Simon Cowell is a massive fan of Sky1's Pineapple Dance Studios, a report has claimed.

According to The Sun, the music mogul recently phoned the cult programme's producers to tell them that he has never missed an episode.

Cowell is also said to have admitted that the weekly documentary is the only series he has been jealous of in the past five years.

An insider said: "Simon doesn't exactly dish out the praise for rival shows so it was a huge honour to get the call. Let's face it, Simon Cowell knows what he's talking about when it comes to hit telly. Everyone on the show has got a bit of a spring in their step today."

Cowell's surprise call has reportedly sparked talk that Pineapple choreographer Louie Spence could achieve his dream of becoming a judge on Britain's Got Talent. A new panellist is likely to be hired for the contest next year because Cowell has ruled himself out of the audition stages.

One source commented: "[Louie] would be perfect for Got Talent - but would need some training as he was a judge on Sky's Cirque De Celebrité and didn't exactly set the heather alight."