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    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Default This Day In History - November 13th

    November 13th

    On this day in history in ...

    1963 - Killer Kowalski & Gorilla Monsoon defeat Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard to win the United States (WWWF version) tag team championship.

    1973 - At a WWWF television taping in Hamburg, Pennsylvania, Tony Garea & Dean Ho defeat Toru Tanaka & Mr. Fuji to win the WWWF World Tag Team Title.

    1981 - WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Intercontinental Champion Don Muraco in the main event of a show at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (only the World Title was on the line). The match had a 90-minute time limit, due to a one hour draw between the two the previous month. However, this bout only went 20 minutes. The real draw of the card was a stretcher match between Andre The Giant and Killer Khan, with Andre looking for revenge on Khan for "breaking" his leg. Andre hit Khan with splashes before he was carried off on the stretcher.

    1986 - WWF World Tag Team Champions The British Bulldogs defeated The Can-Am Connection (Rick Martel & Tom Zenk) via disqualification in what would appear to be a rare (at the time) babyface vs. babyface match. However, the match was held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where hometown hero Rick Martel was hugely popular, so the Bulldogs, who got their first break in the Western part of Canada (Calgary), played heel for the match.

    1999 - WWF held the Survivor Series in Detroit, Michigan at the Joe Louis Arena. WWF faced a lot of criticism for running an angle on the PPV where Steve Austin was hit by a car, resulting in him being unable to wrestle in the main event against Triple H and The Rock. WWF knew in advance that the injured Austin would be unable to wrestle, but waited until after the PPV began (and fans had already purchased the event) before running the angle and creating a storyline reason for his absence. Here are the results from the show:
    - The Godfather, D'Lo Brown & The Headbangers defeated The Acolytes & The Dudleys in an elimination match. Godfather & Brown were the survivors.
    - In his WWF televised debut, Kurt Angle defeated Sean Stasiak.
    - Val Venis, Mark Henry, Gangrel & Steve Blackman defeated Davey Boy Smith & The Mean Street Posse in an elimination match. Venis & Henry were the survivors.
    - The Fabulous Moolah, Mae Young, Tori & Debra defeated Ivory, Luna Vachon, Jacquelyn & Terri Runnels when Moolah pinned Ivory.
    - Kane defeated X-Pac via DQ.
    - The Big Show defeated Big Bossman, Prince Albert, Mideon & Viscera in a handicap elimination match. Big Show was supposed to team with Blue Meanie & Kaientai, but he beat them up in the locker room before the match.
    - Intercontinental Champion Chyna defeated Chris Jericho.
    - Too Cool, Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly defeated Edge, Christian & The Hardys in an elimination match. Hardcore Holly with the survivor.
    - WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws defeated Al Snow & Mankind.
    - Big Show (subbing for Steve Austin) defeated Triple H and The Rock in a Triple Threat match to win the WWF World Title.

    2004 - The Survivor Series was held in Cleveland, Ohio at the Gund Arena. Here is our original report from the show.
    by Buck Woodward

    The pay-per-view opened with a video that showed a few classic moments from the last 18 years of Survivor Series events. All three announce teams (Raw, Smackdown and Spanish) were at ringside.

    Cruiserweight Champion Spike Dudley vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Billy Kidman.

    Michael Cole said that the other Dudleys were out "indefinitely" due to Big Show beating them up two weeks ago. The match was held with all four men in the ring, one fall. Chavo went after Kidman at the start, while Spike went at it with Rey. Spike gave Rey a double stomp, then went after Chavo. Spike and Kidman double teamed Chavo, until Kidman dropkicked Spike as he was charging for a clothesline. Rey gave Kidman a facebuster and clotheslined him to the floor. Rey and Chavo, left alone in the ring, went at it, trading reversals and counters. Rey used a rana to escape a powerbomb, and went for a Quebrada moonsault, but Chavo caught it, and Rey had to armdrag out. Spike came in and stomped Rey in a corner, but Chavo began hitting Spike with forearms. Chavo and Spike clotheslined each other. Kidman and Rey fought on the ropes, and Rey gave Kidman a top rope rana, taking Kidman off the apron and to the floor. Chavo tossed Rey over the top rope to avoid a bulldog, and Rey landed on Kidman. Chavo gave Kidman and Rey a pescado. Spike was left alone in the ring, and went for a pescado, but missed as Chavo and Rey moved. Kidman was tossed into the ring by Chavo and Rey, then Chavo pulled Rey down from the apron so he could have Kidman to himself.

    Chavo backdropped Kidman and planted him with a back suplex, but Spike broke up the cover. Spike slugged it out with Chavo, but Spike hit a reverse atomic drop and a lariat. Rey broke up the cover. Spike whipped Rey hard into a corner for a two count. Spike went for a Quebrada, but Spike ducked it and slid Rey out of the ring. Spike went to the top rope, but Chavo stopped him and went for a superplex. Kidman got behind Chavo for an electric chair, and took Chavo down as Chavo superplexed Spike. Rey got back into the ring and covered Chavo for two, then covered Spike, but Kidman broke it up. Kidman gave Rey a BK Bomb and set up for a Shooting Star, but Chavo knocked him off the top rope and to the floor. Spike charged Chavo with a headbutt to the ribs, and Chavo fell to the floor. Spike hit a headbutt to the gut on Rey, and went for a Dudley Dog, but Rey flipped out of it and tripped Spike into the ropes. Rey hit the 619, but as he went for a springboard, Kidman pulled him down. Chavo gave Spike a Gory Bomb. Kidman gave Chavo a slingshot legdrop on the back of the head as Chavo covered Spike. Rey took Kidman to the floor with a headscissors, while Spike crawled onto Chavo for the pin at the nine minute mark. Winner: Spike Dudley.

    Backstage, Paul Heyman was psyching up Heidenreich and left to get his straitjacket. Gene Snitsky approached Heidenreich. Snitsky said he liked Heidenreich's poetry. Heidenreich said he likes what Snitsky does to babies. They said they would see each other later.

    Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian, with Tyson Tomko.

    Benjamin started off outwrestling Christian on the mat, then kipped up every time Christian tried to take him down with an armbar. Benjamin hit a shoulderblock, then Christian got in Benjamin's face and trash talked him, so Benjamin started pounding Christian on the mat with punches. Christian tried to toss Benjamin out of the ring, but Benjamin skinned the cat and hit a springboard somersault neckbreaker for two count. Benjamin stayed in control, and Christian bailed out to the floor. Benjamin started arguing with Tomko, and Christian tried to sneak up on him, but Benjamin caught him with a right. As they went back to the ring, Tomko tried to hook Benjamin's leg. This distraction allowed Christian to shoved Benjamin off the apron and into the security wall.

    Christian took over on the floor, then choked Benjamin when they returned to the ring. Benjamin came back with a cross bodyblock, but Christian kicked out and hit a neckbreaker, then ripped at the face of Benjamin. Christian applied a rear chinlock, and as Benjamin fought up, Christian pulled Benjamin through the ropes and to the floor. Christian continued to brawl for the advantage, and got a two count with an inverted DDT. Christian stood on Benjamin's back as he choked him on the middle rope. Christian started slapping and trash talking Benjamin, firing him up. Benjamin whipped Christian hard into the buckles, and both men were down on the mat. Benjamin hit a clothesline as they got up, then a flying forearm. Benjamin got a two count with a side Russian legsweep, then rolled up Christian after pulling him away from the ropes for two. Christian went for a reverse DDT, but Benjamin hit a reverse slingshot suplex for a two count.

    Benjamin rammed Christian into a corner, but missed a Stinger Splash. Christian hit an implant DDT for a two count. Tomko slid the IC Title belt into the ring and distracted the referee. Christian charged with the belt, but Benjamin booted him in the face. Benjamin hit Christian with a top rope clothesline for a two count. As the referee got the belt out of the ring, Tomko ran in and kicked Benjamin in the face. Christian got a two count when the referee turned around. Tomko got on the apron, but Benjamin gave him a spinkick to knock him down. Christian went for an Unprettier, but Benjamin escaped, leapfrogged Christian and hit an Exploder suplex for the pin at the twelve minute mark. Winner: Shelton Benjamin.

    Kurt Angle approached Edge in the back, and complained about a story in Edge's book about how Angle almost bled to death once. Angle made fun of Edge for never winning the World Title, and for losing at the Taboo Tuesday fan balloting to an injured Shawn Michaels. Edge said he took out Shawn Michaels, something Angle could never do. Angle said he could make Shawn Michaels tap in seconds. Angle left Edge, and was approached by Eugene. Eugene ran down a list of Angle's accomplishments, then started doing a "You Suck" chant, annoying Angle.

    Survivor Series Rules: Kurt Angle, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak & Carlito Caribbean Cool, with Jesus, vs. Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, Rob Van Dam & John Cena.

    Big Show had his left foot heavily taped up. Cena came out last, and looked very serious. Cena went after Cool and Jesus, fighting Jesus all the way into the back, while at the same time chasing Carlito. Cena starting pounding Jesus in the back, while yelling at a quickly retreating Carlito for "sending his boy after him". They fought into the parking lot, and Jesus and Carlito got in a car, and sped off. Cena headed back to the ring. I guess Carlito is eliminated before the match even begins.

    Meanwhile, Kurt Angle was complaining to the referee about only having three men on his team now. A brawl broke out, and Big Show dragged Mark Jindrak into the ring to officially start the match. Show beat on Jindrak for a while, then tagged in RVD, who hit some kicks. Guerrero and RVD hit a hilo/Rolling Thunder combo on Jindrak. Guerrero gave Jindrak a headscissors, and when Reigns ran in, he dropkicked him. Guerrero hit a headscissor/armdrag combo on Reigns and Jindrak. Angle ran in to cut off Guerrero, then tagged in legally to stomp him down in a corner. Reigns tagged in and gave Guerrero a pair of backbreakers and a side slam for a two count. Jindrak tagged in and hit a back elbow on Guerrero, then applied a full nelson. Guerrero rammed Jindrak into the buckles to escape. Kurt Angle tagged in and kept Guerrero from tagging out. Angle hit an overhead belly to belly suplex, and put Guerrero in his corner so his teammates could work him over. Guerrero escaped a Jindrak chinlock with a jawbreaker, then hit Jindrak with a flapjack. Angle tagged in to keep Guerrero from making the tag with a front facelock. Angle put Guerrero in his corner again. Jindrak tagged in and slammed Guerrero for a two count. Jindrak hit a series of elbows, stopping to do a Rick Rude hip swivel. Jindrak applied a reverse waistlock, but Guerrero escaped and hit a rana. RVD got the hot tag, and went at it with Angle, hitting a monkeyflip and a spin kick. Van Dam went to the top rope, and Jindrak tried to pull Angle out of the ring, so RVD gave him a frog splash. RVD kicked Luther off the apron, and Angle cradled RVD from behind and got the pin, using the ropes for leverage at the eight minute mark. Van Dam had his arms in the ropes too, but the referee counted anyway. Eliminated: Rob Van Dam.

    Eddie Guerrero immediately cradled Mark Jindrak for a quick pin, using the ropes for leverage. Eliminated: Mark Jindrak.

    The Big Show went after Angle, but Luther Reigns clipped his injured ankle. However, Big Show grabbed Luther by the throat and chokeslammed him for the pin at the ten minute mark. Eliminated: Luther Reigns.

    The Big Show grabbed Angle by the throat, but Angle rolled into an ankle lock. Show kicked it off, and Angle fell to the floor. Kurt Angle tried to leave the ringside area, but Rob Van Dam headed him off and backed Angle back towards the ring. Big Show grabbed Angle and tossed him back into the ring. John Cena hit Angle with an FU, and Guerrero followed with a frog splash. Big Show then got the pin on Angle at the twelve minute mark. Eliminated: Kurt Angle. Survivors: Big Show, Eddie Guerrero & John Cena.

    Jonathan Coachman interviewed Maven, asking if he really deserved to be in the Survivor Series main event tonight. Maven said he was going to show Coach he deserved to be in it, when Gene Snitsky attacked him from behind. Snitsky beat Maven into a bloody mess before walking away.

    A video on the history leading to Heidenreich vs. Undertaker was shown.

    Heidenreich, with Paul Heyman vs. The Undertaker.

    Heidenreich wore his straitjacket to the ring, but had it off before Undertaker made his entrance. They had a long staredown at the bell, then Undertaker blocked a right hand and started working over Heidenreich with punches. Taker ran into a Heidenreich elbow, but hit a boot to the face and a pair of elbowdrops for a two count. Taker applied a keylock and rammed Heidenreich shoulder first into the corner. Undertaker went to work on the arm, and went for Old School, but Heidenreich hit a low blow as Paul Heyman distracted the referee. Heyman distracted the ref again as Heidenreich pulled Taker groin first into the ringpost. Heidenreich worked over the Undertaker on the floor with punches, yelling "Undertaker, I can beat you". Heidenreich tried to ram Taker into the ringsteps, but Taker blocked it and rammed Heidenreich into the steps. Taker put Heidenreich on the ring apron and drove elbows into his head, then legdropped him as he was stretched over the apron.

    Back in the ring, Undertaker did the Old School ropewalk and hit the top rope forearm. Undertaker trapped Heidenreich's arm and hit a faceplant for a two count. Undertaker charged for a boot to the face, but Heidenreich ducked and Taker caught himself on the top rope. Heidenreich knocked Taker off the apron and into the security wall. Heidenreich worked over Taker on the floor with punches, then rolled Taker into the ring for a two count. Taker battled back with punches, but Heidenreich booted him back down for a two count. Heidenreich applied a rear naked choke on Undertaker, but Taker battled out and punched him to the mat. Heidenreich hit a clothesline, but Taker kicked him in the gut repeatedly, until Heidenreich hit another clothesline. Heidenreich dropped some elbows, but Taker rolled away from the third one and blocked Heidenreich's suplex attempt. Taker took Heidenreich over with his own vertical suplex.

    Taker and Heidenreich exchanged right hands, and Heidenreich tossed Taker to the floor after kicking away a backdrop. Heidenreich grabbed Taker from the apron, but Taker dropped down and pulled Heidenreich throat first across the top rope. Taker hit a top rope clothesline for a two count. Taker clothesline Heidenreich in a corner, then hit Snake Eyes and a big boot to the face. Taker got a two count with a legdrop. Taker went for a chokeslam, but Heidenreich escaped it with a knee to the gut. Taker booted a charging Heidenreich, but Heidenreich caught Taker with a sidewalk slam. Heidenreich argued with the referee over a two count. Heidenreich got on the middle rope to punch Undertaker, but Undertaker grabbed Heidenreich with a Last Ride powerbomb. Heidenreich grabbed the bottom rope at the two count. Heidenreich applied a sleeperhold, and Taker escaped with a back suplex.

    Both men were down on the mat, and Undertaker sat up. Heidenreich missed a clothesline, and Undertaker hit a flying clothesline. Taker hit a chokeslam, then called for the tombstone. Undertaker hit the tombstone and got the pin at the sixteen minute mark. Winner: Undertaker.

    Undertaker glared at Heidenreich after the pin, acting amazed at how much it took to beat him, before going into his usual pose.

    Backstage, Maria interviewed Eric Bischoff, who informed us that Maven may not be able to wrestle tonight. Eric said that Randy Orton's team could not name a replacement, since Triple H would then file a protest, and Bischoff was not going to spend his vacation in Stamford, Connecticut dealing with it.

    The history leading to Trish Stratus vs. Lita was shown.

    Women's Champion Trish Stratus vs. Lita.

    Lita slugged Trish before the bell, and knocked her down with right hands. Lita slapped Trish in a corner, and started working her over with punches. Trish retreated to the floor, and Lita went after her. Trish rammed Lita into the announcers table. Lita tripped Trish into a chair at ringside. Lita picked up a chair, but the referee grabbed it from her. Lita picked up another chair and hit Trish twice in the back of the head with it (although the second shot missed badly, and she obviously hit the ringside table). The referee stopped the match. Result: No contest.

    Trish got up, and had blood in her hair, and blood coming out of her nose. Lita attacked Trish again, and rammed her face first into the ringpost. Lita started choking Trish and screaming. Officials pulled Lita off of Trish, who complained of having a broken nose.

    Backstage, Theodore R. Long told John Cena that Carlito Caribbean Cool would be forced to defend the United States Title against Cena this week on Smackdown.

    The events leading to John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Booker T were recapped, emphasizing that JBL would leave Smackdown if he lost tonight.

    WWE Champion John Bradshaw Layfield, with Orlando Jordan, vs. Booker T.

    The two went nose to nose before the bell rang, and then circled each other. They locked up, and Booker went to work with punches, chops and forearms. JBL blocked a backdrop with a clubbing forearm and worked over Booker in a corner. JBL hit a shoulderblock, and blocked a Booker hiptoss, but Booker hit a clothesline out of it, then sent JBL to the floor with a back kick. Booker chased JBL back into the ring, where JBL hit a neckbreaker and a forearm to the back for two. Booker came back with a backdrop and clotheslined JBL to the floor. JBL poked Booker in the eyes on the outside, and tossed Booker over the announcers table to ringside. Booker tripped JBL as he came across the table, and chopped him. Booker tossed JBL into the ring, and Jordan slugged Booker on the floor. Jordan tossed Booker back into the ring, and JBL got a two count.

    JBL applied a cobra clutch. Booker broke free, but was taken down with a knee to the gut. JBL delivered a boot to the face, then a trio of elbowdrops for a two count. JBL applied a sleeperhold, and Booker broke free, only for JBL to take him down with a back elbow. JBL went to the top rope, but Booker met him there and hit a superplex. Booker covered JBL for a two count, then JBL pulled Booker by this trunks to send him to the floor. Jordan and Booker started brawling, and Booker rammed Jordan into a ringpost. Booker gave JBL a Bookend on the floor, then superkicked Orlando. Booker dropped Jordan across the security wall, then tossed JBL into the ringsteps. Booker gave Jordan an ax kick, then tossed JBL back into the ring. Booker went to the top rope and hit a missile dropkick for a two count, as JBL grabbed the ropes.

    Booker delivered a side slam, then went to the ropes. Jordan distracted Booker as he went up, and Booker paused to make sure he wasn't getting on the apron. Booker then went for the old Harlem Hangover, but JBL moved out of the way. JBL got a two count, then kicked Booker in the head. JBL applied a sleeper, but Booker dropped him with a back suplex. Booker hit a pair of clotheslines, then a spin kick. Booker hit a bicycle kick to the face for two, then set up for the ax kick, but Jordan tripped Booker from the outside. JBL hit Booker with a DDT for a two count. Booker reversed a whip and JBL crashed into the referee. Jordan ran in and attacked Booker. Jordan went to bring a chair into the ring, but Josh Mathews ran in and knocked Jordan off the ring apron. JBL gave Mathews a boot to the face and a clothesline. JBL threw Mathews from the ring. Booker gave JBL a side kick, then knocked Jordan off the apron. Booker gave JBL an ax kick, and covered. A second referee ran in, but Jordan pulled the second referee out as he counted two. Jordan came in with the title belt, but Booker gave him a Bookend. JBL picked up the belt and hit Booker with it. The original referee woke up and counted Booker down at the fifteen minute mark. Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield.

    A video was shown on last year's WWE visit to U.S. troops stationed in Iraq. Michael Cole then announced that WWE would be returning to the Middle East this Holiday season to visit the troops again.

    Triple H asked Batista if he was ready for the match tonight, and if he had spoken with Edge and Snitsky. Batista said they would be team players tonight, but only because they wanted a shot at the title. Triple H said that Evolution would control the next two weeks of Raw if they win, and they would make sure that Edge and Snitsky were in no condition to challenge for the title. As Triple H, Batista and Ric Flair headed for the ring, Batista remarked that he couldn't wait for it to be his turn to run Raw.

    A video on the main event was shown.

    Jim Ross "confirmed" that Trish Stratus had a broken nose.

    Survivor Series Rules, winning team runs Raw for a month: Triple H, Batista, Gene Snitsky & Edge, with Ric Flair, vs. Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho & Maven.

    Maven didn't even come out to the ring, so it looks like he is eliminated before the match even begins. Edge started off the match with Benoit, trading shots in a corner. Benoit hit a clothesline and chopped Edge to the mat. Edge rolled to the floor to regroup, but Benoit went right back at him when he returned. Edge tagged out to Snitsky, and Benoit tagged in Orton. They went nose to nose, with Orton talking trash. Snitsky shoved Orton, and Orton unloaded with punches, beating him down to the mat. Jericho tagged in and continued the assault on Snitsky, until Snistky downed him with a clothesline and tagged in Triple H. Jericho hit a back elbow thought, and tagged in Orton. Orton punched Triple H down in a corner, but Triple H caught him with a jumping knee and tagged in Batista. Batista hit some shoulderblocks in a corner, and planted him with a powerslam for two. Edge tagged in and gave Orton a elbowdrop across the back of the neck. Orton battled back with punches, but Edge hit a dropkick.

    Orton came back with a clothesline and tagged Benoit, who cleaned house on everyone, including the opponents on the apron. Benoit gave Triple H a snap suplex, Batista a German suplex, and Snitsky a German suplex. Benoit gave Triple H three consecutive German suplexes. Benoit suplexed Edge on top of Triple H, then hit a top rope headbutt on Triple H and Edge. The match broke down, with fighting on the floor by other participants, while Benoit put Triple H in a Sharpshooter in the ring. Snitsky broke up the hold. Benoit put Edge in a Crippler Crossface, but Batista broke that hold up. Triple H grabbed Benoit in a Pedigree, and Edge covered Benoit for the pin at the eight minute mark. Eliminated: Chris Benoit.

    Edge gave Chris Jericho a neckbreaker. Edge went for a tag, and both Snitsky and Triple H tagged in. Snitsky and Triple H argued about the tag, and Snitsky shoved Triple H. Snitsky and Batista then started arguing, while Jericho put Triple H in the Walls Of Jericho. Batista realized what was happening and broke up the hold. Orton knocked Batista into Snitsky. Jericho hit a bulldog and went for a Lionsault, but Ric Flair tripped him up. The referee ordered Flair away from ringside. Batista gave Orton and Jericho a double shoulderblock. Batista tossed Orton out, and gave Jericho a spinebuster. Orton tripped Batista from ringside and then hit him with the World Title belt. Jericho then gave Batista an enzugiri and pinned him at the eleven minute mark. Eliminated: Batista.

    Jericho dropkicked Edge off the ring apron into Snitsky on the floor. Batista then clotheslined Jericho, even though he was eliminated. Snitsky tagged in off of Triple H, and stomped Jericho. Snitsky backdropped Jericho, then blatantly choked him. Snitsky tagged in Edge, who worked over Jericho in a corner. Edge elbowed Jericho in the back of the neck, hit a series of rights, then kicked away a backdrop. Jericho grabbed Edge by the neck as he charged and drove him into the mat. Snitsky tagged in and dropped an elbow on Jericho, then hit Orton on the apron. Orton ran in, but Snitsky tossed him to the floor. Triple H and Edge then attacked Orton on the floor, while in the ring, Jericho hit Snitsky with a DDT. Jericho went to his corner for a tag, but Triple H and Edge had dragged Orton to the other side of the ring.

    A bloody and bandaged Maven came out and got on the apron. Jericho tagged him, and Maven unloaded on Snitsky with punches and kicks. Maven hit a running forearm on Snitsky, then slugged Triple H and Edge as well. Snitsky was busted open from Maven's shots, sporting a nasty gash next to his eye. Maven tossed Snitsky and Edge from the ring, then went after Triple H. Snitksy came in with a chair and hit Maven with it, then hit Jericho with it. Snitsky was disqualified at the twelve minute mark. Eliminated: Gene Snitsky.

    Snitsky hit Orton with a chair before leaving. Triple H covered an unconscious Maven to pin him. Eliminated: Maven.

    Edge covered Jericho repeatedly, but he kept kicking out. Jericho rallied, but Triple H grabbed him for a Pedigree. Jericho backdropped out of the Pedigree, but Edge hit him with a spear for the pin at the thirteen minute mark. Eliminated: Chris Jericho.

    Orton crawled into the ring, as Triple H and Edge stared at him and grinned. Edge and Triple H stomped Orton down until the referee got Triple H back on the apron. Edge gave Orton a back suplex for a two count, then tagged in Triple H. Triple H worked over Orton as Edge held him up. Edge was ushered out, and Triple H decked Orton. Orton tried to rally with punches, but Triple H DDT'd him for a two count. Orton tried to rally again as Edge was tagged in, slugging both opponents. Orton powerslammed Edge. Edge charged Orton, who ducked, and Edge put on the breaks before slamming into Triple H on the apron. Orton dropkicked Edge into Triple H, and cradled him for two. Orton hit some right hands on Edge, and Triple H ran in and gave Orton a spinebuster. Triple H picked up Orton for a spear, but Orton moved and Edge speared Triple H. Orton gave Edge an RKO for the pin at the twenty three minute mark. Eliminated: Edge.

    It was down to Randy Orton and Triple H. Orton set up for an RKO, but Triple H hit him with a low blow, as the referee was distracted trying to roll Edge out of the ring. Triple H set up for the Pedigree, but Orton broke out of it and grabbed an RKO for the pin at the twenty five minute mark. Eliminated: Triple H. Sole Survivor: Randy Orton.

    Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Maven, and Chris Jericho will each get to control Raw for one week each, starting tomorrow night.

    Randy Orton celebrated in the ring as the show came to an end.


  2. #2
    Main Eventer
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    Jun 2007
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    Thanks for this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    thanks for the read ryan

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