HOT STUFF: Pop star Mariah Carey is sleeping in a sauna to improve her voice, it has been reported.

Chart-topping pop star Mariah Carey is reportedly sleeping in a sauna every night to improve her voice.

The singer was advised by her friend, the late singer Luther Vandross, to adopt the bizarre night-time routine, because steam relaxes the vocal chords.

She said: "It's for my throat. Sleeping in there will make my voice better because of the steam. Luther Vandross was actually the one who told me about the humidity being helpful for the voice."

However, Mariah moves to her normal bed when the searing sauna temperatures get too much.

She is quoted by Britain's Daily Express newspaper as saying: "I sleep in there - on a water bed covered by a terry cloth - for three hours, then I go into my normal room."

The 39-year-old pop star, known for her diva-like demands, spends another 12 hours in the sack everyday to keep her incredible voice in top condition.

She revealed: "I've got to sleep for a total of 15 hours to sing the way I want to."
Bang! Showbiz