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  1. #1
    'The Fallen Angel' OMEN's Avatar
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    Default May 19th Kane sets HollyWood on Fire

    From Freddy to Jason, movie audiences have been spooked by some of the most unique and menacing iconic figures in the horror movie genre. Now you can add the psychopathic Jacob Goodnight to this esteemed list, featured in the movie See No Evil, opening May 19, Goodnight is played by Glen Jacobs, who entertains throngs of fans as WWE superstar Kane. Whether it was under a haunting mask or in his current state, his nine-year ongoing run as the unstoppable big red machine provided the main inspiration behind his role as an unhinged killer.

    “I couldn’t really use anyone else for Jacob Goodnight,” said Jacobs, “The other characters he is going to be compared to, such as Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees, are basically one-dimensional killing machines. They’re like an animal that kills because that is what they do. Jacob is very human and has human emotions, but he chooses to be a killing machine. So he has a lot more depth than a Jason Voorhees or a Michael Myers.” Kane is a tormented soul, corrupted by a succession of broken relationships. He continues to leave a path of battered superstars lying whenever he enters a ring. It’s no surprise the role of Goodnight was a good fit.

    “Based on what I do in WWE as Kane had the most impact on Jacob,” said Jacobs, who even had a book produced by WWE to explain the background of Kane called Journey into Darkness: the Unauthorized History of Kane to further his character’s development. “They are different characters, but they share similarities. We both had horrible childhoods. At least some people would say so. We are both extremely large men who use our physical presence to impose our will, whether it’s dispatching someone or just using our size as an intimidation factor.

    “Also, because Jacob does most of his talking with his actions that is something I learned from my experience in WWE. Especially all those years I wore the mask and had to portray my emotions through body language. Not so much from facials or verbiage. You see that in the movie too. You can tell what Jacob is doing by the way he’s moving or acting.”

    Jacobs shot the film during his time recovering from injuries sustained in the ring during the fall of 2004. Compared to the constant grind of the traveling entertainment empire of WWE, working on a movie was a nice break. “The schedule of the movie is much easier,” said Jacobs. “There is no travel involved as opposed to in the WWE where you’re on the road about four nights a week, and every night is in a different town. Despite that it took two months to film the movie, and I was away from home the whole time, it was almost a vacation in that respect. My experience in WWE helped prepare me to do the stunt work in the movie, of which I do all of my own stunts. Compared to the physicality of what happens in WWE the stunts were actually a lot easier.

    “One major difference transitioning from the movie to WWE is in WWE, especially on the Raw show, it is a live show. We do almost everything live and almost everything in one take. Of course in a movie it is not like that at all, you do many takes, which for me is very alien. There was a little voice telling me that wasn’t good because your doing it again, which is something I’m not used to, but that’s the nature of the beast, and I understood that.”

    Another aspect of shooting a major motion picture was Jacobs had to perform in front of a handful of crew members, as opposed to thousands of screaming WWE fans in an arena. “When you’re in front of 20,000 people they tell you when it’s good and when it’s not,” said Jacobs. “Of course on the movie set it’s a completely artificial environment. Usually on a movie set you have a guy telling you they don’t want any noise, so you’re not getting that instant feedback. Also, the director and everybody is not going to take the time to say that was good, or that was this, or that was that because you’re going to do 50 more of them. “Just after a while you would just not get anywhere, they will tell you the adjustments to make or say that was ok. You just don’t get the instantaneous feedback because the atmosphere is so artificial. In WWE you feed off of the fans, and the fans feed off of me. Then of course on the movie set there is none of that. For me that was the most difficult part of the transition.”

    See No Evil is the first release from WWE Films in conjunction with Lion Gate Films. The same studio which brought the pro wrestling documentary Beyond the Mat and the successful Saw horror series to theaters. In other words there is a lot banking on making this rated R movie a success when it opens during the competitive start of the summer season. To help with promotion WWE implemented elements of the movie into Kane’s current storyline where May 19, the date the film opens, sets off a path of rage whenever it’s said to him. The storyline hasn’t revealed why it causes Kane to go crazy, but WWE fans are getting programmed to remember the date.

    “I think its genius,” said Jacobs. “One thing, this is our debut movie, so we’re going to use every advantage we can to make the movie a success. I would like to see, and I know we’re going to see it in the next few weeks, is my story being told. Why is this date May 19 so important to me? What exactly happened on that date? Then I think I will become more violent, malicious and eviler than I’ve ever been.” The newest extension of the Kane is more vicious and unpredictable as he’s ever been. Jacobs prefers this side of Kane over the fun-loving big man he was in the past.

    “I’ve always been a big fan of the evil men,” said Jacobs. “Especially guys like Hannibal Lector, that’s what I like. So of course that translates to what I do in a WWE ring. That is just something I prefer and most everybody is going to tell you it is more fun to be the bad guy because the bad guy can do whatever he wants.”

    He hopes his current position in WWE will lead to an eventual title shot against champion John Cena or an extended program with Shawn Michaels. “I have never had a match with John Cena,” said Jacobs. “I’ve been in the ring with him a couple of times as an opponent in the Royal Rumble a couple of years ago in Fresno. I think the only other time was in a six-man tag match, and he was on my team. So I think he is the one guy that I’ve never had a match with and never done more than that. Also, I’d love to work with Shawn Michaels again, just because we did one pay-per-view match, which was just so tremendous with him. He is such a great performer. I would like to do as many PPVs as I could with him.”

    While it’s always a plus to have gold around your waste, in today’s pro wrestling environment it’s not everything. “[The WWE championship] isn’t imperative,” said Jacobs. “As long as I’m doing my job of entertaining the fans, this is most important. That is what I look forward to than anything else. Whatever comes, comes. I would more so think it keeps the Kane character fresh and very interesting because the great thing about being in WWE is you don’t have to be in the title chase to be effective or interesting.” No matter how the movie does, unlike the Rock, WWE superstar is Kane’s full time job. The acting bug is something past pro wrestlers including Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan have gotten to certain degrees, but Jacobs prefers the squared circle instead of the silver screen. “I love the WWE,” said Jacobs. “That is what I am first and foremost is a WWE superstar. WWE has been good to me, and I think this story about me and about Kane has been one of the best stories and best character developments WWE has ever done. I think it’s very flattering to me. If I were to do another movie it would be a sequel to See No Evil.”

    Beneath his demonic exterior is a humble man at peace with his life. A quality found seemingly rare in the callous world of Hollywood or sports entertainment. It’s very rare you read anything negative on the internet about Jacobs or a fan’s dissatisfaction meeting the superstar.

    “I’ve always been able to stay pretty grounded,” said Jacobs. “I mean I do what I do because that is what I do. When I get away from that all, I’m just me. I’m happy with who I am, and what I am, and I’m a content human being.

    “I’ve gotten some interesting things through the years [with fans] and of course Undertaker is that same way. Fans of Kane and the Undertaker are extremely devoted. The story of Kane has been so well done and a lot of people relate to that on a very emotional level.”

    Despite the many changes of the Kane character his fans, dubbed kanenites, always support him. For Jacobs the fans are the reason for the longevity and future of Kane.

    “Kane is here to stay,” said Jacobs. “The only thing that will change is he will be more Kaneish than ever” - WWE is boasting the red carpet world premiere of Kane’s film debut in See No Evil on Monday, May 8 in Anaheim, Ca. Raw and SmackDown! superstars in support of their colleague. While the premiere is sold out fans are encouraged to attend. Visit wwe.com and seenoevilthemovie.com for more details.

    - See No Evil Friday, May 19.

    'Without Order Nothing Can Exist - Without Chaos Nothing Can Grow'

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Nice read, thanx for posting. I can't wait for this movie.

  3. #3
    Rejected From Hell
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    thanks omen, can't wait either.. uh oh.. you said that date!

  4. #4
    LOW's Draven Alexander W-OLF's Avatar
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    I cant either and if Lion is exicited its got to be good , or at least worth watching :wink: .

    Never lost a LOW Title
    2010 LOW Hall Of Fame Draven Alexander

  5. #5
    Ring Crew
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    id watch it

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