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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'No Surrender ' LIVE Coverage! 2009


    Sting vs. AJ Styles vs. Matt Morgan vs. champion Kurt Angle

    "The Boss" Bobby Lashley vs. "The War Machine" Rhino

    Daniels vs. champion Samoa Joe

    Beer Money vs. Team 3D vs. Scott Steiner & Booker T vs. British Invasion

    ODB vs. Cody Deaner

    The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde & Sarita

    Abyss vs. champion Kevin Nash

    Hernandez vs. Eric Young



    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WOW section
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    LIVE COVERAGE No Surrender PPV
    Sunday, September 20th

    Taz and Mike Tenay are your announcers, their first TNA PPV together. They welcomed us to the PPV and immediately discussed how each Knockouts tandem made it to the finals of the Tag Team championship tournament.

    TNA Knockouts Tag Team Tournament Final
    The Beautiful People vs. Sarita & Taylor Wilde

    Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky are The Beautiful People. Mike Tenay said Angelina Love was gone due to "business issues" and broke out the "best in her future endeavors" line. They treated it like it was perfect timing for Rayne to reunite with the BP on Impact this last Thursday.

    Earl Hebner came out and threw Slick Johnson out of officiating the match since he was obviously biased. I liked that twist.

    Sarita and Velvet started with Sky kicking out of several near pinfall attempts. Rayne broke up the last one. Wilde and Sarita nailed a double elbow. Sarita flipped Wilde backwards onto Sky for a two count. Sarita and Wilde tagged in and out, working over Rayne. Rayne avoided a kick and slammed Sarita to the mat, head first by grabbing her hair. The BP crossed Sarita's arms and slammed her back. Sky began working over Sarita, flipping her to the mat by her hair.

    Sky used an inverted curb stomp on Sarita's face. Rayne tagged in and hit a swinging neckbreaker on Sarita. Sarita finally came back with a float-over DDT. Wilde made the hot tag and dropkicking Sky. Sarita dropkicked Rayne, allowing Wilde to hit a German suplex and score the pin.

    Winner and first TNA Knockouts Tag Team champions: Sarita & Taylor Wilde!

    Tenay and Taz ran down the lineup for the rest of the card.

    Lauren caught the new champs backstage. Wilde said that she knew they would win the belts. Sarita cut a promo saying she's had hundreds of tag team matches and that no one worked better with her more than Taylor. She then cut a quick promo in Spanish about being champs.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed The World Elite and Eric Young. Young was in a suit, even though he was scheduled to wrestle next. They did a gimmick where Young wouldn't respond to Borash until Kiyoshi "translated." Young said that Hernandez knows what it's like to be an outsider and they cared about him. He promised Hernandez would join them tonight. Homicide said if Hernandez didn't join them, it would be his blood on his hands. Young said he wasn't dressed to wrestle because he wanted to prove to Hernandez he was there for him. He said if Hernandez raised his hands to him, he would take it to prove himself to Hernandez.

    Hernandez vs. Eric Young

    Young came out alone wearing his suit. An angry Hernandez came to the ring and forearmed Young. He clotheslined him, then shoulderblocked Young, who took a bump over the ropes to the floor. Hernandez tossed him back in the ring, then nailed a headbutt to the chest. He picked up Young and nailed the Border Toss, then pinned him. Total squash. Hernandez walked out, looking furious.

    Winner: Hernandez

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Matt Morgan. Borash said it would be every man for himself tonight in the TNA championship bout. Morgan said tonight, the mystery was over and there were no more fun, games or head games. He promised unadulterated violence. Morgan said that with all due respect to Sting and AJ Styles, this was about him and Kurt Angle. He said they were both bred to compete and tonight, it was what the world was waiting to see - Morgan vs. Angle. He said that he can feel the burn in his hand from the torch he is going to rip out of Kurt Angle's hand. He promised the future is now. Good promo.

    TNA X Division Title Match
    TNA X-Division champion Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels

    Some fans tried to start an "X-Division" chant early. Daniels opened up with dropkicks and chops early but they had no effect. Joe drilled him, then began working him over with punches in the corner. Daniels was put on the top for an attempted muscle buster but fought Joe off, then hit a rana off the top. Joe went to the floor, where Daniels hit a dive through the ropes on him.

    Back in the ring, Daniels took Joe down and dropped a kneedrop across the back of the head. He attempted to get a pin but Joe kicked up at two. Daniels nailed Joe with several punches but was shoved off. Daniels returned and knocked Joe out of the corner. He came off the middle rope but was caught in mid-air with an uranage. Joe drills him with several knees for a two count.

    They were comparing Samoa Joe to Bobby Lashley as a hybrid athlete since Joe has a MMA background as well. Joe locked in a nerve hold. Daniels battles to his feet and rebounds off the ropes but is caught with a powerslam for a two count. Fans began the back and forth chanting. Daniels returned to his feet and they traded chops and strikes. Daniels nailed Joe with a leg lariat off the ropes. He bulldogged Joe out of the corner, then hit an Alabama Jam off the top. Joe rolled out of the ring. Daniels hit an Arabian Press off the ropes onto Joe.

    Daniels had a hard time getting Joe back into the ring, but it turned out to be Joe playing dead. He slammed Daniels into the ringpost and the ring steps. Daniels climbed up to the ring apron and Joe charged him and clipped Daniels' left knee from behind. Back in the ring, Joe grabbed Daniels and dropped him down knee-first. Taz called it a kneebuster and the announcers agreed they had never seen such a thing before. Daniels, who had one of his knees taped, began grabbing at the knee. Joe locked a leglock on Daniels' knee, but Daniels made it to the ropes.

    Joe powerbombed Daniels for a two count. When Daniels kicked out, Joe used the momentum to turn him into a STF in the center of the ring. Joe then turned it into a Boston Crab. Daniels made it back to his feet. Joe nailed him with several kicks to the legs. Daniels caught him with a neckbreaker. Both men fought to their feet. Daniels caught him with a clothesline and a spinkick. Daniels charged Joe and ducked a kick. He went to the top and nailed a clothesline for a two count.

    Daniels hit a codebreaker to Joe's face for a two count. Daniels went for a back suplex but Joe was too heavy. Joe caught Daniels hit a half-nelson Tazplex for a two count. Daniels came back with a STO and the Best Moonsault Ever. Daniels' knee hindered him and Joe nailed him with a kick. Joe went for a muscle buster but Daniels escaped and tried for Angel's wings. Daniels went for the Kokina Clutch but Joe locked in a Tazmission in the center of the ring. Daniels fought for the ropes but finally tapped out.

    Winner and still X-Division champ: Samoa Joe!

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Mick Foley. Foley was angry someone had smashed a picture of himself and Jeremy Borash. Borash said he can get another copy. Foley said that it was special and you can't just recreate it. He said it would be like taking a few Mick Foley mannerisms and acting like you are a new hardcore legend. That had to be a shot at Abyss. Foley said he would be looking into the person responsible (who I am going to predict was Foley himself) after he announces Abyss vs. Kevin Nash later.

    The storyline is that due to fan outcry after Impact, they added the Falls Count Anywhere.

    Lauren interviewed D'Angelo Dinero backstage. He tried to claim that as the Pope, TNA can't tell him what to do. He got all worked up, so he said he needed to re-energize. He took a sip of Stacker 2 energy drink (sponsor of the PPV) as Suicide snuck from behind and attacked him...

    Falls Count Anywhere Match
    Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero

    The referee ran backstage. They were brawling outside the Soundstage. Dinero put Suicide on boxes used for production equipment, then hit an elbow off a higher position. Suicide made a come back and small packaged him on the ground for a two count. Suicide slammed his head into a vise outside. Dinero put Suicide in a chair and drilled him with a series of rights.

    Dinero went for a headbutt but Suicide nailed him and backdropped him into a dumpster. He covered Dinero for a two count. Suicide dumped the dumpster over. They battled near a small crane. Dinero found a golfcart backstage and began driving it backwards. Suicide avoided it. Dinero charged him with it, but Suicide grabbed him and dragged him off. They continued to battle outside. Dinero tried to climb a fence and got de-pantsed with a full moon for the audience. Suicide pulled him down and covered him for a two. Taz said it was like calling a Ric Flair match.

    Suicide dragged him around and put him on a wheeled cart, then splashed him. Suicide followed Dinero back into the Impact Zone. As Suicide followed, Dinero nailed him with a water bottle. He grabbed the timekeeper's bell and rang it over Suicide's head. He went to slam Suicide's head into the ring but it was blocked and Dinero was tossed into the ring.

    Suicide nailed a springboard dropkick for a two count. Dinero went to the floor. Suicide hit a slingshot dive to the floor. Dinero made his way back to the ring as Suicide went for a table. Dinero went for a kick through the ropes but the table messed up the continuity. He then kicked the table and Suicide. Dinero set up the table near the entrance ramp. Dinero suplexed Suicide on the ramp for a two count. He dragged Suicide over towards the table and attempted a suplex. Suicide escaped and they battled to the stage. Suicide nailed him for a two count on the stage.

    They continued to slug it out on the stage in front of one of the entrance. Dinero teased something but was nailed with a dropkick on the stage. Suicide went backstage and returned with another table. He set the table up. The battled and Suicide tried to nail a running Death Valley Driver on the table. Dinero escaped but was caught and Suicide nailed it on the stage. Suicide put Dinero facefirst on the table and scaled the entrance set, standing above the tunnel for an entranceway. He went for a legdrop but Dinero rolled off the table. Suicide crashed through and scored the pin.

    Winner: D'Angelo Dinero!

    TNA Knockouts Title Match
    ODB vs. Cody Deaner

    ODB rubbed Deaner's hat and shirt in her privates. She worked him over with chops in the corner. Deaner missed a chop and got nailed with another. He shoved her away and continued chopping him. He went for a lowblow but she, you know, has no testicles.

    She nailed him again and Deaner went to the floor. ODB dove off the top to the floor. She slammed his head into the apron. Deaner tried to walk out but ODB dragged her back and slammed him into the apron again, then tossed him into the ring. Deaner reversed an Irish whip but was caught with a kick. ODB slammed him into the turnbuckles but Deaner nailed her for a two count. He teased nailing her with a punch, but instead choked her against the ropes.

    Deaner slammed her down and grabbed ODB's flask. He took a drink and mocked ODB's mannerisms. He went for a double sledgehammer off the ropes but was caught with a testicular claw. ODB began slamming his head into the turnbuckles with the dirty dozen. She nailed the Thesz Press for a two count.

    Deaner grabbed ODB with a double leg takedown and put his legs on the ropes but the referee caught him at two. He and Deaner argued and ref Andrew Thomas shoved him into an ODB roll-up. Somewhere, Tommy Young is smiling. ODB nailed a sunset flip but Deaner got to the ropes. Deaner called the ref and idiot, so he kicked Deaner's hands. Two count. Tommy Young is definitely smiling.

    ODB was drilled with Deaner's knockout punch but got her shoulder up at two. Deaner went to the top rope but missed a diving headbutt. ODB nailed a TKO and scored the three count.

    Winner and new Knockouts champion: ODB!

    Lauren interviewed ODB on the entrance ramp. ODB said she might not like all the broads in the back, but they've all worked hard to create a title that means something. She said let the party begin in all the trailer parks and prisons all over the world. That cracked Taz up.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed TNA champ Kurt Angle and asked if he's got more than he can handle tonight in Matt Morgan. Angle said that even if that was the case, he wouldn't admit it. Angle said Morgan is all height and no brains. He said if height mattered, Morgan would already be champion. Angle said he could have made Morgan something but instead, he'll just be a statistic. In regard to Sting and Styles, Angle said that he loves fairy tales as much as anyone, but when it comes to his World title, "It's real, damn real."

    TNA Legends Title Match
    TNA Legends champ Kevin Nash vs. Abyss

    Nash is going for the bounty on Abyss' head. Mick Foley came to ringside to announce carrying a barbed wire bat. Angle time?

    Abyss and Nash battled back and forth in the center. Nash got the better of him and nailed him with kicks and punches in the corner. Nash used his boot to choke Abyss in the corner. Nash drilled him with several kicks and clotheslined Abyss over the top to the floor. Nash slammed his head into the ring steps. Nash grabbed a chair at ringside and slammed it but Abyss moved. Abyss slammed his head into the railing outside the ring, then into the ring steps.

    Dr. Stevie came out on the stage and sat down in a chair to watch the proceedings.

    Nash nailed Abyss with a boot, then measured Abyss with a back elbow in the corner. Fans tried to rally Abyss as Nash used his boot to choke Abyss against the ropes. Nash dropped an elbow. Abyss came back to duck a right hand and hit a flying clothesline while rebounding off the ropes. Abyss nailed a sideslam on Nash.

    Dr. Stevie came towards the ring but the referee met him in the aisle. Daffney, looking HOT, hit the ring and tried to taser Abyss but was caught with the Black Hole Slam. Abyss teased using the Taser but Stevie grabbed it and ran off. Nash nailed a distracted Abyss with a chair to the head and covered him for a two count. Nash went for a powerbomb but Abyss escaped and nailed a chokeslam for a two count.

    Abyss called for Mick Foley to give him the barbed wire bat. Foley pointed out there was a referee there, then said OK, he would. The referee stopped Foley from giving him the bat. Foley still slowly handed it to Abyss, allowing Nash to taser Abyss in the leg and cover him for the pin.

    Winner and still TNA Legends champ: Kevin Nash!

    After the match
    Nash grabbed the bounty money but Stevie said no because he didn't destroy Abyss. Big Daddy Cool then powerbombed Big Stevie Cool and took the money anyway.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed TNA Tag Team champions Scott Steiner and Booker T. Steiner said they don't like anyone from any other country and told Borash to inform the British Invasion to stay out of their way. Booker T said Harlem Heat and The Steiners were the best tag teams ever and everyone else - where have all those bums been? Booker said if they want to lock them in a cage, they'll take everyone else out.

    TNA Lethal Lockdown Match
    TNA Tag Team champs Booker T & Scott Steiner & IWGP Tag Team champs The British Invasion vs. Beer Money Inc. & Team 3D

    Doug Williams was first out. Second out is James Storm, so they are starting this off with a pretty good match-up on paper. Williams charged him on the ramp but Storm spits beer in his face. He hiptossed Williams on the ramp, then slammed him into the railing. He then tossed Williams into the cage. Storm came off the turnbuckles, spinning Williams down back first. Williams caught him with a jawbreaker and then choked Storm with a t-shirt. They battled over a suplex attempt. Storm clotheslined Williams as they announced there was a minute left in the first segment. Williams nailed several uppercuts. Storm came back with a shot into the turnbuckles and began choking him with his boot.

    The next out was Brutus Magnus, so it's two on one. As Magnus got to the cage door, Storm kicked it into Magnus, but Magnus avoided it. Williams slammed Storm into the cage. The Invasion doubleteamed Storm, who was busted open.

    Next out was Robert Roode, who hit the ring quick and began cleaning house. He backdropped Williams and hit a spinebuster on Magnus. Williams caught him with an elbow as he was charging but Beer Money quickly cut off the Invasion and laid them out. The crowd was into Beer Money. Magnus slammed Storm into the cage. Roode caught him with an inverted atomic drop. Roode then slammed Williams into the cage.

    Next out was TNA Tag Team champ Scott Steiner. Steiner began suplexing Beer Money. He nailed Roode with a top rope Frankensteiner. He ran Roode into the cage like a battering ram. The Invasion then did it to Storm. The heels worked over Beer Money until the segment ended.

    Brother Devon was out next to even the odds. He nailed the British Invasion and shoulderblocked Steiner down. Devon nailed a Thesz Press on Magnus, then drilled him with rights. Devon continued to work over Steiner.

    Competitor number seven was Booker T, who took his time coming out to the ring. He nailed Roode with a back kick, then kicked Devon. The Invasion took turns nailing Storm. Steiner used the cage door to crush Roode's head.

    Brother Ray came out to finish out the babyface side but as he made his way to the ring, Big Rob Terry attacked him. He slammed Ray into the railing, then nailed him with a chair. Terry then forced a TNA crew member to lower the weapons and the roof before Ray could enter the ring. Ray was out on the floor.

    The heels began using the weapons to batter Beer Money and Devon. Ray made his way to his feet and avoided a Rob Terry chairshot, then KILLED Terry with one. Rey hit the ring with the chair to make the save. Fans chanted "3D." The babyfaces grabbed weapons for themselves and it was all weapons shots. Ray put a trash can over Booker, then slammed it with a crutch.

    Brutus Magnus made his way to the top of the cage. James Storm followed him up and they battled on the roof. They teased Storm being knocked off the cage. Roode followed them up and nailed Magnus with a crutch. Beer Money hot a double suplex on top of the cage. That looked BRUTAL. Steiner was nailed with 3D in the ring but Booker hit the Dudleys with a trash can. Booker nailed Bubba with The Bookend. Fans chanted, "This is awesome" live.

    Beer Money returned to the ring and worked on Booker. Roode hit the neck snap. Beer Money hit the DWI on Doug Williams and scored the pin.

    Winners: Beer Money and Team 3D.

    Lauren asked Rhino if he had any comments on stepping in the ring "with one of the best MMA fighters in the world." They really said that. OK, come on, that was stupid to say. He's looked good but you just insulted anyone who knows anything remotely about MMA.

    Rhino said that real men put on boots and wrestle. He asked Lashley if he saw an Octagon. He said, No, you see a six sided ring. He said that Lashley was in his world. He said that Rhino was going to bring him violence right to his face. He said that he won't quit and he doesn't submit. Rhino said he doesn't feel pain and tonight, he was going to rip Lashley in half with a gore. Real good Rhino promo but seriously, to try and claim Lashley is a top MMA fighter is hilariously bad, storyline or not. That never should have been stated.

    Rhino vs. Bobby Lashley.

    They acted like this was a major moment for TNA by having Lashley wrestling and MMA at the same time. Rhino tried to get in the first shot but Lashley caught him and began beating him in the corner with strikes. Lashley suplexed Rhino. Rhino caught Lashley as he charged in the corner. Rhino went to the floor to regroup but Lashley followed. They battled outside near the ramp.

    Rhino whipped Lashley into the railing. He worked over Lashley on the floor. Back in the ring, Rhino nailed a spinebuster for a two count. He slammed Lashley into the turnbuckles, then nailed him across the back. Rhino dropped a knee over Lashley's back and smothered him with a choke. Rhino continued to work over Lashley's back.

    Rhino continued to control the bout with right hands, then locked on a rear chinlock. Rhino misses a charge and Lashley began cleaning house. He whipped Rhino into the corner and nailed a series of shoulderblocks. Lashley went for a spear but Rhino moved and the referee got killed. Rhino nailed the gore and a second referee counted two. Rhino charged Lashley but was nailed with a right hand knockout punch and pinned.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley!

    Jeremy Borash interviewed AJ Styles and Sting. Borash noted that Styles went from wanting to retire to being in a World title bout with his mentor Sting. Styles said that when he got out of his funk, he made a promise to himself - no more excuses. He said he was going to leave the building TNA champion. Sting asked him if he was ready and Sting said it was showtime then. He said that it was time for one of them to make tonight the first night in the rest of their lives. Styles had a good serious promo. Sting was Sting.

    TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
    Kurt Angle vs. Sting vs. AJ Styles vs. Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

    As Jeremy Borash introduced TNA champ Kurt Angle, Hernandez came out and announced he was cashing in his TNA championship match. Angle was pissed about it. Angle yelled at Hernandez and punched him in the face. Hernandez shoulderblocked Angle and then flung him across the ring. Hernandez picked up Angle for a high vertical suplex. Everyone else just stood there watching. He dropped Angle and then clotheslined him over the top. TNA then rang the bell and everyone began wrestling.

    Hernandez slammed Angle into the announcer's table. Styles and Sting began working over Morgan. Hernandez hit a suplex on Angle outside on the ramp. Morgan backdropped Styles over the top top the floor. Hernandez and Angle battled on the ramp and went for the Border Toss on the ramp but Eric Young nailed him from behind in the legs with a baton. Young then hit a piledriver on the stage. The announcers pointed out Hernandez' neck surgery.

    Back in the ring, Morgan and Sting took turns ping ponging Morgan with punches. They nailed a double suplex on Morgan. Sting and Styles faced off as the trainers checked out Hernandez on the stage. Styles drilled Sting with a dropkick. Styles dove off the apron onto Angle and Morgan. Morgan recovered first and dragged Sting out of the ring.

    All four battled outside. Morgan tried to build an alliance with Angle as they agreed to pair off on Styles and Sting. Sting tossed Morgan into the railing outside. In the ring, Angle went for a piledriver but Styles reversed it. Angle caught Styles with an anklelock but Styles escaped and rolled him up for a two count. Styles pulled Angle out of the ring, flipping him with a rana-esque move.

    Back in the ring, Sting was caught by Morgan with a kick. Morgan began peppering him with back elbows in the corner. Morgan teased a sideslam on Sting, then dropped him and covered him for a two count. Outside, Angle nailed a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker on Styles on the floor, then returned to the ring.

    Angle and Morgan began working over Sting together. You know that won't last long! Morgan held Sting for Angle, who began nailing him in the gut. They continued to work over Sting. Styles returned with a dive off the top on Morgan. Morgan grabbed him with a Fall Away Slam. Sting began nailing Morgan with a series of kicks. Sting turned his attention to Angle and clotheslined him over the top but turned into a kick by Morgan. Morgan covered him for a two count.

    Styles began working over Morgan but was caught with an overhead belly to belly suplex by Angle. Angle slammed Styles. Morgan then scooped up Styles and tossed him far across the mat. They took turns stomping Styles. Styles escaped an Angle charge but was caught with a Morgan kick.

    Morgan nailed a sideslam on Styles for a two count. Styles avoided a Morgan big boot. Morgan crotched himself on the ropes and Styles nailed the Pele Kick. Angle drilled Styles with a German suplex. Sting nailed a missile dropkick on Angle, but grabbed his left shoulder, which the announcers noted. Sting began punching Morgan and Angle. He slammed each of them and hit the Stinger Splash on them. Sting began punching Morgan in the corner.

    Angle grabbed Sting with the Angleslam but Styles broke up the pin at two. Styles went for the Angleslam but Styles reversed it and hit the Styles Clash. Morgan kicked Styles in the mush at two. Styles caught Morgan with a kick to the head. Morgan whipped Styles into the corner. Styles kicked him off but was caught with a clothesline as he leaped off the ropes. Morgan hit the Hellavator but Sting broke up the pinfall attempt.

    Sting hit the Scorpion Deathdrop on Morgan but Angle broke up the pinfall. Angle whipped Sting into the corner but missed a charge. Sting locked on the Scorpion Deathlock but Angle turned it into an anklelock. Morgan nailed the Carbon Footprint, turning on Angle. He charged Sting, who dropped down and Morgan went to the floor. He began grabbing at his thigh.

    This left Sting and Styles in the ring. Sting looked at Styles, then left the ring and dove on Morgan. Styles hit a 450 springboard splash and scored the pin on Angle clean in the middle.

    Winner and new TNA champion: AJ Styles!

    After the match
    TNA dropped confetti as Christopher Daniels hit the ring to hug him. TNA fans hit the ring to celebrate with Styles. TNA had staffers recruiting fans to do that before the show and it created a pretty nice moment to close the show. The story of Sting "giving" Styles his chance to win the World title is an interesting one. Jeremy Borash was in the ring to get a promo from Styles afterwards but you couldn't hear the audio. Tenay said it would air on the TNA website.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Good matches on this card thanks Kel

  4. #4
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    TNAonline Added to No Surrender tonight, Suicide takes on the Pope D'Angelo Dinero in a falls count anywhere match!

    @TNAonline Twitter

  5. #5
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    ^Damn TNA i could of bet on this one

  6. #6
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Good i won lots of moolay

  7. #7
    Main Eventer Kage's Avatar
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    Joe/Daniels was awesome. Pope/Suicidy was awesome. And I have decided that ODB is now hot.

  8. #8
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    And I have decided that ODB is now hot
    :lmao: Kage

  9. #9
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Booker T said Harlem Heat and The Steiners were the best tag teams ever
    :lmao:Best tag teams ever lol thats funny

  10. #10
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Awesome PPV so far

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