Here are some highlights from an interview with Jack Swagger on

On how he got his name: "WWE Creative came up with the name, it's definitely awesome," says 27-year-old Swagger. "My late grandfather's name was Jack. It's funny, when my old college buddies from the (Oklahoma Sooners) football team heard the name, they were like: 'Yep, that's him, that's the perfect name.' What I do, the smiling, that's me. And the cockiness, the sarcasm ... I'm sarcastic (in real life), I like to mess with people."

His idol: "I'd been wrestling since I was six and as a kid, I'd watch the Saturday morning wrestling on TV. I was a big Ultimate Warrior fan."

Winning his first ECW title: "Everything you saw, that was real emotion coming from me," he says. "It was like the first time I won a state championship. It was the biggest moment in my career ... But I'll surpass that (tomorrow) when I win it back."