Impact opens with highlights from Lockdown where Samoa Joe finally defeated Kurt Angle to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. The Impact intro then hits and we are welcomed to tonight’s show that will feature three championship matches with the X Division, Women’s title and the tag team titles all on the line.

Samoa Joe’s music hits and the new champion comes down the ring with the strap over his shoulder. Joe says he put everything on the line in his match at Lockdown and dedicates the match to the TNA fans. Joe then promises to defend the title with honor and respect and says it’s real… it’s damn real.

Scott Steiner’s music hits and comes down to the ring with Petey Williams and Rhaka Khan. Steiner is happy with Williams’ progress and sacrificing everything during his initiation and rewards him with the X Division title shot brief case. Steiner then runs down Samoa Joe and calls him genetic junk but is interrupted by Kurt Angle’s music as Angle makes his way down to the ring.

Angle grabs a microphone and admits that he lost the match to Samoa Joe, but he has learned from his mistakes and will not repeat it twice. Angle tells Steiner that he will have a title match at Sacrifice, but it may not be against Joe. Angle then whips out his TNA contract that has a title rematch clause in it and wants it next week on Impact.

Lauren is backstage with Christian Cage and Rhino who asks about their future as a team. Cage and Rhino say that they grew up together in this business and have been through hell together as they are then interrupted by Team 3D. Brother Devon gets an opportunity on the mic and says that Cage will eventually turn on Rhino as he always does. Brother Ray chimes in and calls Rhino a former shell of what he used to be and calls for his backup, in the form of Kip James, James Storm and Robert Roode, and the five of them beat down Cage and Rhino until security run down and break it up.

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Jay Lethal, who is trying to get So Cal Val out of the women’s bathroom. She finally does come out but is with Sonjay Dutt. Lethal and Val head to the ring as Borash questions what Dutt was doing in the bathroom with Val. Dutt claims that the two were just talking and Borash says he is on to him.

Match 1: Johnny Devine vs. Jay Lethal (X Division Title Match)
Hermie Sadler joins the announce team as we head into the X Division title match. Devine attacks Lethal before the bell rings and brings the match to the outside and tosses Lethal against the railing before sending him back in the ring and locking on an abdominal stretch. Devine hits a top rope moonsault and picks up a close near fall and Lethal finally starts to fight back and hits the Lethal Combination. Lethal then picks up the pin fall after landing a top rope elbow.

After the match, Petey Williams runs down to the ring and clocks Lethal with the briefcase that was given to him by Steiner and we head into a commercial break.

We return to see Lethal’s head inside of the briefcase and Williams is stomping on it. Williams gets on the microphone and says he is cashing in on his title shot right now.

Match 2: Jay Lethal vs. Petey Williams (X Division Title Match)
Rudy Charles reluctantly rings the bell as Williams lands the Canadian Destroyer to pick up the win and the X Division title in the process. As Petey Williams celebrates with his new championship, Sonjay Dutt runs down to the ring to check on his friend.

Lauren is backstage with the LAX, who say they are tired of waiting around and they are going to take back the tag teams titles tonight.

Matt Morgan makes his way down to the ring with a microphone. Morgan calls Jim Cornette a father figure and says his time is now. Morgan says he is going to make his mark in TNA and says he going to be the blueprint for how a big giant should look, talk, and wrestle like.

Lauren is backstage with Samoa Joe who talks about being the standard bearer in TNA as Kevin Nash appears from behind and stares down his title. Joe welcomes Angle’s challenge next week and both Joe & Nash leave the room together.

Match 3: The LAX vs. Eric Young & Kaz vs. AJ Styles & Tomko (TNA Tag Team Title Match)
Footage from the past two pay-per-views is aired that show both of tonights challenging teams winning an opportunity to face the tag team champions. The match starts with no real team having an advantage as Eric Young heads up the ramp and we are sent to a commercial break.

We return to see Kaz in control of the match but he is soon taken down by Homicide. Styles & Tomko land the tornado-plex on Kaz and try to put the match away, but the pin attempt is broken up by Homicide and Hernandez. They then take out Tomko on the outside of the ring as Kaz lands the flux capacitor on Styles and Super Eric makes his way to the ring. Young tags into the match and pins Styles with a bridging suplex to win the tag team gold.

After a commercial break, Styles & Tomko are in Jim Cornette’s office where they are claiming there was outside interference as he started the match as Eric Young, not Super Eric. He wants Cornette to ask Young if they are two different people and if he is, they want their belts back.

Match 4: Team 3D vs. Rhino & Christian Cage
Both teams go back and forth in the early going of this match. Cage takes out both members of Team 3D with a dive out to the floor as we head to a commercial break. We return to see Team 3D in control as Devon picks up a two count on Cage. Brother Ray enters the match and continues on the attack but Cage is able to turn the tide by landing a low blow on Ray before tagging in Rhino. Rhino takes down both members of Team 3D and is about to deliver a gore to Brother Ray, but he manages to get out of the way and Rhino nails Cage instead. Devon then tries for a clothesline from behind on Rhino but he also misses and nails his partner. Rhino then rolls up Devon from behind to pick up the victory.

Rhino and Cage leave the ring together as Team 3D look on in the ring in disbelief. The two get into a shoving match in the ring until security has to come in and break them up.

Jim Cornette confronts Eric Young, who plays up the fact that he and Super Eric are two different people. Cornette wants to talk to him later on in the ring as there is some sort of commotion going on as the Knockouts are arguing in their dressing room. Cornette isn’t happy with their attitude and calls them all spoiled. Cornette says there is going to be some changes made before leaving the room.

After a commercial break, Cornette is in the ring with the former tag team champs and Cornette apologizes to the fans for all of the stupidity that has during the program and promises to bring it to an end quick. Cornette calls out Eric Young but Kaz comes out instead with both tag team titles. Super Eric then comes out but refuses to admit that he is Eric Young, much to the dismay of Kaz who tries to reason with him. Cornette then strips them of the tag team titles and vacates the championship to think about what he wants to do with the titles.

Lauren is backstage with James Storm, Robert Roode and Kip James. James and Storm argue for a bit before Roode steps in the middle. They then cut a promo for their match tonight against Sting, Booker T and BG James.

Match 5: Roxxi Laveaux vs. Awesome Kong (TNA Women’s Championship)
Kong dominates Laveaux in the opening moments of the match until she lands a jawbreaker on the champion. It isn’t enough, however, to take Kong down, who powers her way back into the match. Kong tries for a top rope splash, but Laveaux moves out of the way and picks up a pair of near falls on the champ after landing a boot to Kong’s face and a spinning neckbreaker. A couple of near falls is enough for Kong to start firing back with a spinning back fist and an Awesome Bomb to pick up the win.

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Kurt Angle who is upset that his dressing room had been turned into a storage closet. Angle says he slipped up once and tells Joe to enjoy his title reign as he will be winning the title back next week.

Match 6: Kip James/James Storm/Robert Roode vs. BG James/Booker T/Sting
There is fast action and fast tags going on to start the match off, with all six men getting a little bit of time in the ring. After our final commercial break, Roode and his team are in control of the match as they have BG James isolated on their side of the ring. James and Roode collide in the ring and James is able to tag in Booker, who comes in and cleans house.

The match quickly breaks down and Storm takes down Booker with a kick to the back of the head. Jacqueline distracts Earl Hebner as Storm is about to smash a beer bottle over Booker’s head, but Matt Morgan comes down and levels Storm with a boot to the face. Booker then follows with an ax kick and picks up the win for his team.

After the match, Matt Morgan climbs up to the ring apron and explains his actions to the team, which seems to irk Booker as he pushes Sting away when he tries to get in the middle of the two. Booker grabs a microphone and tells Morgan that he doesn’t need any help from Morgan and calls out Sting for backing Morgan and challenges Sting to a match next week.

A video package for the huge title rematch next week is aired as Impact comes to a close.

Quick Results
- Jay Lethal defeated Johnny Devine by pin fall to retain the X Division title.
- Petey Williams defeated Jay Lethal by pin fall to gain the X Division title.
- Eric Young & Kaz defeated AJ Styles & Tomko and The LAX to win the TNA Tag Team titles.
- Rhino & Christian Cage defeated Team 3D by pin fall.
- Awesome Kong defeated Roxxi Laveaux to retain the TNA Women’s Championship.
- BG James/Booker T/Sting defeated Kip James/James Storm/Robert Roode by pin fall.

Starman’s Thoughts
Aside from a few quirks here and there, tonight’s show was solid and was a good close to the Lockdown event. The majority of the matches tonight really had that big time feel to it and the filler was kept down to a minimum. It also appears that next week’s show promises to be the same way as well.

I am going to keep the rest of this short and offer a few random thoughts about tonight’s show.

Scott Steiner hands Petey Williams a free shot at the X Division title. Didn’t these two fight over the cases a couple of months ago at Against All Odds? Now he just hands the title shot back to Petey Williams.

Where has Crystal been lately? She was the best backstage interviewer that TNA has ever had and I would place her near the top of all of the current people in that role in the industry today. She had a good television presence and actually did a great job at what she did. I haven’t seen much of Lauren yet, but I have seen enough to know that I’d rather have Crystal in that role.

Will there ever be a period of time in which a TNA tag team isn’t bickering with one another? We go from the VKM fighting and now it looks like Brother Ray and Brother Devon are starting to go at it. If this continues, my hopes are that Black Reign and Rellik are next and the have a match where both the winner and loser have to leave TNA for good. I’d pay to see that.

There are still three more Impact broadcasts to go until Sacrifice and I am already sick of hearing that word. Tonight was all about people proclaiming the sacrifices they had to make in order to get where they are today. I hope this isn’t a continuing trend as I really don’t want to hear about all of the hard justice people had to fight through in order to get to their current spot.

Neither Don West nor Mike Tenay will ever be viewed as the worst wrestling announcers ever again in my mind. That distinction has been given to Mike Adamle of ECW.
