ECW Results - 4th Jul 2006
Location - Philadelphia, PA.

Commentators - Tazz & Joey Styles

Quick Results:
- Mike Knox def. Little Guido
- Test def. Al Snow
- ECW Title: The Big Show def. Rob Van Dam to win the title

ECW on Sci Fi opened with Paul Heyman in the back. He welcomed us to the show and said that unfortunately, Rob Van Dam lost the WWE title on Raw last night but he is still the ECW champ. Heyman said that RVD subjected himself to a schedule that no one else ever has and pointed out the three tough matches that RVD had last week. He said that tonight they were going to acknowledge RVD's accomplishments on the show when Big Show burst into the room. Show said that Heyman told him that if he jumped to ECW, he would get a title shot. Heyman told him that he would but in ECW the company was always the most important thing and that he had to support RVD. Show told Heyman he wasn't asking a for a title match, he was demanding it tonight. Show left. Heyman appeared to have gotten the message. Joey Styles and Tazz wondered if the Show-RVD match would happen and whether RVD would be up for it after his match last night.

In the arena:
Kelly (who's full name is now Kelly Kelly) then did her weekly dance segment. She was wearing a skimpy Independence Day themed outfit. She's still hot and still has no idea how to pole dance. That isn't a bad thing in regular life. In wrestling however, it's not so good. She pulled off her American flag top and had blue paint on her breasts. Then, Mike Knox, again, came out and covered her up and took her to the back.

Mike Knox vs. Little Guido
Referee: Mike Kehner

Knox took the mic and was reamed by the crowd. He said that he hated to come out and ruin everyone's Independence Day celebration but Kelly is his girl. He said we don't have the right to look at her like does.

The start:
Little Guido climbs the ropes and tries to take down Knox. Knox turns the tables and gets a backbreaker in and goes for a quick cover. Little Guido kicks out. The Crowd overpowers everything else with a “You can’t wrestle chant”. Mike Knox pummels Little Guido and gets him with three body slams in a row.

The Finish:
Little Guido starts working Knox’s knee, and ends up eating a boot as payback. Instead of going to a pin and putting everyone out of their misery, Knox picks up Little Guido and takes a few more shots before getting the pin.

Winner: Mike Knox

In the back, Paul Heyman was sitting on the couch. RVD came in the back and asked Paul what happened earlier. He said that he heard Big Show was pressuring Heyman for a title match. RVD said that he wants Paul to make the match because ECW is not going to be a "place where the bigger guys get the top spot where they earned it or not". Heyman said that RVD was running himself ragged and he didn't want to make the match. RVD said he would do it himself and left to do so.

In the arena:
Tony DeVito came to ringside in a priest outfit. He said it's the first time he has seen an ECW show. I guess he wasn't watching it when he was wrestling for it years ago. He ragged on the show and the people that watched it. He said it was filth and should not even exist. We should all be ashamed for watching. If we enjoy this show, we are sinners. Tazz and Styles are sinners too. We are all going to burn in hell. He then told us he wasn't a "man of the cloth" and took off his collar. He said he just did it to get a forum to rag on us. He climbed over the railing and sat down at ringside. Sandman's terrible music hits and he came down to the ring. He took a few props from the crowd (I say few because his music stinks and people don't react the way that they used to). Finally, he dragged DeVito over the apron and kicked his ass after asking the crowd if he should or not.

In the back, RVD broke into Show's dressing room and asked if he was challenging him for the title. Show said yes and RVD said he liked that and slapped him. RVD left. Show grinned.

In the back, Heyman and RVD argued where each other's heads are at. RVD said he was on top of the world. This is where he can show he's the best and he's doing well. I guess he doesn't remember yesterday. He said he needed to show he can beat Big Show. Heyman agreed and said the match was on and it's Extreme rules. The title is on the line.

Test vs. Al Snow
Referee: Unknown

The match:
Snow barely has time to put Head in the corner before Test races at him and starts kicking Snow. He then runs across the ring (timed by a very nice “You take Steroids” chant) and slams into Snow. Snow gets in a few defensive shots before Test picks up Snow and hits him with a Neckbreaker to get the three count.

Winner: Test

The wheels came off the bus next as Sabu did a promo. For those of you who weren't around back in the day, part of Sabu's allure was that he almost never spoke. I guess getting busted on WWE's time will suddenly make you loquacious. Anyway, he spoke about how he was homicidal and genocidal among clips of his handiwork. At the end, he said that he was Sabu.

Outside the arena:
Fertig the Vampire was shown outside of the Wachovia Center. He spit blood on the camera outside.

Straight Edge:
CM Punk is shown backstage doing a promo, he states that he’s straight edge. Doesn’t drink, smoke or do drugs. His addiction is wrestling.

ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Big Show vs. Rob Van Dam (c)

Referee: Mike Posey

Show then came to the ring for his title match with Rob Van Dam. RVD came out next. They did long entrances and intros, which meant it had to be time for a commercial, and it was. During the long break, the two men never locked up. The bell rang when they came back from commercial. There was a "marijuana" chant.

The start:
Show was on the offense early as the fans chanted, "You can't wrestle" at Show. I was waiting for them to chant, "You can get from a house show to TV without getting busted and forcing the company to change their booking plans" but they didn't. Seriously, RVD was over with the fans and they popped for him when he made a comeback. At that point they went to a commercial.

Mid-match notes:
When they came back, they told us that Show was kicking RVD's butt during the break. He still was when they came back. The announcers kept telling us that RVD was getting his ass kicked due to the brutal schedule he has kept. It got to the point where I felt like saying, "Stop trying to sell me a load of crap already". The fans may have felt the same way because another "marijuana" chant broke out. They weren't buying this beatdown at all. Finally, at 10:57, RVD made a comeback for a minute or two, even hitting Rolling Thunder for a near fall. RVD tried to come off the top rope but Show caught him and dumped on the floor. Tazz said there is no countout since this is an Extreme Rules match. Styles added that there is no DQ either.

Show went after RVD with the ring steps but RVD kicked them into Show's head. RVD came off the top rope with a splash to the floor on Show but the big man caught him and rammed his back into the ring. RVD tried to bring a chair in the ring but Show slapped it out of his hand and chokeslammed the champ for a two count. Show didn't like it and wiped out the ref. Show went for a powerbomb but RVD picked the chair up from the ring and hit Show in the head with it and followed with a Van Daminator. RVD went to the top and hit the Five Star Frog Splash but there was no ref to count the pin. I bet you can ALL see what is coming next.

The Finish:
Paul Heyman ran down and counted two but stopped before he hit three. RVD had no idea what happened and asked Heyman what was going on. Heyman laughed and left the ring as Rob was yelling at him and the fans chanted, "You sold out" at Heyman. Show grabbed the chair and hit the distracted RVD. Heyman came back in the ring and told Show to hit the chokeslam on the soon-to-be-former champ on the chair, which he did. He did and Heyman counted the pin. Big Show is the new ECW champ.

Winner and new ECW World Heavyweight Champion: The Big Show

The Aftermath:
The announcers couldn't believe what they just saw. Me either, but for different reasons I am sure. They sold that Heyman backstabbed RVD as fans threw drinks and garbage into the ring while Heyman hugged Show.
