Television star April Ieremia is championing a cause close to her heart breast cancer.

The former Silver Fern is the face of the Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition (BCAC) awareness month and has seen first-hand the devastating effects of the disease.

April's mum, Edith Ieremia, was diagnosed with it eight years ago.

Christchurch-based health promoter Edith, 61, endured months of gruelling chemotherapy and radiation in her bid to beat the cancer.

"Mum felt tired and was sore under her arm she went to the doctor, he sent her off to have a mammogram and that afternoon she was told she had breast cancer," April told Sunday News.

"When I heard I thought, `She's going to die'.

"I spent a week or two wallowing in tears I really thought that was it.

"Then I realised I had to pull myself together and be optimistic for her."

Fortunately, Edith won her battle with the disease but she lost her husband Kutoli, April's dad, to pancreatic cancer two years ago.

April knew little about breast cancer when her mother was diagnosed but has since learnt how widespread it is.

One in eight Kiwi women will get the disease.

Now April regularly checks herself for lumps.

"People think it affects those in the 50s age bracket but it's starting in people who are in their 20s now," she said.

April is encouraging people to hold Tim Tam Pink Tea Parties to raise money during awareness month.

"It's not just about fundraising, it's also about raising awareness," she said.

"People prefer not to know they've got a terrible illness but it's important to act quickly."

April is concerned that while most developed countries provide sufferers with one year's worth of treatment with the anti-breast cancer drug Herceptin, the New Zealand government only provides nine weeks' worth.

She is preparing to petition parliament to extend the length of Herceptin provision.

April, who is about to embark on a Mediterranean cruise to mark her 40th birthday, is also juggling her role as spokeswoman for BCAC with her new job as the face of Sky's Living Channel.

She'll be providing more local content starting with real estate show New Zealand Open Home.

Despite her sporting background, mum-of-two April can't see herself returning to that field in any bigger capacity than coaching her kids' school netball teams when they're older.

"I loved sport when I did it but I'm really happy moving on," she said as she relaxed in her plush Auckland apartment.

Sunday News