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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 8th December, 2008

    Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!

    RAW Results - 8th December, 2008
    Location -
    Announcers - Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Dark Match:

    Tommy Dreamer pinned WWE United States champ Shelton Benjamin in a non-title match.


    We are less than a week away from Armageddon, but forget that, tonight is the Slammys on this special three hour edition of Raw. The six nominees for Superstar of the Year are going to be in action during tonight’s show as well as the two semifinal matches in the number one contender tournament to see who will face William Regal. On this three hour Raw, we will see wrestlers from all three brands and we can only hope that we will see some classic (dare we say 24/7 Classic) moments from Slammys past. Which version of Charlie Haas will win tonight? Will the Miz and John Morrison continue their streak of wrestling on every WWE television show since Wrestlemania? Will any new matches be announced for the pay per view? Will we see anything further between Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon as they battle for control of the Raw brand? Will Mike Knox torment smaller wrestlers tonight? Will Shawn Michaels start to work for Bradshaw tonight? What fun Christmas video package will we see from DX tonight?

    In the Slammys ‘Technical and Scientific Awards Ceremony’ before the broadcast, the following winners were announced: Vladimir Kozlov was announced as the winner for “Breakout Star of 2008”; R-Truth was the announced winner of "Best Musical Performance"; John Morrison & The Miz's Dirt Sheet was named the “Best WWE.com Original show”; ECW announcing team Matt Striker and Todd Grisham were named the “Best Announcing Team”; and Charlie Haas won for “Best Impersonation for 2008” for his impersonation of Beth Phoenix.

    We begin tonight’s show with a video package highlighting the Slammys that are up tonight.

    We are live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry ‘Lawler from Raw; and Jim Ross and Tazz from Smackdown.

    Maria and Festus are here to present the first Slammy of the night, Tag Team of the Year. Festus is at a loss for words. The nominees are: Carlito and Primo; Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes; The Miz and John Morrison; and Cryme Tyme. The winners are The Miz and John Morrison. They celebrate as if they won the World Series. They fight over the Slammy for a second. Miz wants Maria or Festus to kiss his hand. Miz messes with Festus since he is in his catatonic state. Miz slaps Festus and tells him to leave. Morrison thanks the Academy and Admiral Ackbar. Then they channel the spirit of the President-Elect with their comments. Miz says that not only are they the best tag team of 2008, they are the greatest tag team of the 21st century. While Miz celebrates in the background, Morrison makes his way to the ring for his match.

    We see William Regal and Layla watching from the back.

    Intercontinental Title Contender Tournament
    John Morrison vs CM Punk

    They lock up and Punk works on the arm and he gets a rollup for a near fall. Morrison with a near fall and then Morrison with a hot shot to Punk and then he covers Punk but Punk bridges out of the cover. Punk tries for the Go To Sleep but Morrison gets out of the hold and backs into the corner. Punk misses the knee into the corner, but he connects with a kick. Morrison with a drop kick and then he pulls Punk to the floor. Punk with a knee to Morrison and then he hits a running knee into the apron. Punk with a springboard cross body to Morrison on the floor and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Morrison is working on Punk’s legs. We see footage from during the commercial when Morrison suplexed Punk to the floor. Morrison continues to work on the ankle but Punk with punches and kicks. Punk with a kick but he feels it because it is his injured leg. Morrison with a dragon screw leg whip and then he goes up top. Punk punches Morrison and Punk favors his ankle. They are on top and Punk hits a super rana and both men are down. Punk gets a two count. Punk with the knee into the corner and then he tries for the bulldog but Morrison with a back breaker and side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Punk sends Morrison into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders. Punk with slaps but he misses the roundhouse kick. Morrison with a kick of his own and a near fall. Morrison misses the springboard round kick and Punk with a power slam for a two count. Punk crawls to the apron and he hits the springboard clothesline for a two count. Punk gets Morrison up for the Go To Sleep but Morrison with a victory roll for a two count. Punk hits a roundhouse kick and then gets Morrison up for the Go To Sleep and he hits it for the three count.

    Winner: CM Punk

    Cole and Lawler wonder who will face Punk at Armageddon. Lawler reminds us of Chris Jericho and John Cena. We have a video package from last week when Chris Jericho and others attacked John Cena.

    Todd Grisham is with John Cena in the interview area. Todd asks John about the footage from last week. John says hustle, loyalty, and respect. Those are three words that Chris Jericho thinks does not exist. Cena says that when he was injured, his dog Lou became a big Chris Jericho fan. Lou would clean himself when Jericho was on. Cena says that he banned his dog from watching Raw. Cena apologizes for any problems that he caused Chris Jericho at his home. Cena suggests that maybe Jericho’s son acted the way he did, it was because his father became smug. Cena says that if Jericho was the one who got beaten up by five people, Jericho would be in the ring demanding that Cena be stripped of the title. Tonight, John Cena will fight Chris Jericho. He will get him and Jericho will not have to worry about it happening tonight. Tonight, Chris Jericho gets a re-education of the word ‘respect’. We go to commercial.

    We are back with the next Slammy Award, the Best Finishing Maneuver and presenting are Cryme Tyme and Candice Michelle. Candice and Cryme Tyme go yo-yo-ing. The nominees are: Hell’s Gate (Undertaker); RKO (Randy Orton); Shooting Star Press (Evan Bourne); and Knockout Punch (Big Show). The trophy is missing as Cryme Tyme hides it from Candice. The winner is Evan Bourne for the Shooting Star Press. Candice accepts the award on Candice’s behalf. Candice is interrupted by Mike Knox who stares at Candice and Mike takes the Slammy.

    Lawler and Cole remind us of Evan’s injury being made worse at the hands of Mike Knox.

    Randy Orton comes out and he has a mic. Randy says that you would think that being the champion for four months and winning the main event at Wrestlemania is impressive, but it is not enough for Superstar of the Year. Randy points out that he has beaten all of the nominees. Tonight is about being shown a lack of respect. It started in Evolution. Hunter was the star, Flair was the legend, and Batista was the muscle. Orton was the crown jewel, but the group imploded. Orton points out that he was the youngest champion and he was attacked. Orton suggests that him, Cody Rhodes, and Manu are challenging Hunter and Batista to a handicap match instead of the one-on-one match between Hunter and Batista. Tonight, The Legacy is born.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Barry O Moment of the Night about ECW’s ratings.

    Montel Vontavious Porter is in the ring and he says that the losing streak has been blown out of proportion. It ends tonight. He calls Jimmy Rollins a fluke and then says that it took Philadelphia 25 years to win a title. Porter says that he is better than the entire city of Philadelphia. He says that he will be a dynasty when he wins.

    Montel Vontavious Porter vs M.V.C.

    Haas stretches to get under Porter’s skin. Haas with a waist lock but Porter with an elbow and forearm. Porter with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Porter punches Haas and connects with elbows to the head and he gets a near fall. Porter with a seated abdominal stretch and he works on the neck with elbows. The crowd chants for Haas and Haas fights back but Porter with a double thrust to the throat followed by a face buster and the Balling Elbow drop for a two count. Porter throws Haas out of the ring and then Porter with a hot shot onto the ringside barrier. Porter returns to the ring and Haas with a running boot and drop kick followed by punches. Haas misses the Balling Elbow drop and Porter with punches to the ribs. Porter misses the running boot into the corner and Haas with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: M.V.C.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for our next Slammy Award. It will be for the Extreme Moment of the Year and it will be presented by Tiffany and Matt Hardy. Matt says that it is good to be in the birthplace of Extreme. The nominees are: John Cena and JBL’s parking lot brawl; Undertaker being sent through tables during the TLC match against Edge; Chris Jericho sending Shawn Michaels through the Jeritron; and Jeff Hardy’s Swanton onto Randy Orton. The winner is Jeff Hardy’s Swanton. Jeff comes out to accept the award from his brother. Jeff says that it all started on a trampoline in North Carolina and now it comes to Sunday. He does not care if he walks out, crawls out, or has to be carried out, he will be the WWE Champion.

    Jeff Hardy vs Chris Jericho

    The match is joined in progress and Hardy with a kick and punches. Hardy kicks Jericho in the corner while the referee tries to get him to lay off. Jericho punches Hardy and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Jericho slaps Hardy but Hardy with a kick and punches. Hardy with another kick but Jericho drops down and Hardy goes to the apron. Jericho with the springboard drop kick that knocks Hardy off the apron and to the floor. Jericho lets the referee count Hardy out. Hardy returns to the ring and Jericho with a snap mare and chin lock. Jericho applies more pressure as Jericho looks over his shoulder for John Cena. Hardy gets to his feet and he hits a flying clothesline. Hardy punches Jericho but Hardy with a flying forearn. Hardy with a leg drop. Hardy gets a near fall and gourdbuster. Hardy goes up top for the Swanton but Jericho gets to his feet and he crotches Hardy. They fight on the turnbuckles and Hardy pushes Jericho off. Hardy misses a Swanton but Jericho does not miss the Lionsault, but Hardy kicks out. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but Hardy escapes the hold momentarily and Hardy with a rollup for a two count. Hardy sends Jericho into the corner and Hardy with the baseball slide into the corner. Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind for a two count after he avoids a clothesline from Jericho. Hardy gets ready for the Twist of Fate but Jericho hits the Codebreaker for the three count

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    After the match
    Jericho looks out for John Cena.

    The Legacy are in the hallway and they give the look of determination. We see that they just left Stephanie McMahon’s office.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for the next Slammy Award: Couple of the Year. Presenting the award are Kelly Kelly and Kane. Kane does not look like he wants to be there and he mentions that the last time he was in a relationship, he tombstoned a priest. The nominees are: Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix; Edge and Vickie Guerrero; William Regal and Layla; and Finlay and Hornswoggle. The winners are Edge and Vickie Guerrero. Vickie comes out and she is glowing about her victory. Vickie starts off her acceptance speech with a few ‘excuse mes’ Vickie says that Edge and her have been through so much this past year. This award means that true love prevails.

    Santino and Beth come out and Santino goes to the lectern. Santino is not happy that they lost to Vickie and Edge. They are not couple of the years. Santino says that Vickie is the cougar of the year. Unlike Vickie and Edge, Santino never had someone try to have Undertaker send him to hell. They have challenged all of the nominees. Santino says that even though he strained his scrotisimus region, they will still prevail.

    We go to commercial.

    Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix vs Hornswoggle and Fit Finlay

    Hornswoggle tries Beth’s entrance and has a unibrow. Finlay puts his hat on Beth’s head and Beth slaps Finlay. Finlay slaps Santino and he leaves the ring. Santino says that he has this one and he tells Beth to go to the apron. Finlay with a waist lock but Santino with an elbow. Finlay with a series of clothesline to Santino followed by a running shoulder in the corner. Santino with a kick to Finlay but Finlay with an atomic drop and Santino is in pain. Santino is now faces to faces with Hornswoggle and Hornswoggle with a kick and DDT. Hornswoggle goes up top and he hits the Frog Splash for the three count.

    Winners: Fit Finlay and Hornswoggle

    After the match
    Finlay and Hornswoggle invite Beth into the ring.

    The next Slammy is being presented and it is for Diva of the Year. Presenting are Melina and Teddy Long. The nominees are: Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, and Michelle McCool. The winner is Beth Phoenix. Beth is holding Santino up and then when she hears that she won, she drops Santino faster than the price of gasoline.

    Beth accepts on behalf of all dominant divas around the world. Melina attacks Beth and Beth fights back. Santino tries to help but he gets hit in the scrotisimus region. Beth apologizes for hurting Santino’s solar plexus.

    Michael Cole tells us that we are going to have the handicap match that Randy Orton wanted. The Legacy will face Batista and Triple H.

    We go to commercial.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Slam of the Week: Shawn Michaels becoming an employee of JBL Incorporated.

    It is time for the next Slammy: Oh My God Moment: Alicia Fox and Joey Styles. Joey gets to throw out an ‘OH MY GOD’ for the Philadelphia fans. The nominees are: CM Punk cashing in Money in the Bank to win the World Title; Undertaker sends Edge to Hell; Mayweather breaks Big Show’s nose; and John Cena’s return at the Royal Rumble. The winner is CM Punk Cashing in Money in the Bank. Punk says that to say it is his miracle year is an understatement. He talks about his accomplishments and wonders if anyone has accomplished this much in one year. Punk thanks Batista for the assist and for Edge being in the right place at the right time. Punk runs through a list of people and ends it with Scotty Goldman, Mike Schmidt, and Rocky Balboa. Punk says that there will be more moments to get people to say . . . he brings Joey Styles back out to say it again, after refusing to do it until he is reminded that he is in Philadelphia.

    As Rey comes to the ring, we see footage from last week when Rey slipped on the ramp and hurt his arm.

    Intercontinental Title Contender Tournament Semifinal Match
    Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio

    They lock up and Rey with a side head lock. Rey blocks a hip toss and Rey with a head scissors but Kofi with a cartwheel to avoid the hold. Kofi sends Rey into the mat and we see Regal and Layla watch from the office as Kofi gets a near fall. Kofi works on the injured arm as he stretches the arm. Rey tries to get to the ropes and he pulls Kofi near the ropes but Kofi brings Rey back into the center of the ring. Rey with a side head lock but Kofi with a hammer lock. Rey with a kick to the knee and Rey sends Kofi into the ropes but Kofi with a drop kick and a near fall. Kofi with an Irish whip but he charges into boots from Rey. Rey with a rana but Kofi turns it into a sunset flip, but Rey rolls through and hits a drop kick for a two count. Kofi with a bridge but Rey kicks out. Kofi with a splash in the corner. Kofi jumps to the turnbuckles but he misses a cross body. Rey with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    After the match
    Rey offers his hand to Kofi and they shake hands.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Barry O Moment about the work the WWE does with the military.

    It is time for the Match of the Year Slammy to be presented by Eve Torres and Ken Kennedy. It is time for the nominees: Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania; Royal Rumble ‘Duck and Boost Match’; Undertaker versus Edge (Hell in a Cell); and Shawn Michaels versus Ric Flair at Wrestlemania. The winner is Shawn Michaels versus Ric Flair. Shawn Michaels comes out to accept the award. Shawn says that he does not know where to begin. He has had the privilege to be some of the most unforgettable moments in the WWE. His match with Ric Flair will hold a very special place in his heart. Ric Flair is not only his friend, but the man who inspired him to get into this profession. Shawn tells Ric that what he said at the end of the match at Wrestlemania, he mentioned it. Shawn says that he loves Ric and the award will be a wonderful reminder . . .

    Bradshaw comes out and on behalf of Shawn Michaels, he accepts the award for himself. Beating John Cena at the Great American Bash was the match of the year. He will enjoy having this with the rest of his accolades in his penthouse apartment in New York. Bradshaw leaves and Shawn is standing there as we go to commercial.

    Batista and Triple H vs The Legacy of Randy Orton, Manu, and Cody Rhodes

    Hunter and Cody start things off and Hunter with a kick and punch. Hunter works on the arm and he tags in Batista who continues to work on the arm. Batista uses the ropes for extra leverage on the arm as he connects with shoulder in the corner. Batista with a back elbow and kick to the head. Hunter tags back in and they hit a double shoulder tackle. Hunter and Batista punch Manu and Batista adds a clothesline. They throw Cody and Manu over the top rope to the floor. Orton tries to sneak up on Hunter and Batista but they turn around and Orton goes out of the ring. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton kicks Hunter and does the Garvin Stomp followed by a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Orton with a quicker version of the Garvin Stomp and another knee drop for another near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock. Hunter punches Orton but Orton with a back breaker. Manu tags in and he hits a diving head butt for a near fall. Manu with a front face lock and he tags in Rhodes who kicks Hunter and punches him. Rhodes kicks Hunter followed by a snap mare and a cravate. Rhodes sends Hunter face first into the turnbuckles and then Orton tags in and hits a snap mare before locking in the reverse chin lock of doom. Hunter tries to get a second wind and he escapes the hold with a belly-to-back suplex. Rhodes tags in and he keeps Hunter from making the tag. Rhodes tries for a bulldog but Hunter tosses him away, but he is still on the opposite side of the ring. Rhodes tags in Manu but Batista is able to tag in and Batista with a clothesline and slam to Manu. Batista knocks Orton and Rhodes off the apron. Batista avoids a Samoan drop but Batista hits a spinebuster and it is time to shake the ropes and then he tries for the Batista Bomb but he senses Rhodes’s presence and Batista sends Manu into Rhodes. Batista with a clothesline to Rhodes and Manu. Orton makes the blind tag and Batista sets for the Batista Bomb on Manu but Orton tries for the RKO. Batista sends Orton into Hunter who hits a clothesline. Batista tries for a Batista Bomb on Orton, but Rhodes hits Batista in the back and Orton hits the RKO for the three count.

    Winners: Randy Orton, Manu, and Cody Rhodes

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Beyond Enemy Lines: Colombia is coming to DVD in January.

    It is time for the DAMN Slammy to be awarded and the presenters are Ron Simmons and Mickie James. The nominees are: Khali Kiss Kam; CM Punk as a member of the Mariachi Band; Jim Ross dressed as a sailor; Santino hurts his Scroticular Area. The winner is the Khali Kiss Kam. Khali comes out to accept his award with Runjin Singh. Khali. Khali’s ‘translation’ deals with environmental issues. Mickie wants a kiss from Khali, but they are interrupted by Jillian’s ‘singing’. Funaki and Howard Finkel come out and so do Jim Duggan and Sergeant Slaughter. Khali kisses Mickie and it is time for a DAMN.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the WWE Rewind: Chris Jericho interrupting John Cena’s match with Kane last week and the post match attack on Cena.

    Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole talk about John Cena’s comments from earlier tonight when John said that he would get Jericho tonight. We run through the winners of the earlier awards.

    R-Truth comes into the arena with his Slammy as he raps to the ring.

    R-Truth vs Dolph Ziggler

    Dolph introduces himself to R-Truth but he refuses. Ziggler with a kick but Truth with the splits and then he hits a jumping leg lariat. R-Truth with an uppercut and Ziggler with a hot shot that sends R-Truth to the floor. Ziggler with a punch and elbow drops for a near fall. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler drives R-Truth to the mat and he returns to the reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a knee but Truth with a hard Irish whip to Ziggler and Ziggler goes down hard. Truth clotheslines Ziggler to the floor and it is time for Truth to fly and he hits a pescado onto Ziggler. Truth punches Ziggler on the floor but Ziggler with a knee and he sends Truth into the apron. Ziggler with an enzuigiri on the apron and then he returns to the ring right before the referee makes the ten count.

    Winner: Dolph Ziggler by count out

    After the match
    Dolph introduces himself as ‘The Winner’ Dolph Ziggler.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Barry O Moment Hat Trick about WWE DVD sales.

    It is time for the Best Picture Slammy for Superstar of the Year and presenting is Stephanie McMahon. The nominees are: Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Batista, Edge, Triple H, and John Cena. The winner is: Chris Jericho. Chris comes out to accept award and he looks for John Cena over his shoulder. Chris walks to the ring with his Slammy. Chris says that he is happy that the fans did not have any say in the voting because they are nothing more than mindless sheep steered into whatever direction they are told to follow. He says that they are biased and unable to decide something like this fairly. Chris says that he knew he was going to be the superstar of 2008 because he is the best in the world today. Chris says that he is going to go through is achievements. He became a record setting eight time Intercontinental Champion; the king of the ladder match; and he became the WWE Champion three times with the third time being on Sunday when he beats John Cena to reclaim what is his. Chris says that he lost something as well. During his rivalry with Shawn Michaels, he lost his identity. He lost a façade that he created just for the fans. It was an albatross around his neck for more than a decade and losing it was the best thing in his life. He was a pandering, patronizing, sycophant, just like John Cena. Chris says that he cannot think of a better way to end 2008 than beating and destroying John Cena at Armageddon.

    John Cena’s music plays and Cena comes out and he runs to the ring but Jericho escapes into the crowd.

    John Cena vs Edge

    They lock up and Edge with a knee and punches. Cena with a back elbow and clothesline. Cena with a bulldog to Edge and he clotheslines Edge over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Edge has Cena in a cravate. We see footage from during the commercial when Edge worked on Cena’s neck. Back to live action and Cena with a kick and punch but Edge with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Edge with a forearm to Cena followed by an elbow to the head. Cena punches back but Edge with a flapjack for a near fall. Cena with a chin lock and then Cena and Edge exchange punches. Cena with a leap frog neck breaker but Edge with a boot to a charging Cena. Edge sets for the spear but Cena with a flying shoulder tackle and a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena with the five knuckle shuffle and he hits it. Cena sets for the FU and he gets Edge up. Edge tries for the Impaler but Cena gets Edge up for the FU. Edge tries for a breakdown Edge with a rollup for a two count. Cena with a drop toe hold and the STFU. Chris Jericho comes out and Cena goes after him. The referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: John Cena by Disqualification

    After the match
    Cena and Jericho fight into the crowd.

    Meanwhile, back in the ring. Triple H attacks Edge and then Jeff Hardy gets involved. Hardy with a spear to Edge followed by punches. Hunter throws Jeff out of the ring and Hunter with a spinebuster. Hunter sends Edge over the top rope to the floor. Hardy uses the steps for extra leverage and hits a drop kick on Edge.

    We go to credits

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    WWE will bring tonight’s three-hour RAW and Slammy Awards live from Philadelphia, PA with a special start time of 8PM EST.

    The following matches are confirmed:

    * Batista vs. Triple H

    * Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy

    * World Champion John Cena vs. WWE Champion Edge

    * Kofi Kingston vs. Rey Mysterio

    * CM Punk vs. John Morrison

    The official list of winners for the 2008 WWE Slammy Awards are as follows:

    Tag Team of the Year: John Morrison and The Miz.

    Best Impersonator: Charlie Haas as Beth Phoenix.

    Best Announce Team: ECW's

    Best Finishing Maneuver: Evan Bourne for the Shooting Star Press

    Extreme Moment of the Year: Jeff Hardy’s Swanton onto Randy Orton

    Couple of the Year: Edge and Vickie Guerrero

    Diva of the Year: Beth Phoenix

    Oh My God Moment: CM Punk Cashing in Money in the Bank

    Match of the Year: Shawn Michaels versus Ric Flair

    DAMN Award: Khali Kiss Kam

    Best Picture Slammy for Superstar of the Year: Chris Jericho

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    You will rest in peace ryanasd's Avatar
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    When is it gonna begin
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Don't be afraid be terrified

  4. #4
    The Eating Machine! Kenpachi Zaraki's Avatar
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    it was at 8PM US time i put it in the news :hmm:

    Thx kellie Slammys went as i xpected them to go

  5. #5
    You will rest in peace ryanasd's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
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    How did the hell in the cell match not won but Shawn Michales and Ric Flair was a good match
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Don't be afraid be terrified

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