The Kaiser Chiefs have announced that they have started recording their new album.

The group, who released third LP Off With Their Heads in November 2008, confirmed that they are working on new material in drummer Nick Hodgson's recording studio.

"We're playing around at the moment," singer Ricky Wilson told BBC Newsbeat. "I'm sending him [Hodgson] words and lyrics in the mail. He's sending me CDs in the mail.

"We're actually utilising the Royal Mail quite a lot - it's quite nice because you find you're a little bit less embarrassed about what you send each other."

The group went on a musical hiatus following their homecoming appearance at the Leeds festival last year, but admitted that they soon wanted to work again.

"After a couple of months we got bored, then I got really bored, then mind-numbingly bored and that's when you start thinking about the fact you want to get up and do something again," Wilson said.

"I haven't felt this creative since we first started."

Hodgson recently announced that he is launching his own record label.