The show starts off with the pitch from Jeremy Schaap talking about WWE and how they were given access on the show. One of the other hosts asks if this is going to be the ‘Real’ Vince McMahon or a scripted one. Schaap says that it will be a different Vince McMahon you haven’t seen before.
They start off the segment called ‘King of the Ring’ with footage from Wrestlemania 25 where Schaap mentions more than 70,000 people were in Houston for the show. They show footage from the show.

John Cena talks about how people come from all over the world to see Wrestlemania. Big Show says that if you are performing on Wrestlemania, you are the best in the business.

Schaap talks about how Wrestlemania is the culmination of the year in wrestling and how it is the vision of Vince McMahon. Schaap mentions that Vince is 63 years old before sitting down to talk with Vince in Stamford at WWE Studios.

Schaap asks Vince what inspired him to start Wrestlemania. Vince says that it was common sense and he mentions the Super Bowl, World Series, Academy Awards, and the Grammys and he asks why shouldn’t they have their special day.

We see footage from Wrestlemania I and Schaap mentioned that it could have been the last one. Schaap asks Vince about the first Wrestlemania 24 years ago and Vince says that they were rolling the dice. He says that if it was not successful, he would not be sitting with Jeremy Schaap tonight.

Hulk Hogan mentions that Vince gambled on the concept and he bet on himself and Hulk Hogan. Hogan mentions that Vince put everything on the line for this show. Schaap talks about the closed circuit broadcasts all over the country.

They show footage from Wrestlemania III and he mentions the 93,000 people in the Silverdome for Hogan/Andre. He talks about Vince bringing wrestling into the mainstream thanks to Wrestlemania which was a mix of sports, celebrity, and entertainment. He talks about how Vince redesigned wrestling.

Vince talks about how many promoters pushed wrestling as a sport but he says that it was never a sport and that it was the greatest theatrical event. Hogan says that many were not happy with what Vince said about wrestling. When it became an exhibition, the people who wanted to see the blood stopped coming and the families started showing up in the arenas. Hogan talks about the merchandise.

Schaap asks Vince who he was at that time and Vince says that he was a brilliant younger man and that he is a brilliant older man now so not much has changed over the years.

Vince talks about growing up in an eight foot wide trailer in North Carolina. He says that he is lower middle class Americana. Jeremy asks Vince about comments that he made in the past about how he wishes that his father hadn’t died before he could kill him. Vince says he needed it because of the beatings and the way that he beat his mom and family. He mentions intimidation. He says that his philosophy is that if he is in a fight and he is not dead, he won.

They talk about how Vince was reunited with his dad when he was twelve. He talks about the larger than life business his father was in. They talk about how Vince lobbied to be in the business. Vince says that his dad wanted him to be a lawyer instead of getting into the business and Vince mentions that he detests lawyers. Vince talks about the chance that he had in Maine and that he had one chance to be successful in Bangor, Maine.

They talk about how he bought out his father in 1982, and that was the start of the national expansion. Vince says that he does not think his father would have sold the business to him if he knew what his son was going to do because he did not know that Vince would compete with his father’s friends. Jeremy asks Vince if he drove them out of business, but Vince says that he thinks they drove themselves out of the business.

Jeremy interviews Mike Mooneyham and he says that Vince ran the old promoters out of business and things have not been the same since. Jeremy talks about the value of the company and how it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Jeremy talks about how it is still a family business.

Jeremy is with Stephanie and she talks about the challenge of managing her father, but he is the ultimate creative say. Jeremy asks about the writers and Stephanie jokes that they are top secret people and then she says that they come from all different places.

We go to a production meeting where Michael Hayes talks abut the show. Vince mentions Mickey Rourke’s appearance at the pay per view. While Hayes talks about a promo involving the Undertaker, Vince asks the people from ESPN to leave.

Jeremy is in the back with John Morrison and the Miz and he tries on one of Morrison’s coats. He then goes into Big Show’s bus. They then go to the production truck.

Bret Hart comments on how they grind you up and spit you out. Hart says that all he got was a stack of airplane tickets and the name of the building. Mooneyham talks about how they are independent contractors with no pension benefits, no vacations, and no 401(k) plan. Mike mentions that the wrestlers sign contracts that give away their rights.

Jeremy mentions that some wrestlers decide to take shortcuts to be successful in the ring. Hart says that only a few were not getting jacked up but nobody forced them to do them. Schaap mentions the steroid trial. Mooneyham talks about Vince’s image and how it has been affected by the trial and the deaths of the wrestlers.

Schaap talks about the death of Chris Benoit and the toxicology results. Vince says that he does not know what went on in Benoit’s brain at that time. He says that was the darkest day in the business. Vince talks about the wellness policy and he says that it is as good as any sport, even though they are not a sport. Schaap asks why have testing if the movie studios don’t have them. Vince says that part of the reason is political. He talks about a double standard because of the history of steroid use. He says that they are not hiding behind any pads.

Hogan talks about how he has never seen Vince break down or give up.

Jeremy asks about what will happen when he is gone and Vince says that he plans not to die so he will always be around.