WWE taped this week's edition of ECW at The Roanoke Civic Center in Roanoke, Virginia. Special thanks to readers Derick & Robbie for sending text-message updates.
* A WrestleMania 25 video package is shown.

ECW On Sci-Fi: (Airing Tonight)
* Josh Mathews & Matt Striker come out to the ring.

* Christian b. Davey Hart Smith
- The Hart Dynasty comes out to the ring first to major heat. Natalya distracts the referee the The Hart Dynasty attacks Christian. Finlay comes out as if he's going to help Christian, but instead, hits him with the shillelagh. Christian wins via disqualification.

* A preview for Evan Bourne vs. Mark Henry is shown.

* A Tribute to the Troops video package is shown.

* Gregory Helms interviews Finlay and asks why he attacked Christian.

* Mark Henry b. Evan Bourne
- Evan trips as he gets in the ring (will probably be edited out). Mark Henry wins in a squash match with the World's Strongest Slam. After the three count, Henry continues the beatdown.

* Gregory Helms interviews Jack Swagger about his match with Tommy Dreamer.

* Jack Swagger b. Tommy Dreamer with the rollup.
- After the match Finlay comes out and attacks Tommy Dreamer. Christian comes out for the save. Finlay attacks them both. ECW ends with Finlay walking out.