Football pundit Gary Lineker fears chef Marco Pierre White may have taken a shine to his fiancee while she competes in 'Hell's Kitchen'.

Lineker tried to offer model Danielle Bux some moral support by popping up to the kitchen pass when he arrived in the restaurant for dinner. But he was sent away by White who told him to respect that Bux had a job to do.

The former footballer said he feared the "grumpy" chef had an ulterior motive for sending him away. "Danielle's next to Marco ... again, which is slightly disconcerting. I saw in the first show he was there with her. Should I worry?" he said. "He was also very keen to get me out of there rather quickly. Do you think there's an ulterior motive?"

White did not seem too keen on Bux earlier in the evening when he turned down her request to be in charge of the kitchen pass, putting Anthea Turner's husband Grant Bovey in charge instead.

Bovey was described by White as "the star of the show" after the celebrities' first service.

But the decision annoyed some of the other trainee chefs, including Shameless actor Jody Latham who said he did not want to be bossed around by Bovey.

Afterwards he told White he had been "pleasantly surprised" by Bovey's performance but later moaned in the Confessional: "He didn't actually do that well if I'm honest."

Bovey told the Confessional Latham's annoyance was simply due to envy. "I think Jody was slightly annoyed that he wasn't given the responsibility I was."

Comedian and actor Adrian Edmondson and former Dynasty star Linda Evans spent the evening waiting on tables after White banished them from his kitchen because they disappointed him during the first service.

Edmondson said the decision had made him think about quitting the show but he wanted to take part in the morning cookery lesson.

As part of their new job the pair had to prepare steak tartare on their serving trolley in front of the diners but Evans struggled to identify Tabasco sauce and Edmondson complained that the condiments were taken to him too slowly.

Edmondson later grumbled in the Confessional: "It's not difficult being a waiter, it can be done by any life form with a bit of charm!"