MAD MAX director GEORGE MILLER has blasted film bosses in his native Australia for failing to give the producers of his new superheroes movie JUSTICE LEAGUE the cash incentives they needed to film Down Under.

The explosive blockbuster was set to start shooting in Australia in June (08) - after delays caused by the Hollywood writers strike - but now the film, tentatively titled Justice League Mortal, is set for relocation.

And Miller is annoyed that Aussie movie bigwigs couldn't save the shoot - by refusing to give producers major cost-cutting cash incentives they were expecting.

He rages, "A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Australian film industry is being frittered away because of very lazy thinking.

"If that's going to be the final decision, they're throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars of investment that the rest of the world is competing for and, much more significantly, highly skilled creative jobs."

Meanwhile, in casting news for the film, Heroes star Stephen Tobolowsky is reportedly in negotiations to play Batman's butler Alfred in the movie, which will star Adam Brody, Megan Gale, Common and Armie Hammer.