Pete Doherty was held in Tower Hamlets
Rock star Pete Doherty has been arrested for suspected drug possession after performing at the V festival.

The 28-year-old singer was arrested in the Tower Hamlets area of east London in the early hours of Monday.

He is being held at an east London police station after the car he was travelling in was stopped by police.

Doherty took to the stage with his band Babyshambles on Sunday night at the festival at Weston Park on the border of Staffordshire and Shropshire.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said a 28-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of drugs.

Stomach implant

Less than two weeks ago, a judge told Doherty he must kick his drug habit or go to jail.

The singer admitted driving illegally while in possession of crack, heroin, ketamine and cannabis in High Street Kensington, west London.

District Judge Davinder Lachlar asked for reports on Doherty's rehabilitation before making a decision during a hearing at West London Magistrates' Court.

Doherty has undergone a stomach implant to help him kick drugs.

A total of 76 people were arrested at the event at Weston Park over the weekend - more than half for drugs offences.