We go to highlights from the main event between John Cena and Bobby Lashley. We go to commercial.

We are back with a Rewind of the Texas Bullrope Match from the Great American Bash between Dusty Rhodes and Randy Orton.

Gerald Brisco is in the back talking to Cody Rhodes giving him advice on his match with Randy Orton. Randy gets in Cody’s face and he says that Dusty taught him many things growing up but one of those things was not common sense. Cody says that Randy does not know what his father taught him. Randy says that he could have kicked in his father’s face last night but he didn’t because of pity. Cody says that it was not pity, it was because Randy is afraid. Randy says that the only person who should be afraid is Cody because what he will do in the ring involve serious consequence. Randy says that he will let Cody walk out with what little dignity he has. Cody says that he will see Randy in the ring. Orton says that Cody did this to himself.

We go to Gene Snitsky and he says that his name is Snitsky and he asks if it makes him a bad person that when he hurts people, he has no remorse? He broke someone’s arm when he was seven years old and he felt no regret and no remorse. He cannot tell us why, but their pain is his pleasure.

Todd Grisham is with the WWE Champion John Cena. Todd congratulates John on his victory but then he talks about Cena’s match tonight. John says that this one is a little crazy. He tells Todd to close his eyes and he asks Todd to imagine the silhouette of a beautiful woman in the distance. Then you realize that the woman is Candice Michelle and she means business. John says that Candice whispers in your ear and says that tonight you are going to be my partner and we can wrestle together. When she is about to put her hands on you, you are interrupted by the cast of Brokeback Mountain and a four hundred pound Samoan that smells like coconuts and urinal cakes. That is Cena’s reality tonight. Todd wants to know why Cena would do that to him. Todd also asks about the new number one contender at SummerSlam. Cena says that the last three times he defended the title it was against future first ballot Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels, seven foot four Punjabi giant the Great Khali, and then last night he had to defend the title against the best pure athlete this business has ever seen. Cena says that he is about to hit this ring virtually by himself to face the Redneck Wrecking Crew and the Samoan Bulldozer. Jonathan Coachman can name his number one contender but he has a message for that person. He is always there and if you want some . . . come get some. We go to commercial.

Sandman and Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs William Regal and Carlito

Regal and Sandman start things off and Regal with a kick and forearms to Sandman. Sandman with a back elbow and then he punches Carlito. Sandman with a knee and front face lock. Carlito makes the tag while Jonathan Coachman watches from his office. Carlito kicks Sandman before tagging Regal back into the match. Regal with forearms in the corner and then he tries for a suplex but Sandman blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Duggan tags in and so does Carlito. Duggan punches Carlito and then slams his head into the turnbuckle. Duggan with a back body drop and punches of ten and he sends Regal off the apron. Sandman and Regal fight on the floor. Duggan with an Irish whip but he misses the shoulder into the corner and Carlito hits the lungblower for the three count.

Winners: William Regal and Carlito

We go to commercial.

We are back and Carlito and Regal talk in the back and Carlito says that if Coach is looking for a number one contender, Coach found the man. Carlito says that things are going his way but then he takes a bite out of his apple and it does not taste right. Carlito spits the apple but we see that he spit it on Bobby Lashley.

Carlito says that he did not see Lashley there and then he runs away.

Carlito runs back into the arena and then he takes the mic from Lillian Garcia. He says that some times accidents happen and that was an accident. He says that he should not have to apologize for an accident but he wants to apologize. He says that he is sorry and he says that if Bobby Lashley accepts his apology, he tells Bobby not to do anything. Carlito says that Bobby understands.

Lashley’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Carlito tries to talk his way out of it but Lashley gets to the apron but Carlito knocks Lashley off the apron. Carlito punches Lashley and then he tries to Irish whip Lashley into the ring steps but Lashley leaps over the ring steps. Carlito tries to go to the back but Lashley stops him and then he drops Carlito on the apron. They get into the ring and Lashley hits a running power slam on Carlito. Lashley stands over Carlito while his music plays.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage from the Texas Bullrope Match from the Great American Bash followed by Cody Rhodes making the save for his father after the match.

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes

They lock up and Orton with a side head lock and take down. Orton gets back to his feet for another side head lock take down. Rhodes with a head scissors but Orton gets out of the hold. Orton with a slap but Rhodes responds with a standing drop kick that sends Orton into the ropes. Orton with a knee and forearms to the back and neck. Orton slams Cody’s head into the turnbuckle. Orton with an Irish whip but Rhodes with a cross body for a near fall. Orton with a kick followed by an Irish whip. Rhodes with a sunset flip for a two count. Orton responds with a punch to the head and Rhodes is stunned. Orton with a neck breaker and then he stomps on Cody’s ankles before going to the head. Orton stomps on the hand before slapping Cody in the back of the head. Cody with a kick and chops to Orton followed by forearms. Orton with a drop kick when Rhodes comes off the ropes. Orton with a boot to the head. Orton with a hard Irish whip and Rhodes goes down again. Orton picks up Rhodes and then he connects with a European uppercut. Orton chokes Rhodes with his boot. Rhodes with a rollup for a two count but Orton responds with a devastating clothesline for a two count. Orton with a reverse chin lock on Rhodes. Orton and Rhodes exchange punches but Orton gets the advantage. Rhodes drops down and hits an uppercut and then he goes up top. Orton returns to his feet and Orton moves out of the way when Rhodes comes off the top turnbuckle. Orton lies in wait for Rhodes to get back to his feet and Orton hits the RKO for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

Orton waits for Rhodes to get to his feet but Dusty comes to the ring and he punches Orton and follows that with an elbow. Orton rolls out of the ring and then Dusty checks on his son. Randy Orton gets back in the ring and he kicks Dusty in the head and Dusty is out cold. Referees come out to remove Orton from the ring while Cody checks on his dad.

A stretcher comes to the ring while the medical staff checks on Dusty. We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the Orton/Rhodes match followed by Orton’s kick to Dusty Rhodes’s head. We then see Dusty being stretchered to the back.

Ken Kennedy vs Jeff Hardy

Kennedy and Hardy lock up in a collar and elbow tie up and Hardy with a clean break but Kennedy tries to slap Hardy but Hardy moves out of the way. Kennedy works on the arm with an arm bar but Hardy reverses. Kennedy with a clean break but he punches Hardy but Hardy holds on the ropes when Kennedy tries for a drop kick. Hardy tries for a leg drop but Kennedy blocks it and gets a near fall. Kennedy misses a series of kicks and then he hits the leg drop. Hardy kicks Kennedy and then he slams Kennedy’s head into the turnbuckles. Kennedy with a kick and forearm to Hardy followed by another kick. Kennedy with a hammer lock but Hardy reverses. Kennedy reverses again but so does Hardy. Kennedy heads for the ropes to send Kennedy outside. Hardy lands on his feet. Kennedy tries for a baseball slide to the floor but Hardy returns to the ring and he hits a baseball slide of his own followed by a somersault plancha and both men are on the floor outside the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back and Hardy kicks Kennedy in the corner followed by a punch. Kennedy with an Irish whip and then he hits a wheelbarrow slam for a two count. Kennedy kicks Hardy in the shoulder and head followed by a boot to the head. Kennedy chokes Hardy in the ropes and Kennedy gets a near fall. Kennedy with a front chancery but Hardy gets to his feet and he punches and kicks Kennedy. Kennedy with a forearm to the back of the head followed by a neck breaker for a two count. Kennedy punches Hardy and has him in a cravate but Hardy punches his way out of the hold. Kennedy with an Irish whip and Hardy goes up for the Whisper in the Wind but he slips on the ropes and he lands on his neck. The referee checks on Hardy and then Kennedy covers but only gets a two count. Hardy punches and kicks Kennedy. Kennedy with an Irish whip and Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind. Hardy with back elbows and a mule kick. Hardy with a baseball slide in the corner for a near fall but Kennedy had his arm under the ropes. Kennedy with a knee and then he gets Hardy up in a fireman’s carry. Hardy with a facebuster and then he goes up top but Kennedy rolls outside the ring. Hardy gets on the ringside barrier and runs it and hits a flying clothesline. Kennedy and Hardy fight to the back and Hardy sends Kennedy into the TitanTron and Hardy is able to get back into the ring before the referee makes the ten count.

Winner: Jeff Hardy (by count out)

Jim Ross talks about what happened to Dusty Rhodes earlier in the show. Jerry Lawler talks about the psychological effect on Cody. We see Dusty being taken into the ambulance and Cody going with him. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Triple H video package and he will be returning at SummerSlam.

Paul London and Brian Kendrick versus Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

Haas and Kendrick start things off and Haas draws London in to distract Kendrick and the referee as Benjamin hits Kendrick in the back. Haas with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot from Kendrick. Kendrick goes to the turnbuckles and he hits an arm drag. Kendrick with a head scissors to Haas and then Kendrick goes outside the ring and he pulls Benjamin off the apron. Haas with a baseball slide to Kendrick that sends him into the ringside barrier. Haas pulls Kendrick back into the ring and Benjamin tags in and he kicks Kendrick and punches him. Benjamin with more punches and then he applies a modified cobra clutch. Kendrick gets to his feet and he connects with a forearm. Benjamin with a spin kick for a two count that is broken up by London. Haas tags in and he connects with a knee to the midsection. Haas with a body scissors and reverse chin lock. Kendrick gets to his feet but Haas with a knee. Kendrick with an enzuigiri to Haas and both men are down. London makes the tag and he knocks Benjamin off the apron. London with an elbow and drop kick followed by a reverse atomic drop and rana. Benjamin comes in but he misses a clothesline. London and Kendrick with a double drop kick that sends Benjamin out of the ring. They do the same to Haas. Kendrick tries for a pescado but Benjamin moves out of the way and Kendrick lands hard on the ground. London with forearms to Haas but Haas with a hot shot and then Benjamin with a leap frog senton splash. Haas with a German suplex and bridge for the three count.

Winners: Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

We go to commercial.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight Moment of the Cody Rhodes/Randy Orton match and the aftermath when Randy kicked Dusty Rhodes in the head.

Jim and Jerry talk about the effect that it will have on Cody and they say that it is not Cody’s fault.

King Booker and Queen Sharmell come out. Queen Sharmell addresses Jerry Lawler and she says that his actions against King Booker were unconscionable. King Booker tried to do things peacefully but Jerry did not have the intelligence to accept his generous offer. Therefore, Jerry will pay a hefty price. King Booker takes the mic and he tells Jerry that next week on Raw, he will face Lawler in the ring and he will beat Jerry like the dog he is. The reign of blasphemy will be over.

Jerry says that he will show King Booker next week why he has been called the King for thirty years.

Jonathan Coachman is in the hall and Todd Grisham stops him and he wants to know if Coach has come up with a decision. Coach says that he wants to tell the new number one contender before he makes the announcement.

Candice Michelle stops Coachman and she needs to talk to Coach about the match. She wants Coach to reconsider. She says that if Coach has issues with Cena, she does not want to be part of it. She does not want to face Umaga because he is a monster. Coach tells Candice that this is a Champions Only match and he needs her. She is more than a Diva, she is a champion. Coach says that he knows that she will do well.

We see Umaga, Lance Cade, and Trevor Murdoch walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Umaga defeating Jeff Hardy at the Great American Bash to retain the Intercontinental Title

Intercontinental Champion Umaga and World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch versus Women’s Champion Candice Michelle and WWE Champion John Cena in a No Disqualification Champions Only Match

Cena takes on Murdoch and Cade as he takes them down. Umaga takes Cena down with a shoulder. Cade with a forearm to Cena’s back. Murdoch tags in and Cade gets Murdoch up for a leg drop to Cena’s neck. Murdoch with crossfaces to Cena and then he tags Cade back into the match. Murdoch sends Cade into the corner and he hits Cena with a forearm. Cade gets a two count. Umaga tags in and he punches Cena. Umaga with a hard Irish whip and then he kicks Cena in the back. Murdoch is tagged back in and he punches Cena but Cena punches back. Murdoch with a kick followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Murdoch with punches to Cena that back Cena to the ropes. Cena with a kick followed by a blockbuster. Cena with a Blue Thunder Driver to Cade. Umaga with an uranage to Cena and Cena is down in the corner. Cade and Murdoch surround Candice and she retreats into the ring. Umaga sees Candice and she is in the corner. Cade and Murdoch hold Candice in the corner for Umaga. Jeff Hardy comes to the ring and he hits Umaga with a steel chair repeatedly as Candice goes to the back. Hardy throws the chair at Umaga as they fight to the TitanTron and to the back.

Back to the action in the ring, Cena with a back body drop to Murdoch and then he sends Cade and Murdoch into the ring post. Cena with an FU to Murdoch for the three count.

Winners: Women’s Champion Candice Michelle and WWE Champion John Cena

Randy Orton hits an RKO on John Cena.

Jonathan Coachman comes out and says that the new number one contender is Randy Orton and he will face John Cena at SummerSlam. We go to credits.
