Under Square Enix's ownership, Taito has been embracing their most popular classics and bringing them back in downloadable form for some time now. Aside from Bubble Bobble, Arkanoid, Space Invaders, and others, RayStorm will apparently be the next game to join the fray. NeoGAF user Shard shared these screenshots (by way of an informant) with the gaming forum, showing two screens each of RayStorm HD and Rainbow Islands: Towering Adventure.

Rainbow Islands is kind of a foregone conclusion, though, what with Bubble Bobble already known -- what we're interested in is RayStorm. RayStorm remains one of Taito's better shoot-em-ups, originally released in 1997 in arcades and on the 32-bit systems (Working Designs brought the PlayStation version to America). While enjoyable back then, its fully-polygonal graphics don't exactly hold up to today's standards, so it makes it that much sweeter to see it back in an updated form -- one that still may not be as detailed, but is certainly a lot less jaggy-looking.